3WT- 'ijmcv 'c.wt,; ww ' T"tf m s ' fPHE'SIff.'IT'i SfMStTlMNCMP v i"k' t tup nfft vjfiiniit'iTJT" ... . - ""Hr" . rpnKr' ' 'Tttjgfcrqf-; t-- f. gfr 1 NEBRASKA, d H I E "" H J5 D CLOUD, ""WRSW r'- --- - ., 5 The Gallery of Autumn Fashions at Brach's I N this Introduction of the Fall and Winter Fashions there is an Infinite number of ideas that people are rinding pleasure in, personal pleasure, beacuse of the great many possibilities for the at tainment of individual satisfaction with so large and varied slocks as at Walbach and Brachs from which to choose. The whole store is now exemplify ing all the fashions for Autumn and Winter in Ladies .Coats, Suits, Street Frocks, afternoon and evening Gowns Wraps, Millinery, Furs, Blouses, Hosiery, Gloves, Bags, Veils, Ribbons and all the many accessories of dress which come under the diredt in fluence of the-Arbiters of Fashion. Beautiful Suits for Young Women $3500 You should see these stunning new creations in Serge and Trico tine, some with' passe de leur- linings, others with plain satin, ' but all are the very latest word in style. Mi isses lassy Coats for Ladies and T 1 Very Chic and CI; Sec Our Window Display $25, $35 to $75 and $100 Coats of Velour, Silverleaf, Boffin Seal, Plushes, Serge, Tricotine. Lovely Gowns for Street, Dance, Evening or Party Dresses. Serges, Tricotine Tricolite, Jersey and Silks, in the latest styles. , 1750UP WALBACH & BRACH HASTINGS, NEBRASKA jrarawiaraiEiw ri'TOsran Christian Church n SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 10 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. Sermon 7 p. m. C. E. Service 8 p.m. Sermon "A Man That Fell Among Thieves' KarairaiW Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST OVEU STATE BANK jREDCLOUD NEBRASKA Dr. R.V. Nicholson DENTIST erfllce Over Alurlnht'a Bloro Thm Hamilton - Cathar Clothing Go. Everything a Mam . ar moy Waara Cfm VTMft BUY Farm Bureau Notes SEED WHEAT" WANNING 1'liC Department of Agriculture i wL-Iioh to call the attention of nil fanners who intend sowing wheat tiiis fall to investigate the germina ting properties of the teed they ex pect to use. Owing to tho "small yield of winter wheat in many sections of the. state the quality in a good many cases is considerably below normal. The nor mal percentage of germination tests made by the Division of Seeds of the Department for the year 1918 was 98.83 per cent. Samples of wheat reaching the Department's office in the paht few weeks show as low as GO per cent germination, the range being from GO to 91 per cent. In all cases where any doubt exists as to the percentage of germination of seed a sample of such seed should be .scnt to the Department of Agri culture, Lincoln, Ncbr., where a ger mination test will be made free of charge. Improved Oats For Distribution As a result of eleven years of care ful selection and testing, the Univer sity of Nebraska has developed an improved strain of Kherson oats, and it now has a limited supply of secrt which it is distributing through the Extension Service of the College of Agriculture. As an average in a four ycar test at the Experiment Station, this strain has outyicldcd the original Kherson oats by 7.8 bushels an acre. While the men who have been con ducting the strain say it will yield better than oats which farmers arc now growing, they arc anxious to fol low up the testing. Hence, they sug gest that farcmrs purchase ten-bushel lots, altlio more or less may be had. They ask that the oats be sowed to themselves, though they should join other oats, and that they be thrashed separately and a report made of the yield. Pure seed for an other year may also be assured ir this manner. The oats are sold at $1.15 a bushel, plus cost of sacks and freight. Orders should be made through County Agents, or direct to the Agronomy Department, Univer sity Farm, Lincoln. IIEXKY II. FAUSCH, County Agricultural Agent. JLj JcTL'MJf our announcement which .will appear' in this space next week. It is to advantage to do so as it will mean $ $ $ to you. We have something to tell that will make you glad you read our ad. By all meants don't forget to LOOK BECK & BOYER Furniture and Undertaking Old Settler Laid to Rest Far mid wide across this part of the country is known tln name of I. M. Cochrane, tin aged pioneer, u upright nmii mill truly a veteran of the farm. The end of h long, industrious and prosperous life came Monday morning, Se-pt, IS, 1919. Tlds venerable man had reached the natural ending of life's pathway and paed peacefully into the great be yono.. Hit was horn in Scotland June lib, 13!W, and hud teen 81 years of the joys andt sorrow that constitute earthly existence. He wttb a resilient ot Canada during early boyhood, and cime here from the lalto Stipeiior region and lesiileil in til it section until the ilar of hN death. His wife and three children preeed ed 1 1 i pi 011 the lone journey. The sur viving children :ir Mrs. A brain New ton, whose husband died but a week hiueo; Carrie, Frank and Urvllle at home; and Jutnes who U teacher of an Indian school in Oklahoma; Mrs. Rob ert Cochrane, a widowed daughter-in-law, ot Franklin. Funeral services were held at the old liomestOHd Wedue.sduy afternoon, in charge of Hev Mitchell, of Franklin. Interment was in Kiverton cemetery. Rlverton Review. a ri M TheTown Prophet l and the Community Pessimist 3 who predicted all sorts of dire calamities for the Farmers Union -including dissatifaction among the members, lack of business ability and finally a failure in business before the end of the year are experiencing considerable trouble in "squaring themselves" with the public and their own consci ience. We are still doing business at the old stand and the following figures proves that we have the confidence and good will of the farmers of the community as, during the month of August we purchased from them over 40,000 BUSHELS OF WHEAT RAYING THEN $82,000 FOR IT ' This is pretty strong evidence that a good many of . the farmers are satisfied with our methods of do ing business, as well as our tests, weights, prices. As we again can receive cars at regular intervals we are prepared to handle all grain you haul in. See us before you market it. It will PAY YOU. Farmers Elevator 1 J GEO. A. KAILEY, Mgr. RED CLOUD, NEBR. j e n u ,winni! Are Iwr Btal Estate faxes Paid? They will be advertibed for sale Octo ber 1st. FRANK StARR, County Treasurer. Land At Stratton, Colo. For l'artiuiilura Write to Jos. A. Collins Land Co. Stratton, Colorado Xtf Cloud Nebraska I E. S. Grber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures ThelMargtn of Safety Is represented by the amount of insurance you carry. Don't lull yourself into a fancied security. Uecutise lite has never touched you it doesn't follow that ynii'rujiuiiiiino Toiuonow -no today, if you have time atid you better llud time come to the nlllee and we'll write 11 policy 011 your house, furniture, store, or merchandise. LATKR MAY UK TOO I,ATft- Q.C- TEEL R.elia.ble Insurance Want the Best in Job Printing? Come to the Chief In the County Court T Webster Ctunty Nebraska. In the matter of the estatoof Fannie Stray it, Deceased. The State of Nebraska, to nil persons Inter p.sted In said estate, creditors and heirs tako notice, that Itohcrt Newton has nlcd his peti tion alleging that FnnnloStrayer. a resident and Inhabitant of Webster County, Nebras ka, died InteHUto In said Comity and Stato on or about the .Wtli day ot November, 1902, leaving as her solo and only heir at law A brain Newton. That said decedent died seled In fco of the following described real nate.tn-wlt: tho North-west ipiartcr (NWV'i) ot section twenty elht (M), township two (2)f north of raiiKO twclvo (1.2). wi-H of the nth V. I M., Webster County, Nuliamka; that your ' petitioner Is one of tho heirs at law of tho I above named A brain Newton, and the owner ol an undivided one third ot the abovo de I scribed leal estate, and pruyliiK for ji deerco ' liarrlin; claims; thrt Paid di cedent dlid lute I state; that no application fur adnilnlMratlou lias been made, and the estate of said diced out has not been administered In tho .State of Neli.'aska, and that the heir at law of said decedent as herein sot forth shall bo decreed to bathe owner In fco simple of tho abovo described real cetau, which has been set tor hcarlm! on the llth lay of October. A. I). lUli), I Ht 1U o'clock A. M. Dated at lied Cloud, iNcbraskn, this 12th lay ol .September, 1DIU. A. D. HANNKV (Scab County Judte. I'. J. Munday, Attorney. (Jood meals pood service moderate priees Powell & Pope's cafe. SUMER COLDS Many have their worst colds during the warm months. A very little of Scott's Emulsion after meals, puts that quality into the blood that helps thwart that rundown condition that is 20 depressing. Build up your vi'Qlitytry Scoffs. MOU & Ifcwac, Bloomficld, N.J. 19-6 PROMPT RELIEF for tho acld-dlstrcssed stomach, try two or three KH101D5 after meals, dissolved on tho ton&uo keep your Bipmacn sweet try Kl-wolds tho new aid to digestion. MADE BY SCOTT & BOWNE r MAKERS OP SCOTT'S EMULSION is Music Masterpieces anet'VoOOho thers all. IO teach YOU know Paderewskl'8 "Monuet" his masterful composition is world famous Out, do you know that you can buy it for 10c beautifully printed on tho best ot nancr ccrtlhcu to bo correct a3 tho master wrote it? That h the achieve merit or Century Cor- 1 1 foil Edition Sheet Music for 10c you can select from a comnleto catalogue of 2,000 compo st t ion sauchfatnatiB master nlecna as "Madrtdafo." " "rovefore. rlumoreaque." "Barcarolle." Melody in F," "Butlerflv.""llarlekin""Shen. herd's Dance," and practically till tho other stutidurd clusslcs. Wc carry tho complete catalog of 2,000 titles. Please come in and inspect it. RK3S2S iPlTIj Sold by Chas. L. Cotting The Diuf ;ist d & T 'V! -i