ifssjf" i" RED CLOUD,' NEBRASKA OHIE1 ft it r 1 J (I .. ;. ;x V ( ': -I rva 1 t 1 f J. f It jM"M"M:-x:x:"Mx:.':mx. I AS TOLD TO US ?: Gates Half Soles b.inlsh tire trouble Eat and drlnl at Tow ell it Tope's Cafe. if Hay Hcaton spent Friday in'Hubt- 5nt,'s. Dr. R. E. Camp went to Superior Friday. Tom Jones was down irom lnr.vale TueMlay. ' Dr. Nellie Maurer spent Friday in ', Hastings. r. A Au'o Owners sec Gates Hnlf Sole. G. W. Lindscy left Saturday for New York City. Fred Plmrcri has accepted n position lis the State Hank. Mrs. Clias. Francis of Cowlcs spent Sunday with Mrs. Foe. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Walker spent Monday in Hastings. i Kobt. McUrlde and Kcv. Hdcbc auto ed,(o Alma Monday. Miss Clara Warren spent Sunday with friends at HastingH. Mrs. V. Harwood went to Wymorc Friday to visit relatives, A. T. Walker returned home from Detroit the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Groat of Ina vale spent Friday in this city. Attorney Walters of Blue Hill is attending court here this week. Elton Pope went to MaryviMe, Kan- sas, to visit his brother, Clifford. . Miss Gcsinq Boom spent Sunday with her parents at Guide Rock. Miss Ethel Waller of Cowlcs spent Sunday with relatives in this city. Sheriff Bell of Smith Center, Kan ccs, was in the city Saturday evening. Mrs. Ed Amack went to Omaha on Wednesday to visit her sister, Mrs. Eckel. Miss Kate Fitzgerald went to Graf ton this morning where she will visit friends. Elton Pope returned homo Friday evening, having been discharged from the army. Bernard Roubal spent the weekend with his sister, Mrs. Eimo Goos, at Blue Hill. Donald Hcaton and Jas. Ricker ar rived in New York City Saturday evening from overseas. Mrs. A. A. Pope returned home from RiVerton Friday where she had been visiting her sister. Mrs. Chas. Hunter of Inavale was in the city between trains .Tuesday while enroutc to Hastings, JL: Mrs. Chas. Dickcrson itiiQrjjjxL to Lincoln Monday after spqndingrew days with her sister, Mrs.'Nobtdi Joe Law, who was recently dischdrg cd from the army, has accepted a pot sition with Jim Doyle orrihe faV'm. ' Lieutenant Colonel W. K. Moore of' Nelson, who is on a furlough,v.spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. 6. Cecl. Theodore Martin wcnt-,to Hastings' Wednesday morning to scehis wife, who is in the Mary Lanning hospital. The demand today is for a better1 jtyDC of busir.ess-t i aincd young men nnd women. No limit is placed on sal ipry Merit, abili'.y and character are tfc factors by which the business man chooses help. The G.and Island Busi ness College, of Grand Island, Nebras ka, is strong and progressive. It is incorporated under the laws of the state of Nebraska and for thirty-five years hus lecn thj leading Business Trainm? Tchool in the West. A free catalog wul be -sent on request. fci'p his aie ORPHEUM Friday and Saturday GEORGE WALSH in Never Say Quit Also a 2 -reel Comedy Virtuous 'Husbands Monday and Tuesday OLIVE THOMPSON in Up Stairs and Down From cellar to garret--A Laugh on everey step Also a 2-reel Comedy ADMISSION 22c and lie lluv llreml nt Powell nnd Popes G. F. Walker spent Friday in Hast ings. Mrs. H. S. Foe spent Wednesday in Hastings. Sirs. C. H. Potter spent Wednesday in Hastings. Geo. Matkin bf Inavale was in the city Tuesday. Thad Saunders of Inavale was in the city Tuesday. Mrs. Mel Sherman was a Hastings visitor Thursday. For good eye glasses and specs Mitcbe'l Tho Jeweler Mr. Beck spent Sunday with family at Osborne, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Turner spending the day in Hastings. Miss Eunice Hoffman returned home from Lincoln Wednesday. Miss Gladys Renfro left Tuesday for Chadron to finish her school. Chas. Lindlcy went to Omaha on Tuesday to attend the Ak-Sar-Ben. Mrs. E. Ncubauer of Orleans is vis iting her daughter, Mrs. J. L. Becbc. Mrs. Eugene Hunter of Rivcrton is the guest of Mrs. Pope this week. Mrs. C. A. Hcrrick and daughter, Mrs. Earl Palmer spent Monday in Hastings. Mr. Moore, foreman of the cement plant at Superior, was in the city on Wednesday. Mrs. Mary Bean went to Topcka, Kansas, today to visit her daughter, Mrs. Sadie Kc'.ly. Mrs. E. A. Bcnl was called to Hast ings this morning on account of the sickness of her husband. Mrs. C. H. Miner and daughter, Miss Jennie went to Omaha Monday to attend the Ak-Sar-Ben. Mr. and Mrs. Art Robinson of Guide Rock spent Wednesday with her mother, Mrs. Wittwer. KOUSALB-Tho McFarlaml Room ing House, modern and doing capacity biisimiss.-.l. B. UBTZ, Red Cloud, Neb Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Tyrcll returned to their home at Lincoln Monday after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Fry. Miss Lola Thompson, who has been visiting her friend, Miss Mabel Hoff man, went to Kansas City this morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Silvey of Inavale left Saturday on a hunting trip and also to visit relatives in Billings, Montana. Mrs. R. L. Kralick left this morn ing for Lushton to visit her parents, and from there will return to her home in Lincoln. ' , ,Joe- Gavin of Denver' Arrived in the City Sunday via the Ford route to visit his sister, Mrs. M. K. Quigley andf familv. Ys.'Tl. Boyc, left this morning for Taylorville, Illinois, where she in tends to visit her daughter, Mrs. Glenn Waddcll. Miss Mary Christian went to Hast ings Tuesday where she has accepted a position as proof reader in th6 Tribune office. Mrs. L. T. Gillian returned to her home at Hardy this morning after visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Doyle. R. A. Garretson left Tuesday for his home at Van Tassel, Wyoming, after visiting here with his mother, and brother, Roy. Mrs. T. Frisbie was visiting in Let ter the first of the week, with Miss Grace Frisbie, who has just returned from Washington, D. C. Attorney E. G. Caldwell drove his automobile homo Saturday evening from Sabctha, Kansas, where he had left it on account of heavy rains. Mr. Boyer, of the firm of Boyer & Beck, was up from Osborne, Kansas, looking after his interests in the fur niture store the last of the week. Several of the local hunters have been spending a little of their time on the river lately hunting ducks but none as yet have reported a big kill ing. Mesdames Lew Brakey and Frank Starr went to Hastings Wednesday morning where they met their hus bands, and from there went to Grand Island. Mrs. Eugene Rabidcau, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac DeTour, returned to her home' in Kankakee, Illinois, Wednes day morning. Mr. Hewitt went to Hastings this morning to meet his son, E. P. Hew itt, of Grand Island, and accompany him to this city, where he will re ceive treatment. County Superintendent Miss Stella Ducker was in Hastings Friday at tending a meeting in regard to re districting schools in Webster and Adams counties. Russell D. Barnes of Arapahoe and Ella Bartleson of Franklin wore unit ed in marriage by Rev. Bccbo Wed nesday. Mr. Barnes is a brother of Mrs. John Barnes of this city. According to the Blue Hill High School football schedule printed in the Leader last week, the Red Cloud team is to play there on October 24th and Blue Hill come here November 7th. Henry Stabcnow and Elmer Long went to Hastings this morning to ac company the latter's wife home from the hospital where she had been re ceiving medical attention the past three weeks. Bargains In eastern Colorado land.-; ' SCHULTZA-BETZ. Dr. Warrick, The Specialist, will, meet eye, ear, nose and throat patient and those needing glasses fitted at Dr. Dam-reH's olllco Wednesday, October v, Hours '2 to 5. Mls Ueulali Merry went to Red Cloud Wednesday morning for ti weeks visit before going to Wichita where she will attend business college. Or lcius Chronicle. Soma time last Sunday some person tossed a brick through the plate glass window of the Heck A Boyer furniture More. Whether It was done with mali clous Intentlotis or accldetitly by some of our enthusiastic athletes Is not nown.( At uny rate It will prove ex pensive to the owner of thu building. A. C. Sliiillenberger ban been select ed by the American Shorthorn Asso ciation to .judge Sliorthuin cattle at the American Rovul Stock Show at Kansas City the last week in Novem ber. This Stock Show and the Inter, natioual at Chicago are the two big expositions of live stock in America. Alma Record. George Corner has the plaus and specifications out for a flue new and modem city residence, H. K. Logan lias drawn the plaus and will begin at once, the moving of thu old residence to one side &o that excavating for the basement may take place. The home, when completed, will be one of tho im posing structures of the city. Blue Hill Leader. If your general appearance gives the Impression that you are worth over thirty cents you should retire at night accompanied hy a six shooter. Ex changes cotitain reports of holdups and robberies in many towns. The late 8t town listed being Rlverton. Satur night the Larson home wah entered, the thief securing about 6100. A gun was used iu persuading Mr. Larson to give up tho money. m Piano Tuner Coming A. i. Burton tho Franklin piano tuner will be in Red Cloud soon. Leave orders promptly at the Amack or Book it lioyer stores. m Leases Foot Ball Field ! The lovers of out door sports are as. sured of a few good games of foot ball this season as the Chamber of Com merce has secured a lease on the old State League ball grounds, owned by O. D. Hedge. It will be used by the High School foot ball team thls.season in order that some of the games may be played on the home grounds. The matter of scouring a permanent plot of ground of this nature is' some thing that should be taken under Con sideration, as with the rapid advance of our city all available ground is be ing bought up and converted into, building lots and It will be but n short time until it will be impossible to se cure suitable ground for games of this sort. Will Organize Here Autumn Furniture Display With the Quality First in mind we selected our complete stock of Furniture, Rugs and Linoleums We Stand the Test of Comparison Our ever increasing business is an evidence of ihc service wc show our customers. Hmmm- hi Our Easy Payment Plan is a convenience. Let us help you to add the com fort and beauty of good furniture to your home. OUR TRUCK WILL DELIVER FURNITURE TO ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY FREE OF CHARGE Why Buy Unknown Brands of Furniture when you ' can get the following that you know are best? Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets Armstrong Linoleums Gunn Sectional Book Cases Sealy Mattresses Simons Beds C. V. C. Baby Buggies Kirsh Curtain Rods Mechanics Furniture Biglow Rugs i The Graham Furniture Co. RED CLOUD THE STORE OF QUALITV NcFarland Building HASTINGS IIAPTIST CHURCH NOTES Sunday School 10 a. m. The Sunday School has been incrcas ing, both in numbers and in interest of late. , The Sunday School will hold a so cial nt the church next Friday even ing at 8 p. m. All members and friends of the church arc cordially invited to attend. A pleasant time is expected. Brother Harper sees some improve ment but is not able to come home at the present writing. TkCAIISAT HOME EXPECT YOU i lis rwLMTO tell 'EM s?;s;&ayg& ALL ABOUT VISIT ITI 5 J' A movement is under way fort? organizing of a Red Cloud Chapter of the American Legion. Space does not permit us going Into details of the matter at this time. Iu glauclng orertlie literature portaining to the organization, received from County Cleric Perry, we aro giving a brief outline of it. v The Legion is ati organization of American Veterans of the World War. It is non-partisan and non-political. A civilian organization not military or militaristic It makes no distinction betweeu rank or men who wont over seas or men who spent their time in sorvice In the United States. Any soldier, sailor or mailiiu who served honorably between April 6, 1017 and November 11, 11)18 Is eliaiblo. It was organized iu Paris, March 17, 1919. Iu answer to the question "What docs its constitution stand for?" we quote: "To uphold and defend the constitution of the United States of Ainerioa; to maintain law and order; to foster and perpetuate a one hundred per cent Americanism; to preserve the memories and Incidents of our associa tion in the Great War; to combat the autooraoy of both the classes and the masses; to promote peace and good will on earth; to safe guard tho prln. cipalsof justice, freedom and ilemo oracy; to concentrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulluess", A rush of work at the oftloe has tak en up bo much of tho editor'stlme that bo has been unablu to give the matter tho proper attention but as 60on as circumstances permit it is his Intent ion to call on 'the bovB" In the ineautlme. any ono who Is Interested may call at the Chief ofllce win. liter. atnre, application blnuks, etc., may be had. Exhilarating Biirlesiut: Vaufcvillt Still ftlftfiFllliiHkrritt!8lrli,FiiiCliiMliMit fulfil. ItlllliBt Iciilc I iilruniit UIIES' IIME MATINEE EVEIY WEEKMY Everybody Oosat Ask Anybody UWATI THE IIMEII US KIT SMI r"""" '" WUUWVWWWUWUUWWWW . Mr. and Mrs. ED. AMCK ..JN. p'ji DERfMlN Phone, Ind. Store 158, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB. WWfrlrWWrWVWW Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Dickenson arc home from Eckley, Colorado, where they were called on account of their son, Ivan, being sick, but they report that he is much better. FOR SALE Good quarter section or and with good Improvements, d miles south of Inavale, Ncbr.. on e&9y terms. Write for full description. C. F. Cath er Red Cloud, Nebr. iiiiiiiii Rhone 48X WHEN YOU NEED Gasoline, Kerosene or Lubricating Oils of All Kinds IF YOU WANT THE BEST USE Deep Rock W. J. NcPhtrson, Agt, Red Cloud "TAtlllg Yellow Motor TYuck" WA&wv&ivsm ii.wfriia iv k i mwi. n ween Jmm W&irim MZ "umifi-fiz &w hi ' BK4r 7MWX. 7H"' fft MkKs " H ' W SmokerM realizm m V !'"' ' that the value if in m 1 i'jji jj, jjj; I the cigarette and do M H 'J i not expect premium M $'''Vii!!,'i! X. or coupon! f ' . '1 1! ft ' . .7 ll I'll! ',., T iL'!.W fim 'fiin i. :. '"'I . I! u I. 'LMl'iliV" Mm fm m i . ..) , . M$i2?&973n JiiiiiWiiHHIi iii. i i i em Pifc - M LI '. I I'M" ' Mbbm '"I Ctmelt re told everywhere In ecienliticelly seeled peck alee of 30 eiterettee; or ten peckeiee (,300 citarettee) inrn tfisine.ppsr-covored carton. Wo etronfly recommend thie certon far the home or office evpply or when you travel CIGARETTE If you want to know what rare and unusual enjoyment Camels provide smoke them in comparison with any cigarette in the world at any price! CAMELS are a cigarette revelation any way you consider them I Take quality, or refreshing flavor and fragrance; or, that wonderful mellow-mild-smoothness you never before got in a cigarette smoke 1 Yet Camels are so full-bodied and .so full-of-satisfaction you marvel that so much de light could be put into a cigarette! Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos makes them so irresistibly appetizing! And, the blend explains why it is possible for you to smoke Camels liberally without tiring your taste! you yvill prefer Camels to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! You'll realize pretty quick, too, that among the many reasons you smoke Camels is their freedom from any unpleasant ciga retty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor! Once you know Camels you won't take much stock in premiums, coupons or gifts! You'll prefer Camel quality ! R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C !&!'! J.IJl iliiVii !iH.'h,'f y 111. I II- A livniTiF m; 'M iW Wk 'P'Vi.'i' ri. hW,S' 1 1 I J.M ! , "If! !'. iaw: Mill . It 'lU mm v:W" ni ! Mill I .',! fl: It i 1,1.1,! i.' ?.. IT A. iiiijia I'ilwiV. 'iiifih ' .' . ' I'S '111, !i 'It ii. rt i-iii il: W I uni'li'l'il'Slilii"'' l"!'V uLTi'i '' A&fffiaiBiSfflMid.'rtiBh'ifci L' i lrt" mmmmmmmmm WJtii-'nrm'ywvri'ti iWv ry i'iy amrii i h vw ymwMw m w wwu MM TW m ,l. UKi"' II" ,1 t'l- i'..: el i'iM nTWiKi ,!! Mi '! mm ! 'I1''1 1' M1 i WW mi. i it;, tchu ', ': m tTit ii . i'i'i " Wil'l MW; ir-1 jip, T, J. 'JMUT. v 3, yj