I t ?'-' r-vrm-"i w,tw ' CTHWWTItfliWWlBri .31 c. BSD OLOVD, IIII1II1, OHIBF t r UI -v ? I. w i ? V &' f V. k l . r u A' ' 0 Nationally Accented Wall Tint No Package Gtnumt Without Crosi and C.irdt Pr inte d in Rid We Hand You the Package That Puts Health and Cheerfulness in Your Home Smoked, grimy, papered, painted or kalsomincd walls are a menace to health and offensive to the discriminating housewife. Alabastine is so economical, so durable, so sanitary, so easy to mix and apply that it is universally used in securing proper wall conditions. Alabastine is used in the homes, schools, churches and on all kinds of interior surfaces, whether plaster, wallboard, over painted walls, or even over old wallpaper that is solid on the wall and not printed in aniline colors. Alabastine is packed in dry powder in full five pound packages, requiring only pure cold water to mix, with directions on each package. You will readily appreciate t) e economy of Alabastine over other methods, and remember it is used in the finest homes and public buildings every where. Be sure you get Alabastine, and if your dealer MINUTtXlTH I eoiovyam 1 cannot or win not supply you, card and color desmns with New walls demand Alabastine, old walls ap preciate Alabastine. Alabastine Company 1GV3 Cranilvllle Ave. Grand Rapids, Mich. THE HOME 'A WEEKLY FOR THE CONDUCTED BY THE FORMER Che Stars and Stripes All you Yanks who, far out at sea or in the muddy dugout. lousy billet and chill barrack of the A. E. F., found tha going a little easier because of TAe Stan and Stripes, will enjoy this new weekly by the tame bunch, for the same bunch, in the same spirit. Th Stan and Stripe was hauled down and folded away a fortnight before the peace treaty was signed, but the men who wrote or drew ninety per cent of the content of that famous soldiers weekly have not broken ranks. They have kept close formation in their red-chevron day to conduct this new magazine. WALLGREN is on the job with hi hilarious and disorderly cartoon. BALDRIDGE, the foremost American artist of the war, is drawing for The Home Sector. There will be fresh tidings from all the old Yank sectors in France, England, Belgium and Ger many, and the latest new from the front in the fight to keep America, the home sector, the best of them alt A department called SERVICE will tnr to clear ud the miiunder. .-' standing and doubt existing in the""'" minds of most former service men about such detail as war-risk insurance. Liberty bonds, backpay, pen ioB, bonuses, legislation, etc You will want TAe Home Sector, which i out every Wednesday. Get this week's issue and see. k U 10 cents a copy. $5.00 a year with a special combination offer. Every led-chevTon American will want to read Tht Hon Sector, which meant that there ia a wide-open opportunity lot ome live mrn who act note, to earn real money by taking aub sorption. Writo ua at once. THE BUTTERICK PUBLISHING CO.. 406 Butteriek BuUdina-. New lO Cents A Copy On WILD ANIMALS VISIT BANFF I Deer and Bears So Tame That They Are Everyday Sights in Cana dian Village. Although Hnnff Ih u hustling village during the summer, and Is thronged with tourists, wild deer from the tnonntalns tire to be seen dnlly on the streets, nnd nt night stately elk lenp from the rontls Into the bushes to escnpo nppronchlng automobiles. If n Hnnff cottnger expects to eat his own "garden truck," ho builds n deer proof fence nround his patch. The grounds of Ilrett hospital arc open from tho street, nnd the other night half a dozen deer made a mid upon tho flower garden. Hnnff Is tho cap Ital of Rocky Mountnln pari;, and shooting game within tho park limits Is forbidden by law. The deer, being unmolested, have become very tame, nnd even a bear now and then pnys it friendly visit to the vlllnge. Not long ago a bicyclist, speeding down one of the Ride streets, nt night, hit n dark object, nnd turned n somersault or two beforo ho lilt the macadam. Sitting up, he looked around nnd dis covered n hear bitting11 tho trail for homo ns fast at four legs could curry him. Although Inino nnd somcwhnt obtrusive, the lcer, elk nnd benr do not relish tto close an acquaintance with man, ind have proved them selves to be not only plcturosquo but perfectly safe neighbors. Cnnndlan News Itter. A dish you'll always relish At breakfast or lunch with either milk or cream GrapeNuts fills a requirement for nourishment not met ty many cereals. Jslo cooking No waste At Grocers Everywhere. To Gel t . Alabaitini Rtiuti You Mutt Aikfor Alabaitine by Nami write direct ior sample the only TOOL name of nearest dealer. NKMttTOtPPlY SECTOR NEW CIVILIAN ' EDITORIAL COUNCIL OF York AH News-Stands BETTER FITTED FOR WORK Testimony Shows That Service in the Army Has Made the Average Man More Efficient. Evidence that returned soldiers, pnr tlculnrly those who snw service over seas, are going back Into civil pursuits more cillclent nnd better tltted for their work Is furnished by one of tho lnrgest employers of labor In the coun try, a firm which hns requested that Its name he not disclosed. Of more thnn six hundred returned soldiers who have been employed by this corporation 43 per cent hnva proved more efficient thnn they were before their military experience; 58 per cent nro put down as Just about the same as before In eillclency and the remaining 5 per cent are rnted ns having less efficiency. According to the letter giving these figures: "Tho nnulysls Indlcntes thnt the men nro more orderly In their routine work, more punctual, nnd n few who were rather difficult to handlo are now amenable to discipline." The Evidence. Fnlr Overseas Visitor Antl, my dear, they're Just tho cleanest hoys you ever snw. It must have been tho dny they sent their things to the Inun dry, for tho major took us nil over tho burrocks, nnd there wasn't a sheet or pillow slip In sight anywhere! And not oven a speck of linen In tho moss hall I Tho Stars and Stripes. JrWf yicgi flu alansP' IMFIOVED UNirOlH INTEIIMTlOrlAl SlIlVi.MlllHlL Lesson tny m:v. v. it. imt.watku. d. d., Teacher of KukIIpIi lllblo. In tlio Moody llltilo Institute of ClilciiK".) (Copyright, 1919. Velrn Niaprr t'nlrtn) LESSON FOR OCTOBER 5 JOHN AND PETER BECOME DIS CIPLES OF JESUS. I.KS'SON THXT-John 1:20-12. ttOLDKN Ti:XT-JfKti!i mild unto him, follow tin. .Ifilm 1:43. ADDITIONAL MATKIUAi-Miitt. 9:! Mark 2:1.1-17. John 1H3-5I. IMUMAIIY TOiMC-nmllnK the best friend. JUNIOit TOPIC-John nnd Peter de cide in follow .loniiH. , lNTKll.Mi:ntATB TOPIC - ItccomlnK dlcrlplcH of Jcxiih, BUNION AND ADIMT TOPIC-Clnlms of Chrlxt upon nil mrn, I. John the Baptist Testifies to Hla Dlcclples Concerning Jesus (vv. 20- :w. 1. .Testis as the I.iimh of fJod (v. 211). "T.iimb" wax familiar to the Jewish mind. It denoted a substitutionary sncrlllce for sin. Christ was the true lamb to which every Micrlllelitl offer lug pointed. He was the lamb which Israel showed should bo brought to the slaughter (Lu. Oil:"), upon whom tho Lord laid man's Iniquity. Christ was Clod's lamb because he wns the ono set apart from the foundation of tho world to make atonement for man's sins (1 Pet. 1 :1S-L'0). John Invited his disciples to behold tho Lamb of Clod. '. The Haptlzer with the Holy ohost (vv. ,io:ir.). The Spirit descended upon hint ns Isaiah sale (Isn. 11:2). John then knew for a certainty that ho was the haptlzer with the Holy dhost. The Same Holy Spirit will he given .to all who ask for him (Luke U:i:t). :. Jesus Is the Son of Clod (v. 34). Ilelng the son of God he Is one in na ture with Ood. II. Two' Disciple Following Jesus (vv. 35-37). As a result of the Baptist's testi mony, two of the disciples leave hltn nnd follow Jesus. At John's request they looked. This look was sufficient to Induce them to follow Jesus. A sincere look upon Jesus Is always sufficient. John did not become en vious of Christ's success, but re joiced in It (John :2(S-3i). All Sun day school teachers should so witness that the pupils will look to and follow Jesus. This Is the whole method, the sum and substance of salvation. III. The Disciples Abiding With Jesus (vv. .'IS, 30). Seeing the disciples following him, Jesus made Inquiry as to their object. Tltelr reply showed the desire to go apart privately where they could dis close their hearts to him. Ho Invited them to his abode, where for the re mnlndcr of thnt dny they enjoyed sweet Intercourse with him. IV. The Disciples Bringing Others to Jesus (w. 40-42). Having found by experience what fellowship with Jesus means, they go nt once nnd tell others of their price less treasure. 1. Andrew brings Peter (vv. 40-42). Peter was Andrew's brother. A true brother who bus found Christ will go nnd tell his brethren. The proper place to begin witnessing for Christ Is among one's kin folk (Luke 8:39). (2) Philip brings Nathnnlel (vv.43 45). He witnessed to him concerning the messlahshlp of Jesus. He told them thnt Christ was he of whom Moses ami the prophets did speak. Christ Is tho sum and substance of the Old Tcstn ment. The disciples Invited others to come nnd see. They knew thnt If they would but put Jesus to the test they would believe. Christianity courts In vestigation (John 7:17). When Life Grows Broader. God does not count prosperity ns we count It. Our sense of proportion Is lnrgely shaped by our experiences. When life Is quiet and sheltered, nnd the stream runs smoothly, we notlco every ripple nnd magnify every small obstruction. We are fully occupied with our work, our smnll worries. Then comes some grief, calamity, or new responsibility which suddenly changes everything. Our old Interests nro dwarfed and look so petty thnt wo wonder thnt wo over allowed such trifles to burden our souls. By such experiences Ufa grows hronder nnd higher nnd tukes on new values. Wo linve new standards of measurement for our fellow men ns well ns our selves. The Bible. Clod might, of course, have given ut n literally divine book, written by his finger on tnhles of stone. Wo find that he chose to give us instead n library ot books by human nuthnrs, with very different styles nnd characteristics. I cannot help connecting It with the equnlly obvious net thnt ho did not reveal himself by nn angel, or millions of nngels, but by a man who worked In a carpenter's shop. Itev. J. II. Moulton, D.D. ' Cheerfulness. Hotter to ho smnll and shine, thnn to bo grcnt nnd cast n shadow. Cheer fulness Is God's medicine. Everybody ought to bntho In It. Grim enre, nnx lety nnd all tho rest of Ufa can he scoured off with tho oil of cheerful ness. Lovo Never Tires. Love Is Indefatigable ; It never tires. Love In Inexhaustible; It lives and Is born again of Itself, nnd the more It pours Itself forth, the more It abounds. Do Lamennals. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Judging from reports from draughts who nrc constantly in direct touch with the public, there is one preparation that baa been very mccessful in overcoming these conditions. The mild and healing Influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot in soon realized. It stands the highest for its remarkable record of success. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an interview of tho subject, made the as tonishing statement that one reason wby so mtnv applicants for insurance arc re jected is because kidney trouble in so common to the American people, and the large majority of those whose applica tions arc declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. It is on sale st nil drug stores In bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test this treat preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hingliamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be jure and mention this paper. Adv. Equally Distasteful. It Is to be supposed thnt women like to bear cynlcnl remarks about women by u run ri no better thnn men like to henr cynlcnl remarks nbout men by n woman. $100 Reward, $100 Catarrh Is a local disease greatly Influ enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CATAHIIH MEDICINE Is taken Internally and acts through ths Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of tho Sys tem. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE! octroys the foundation of the disease, givi: tho patient strength by Improving ths general health and assists nature In doing Its work. 1100.00 for any ease of Catarrh v that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINH) falls to cure. Druggists 76c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, Ohio. All Is fnlr In lovo nnd wnr or, In other words, during courtfchtp nnd aft er mnrrlnge. TO SHINE A COLD STOVE Quick and Kttay time E-Z STOVE POLISH Heady mim Ready to.Bbine nunm a Mjurrm, CHICAGO r Every Woman Knows that clean, snow-white clothes are a constant source of pleasure. Red Cross Ball Blue if used each week pre serves the clothes and makes them look like new. Try it and tee for yourself. AH good rrrocers sell it; 5 cents a package. aagBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBlBBskw asaVaBBBBBBBBLsaVask, I ctdi if r II M ' lO I 111 MliklW --J-' aaaaiiBaw AT'aBaTflaVar bKPbk sfl1 ADk7TTE jfillaaaw ''' VITHEN you see this famous trade-mark, think a minute! Think of the delicious taste of a slice of fresh toasted bread! That's the real idea back of tho success of Lucky Strike cigarettes. Toasting improves tobacco just as well as bread. And that's a lot. Try a Lucky Strike cigarette It's toasted Nebraska Monuments BOOKLET FREE rsfrT Eft C. E. SPEIDELL & SON, Lincoln WEAR OUT YOUR OLD TIRES (Im'( lit) IhMI to Ids Jens BM) 1IY IIHLNO ,THE ft mrzirv flllTfaMKS YOU CAN ADD 2,000 TO SSjg 5.000 uiUen eitrn srrTlce ?.Ti.r. to ninny tires which jou t '"' fin i now t hrow away. ' K'-l !i', SrtVff .C. irStlt 'ihaoonnf KlhrrBnti-Cliilsnbontone-tWrt tho coot or a new tins tlin tamo Biib-CimlnK cn bo ti?(MlU) rrj uuliOYrrnl 1. Urcs. llrcaunnthnllexl bin . 1 nina (tim kril "Il" era rmllMS una ro niadn cunlral to m db Intt tim InslCn of Urn ootor H.'SA1!?"1"'4 """,' n (" am below rltn-cnt t"H;i til re ore thirn ..o chnvire for tun Hub Cnnlna to bo forced Uironjib thn rlm-ruU A umUi Ulkri.J.l tBV"lrrilloa, MtUftjbf FIRIIKK MANUFACTURING COMPANY lOliS N Htreat Lincoln, Neb. Building Blocks! IFOK nAUNH.llOUSEH.FOUN- I ItATIONH, KTO. LOW CON- HTKIICTION COST. WARM IN WINTKIt. j WItlTK UHI ) J NEBRASKA MATERIAL CO. LINCOLN. NEB. J RANDALL&N0LL 317 Souta 11th Street, Liacola, NeK Iltk St. and Central Av4 NeWaika Cttr. Nafc. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Generators, Starter, Magneto Batteries, Lamps, Horns, Bulbs, Fuses, Cables, Spark Plugs, Terminals, Switches, etc. Official Factory Berries RepreaentatlTts for Gray A Datla, Inc., Slectrla AntoLlte Corp.. Weatlnghouae Elee. Ufa. Co., Atwater-Keni Hrt. Works, uenerat beaa Batteries vo., uoacn Uairneto Co., NortU-Kant Eleetrto Co., Ward- Co., Djneto Slectrlo Co., Connecticut Ignition, We specialize on all electrical equipment If you have a Starter, Generator or Magneto that you do not understand send it to us. Agents wanted for Titan Battery. Don't forget we can take care of your electrical wants, and do it promptly. S. S. SHEAN OPTIOIAN 1123 O Stmt a (Jacob, Nab. The University School of Music LINCOLN. NEBRASKA TwentrBlxth Year Begins September 8th MUSIC DRAMATIC ART Pliyfiwuid Sapervlelai ud Stry Telliis Complete courses In all departments Anyone may enter. New catalog- on reqneat. Address Adrian M. Nawans, Director. 1105 R St. Tt'iS TTT'l rMyttlsWtVTM MkfwJ&vjJii nil i ' flrt-r 'x rWiniusci fyirtwdPnTTOlrTt JfBsW BH3ii.7J.S'. tHj . - ..-.. B- I HOLLOW TILE I Directory mrppn Mortgages ml I lLiLi Bonds for Sale In $1 00. $900 and $1 ,000 denominations on (irmi and high cIais city property to net 0, DS and 0 pet cent. Some can bo cashed any day bclore due for a commission ol one months Interest. Monthlf pe per for Inrestots sent f reo LINCOLN TRUST COMPANY 12G North 11th St. LINCOLN, NEB, Order of our ngency. If we have no local representative order direct from us. PREY & PREY, Florists 1888 O KTKKET LINCOLN. NKIIRABKA KODAKS Developing Printing and Enlarging Lincoln Photo Supply Co. (ItAHtmaii KoUak Co.) Dept. K, 1217 O SL Lincoln, Nak GET HIGHEST PRICES for Your Live Stock Ship to WOOD BROTHERS Omaha, Chicago, So. SL Paul, Sioux CUj STOCKERS AND FEEDERS BOUGHT ON 0R0EHS FILMS DEVELOPED FREE When Print Are Ordered PrlntnUix3Mi3centB;3lJx4M,4nenUt postal card alio, 0 coma, poHtpaM. Beaton Photo Supply Co. ISth&FunamSU. Onuba.NeK DISTRIBUTORS Or RACINE TIRES sml Repair Material. 6000-mile guaranteed, wrapped tread tires. Retreading and rebuild- log tires a specialty. Agencies Wantad. for Information asdrett UNCOLN TIRE & REPAIR CO. 124 So. 1 5th SL Lincehm, Nak IN OMAHA T5hm Henshaw Hotel EUROPEAN FLAH T. J. O'Brien Oo.,Proa iijs wrrnorjT BATH H. OP WITH BATH ISth and Faraam Sta. HEAT AT LOWEST COST Save Money, Get Estimate ajnwucjjrg nm.sim Call HALL'S, 1517 O SL, liaceh, Nafc. THE CAI AHEAD Six-rirly-riTi Standard equipment. Ample power. Isjti gate this car before buying. Writs or eaU catalog and onr proposition to dealers. KNUDSEN AUTOMOBILE Ca S107 Varnam Street W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 89-191t. V,1' t'. - Sy 6m nmr 1 . Mitt V&f" I ABBkafVBaB.a I i, h I