The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 25, 1919, Image 7

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    )wAt,i', 'v-irvr 'j
78 Congressional
John Dickinson Sherman
c a package
before the war
4 wmwSMw liLLLLW
0 MiaiSP 'JiV'jmm
II Phillip 7Kfi:v'H8SII
4 few 4 r, 4s jipjWb
II 111 ' " ' 'I liSP li
Pyjj r 4 & '"uKl?'3z LaHV imaiM
- -
Oh. thu Cngllah un' th Irish un tho 'owlln' Scottles.
Tlio. Cat'iucki und Autrlleo-uns uti' the 'ulry French
fillu .. i
Tlio only thlnR tha- Imtherod us In all our fltagKcrln
ranku ,
Wni uot In 'ell -would 'appen w'on tho 'uns .ul It
tlio Yanks
. t i
1113 Unltoil states ni Atnonru is in
pnrlnR mi illustrati'il history of the
grout war which will toll oxactly
what happened when tho Huns hit
the Yanks. In the meantime oon- has picket! out a few sample
lighting Yanks and awarded thorn
the Medal of Honor, not for doing
their more duty, hut for "conspicu
ous gallantry and Intrepidity ahove
iiml hevond the call of duty." In
cidentally, this list could he easily doublet! and
troblod. Again: The names of American soldlora
who wear other American, Hrltlsh and French
decorations are legion ; .six of the 11MXM) Americans
who fought with the Canadians were awarded the
Victoria Cross, the Hrltlsh decoration correspond
ing to the Medal of Honor. One out of 15,400 sol
diers In action received tho Medal of Honor.
I would like to see tho olllclal citations setting
forth the acts of supremo courage of each of those
78 medalists printed In full in every newspaper In
the land. I would like to see these citations made
Into a text-hook and put Into the public schools.
I am not bloodthirsty, but I approve elllclency,
even In killing Huns. Anil I think such a book
would be an incentive to patriotism to every red
blooded American boy and girl our future citi
zens. As it is, there is space for little hero besides the
names of the medalists. Study the list and find
out many Interesting things for yourself.
You will note, for Instance, that '21 are oillcers
nntl r7 enlisted men. Nineteen paid the price
with their lives. New York leads with nine; Illi
nois is second with seven, and California, Missouri,
New Jersey, South Carolina und Tennessee bliaro
third honors with six each.
Military experts have long regarded tho Marines
the most etllclent fighting men of all the armies of
the world. Nevertheless, ill) of tho medals go to
the men or the National Guards; 2a to men of the
M'loctlvo draft organizations, 1H to regular army
ami marine units, 2 to the tank corps and 1 to the
air service.
Hy divisions, the Thirtieth leads with 12 medals;
It Is the National Gaurd organization of the Caro
Unas and Tennessee. Second honors go to tho
Klghty-nlnth division, which Is the selective draft
unit of western Missouri, Kansas, Nebraskn. Colo
rado, South Dakota and Now Mexico. The third
Is the Thlrtv-thlrd or National Guard Division of
Illinois. Fourth honors go to the famous Second
division of regulars, which Includes the murines,
while fifth phico is shared by the two ev lork
divisions, the Twenty-seventh and the Seventy-
seventh. ," , , ,
Sergeant Hills, n regular, put In a whole day far
in advance of tho first wave of his company re
ducing maohlne-gun nests single-handed. He killed
many of tho enemy and captured ten machine guns
and more than GO prisoners.
Lieutenant Woodflll, also a regular, reduced
three separate machine-gun nests, killing at
least 12 of tho enemy with rlllu and pistol and
finally two with a pick.
Lieutenant Luke, an elglitcen-year-ohl volunteer
avlntor, destroyed 18 enemy aircraft In 17 days.
Wounded and forced to make a landing, ho killed
attacking Germans with his pistol until ho fell.
Sergeant York was originally a sincere conscl
tuitions objector, lie was convinced from the Hlblo
tlint "blessed are tho peacemakers." So he went
over to help make peace. He killed 24 of tho
enemy with rlllo and pistol, put a whole "cdne
gun battalion out of business and marched Ml
prisoners back to tho American lines.
Kvery possible kind of courage was shown by
these medalists. Hoberts, when his tank slid Into
a Hooded shell hole, deliberately gave his life to
bave his gunner. Hlackwell gavo his llfo In a vol
unteer attempt to get through heavy lire with ii
message. Whittlesey is the "Go to hell" ofilcer of
Argonue fame, who would not surrender. Lomiiii
wears uIbo tho Victoria Cross, Legion of Honor, tho
Medalllo Mlllltalro and the Croix do Guerre.
Don't forget tho cartoon In which tho one-armed
hero and tho potential hero who never got to tho
rlng-Hno aro each saying "You lucky guy 1" And
don't forget tho potential heroes. Their hearts
were broken.
The Complete List.
Adklnson, Joseph Q., sergeant, Company 0, 110th
Infantry, IKHh division, Atoka, Twin.
Allex, Jake, corporal, Company II, 131st Infantry,
83d division, Chicago. ..,.
Allworth, Edward 8., captain, 00th Infantry, 5th
dlvlalou, Crawford, Wash.'
mmMfy otO XP cc a package
gl S iC'1 during me war
ft fa &J ..r5lL"'j f a wcto?1iI1
Seal mni Jrc! J si? -jy sa WAIO
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-pKv4 m x:is'rjrz:&uiF, : ' . j jw
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Anderson, Johannes S., sergeant, Company B,
l2d Infantry. 33d division, Chlcngo.
Barger, Charles D., private, first class, Company
L, SG-ltli Infantry, S9th division. Stotts City, Mo.
Barkeley, David B., private, Company A, .5otn
Infantry. 8!)th division. San Antonio, Tex. Deceased.
Barkeley, John U, private, first class, Company
K, 4th Infantry. 3d division. Hlalrstown. Mo.
Bart, Frank J., private. Company C, 0th Infantry,
2d division. Newark, N. J.
Blackwell, Robert L., private, 110th Infantry,
30th division. Hurles Mills, N. C. Deceased.
Call, Donald M., second lieutenant, tank corps,
Larchmont, N. Y.
Chiles, Marcellus H., captain, 350tli Infantry,
80th division, Denver, Colo. Deconsod.
Colyer, Wilbur E., sergeant. Company A, 1st en
gineers. 1st division. Ozone Park. L. I. Deceased.
Costln, Henry Q., prlvnte. Company H. Hth In
fantrv, 20th division, Cape Charles, Va. Deceased.
Cukela, Louis, first lieutenant, 15th regiment ma
rines. 2d division, Minneapolis, Minn.
Dlllboy, George, private, first clnss, Company H,
103d Infantry, 20th division, Hoston, Mass.
Dozler, James C, first lieutenant, Company O,
118th Infantry, 30th division, Hock Hill, S. C.
Eggers, Alan Louis, sergeant, machine gun com
pany, 107th Infantry, 27th division, Summit, N. J.
Ellis, Michael B., sergeaut, Company C, 28th In
fantry, 1st division, Kast St. Louis, III.
Forrest Arthur J., sergeant, Company D, 354th
Infantry, 80th division. Hnnnlbal, Mo.
Foster, Gary Evans, sergeant, Company F, 118th
Infantry, 30th division, Inman, S. C.
Funk, Jesse N., private, first class, 351th In
fantry, 89th division, Calhnn, Colo.
Furlong, Richard A., fiist lieutenant, 353d ln-t
fantry, 80th division, Detroit, Mich.
Gaifney, Frank, private, first class, lOSth In
fantry. 27th division, Lockport, N. Y.
Gregory, Earl D sergeant, headquarters com
pany, With Infantry, 20th division. Chase City, Va.
Gumpertz, Sydney G., first sergeant, Company E,
132d Infantry, 33d division, Now York city.
Half, Thomas Lee, sergeant, Company G, 118th
Infantry, 30th division, Fort Hill, S. C. Deceased.
Hatter, M. Waldo, sergeant, Company B, 350th
Infantry, 80th division, Neosho, Mo.
Hays, George Price, first lieutenant, 10th. field
artillery. 3d division, Okarehoo, Okla.
Herlot, James D., corporal, Company I, 118th In
fantry, 30th division, Providence, S. C. Deceased.
Hill, Ralyn, corporal, Company H. 120th Infantry,
33d dlvlsloh, Oregon, 111.
Hilton, Richmond H sergonnt, Company II,
118th Infantry, 30th division, Westvllle, S. O.
Hoffman, Charles F., gunnery sergeant, Oth regi
ment marines, 2d division, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Johnston, Harold I., sergeant, Company A, 350th
Infantry, 80th division, Denver, Colo.
Karnes, James E., sergeant, Company D, 117th
Infantry, 30th division, Knoxvllle, Tenn.
Kaufman, Benjamin, first sergeant, Company K,
308th infantry, 77th division, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Katz, Philip C, sergeant, Company C, 303d In
fantry, 01st division, San Francisco, Cal.
Kocak, MateJ, sergeant, Company O, 5th regi
ment murines, 2d division, Albany, N. Y.
Kelly, John Joseph, private, Oth regiment ma
rines, 2d division, Chicago.
Latham, John Cridland, sergeant, machlno gun
company, 107th Infantry, 27th division, Westmore
land, England.
Lemert, Mllo, first sergeant, Company H, 110th
Infantry, 30th division, Grossvlflo, Tenn.
Loman, Berger, private, Company n, 132d In
fnntry, 33d division, Chicago.
Luke, Frank, Jr., Ucutcnunt, 27th aero squadron,
Phoenix, Ariz. Deceased.
Mallon, George H., captain, 132d Infantry, 33d
division, Kansas City, Mo.
Manning, Sidney E., corporal, Company C, 107th
Infnntry, 42d division, Flomaton, Ala.
Mestrovltch, James I., sergeant, Company C,
11th Infantry, 28th division, Fresno, Cal.
Miles, L. Wardlaw, captain, 30Sth infnntry, 77th
division, Princeton, N. J.
Miller, Oscar F., major, 301st Infantry, 01st di
vision, Los Angeles, Cal. Deceased.
McMurtry George G., captain 30Sth infantry, 77th
division, New York city.
Neibaur, Thomas C, private, Company M, 107th
Infnntry, 42d division, Sumner City, Idaho.
O'Shea, Thomas E., corporal, machlno gun com
pany, 107th Infantry, 27th division, Summit, N. J.
Peck, Archie A., prlvnte, Company A, 307th In
fnntrv. 77th division. Homcll. N. Y.
Perkins, Michael J., prlvnte first class, Company
rt -I nic- infnntrv "fitii (livinlnn. Hoston. Mass.
, .v...i ............. -.... , - ---
Pike, Emery J., lieutenant colonel, division ma
chine gun olllcer, 82nd division, Des Molns, la.
Pope, Thomas A., corporal, Compnny E, 131st In
fantry, 33d division, Chicago.
Prultt, John H., corporal. 78th compnny, Oth regi
ment of marines, 2d division, Phoenix, Ariz. De
ceased. Regan, Patrick, second lieutenant, 115th In
fantry, 20th division, Los Angeles, Cal.
Robb, George S., first lieutenant, 309th Infantry,
03d division, Snllna, Kan.
Roberts, Gerald W., corporal, tank corps, San
Francisco. Cal. Deceased.
Sampler, Samuel H., sergeant, Company M, 142d
Infantry, 30th division, Mangum, Okla.
Sandlin, Willie, private, Company A, 132d In
fnntry. 33d division, Ilayden, Ky.
Sawelson, William, sergeant, Compnny , 312th
infantry, 78th division, Harrison, N. .1. Deceased.
Selbert, Floyd M., sergeant, Company F, 301th
infantry, 91st division. Salinas. Cal.
Sklnker, Alexander R., captain, 13Sth infantry,
35th dhlslon, St. Louis, Mo. Deceased.
Slack, Clayton K., private, Company E, 121th In
fantry, 31st division, Lampson, Wis.
Smith, Frederick E., lieutenant colonel, 303th In
fantry, 77th division, Portland Ore. Deceased.
Talley, Edward R., sergeant, Company L, 117th
Infantry. 30th division. Hussellvllle, Tenn.
Turner, Harold T., corporal, Company F, 142d
Infantry, 30th division, Seminole, Okln. Deceased.
Turner, William S., first lieutenant, 105th In
funtry, 27th division, Dorchester, Mass.
Van lersal, Louis, sergeant. Company M, Oth In
fantry, 2d division, Newark, N. J.
Vllleplgue, John C, corporal, Company M, 118th
Infantry, 30th division, Cnmden, N. C.
Waalker, Relder, sergennt, Company A, 105th
Infantry, 27th division, Norelnnd, Norway.
Ward, Calvin, -private, Company D, 117th In
fantry, 30th division, Morrlstown, Tenn.
West, Chester H., first sergeant, Company D,
303d Infantry, 01st division, Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Whittlesey, Charles W., lieutenant colonel, 308th
Infantry 77th division, Plttsficld, Mass.
Wlckersham, J. Hunter, second lieutenant, 353d
Infnntry, 89th division, Denver, Colo. Deceased.
Wold, Nels, prlvnte, Company T, 138th Infantry,
35th division, Mcintosh, Minn. Deceased.
Woodfill, Samuel, first lieutenant (now captnln),
04th infnntry, 05th division, Fort Thomas, Ky.
York, Alvln C, sergeant, Company Q, 328th In
fantry, 82d division, Pall Mall, Tenn.
(Copyrleht, 1919, Western Newipttiier Union)
Descriptive Power.
"Now," asked a teacher, "who can
tell mo what an oyster Is?" There was
silence for a moment. Then little
BUly raised his hnnd. "I kuowl" ho
triumphantly announced. "An oyster
Is a fish built like a nut!"
Lift off Corns!
Doesn!t hurt a bit and Freezona
costs only a few cents.
Illicit Music
"Pretty dry time at the club dinner,
last night, eh, old man?" "Well, th
orchestra gave us a lot of Meyer-beer.
"O Happy Day" nang tho laundres
as sho hung tho snowy waBh on the
line. It was a "happy day," becaust
she used Red Cross Ball Blue.
The Poor Birds Fed Him. i
"What do you know of Elijah?"
"He went for a crulso with a
With your fingers! You can lift off
any hard corn, soft corn, or corn he-
twecn tho toes, and tho hard skin cal
luses from bottom of feet.
A tiny bottle of "Freezono" costs I
little at any drug store; apply' a few
drops upon tho corn or cullus. In
stnntly it stops hurting, then shortly
you lift that bothersome corn or callus ,
right off, root and all, without one bit
of pain or soreness. Truly I No hum
bug I Adv.
His Ailment.
"Bruddren and slstahs," severely
nald good old Parson Bngster, "now
dat do hat has circumnavigated 'round
and do corntents been counted, wo will
J'lno In pra'r for do speedy recovery
of our pi)' Hrudder Clinch."
"But, look yuh, sab!" spoke up tho
gentleman designated. "I Isn't sick."
"Yes, yo' Is, sah! Yo' got lockjaw
o' do poekolbook, and got It pow'ful
bad. Yo' didn't pungle up nnry cent
when do hat was passed." Kansas
City Stnr.
Back Given Out?
Ilmmuurnplr la fnA hunt tnV JL WnftlAtl
who is half eick, nerrous and always
tired. Out it keeps piling up, and gives
weak kidneys no tune to recover. If
your back is lame and achy and your
kidneys irregular; if you have "blue
spells," sick headaches, nervousness,
dizzines and rheumatic pains, use
Doan'a Kidney Pilla. Ther have done
wonders for thousands of wora out
A Nebraska Case
Mrs. Q7 F. Banford. j
Mlmien. Ken., says:
"I had been bothered
by my Uldnoya for
nearly three yeara
and didn't know
what was the trouble.
I finally became bed
fast. I was told a cold
must have settled
In my kidneys and
caused the trouble. I
took different medi
cines but Instead of
Retting bettor I cot
woraa. The sharp,
shooting pains across
mv hnrk nml throuirh
my hips were terrible. My head ached
and 1 had blinding, dizzy spells. I
could see black specks before my eyes.
Finally I began uslne Ooan's Kidney
Pills and after finishing two boxes I
was cured completely."
Get Doan'a at Any Stora, Me a Box
DOAN 9 ?"
Bb Hl
The Cutlcura Toilet Trio
Unvlng clenrod your skin keep It clear
by making Cuticurn your evcry-day
toilet preparations. Tho soap to cleanse
and purify, tho Ointment to sootho and
hcnl, tho Talcum to powder and per
fume. No toilet table Is complete
without them. 25c everywhere. Adv.
Some men owe all they havo In this
world to others and sonio owe a lot
moro than they have. .
Anybody can wrlto n book, but It
takes brains to stop n baby bawling.
The University School of Music
TwentySUth Year Begins beptember Bth
Playground Supervision and Story Tellilt
Complete courses in all departments
Anyone nmy enter. New cntalog on request.
Addreu Adrian M. Nawcna. Director, 1105 R St.
Stove Polish
Mllllitm Urn E-Z
Makes. Unity HySaoatll
E-Z Metal Polish for Nickel Parts
Kodak Finishing
Expert work. Prompt return. Special
mail order department We pay
return postage. Write for price list
The Robert Dampittr Co., Boi Y138, Omifci, NA
HFDFNM Bests, letresbes, Soolhti,
fVJilHS Heals Keen your Eyes
Strong and Healthy.- If
they Tire, Smart, Itch, or
IUUR C.1L3 Inflamed orGranulated,
uae Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult
At all DniRRlsta. Write for Free Eye Book.
arlM Eye Hearty Canyany, CaJcajo, D.S.I.
Y.M.C.Muiomotivt Schoil
Complete courses In
construction, operation aud repair of automo
bile, trunks and tractors, or fntereht to own
era, dealers, salesmen, Kurago 1J repair men.
Classes Begin October 6th Day or Evening
FurtUer Information gladly glren,
Write at once.
Y. M. C. A., 1 7lh and Ham. jr S U, Omaha, Nt W
-i '
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 38-1019.