The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 25, 1919, Image 5 IZD OLOUD, MIBRA8KA; OHIE1 i ,.' . .u-rtuir . P ) 1 I i' ; 1 v. iN h i I!., V V i'.' RK," fc f it 1 AS TOLD TO US l . hCX":'C"XM"Xxx:X"M": Knt and drink lit Powell fc Pope's Cafe. . tf Ear! Hall was in IlaMings Friday. Frank Smith was in Hastings Mon day. Miv. J. II. Kellogg spent Monday in Hasting?. Dr. KobL Damcrell was in Hasting.-? Wednesday. Mrs. V. G. Warren spent Wednes day in Hastings. Tracey Hayes spent Sunday with relatives at Ayr. Mrs. Pat Kellctt went to Omaha Saturday to visit friends. Hude Robertson of Blue Hill was in the city Friday evening. E. L. Grimes and son, Warren, were in Hastings Saturday. Mrs. Anna McPartland went to Omaha Saturday to visit friends. Mrs. T. Albert Jones of Alma arrived in the city Friday to visit friends. Postmaster Lamb of Guide Rock was in the city Tuesday afternoon. Oliver Sutton, who resides south of Inavale, was in the city Wednesday. I State Agent 0. D. Hedge is spend-. ing the week with his wife and family. The Kcbckah lodge meets next Thursday and all members are urged to attend. ' Mrs. John Merrill was taken to Hastings Monday morning for medical treatment. I A large number of the farmers arc busy plowing, preparatory to sowing winter wheat. , Mcsdamcs Ed and Chas. Sutton went to Omaha Wednesday to attend the Ak-Sar-Bcn. Dr. Barlow of Oskalooska, Iowa, recently visited his parents, Mr. and "Mrs. F. M. Barlow. Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Crcighton re turned home Monday from a trip to Minnesota and Illinois. G. W. Lindsoy of San Diego, Cal ifornia arrived in the city Friday to look after his interests here. Dr. Camp of Burlington, Colorado, arrived in the city the first of the week' to join his wife and friends. The Misses Alvena, Gladys and Gale Renfro returned home Monday from Denver where they were called to at tend" the funeral, of their father. f Orpheum Monday Tuesday and Wednesday September 29-30-0ctober 1 IWhat mystery lurks behind this door ? 1 9i HECKERS ,j CA FOX SPECIXL PRODUCTION A vivid melodrama containing nil tho I brills giMiernlly found In serials. It touches the sordid as well us the fnshlonublti Hide of life and it portray h love, tragedy, romance, pathos and comedy. He. nllstio sets shows Chinatown, train wrecks, unmbling-hoiiBes, caba rets, race tracks, a southern home. New York hotel. A chase and a running Unlit underground, the automobile race with a train, the seaplane rescuing the rowboat nruupants et.i , are calculated to give lovers of melodrama the real tlulllrt. 35 1 Dramatized from the Famous Story," "Checkers" ? Admission 35c-10c.Phis War Tax lliiv HrVd nt Powell nnd Popes Dr. Lollar spent Tuesday in Hast ings. Glenn, Walker was in Hastings on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Nyberg spent Tuesday in Hastings. I 'or gnod vyv gliii" nml 'pec sue MP.-li- 1 The .N-wi'l.-r Hairy Waller and family of Cowlcs spent Sunday with relatives In this city. Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Moranville left today for Hemingford where they will locate. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilmot and Mrs. Laura Sheldon spent Monday in Hastings. Mrs. Tracey Hayes and childien spent the last of the week with her brother at Ayr. Mrs. A. C. Slaby is home from Omaha, where she had been receiving medical treatment. Chas. Kaloy is driving a new Dodge roadster which he drove through from the factory in Detroit. Mrs. Cecil Ks.g mid Iniby of Ilnppy vllle. Colorado are vtslttim tier parents, Mr. nnd Mrs P. A. Jornberg. Mrs. A. Malach and daughter, Clara, of Cowlcs, spent Sunday with their daughter and sister, Mrn. Rissic Cox. Mrs. L. M. Ferguson returned to Kansas City, Tuesday after attending to some business matters in the city. Mrs. E. H. Anderson returned to her home in Omaha Friday after vis iting her mother, Mrs. E. J. Duckcr. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Ellis returned home Saturday from Creston, Iowa, where they had been visiting his son. The Watts Construction Company have commenced laying the concrete curbing on Walnut street for the pav ing. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hcrrick and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sattley returned home from Colorado the first of the week. Louis Schullz. returned to- Omaha Tuesday after spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. Augusta Schultz. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Potter are home from Lincoln where they spent tho summer with their daughter, Mrs. Lulu Fuller. The Merry Glide Social Club, which has boon organized by Messrs. J. Johnson and Eugene Ryan, will hold its first dance on Friday evening at 9 o'clock, at the Masonic hall. L-j MPT n ' ui : Htm By Henry M BUtsonC Jke greatest racing story of the world J. A. Ui ml ford s on tho sick list to- day. - Arc Your Real Estate Taxes maid? They will be advertised for sale October 1st.- Frank Starr, County Treasurer. Glen Fearn, who is working for tho Lincoln Telephone Company, at Graf ton, spent Sunday with his wife and other relatives here. The auditorium is beginning to loom up since the brick masons have been secured. Tart of the eoncieto floors wore laid this week. The Hami'.ton-Cather Clothing Co. received two now overcoat racks this week which they will use to display their line of overcoats. NOTlCH I2v. Lutheran Zlon'i Con- gregation. Xo services Sunday the 23th, business mooting Instead, begin ning 11 a. in, Han to attend -A. Sehal. Geo. T. Kcmpkcs and Miss Frances Maruska of Red Cloud were united in marriage by Father Fitzgerald at the Catholic church Monday morning. Mrs. Robt. Damercll went to Lin coln Wednesday to visit Mrs. Geo. Van Camp who was run over by an automobile and suffered several in juries. Attorney and Mrs. E. G. Caldwell returned home the first of the week from "Kansas City and Slater, Mis souri, where they have been visiting relatives. Dr. Wiu-rlck, The Specialist, will meet eye, ear, nose and throat patients and those needing glides lltted at Dr. Bankroll's olllce Wedneoday, October 8. Hours 2 to f. Oliver Powell was in Superior Sat urday where he rcferecd the Lincoln vs Superior High School foot ball game. Lincoln won the game by a score of 2G to G. Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Nelson who have been visiting her sister, Mrs. P. H. Boner and family departed the last of the week for their home at Winner, South Dakota. Mrs. W. J. Lippincott is home from Blair where she was called on account of the sickness and death of her sis ter. Her mother also passed away a week after her daughter's death. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCrary of In avale have returned from their trip to Ohio. Miner Sherwood, assisted by Kenneth Wilson, had charge of the Inavale Bank, during their absence. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stabenaw and Elmer Long went to Hastings Mon day to visit Mrs. Long who under went an operation the last of the week at the Mary Lanning hospital. Mrs. J. A. McCallum and daughter, Nellie, and the Misses Martha and Nellie Rust have been the guqstsi'of the Will Crabill and Will McCalltfm families and went to Cowlcs Monday to visit before returning to1 their home at Bladen. , The district court jury, which tried tho case of Boyd Smith vs J, H. Bailey ami other citizens of Red Cloud, at Lincoln, Inst week, awarded Smith S'J.fiOO damage. Smith sued for $25,(MK It is understood the defendants will appeal the case to the mipiotne court. Messrs. W. G. Hamilton, Aif Sala den, Harry Lctson, D. H. and A. U. Kalcy, Flavc Grice, Dr. Nicholson, E. G. Caldwell, F. E. Maurcr and Ch;s, Whitakor attended a Shriner's meet ing at Grand Island Monday. Chas. Whitakor was the candidate from this lodge to receive the mysteries of this Tlogrcc. NOTICE Beginning with Aug. 1st wo will develop any size film or fityn pack free of charge when prints arc ordered. When no prints arc ordered, the price is 5c for films or 10c for film packs. Quick service: bring in your films or packs today and get your prints tomorrow. The prico of prints remains as hereto fore. THE REB CLOUB STUDIO Mrs. Camjibell, wife of J. D. Camp bell, passed away at their home in Garfield township Wednesday morn ing after an illness of some three years duration. She was an old set tlor of this county, having come here with her husband many years ago. Besides her husband, two sons, N. P. and Chas. and three daughters, Mcs damcs Anna Rawls, John Clark and Silva Knutson are 'eft to mourn her demise. Bankers and successful Business Men employ the graduates of the well known Grand Island Business College, of Grand Island, Nebraska, because they are qualified to immediately give service that will merit a good salary. The school has been a leader in business education for thirty-five years and cannot supply the demand for its graduates. It was tho first west crn school to prove that positions could be guaranteed and secured for graduates. Write for free catalog. Phone 48X WHEN YOU NEED Gasoline, Kerosene or Lubr(Cating Oils of All Kinds IF YOU WANT THE BEST USE Deep Rock W. J. McPherson, Agt., Red Cloud "Thtllig Ytllou Motor TrucL" r Mrs. 12 Webeh went to HuniIiu'r this morning. , Al Hoffman was u passenger to Blue HIM this morning. Mrs. H:ssIiiuit went to ITiistinirs. to- d,i to I it her (laughter. Mrs FVod Walker returned to Blue Mill, m,,y she bud been called here by the illness of her mother Joe llcrbuegcr went to Omaha t.n'nv to vi.i liisson, ,. K. Hirbiirger. nml l.unilv. Mis Robt. Mitchell Is home from Jn avalf, uncru slie has been visiting with mends. 12 ul Webber and famllv went, to C.'iitial city, this morning, to visit his nil cuts FOR SAL 1-2 Some Household Hoods Leaving city. .' blocks north of the I'ublic Library. M. K. Qriui.KY. A. M. Sherman returned to Slinltnn. this morning, after several days vlhit wiui relatives and friends In this o'.ty, Schult. A. lletz is tho Mvlc of the firm that bus opened an olllcc In the Mcllride building, over the Trine hard ware store. They will deal in real estate. Mrs. (icorgo Mountford fell down cellar Tuesday nnd was quite badly in- juied. Mr. Mountford was just com ing up out of the cellar when she step ped olf and fell backward colliding with him ai.d knocking him down. Luckllv Mr. Mountford was not Injur ed. Sue is getting along nicely at this lime. - Piano at a Bargain We have n used piano in good condi tion, that one of our customers was un able to finish paying for. Wo will place it free of chargo In the home of any satisfactory party In tho vicinity of Red Cloud, who will pay the balance in cash, or easy payments, if desired. Address Gaston Music Co., Hastings, Ncbr. BAPTIST CHURCH NOTES At 11 a. m. Miss Annette Byron will give a talk on the work and plans for World Wide Missions of the late Northern Baptist National Conven tion held at Denver. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Brother V. M. Harper is still suf fering from an attack of acute bron chial asthma but is in hopes to be able to resume his regular pastorial work soon. Now that vacation time is over, let us all rally to the work in both Sunday School and church services. Don't fail to hear Miss Byron if you wish to Jearn something of the part the Baptists pf America wish to take in the present great movement to spread the gospol through all the earth. ThamilftAT HOME EXPECT YOU 1 116 rULnS-TO TELL 'EM ALL ABOUT "0MHV5FHC-Arc-7rf VISIT Exhilarating Burfesqut; Vaudeville Still ttiirt FilUdink Pnllitlrli, FuwClot m.Cmimui tqgldli, rlllliit f enlc Emlrenreiit IMIES' IIME MATINEE EVEIY WEEKIAY Everybody Goes; Ask Anybody, ILWATS TBE IIG6ESI MD HIT MOW' ' "" I mmmJtmJmmJk fcJLliiMmP;''rlfc em i wmsmwmm:; pmhw .,,..11111 1 iiiiiiiii' m. iv'i immmmmm ' j m&s lffr,aiaBMafiMfri"nlni'rl? 4Hhm uuff5iW8 h Ira ! SPECIAL fTmtMsmammwmm'nwnmmnweAmnammmnmi)wmmamimmMtimB'39nrirwmri'twm)m 8-Piece Bmlm Room Suite TABLE 45-inch top. American Oak. A beauty in design BUFEET 42-inch plank top TABLE To match Table and Buffet f All 8 Pieces Complete $642 raham Furniture Co. McFARLAND BUILDING Red Cloud EASY PAYMENTS Hastings fMftJWfffJtfMfffJWfJUfffJWJ?fJJWk Mr. and Mrs. ED. AMACK ! UNDERTAKING ' Phone, Ind. Store 158, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB. WWVVUVVVWWiVVAVAVJ'.-.n Mrs. N P. I'lillllps loft Tuesdny for Stratton, Colorado where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Baker and husband. PLAY pipe out for what ails your smokeappetite! For, with Prince Albert, you've got a new listen on the pipe question that cuts you loose from old stung tongue and dry throat worries! Made by our exclusive patented process, Prince Albert is scotfree from bite and parch and hands you about the biggest lot of emokefun that ever was scheduled in your direction! Prince Albert is a pippin of a pipe-pal; rolled into a cigarette it beats the band! Get the slant that P. A. is simply everything any man ever longed for in tobacco! You never will be willing to figure up the sport you've slipped-on once you get that Prince Albert quality flavor and quality satisfaction into your smokesystem! You'll talk kind words every time you get on the firing line! Toppy rtd bagt, tidy rJ tint, handsome pound and half-pound tin humi dor and lhal clany, practical pound crystal glass humidor ulth sponge molsttner top that keep the tobacco In such perfect condition. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winaton-Salem, N. C I'OIt SALE Good quarter section of and with good improvements, 1 mile bouth of Inavale, Ncbr.. on easy termu. Write for full description. C. F. Cath er Bed Cloud, Nebr. u "S?"1" ,, h. j. Ktjrnoiaa " Tobacco Co. the smokegame with a jimmy if you're hankering for a hand i