The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 25, 1919, Image 2

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CHAPTER XXX Continued.
I licnril licr cry out. mid barely
caught the lantern ns It fell from her
huiul. At ilrht I dotilited Hie oldenc
of my own eyes, snntchlng the lilt of
flaring candle from Its tin socket mid
holding It where the full gluro of
light fell across the grew.somo ohject.
Ay, It was a woman, with lower limbs,
douhled hack from lack of space, hut
otherwise lying as though she slept, so
perfect In preservation her cheeks ap
peared Hushed with health, her lips
liulf Mulling, It was n face of real
beauty an English face, although her
eyes and hair were dark and her man
tllla and long earrings were unques
tionably Spanish. A string of pearls
encircled her throat, and there were
numerous rings upon her lingers. The
very contrast added Immeasurably to
the horror.
"Sho Is alive I Surely she Is alive!"
The words were nobbed Into my car
from Dorothy's lips.
"Alive No, that Is Impossible!" I
touched tho figure with my hand. "The
flesh Is like stone," I said, "thus held
lifelike by somo magic of tho Indies.
What enn It all mean? Who could the
woman bo? It Is lovo or hate?"
"Not lore, Gcoffry. Lovo would
never do this thing. It Is hate, tho
gloating of revenge; thero can bo no
other answer this Is tho end of a
There was nothing, not a scrap of
paper, not even tho scmblanco of n
wound exposed. The smile on those
parted lips had becomo one of mock
ery; I could bear tho sight no louger,
and rose to my feet, clasping Dorothy
close to me, as sho still gazed down In
fascination at the ghastly sight.
"Wo will navcr know Tho mnn who
could tell Is dead."
'Oaptaln Paradllla?"
"Who else could It be? This was
his ficbooccr, and hero ho alono could
hide such a secret There Is nothing
more we can learn, and the horror un
nerves are. Hold the light, dear, while
,1 replace tho lid of the chest."
It required my utmost effort to no
complish this. I was glad to have tho
thing hidden, to escapo the staro of
those fixed eyes, tho death emtio of
thoso red lips. It was no longer n
reality but n dream of delirium; I
dare not think or speculate my only
desire being to get away, to get Dor
othy away. In absolute terror I drew
her with me to tho open door then
stopped, paralyzed; tho half revealed
figure of a man appeared on the cubln
"Stop! Who arc you?"
"Watklns, sir. I camo below to call
fou. There's sumtliln' bloomln' odd
takln' place out thero In tho fog, Gap
tain Carlyle. We want ycr on deck,
sir, right away."
The Boat Attack.
He waited for us Just without the
companion, but my eyes caught noth
ing unusual as I emerged Into tho
daylight. I could barely sec amidships,
and on either Bide hung tho Impene
trable bank of cloud, leaving sea and
sky Invisible.
"What Is It, Watklns? Whero nro the
"Forrnrd, sir, n-hangin over tho star
board rail. Thar's somcthln' cursedly
strange a-happenln' in that fog. Ole
was tho first ter hear tho clatter ov
en oar sllppln' In a rowlock. Then,
sir, whllo wo wus a-llstenln' we both
caught sound ov n Spanish oath,
spoko as plain aa If tho buck was
"A lost boat, likely shipwrecked
sailors adrift In tho fog; perhaps our
other qunrterbont. No one hailed
"No, sir; I told the men ter keep still
till I called you."
Tho crew wero nil gathered nt the
rail, staring out Into tho mist, whis
pering to each other. I pressed my
way in among them. Wo may have
been clinging thero a mlnuto of two,
breathlessly listening. Then a voice
spoko directly In front of mo out from
the dense fog.
Try tho port oar, Pedro; wo must
hay missed the d n ship."
I straightened np as though 6truck,
my eyes seeking thoso of Watklns, who
stared back at me, his mouth wide
opea in astonishment.
To heard that?" I whispered. "Do
yon know who spoke?"
"Do I? Dead or alive, sir, it was
lianas! Estevan."
"Ay; no other, and alive enough, no
doubt. Lads, corao close to mo and
listen they must not hear us out
there. By somo dovll's trick tho Na
mor has followed our course, or cleo
yonder are a part of his crow cast
away. They clearly know of us per
haps had n glimpse through some rift
in the cloud and are seeking to
board with a boat party. TU not like
ly those devils know who we aro;
probably take us for a merchant ship
been! mod In the fog and liable to he
come an easy prey, If they can only
slip on us unseen. How are you, bul
lies? Heady to battle jour old mates?"
"Those were no mates o ours, sir,"
said Watklns Indignantly. "They are
half-breed mongrels, and no sailors;
Hstovan Is a hell-hound, an' so far as
my voice goes, I'd rather die on this
deck than ever agin lie a bloody pirate.
It that the right words, lads?"
The others grumbled assent, but
their muttered words had In them a
ring of sincerity, and their faces ex
hibited no cowardice. One only asked
a question.
"I'm fer llghtln', sir," he snld grim
ly, "but what'Il we use? Them lads
ain't comln' aboard bare-handed, but
damn If I've seed n weapou on this
"Dar's three knives, an' n meat
cleaver In der galley, sah," chimed In
"We'll do well enough ; somo of you
hnve your sheath knives yet, and tho
rest can use belaying pins and capstan
bnrs. The point Is to not let them get
aboard, and, If there Is only one boat,
wo will be pretty even-handed. Pick
up what you can, and man this rail
quietly now, hearties, and keep your
eyes open."
It proved n longer wait than I ex
pected. Unable to withstand tho In
action any longer I turned and took a
few steps aft, thinking to gauge our
progress by tho wako astern. I was
abaft the cabin on the port side when
Dorothy called my name a sudden ac
cent of terror In her voice.
The alarm was sounded nono too
soon. Either fortune, or skill, had
served those demons well. They had
succeeded In circling the stern of tho
Santa Marie, unseen and unheard by
anyone aboard. Even as sho shrieked
the alarm, a hand was at her throat,
and sho wns struggling desperately In
the merciless grip of a half-naked In
dian. Yet at that they were too late, tho
advantage of surprise had failed them.
A half dozen had reached the deck,
leaping from tho rail, tho others below
clambering after their leaders, when
with a rush we met them. It was a
fierce, mad fight, fist and club pitted
against knife and cutlass, but tho de
fenders struck like demons lucarnnte.
I doubt if the strugglo lasted two mln
tcs. I heard the blows, tho oaths, tho
cries of pain, tho dull thud of wood
ngalnst bone, the sharp clnug of steel
In contnet, the shuffling of feet on the
deck, tho splnsh of bodies hurled over
board. Each man fought for himself,
In his own way. I thought only of her,
and leaped straight for her assailant
with bare hands, smashing recklessly
through tho hasty guard of his cutlass
and gripped the copper devil by hair
and throat I knew sho fell to the
deck beneath our feet, but I had my
work cut out for me. Ho was a hell
hound, slippery ns an eel In his half
nakedness, strong ns an ox. and fight
ing llko a fiend. Yet I had him foul,
my grip unbreakable, as I forced his
neck back ngalnst tho rail, until It
cracked, the swarthy body sliding Inert
to the decje. Whirling to nssist tho
others I found no need. Except for
bodies hero and there tho deck was
cloar; men wero struggling In tho
chains; two below In the boat were
endeavoring to enst off, and Schmltt,
with Estevnn helpless In his arms,
staggered to tho side and flung the
shrieking Spanish cur overboard out
Into dark water. I heard the splash as
ho fell, the slnglo cry his lips gave, hut
ho never again uppeared above tho sur
face. Above tho bedlam Watklns
roared out an order.
"That's it, bullies! Hint's It! Now
let her drop 1 We'll send them to hell
where they belong. Good shot; sho
landed 1"
It was the hank of n spnre anchor,
bnlnnced for an Instant on the rnll,
then sent crashing down through the
frail bottom of tho boat beneath. Tho
wreck drifted away Into tho fog, the
two miserable occupants clinging des
porately to the gunwales. I lifted
Dorothy to her feet, and she clung to
mo unsteadily, her face yet white.
"Watklns, have you figured lip re
sults?" "Two of our men aro cut rather
badly, and ono hasn't come to yet from
a smart rap on the head."
"Nono got uwny?"
"Not 'less they swum, thar's six dead
ones aboard. Four took ter the water,
mostly becauso they hed to. Tho only
llvln' ono o' tho bunch Is thet nigger
'longsldo tho wheel, an' nuthln' but a
thick skull saved him."
"Then thero wero eleven In tho
party. What do you suppose has be
como of the others aboard tho Na
inur?" "I dunno, sir; thoy might be n waltln
out thoro In fog. Perhaps the nigger
cud tell you."
I crbBscd over to where the fellow
sat on a grating, his head In his bands,
the girl still clinging to my sleeve, as
though foarful of being left alono. The
man was a repnlslve brute, his face
stained with blood, dripping from
cut ncross his low forehead. lie looked
up sullenly at our approach, but mado
no effort to rise.
"Look yere, you black villain,"
roared Watklns, driving the lesson
home with his foot, "don't be n plnyln'
possum ycr. Stnnd up an' answer Mis
ter Carlyle, or ycr'll git a worse clip
than I give yer ufore. Whar Is the
bloody hark?"
"Pounding her henrt out on tho
rocks yonder," he snld civilly, "unless
she's slid off an' gone down. To tho
west, maybe a mllo er so."
"What about tho crow?"
"They got away In tho boats, an
likely mostly nro ashore. We wero In
the last boat launched, and headed
out so far ter get 'round a ledge o'
rocks we- got lost In the fog, Then tho
mist sorter opened an' give us n
glimpse o' yer topsails. We didn't ex
pect no light, once wo got aboard."
"Expected to find something easy, of
course? Perhaps It would have been
If what Is It you see out there,
The seaman, who was standing with
hollowed hands shading his eyes, stnr
Ing forth Into the swirling drapery of
fog. tinned at my call and pointed ex
citedly. "There's a bark aground yonder, sir;
and It looks like the Namur!"
Even as I crossed the deck to his
side thu wreaths of obscuring mist
seemed to divide, as though swept
apart by .some mighty hand, and thero
In the full glow of the sun, u picture
In a frame, lay the wrecked vessel.
Others saw It as I did, and gavo vent
to recognition.
"Damned If It ain't tho old hooker l"
"She got what was coming to her nil
right mutes."
"And she's lousy with treasure!"
"Como here, Sam I Thut's the lasl
of the Namur."
The Last of the Namur.
Tho vessel was plainly n total wreck,
rapidly pounding to death on a sharp
ledge of rock. lioth masts wero down,
and, lifted as the bow was, It was easy
to perceive the deck was In splinters
where falling spars and topmasts had
crushed their way through. Tho bows
had caught, seemingly Jammed In be
tween rocks, tho stern sunk deep, with
cabin port holes barely above reach of
tho wuves. Not a living thing appeared
on board, and, as the fog slowly drifted
away, my eyes could discern no sign
of any boat, no evidence of tho crew,
along tho wide sweep of water. A
voice aroused me.
"What wus It you said, Jack, 'bout
treasure on tho old hooker? Why not
get It aforo it's too late?"
"It's thar. alliright, Ole," and I knew
the speaker to be Haines. "Ain't It,
Mr. Carlyle?"
"Yes, lads, there must be money on
board, unless thoso fellows took It
with them In the boats. I know of
fifty thousand pounds stolen In Vir
ginia, und no doubt thero Is more than
that Tho bark Is liable to slldo off
that rock any minute and go down like
a stone. What do you say. bullies?
Here Is a risky Job, but a pocket full
of gold pieces, If wo can get aboard
and safely off again. Who'll go across
with me?"
Thero was a bnbel of voices, the men
crowding about me, all else forgotten
as greed gripped their Imaginations.
"Stnnd back, lads l I cannot uso all
of you. Four will bo enough. You'll
not lose anything of what we bring
back; it'll be share and share alike, so
fall, to, hearties."
I paused an Instant to speak to
Dorothy, seated on tho flag locker, ex
plaining to her swiftly my object In
exploring the wreck und pledging my
self not to bo reckless In attempting
to board. I read fear in her eyes, yet
she said nothing to dissuade me.
I slipped down a rope and dropped
Into the boat, taking my place with a
steering onr nt the stern, and wo shot
away through tho green water. Tho
Namur proved to be a more complete
wreck than our distant view hud re
vealed, mid lying In a moro precarious
position. It was no pleasant Job get
ting abonrd, but ordering Haines to nc
compnny me, und the others to He by,
I made use of a dangling backstay, and
thus hauled myself up to n reasonably
secure footing. Tho fellow Joined mo
breathless, and together wo perched
on the rnll to gain view of tho deck.
It was a distressing, hopeless sight
tho vessel rising before us like tho
roof of u house, the deck planks stovo
In, n horrible Jumble of running rig
ging, booms and spars, blocking tho
way forward. There were three bodies
tangled In the wreckage within our
sight, crushed out of all human re
semblance, and tho fnco of a negro,
cnuglit beneath tho ruins of the galley,
seemed to grlu back nt me In duath.
Every timber groaned ns tho waves
struck and rocked tho sodden mass,
and I had no doubt but tliut tho vessel
hud already broken In two.
Bigger and Heavier Hen Fruit
It Is thought by nuturallsts that tho
eggs of domestic hens of tho present
day aro larger and heavier by nearly a
third than thoso of the hens of the
ancients. Eggs differ a good deal In
weight, the average weight being about
two ounces. A good egg Is mndo up
of ten parts shell, 00 parts white
and SO parts yolk. Tho whlto of an
egg contains 80 per cent water. Tho
shell contains about 2 per cent animal
matter and 1 per cent of tho phos
phates of lime and magnesia, tho rest
consisting of carbonate of lime. Half
the various specimens of snakes lay
eggs. Instead of shell the covering of
the egg Is a tough, white, leathern Mb
stance. Tho largest egg of any bird t
day is tho ostrich egg.
1& J HI fXJr fl Urn r
fetst '-'-'-xr-'i Bfls
Heauty doctoring has become a rec
ognized profess. on, and the use of lo
tions, cleansing creams, and many
other toilet preparations, Is an estab
lished habit with thousands of wom
en. There Is no getting nwny from
the fact that complexion and hair re
spond to the care and treatment that
.counteract the ravages of Mia, wind,
work and, to a great ostein, time.
Those who have most successfully
combated these enemies of beauty say
that It Is the little time (say a quarter
of an hour) that Is given EVEUY DAY
to the complexion or the hair, the reg
ular blyeaiiy visit to the dentist,
whether there Is an apparent trouble
with the teeth or not, und the ability
to avoid worry, that barf kept them
looking young and fair for many more
years than their negligent sisters.
Care of the Hands.
Hands get considerable rough
.treatment, but some women manage to
,keep them sightly notwithstanding the
housework they must do. The homely
nnd Inexpensive oils, acids and pow
ders that uuyouo has will answer ns
well ns uny others In the care of the
First of nil the hands must be thor
oughly cleaned before treatment for
uny defect Js applied to them.
A scouring brush should be used
with a mild soap and lukewarm water
Frocks for
By twos and threes, with arms en-i
.twined, schoolgirls nru sauntering
'through tho streets anil gladdening
our worldworn hearts. It seems that
their slender, supple bodies wero
never so fittingly and becomingly chid
jus they are this fall.. Since mothers
jhnve grown discriminating, and spe
cialists havo devoted their energies
to providing clothes for tho young
(perHon who goes to school and other
wise occupies her time, we havo ap
parel for the young miss that Is a
'thing of beauty and a Joy till bho
'outgrows It.
Any of tho plain and substantial
dress materials of wool nro suited to
tho very pretty frock for n girl of
wlxteen (or somowhere neir that nge)
which Is bo adequately shown In tho
photograph nbove. Trlcotlne or sorgo
nnd gabardine rank together In point
of serviceability.
The frock pictured Is of serge, In
dark blue, and Is brightened up with
h vest of trlcoletto In Amcrlcnn Beau
ty 6hude that has three groups of
tbreo tucks each to embolllsh It.
Thero Is n grent vogue for this color
combination In schoolgirls' dresses
this fall, tho red usually showing In
pipings and In small Insets. In this
frock the1 bodice turns back nt each
sldo of tho vest In straight rovers
bound with silk braid, llko tho frock
In color, and thero aro tbreo snappy
Httlo brass buttons set on each rover,
Tho uso of braid and buttons In ad
dition to tho Introduction of n colored
vest makes an unusual amount of
trimming for n dress of this kind, but
It Is well-planned nnd not overdone,
very youthful In character, and It Is
K saal aaaaB taS 'aaaaaaaaaaV saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatt mt jUV
every night, and apply It vigorously
drying the hands thoroughly; use t
teaspoonful of borax to u basin ol
Any simple soap may be used, but
strong kinds should he avoided. A nail
brush Is necesKiry, und an Inexpensive
one will bo as cleansing as u costly
As soon as the hands are wet they J
must be lathered, and then the brush
rubbed over the soap and the palms
and hacks scrubbed, brushing so tho
skin will not be Irritated, yet suin
clontly brisk to take out the dirt.
To Whiten Hands.
A very good bleaching paste can be
used nt night, avoiding the nails, with
a pair of kid gloves worn over It.
Snowy hands ure produced by dip
ping them In almond oil; let them ab
sorb all the oil, ami then dip them In
French chalk and wear a pair of loose
old gloves that night. Another plan
Is to wash the hands In peroxide of
hydrogen, letting It dry on them, nnd
then rub on cold cream and wear old
kid gloves. In thu morning wash off
with lemon Juice, vinegar or elder, hot
water, and then a disappearing cream
Stained Hands.
Cream of tartar will remove dyi
stains from the hnnds. Hub with soap
I and apply the powder thoroughly.
more than likely to please Its
Tho length of the skirt In n dress
like this varies a little according to
the age and figure of tho girl It Is
made for. If she Is under sixteen It
will ho about that of tho frock pic
tured. A neat-looking box plait nt tho
front, with wide plnlts at each sldo
and In the bnck, take care of tho full
ness about the waist, and a brnhl
binding nnd three buttons finish olT
tho opening nt the side. Tho bodlca
nnd skirt nro sot together under a
wide, plain belt of tho goods that but
tons nt tho left sldo.
Narrow hill; braid Is considerably
used for finishing frocks for girls ns
well ns suits for them nnd for grown
ups. It appears in neat rows and as
a binding with better effects than
over, but It must bo faultlessly placed
and sewed.
The Linen Fiock.
Shown sldo by sldo with frocks of1
batiste, organdie, dotted swlss ad
chnmbruy, thero uro tho loveliest
frocks of linen In whlto' nnd dellcato
colors. Both tho lino soft linen, almost
like tho French handkerchief linen,,
nnd tho heavy coarse weavo nro liked.;
Tho heavier quality makes up beauti
fully Into tailored dresses, suits or
Hats nro also mado of this coarse
linen. Ono lovely model was in a
dellcnto shiido of pink and was
trimmed with a heavy cotton fringe.
After Being Relieved of Or
ganic Trouble by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable
Oregon, HI." I took Lydln E. Pink
oam'b Vegetable Compound for nn or-
-game trouble which
pulled me down un
til I could not put my
foot to tho floor and
could scarcely do my
work, and ns I livo
on n small farm nnd
rnisc six hundred
chickens every year
it mado it very hard
for me.
"I saw the Com
pound advertised in
our paper, nnd tried
it. .It has restored
my health so I can do all my work and
I am so grateful that I am recommend
ing it to my friends." Mm. D. M.
Alters, R. H. 4, Orepon. 111.
Onlywomcnwholmve suffered tho tor
tures of such troubles and havo dragged
alone; from day to day can realize the
relief which this famous root and herb
remedy, Lydia E. Pinkhnm'a Vogetablo
Compound, brought to Mrs. Alters.
Women cverywhero in Mrs. Alters'
condition should profit by her recom
mendation, and if thero aro any com
plications write Lydia E. Pinkhnm's
medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for advice.
Tho result of their 40 years experience
is nt your service.
Often Caused by
How can anyan with a sour, (assy
stomach, who la conitnntly belching, haf
heartburn and suffers from Indigestion hav
anything but a bad breath? All of thesa
stomach disorders mean Just one thing
EATONIC, the wonderful new stomach
remedy In pleasant tasting tablet form that
you eat like a bit of candy, brings quick
relief from these stomach miseries. KATON
IC sweetens the breath because It makes the
stomach sweet, cool and comfortable. Try It
for thnt nasty taste, congested throat and
"heady feeling" after too much smoking.
If neglected, Acld-Stumm-li may cause you
a lot of serious trouble. It leads to ner
vousness, headaches, Insomnia, melancholia.
i. molancholla,
trouble, ulcer J
It makes III A)T
ind miserable, "I
I tired out. It
iwalldlsm, pre-
rneumattsm, sciatica, heart
and cancer of the stomach.
millions of victims weak and
listless, lacking In energy, all tlr
often brings about chronic Invalidism, ore-
mature old age, a shortening of one's days.
you need the help that EATONIC can glvi
you It you are not feeling as strong and
well as you should. Tou will be surprised
to see how much better you will feel Just aa
oon as you begin taking this wonderful
stomach remedy. Get a big 60 cent box
from your druggist today. He will return
your monoy If you are not satisfied.
(Tor your acid-stomacjS
Skin Tortured
-tt uauica uiccu
: A Pm f
Alter luttcura
All dru twists: Soap 25, Olntmen 1 25 ind CO, Talcum 28.
sample cacn rre ok "imicoji, mp. -, bwmd."
Any Old Job.
A convlvlnlist plying the Intriguing
streets of Boston with n full cargo
of liquor on board, observed a legend
which ran, "Murderer Wanted," nnd
taking time by the forelock, entered
the station house and said to the ser
geant: "I'll take that Job."
How's This?
We offer $100.00 for any case of catarrh
that cannot bo cured by HALL'S
en Internally and acts through the Blood
on the Mucous Surfaces of the Hystem.
Sold by druggists for over forty year
Price 76c. Testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Such Is Life.
"What's the row?" "Tho member
of tho committee nro scrapping vio
lently over the selection of a loving
cilP." Lots of men, nfter laying up some
thing for a rainy tiny get discouraged
because It does not rain.
Eat Less and Take
To Pulon Flesh
Frederick B. Kolle. M. D.. Edttor of
New Yorlc Physicians' "Who's Who,"
says thaC weak, nervous people who want
Increased weight, strength and nerve
force, should take a 6-graIn tablet of
Iiltro-Pliosphato ust botoro or during
each meal. . .
This particular phosphato is the dls
covcry of a ruinous French scientist, and
reports of remarkable results from Its
use havo recently appeared in many
medical journals.
If you do not feel well; If you tire
easily; do not sleep well, or aro too thin:
KO to any good druggist and get enough;
Bttro-Phosphate for a two weeks' ewp
ply It costs only fifty cents a week.
Eat less; chow your food thoroughly,
and If at the end of a fow weeks you
do not feel stronger and better than you
have for months; If your nerves are not
steadier; If you do not sleep better and
have moro vim, endurance and vitality,
your monov will be returned, and tho
Bltro-Phosphato will cost you nothing.
Hair balsam
A toilet preparation of merit.
Helps tot mdlcsto dandruff.
Beaut? to Gray and Faded I lair
"' -
OOO, ana ml wn urm; "
HINDERCORNSltrraOTfi Corns. C!-
ifinm- AtA.. atnna All nalti. naurs comfort to tha
feat. mW wslklns- tur. livo. br mall or at !ruc
(1st. Ulscoz Cbemlcal Works, 1'atonocMa, N. T.
iVmtsnn JO. Colaman,
atant Lawyer. WttblDKU)D.
1). O. AdTlea and boon fre.
' BsM reasonable. nisOMtrttertnoai. UemarrlCM.
it, f rn k? "6J