The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 25, 1919, Image 1

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4 Newspaper That Gives The News Flty-twa Weeks Each Year Ftr SI.50
1 We buy and sell all issues of Liberty and
Victory Bonds at the market. If you
desire to buy or sell, call on us
Interest paid on Time Deposits
Deposits Guaranteed by Depositors
Guarantee Fund of State of Nebraska
Webster County Bank
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Edward Flounce, Prejident S. R. Florance, Cashier
irniMn iun:!iuitr.iiini:i:inanii!i4iuii;niinTJiiir.:L,ifU(i:iiiiiinriiiiari;iu::ri:!iinuiii: vm mmsww 1 ' . wmirarattm.,, h
1 !
Here is a few money savers selected at random
from our stock. Many others that space does
, permit us to quote. Come in and investifate.
BLUE RIBBON COFFEE High grade coffee
at a very low price. You should try it. Lb.
If you have used MRS. ROHRERS COFFEE
you know its quality, if not, try a package
BOOTH'S SARDINES Best oh the market
In large oval cans, now priced at, per can
BACON Very best quality. We know you
you will Jike it. Special at, per pound
Fine, solid, smooth CABBAGE per 100 lbs 2.25
Wcjiist received another big shipment of DISHES.
Our stock oj Queens-ware is alwajr complete. Let as '
knoiv jour wants. Come in ami see this big line.
P. A. Wullbrandt
Groceries and Queensware
Slip-on Styles with Sleeves
lt Slip-on Styles wijiliout Sleeves
In Coat Styles with Style
Collars and Belts
fe. Barbara Phares
Agent gor Ladies Honte Journal Patterns
All Sizes in Childrens Half Sox
County Quota Assured
Tho big drive for funds for the Hal
vntion Army is on throughout the
county. Phone repot ts coming in to
duy indicate tlitit our neighboring
towns ure busy with the work. (JiiMo
Hook hits reached their quota of SlOo
and 1 1 a try Vattghan states that they
expect to have S700 before the drlro
comes to 1111 end.
'A communication from L. 12 Spenco
of Itludun informs'tts that the drlvo is
progressing nicely in li is tenitory and
without n doubt they will go over the
Cecil Matthew phoned lis that they
will not be found wanting when the
roll is culled at the expiration of the
given time, i'lans are under way for n
big benefit ball which will add eonsld
01 able to then- rapidly glowing fund.
And what about Hod Cloudy As yet
they have not leported. or have we seen
inueh acthlty along this line, l'ossi-j
bly theie will he an eleventh hour
landslide ot cash and the goal will be
leached, ileie is hoping that uc go
ovor the top.
j Litter Uladett exceeded its rjtiota by
Organize Delphian Chapter
At two o'clock on Ftiday afternoon,
September 10th, at the Auld Public
Library, the organization of the Ited
Olotnl Delphian Chapter was complet
cd The work was in charge of Mrs.
L. Hughes, national organizer, of St
A class of sixtylive ladies were pres
ent, Mrs. Hughes stating that it was
the largest class every taking part iu
an organization, in any one town.
The organization is lion-sectarian
and non-partisan, its object being per
sonal Improvement, voctul progress and
higher education.
The chapter will have at it disposal
a tree consulting bureau, from which
members and associate n embers rela
tives residing iu the same household
with a charter member may recoive
infoimation and authentic dataontiny
subject in which they may bo interest
ed. One feature not found in other or
ganizations is that there will be no
local dues, only such as thlT Chapter
may seo fit to levy for postage and in
cidentals.) Regular meetings will be held at the
Library on the second aud fourth
Tuesday afternoons ot each month.
The first regular, meeting will take
place on October 14th.
The course of study embraces the
period of time from the days of the
tlrst inhabitants to our present race
aud year.
President Mrs. Carrie Sherwood.
Vice President Mrs. Cora V. Pot
ter. Secretary and Treasurer Mrs. C. J.
Reporter Mrs. Lois Edson.
Local Secretary for national organ
ization in full charge of membership '
Mrs. Clara Wulker.
"Checkers," the big spectacular
melodrama will come to the Orphcum
next Monday, Tuesday and Wednes
day. Jean Acker, Thomas J. Carrigan and
Ellen Cassity. have the three princi
pal roles and there arc fifty other
prominent parts in addition to the j
many hundreds of extra people used ,
inN the massive prduction. The great
racing s-conc at Uclmont race track;
the smashing train wreck on the Jer
sey Central Railroad; Chinatown and
its followers; festive moments in New
York cnbaiots; thrilling action, and
the chase underground; all combine to
support the producer's contention that
"Checkers" is the greatest melodramu
ever filmed.
One of the many thrills provided
is the rescue of the hero and heroine
from a rowboat. And the rescuing Is
done by a hydroplane- which alights
near them and they clasp the broad
wings of the machine- and climb
"Checkers" promises heart throbs
and thrills galore.
Friday evening, Sept. 20, at 8 p. m.
1. March "General Pershing" by
Barry. j
2. Selection from "Going Up," !'
Hirsch. !
3. Negro Oddity "Do Possum And
Do Coon," by Gilbert. I
4. Hungarian Dance "The Puszta
Maiden," by Roberts.
5. Waltz Song "The Land Of Lul-
laby," by Jcllcn. I
6. Selection of American National
Songs by Lampe. .
Star Spangled Hnnncr. '
Married at College View
The marriage of Miss Quern Welti
ltolmer to Kin lev M Ilriuhl, ot lied
Cloud, took phtcu nt S a in. Thursday
at tjie- h.iinc it' thebndeS inither, Mrs j
Jeste Weinheinier, Tuelth ami V
Streets, College View. The ceremony
wn,perfoiiued by Hlder Trtibey. Mr
and Mrs. J K Ostprtiiillei' acted its best
titan and matron of honor. The blide
wore while crepti de chine and catried
a bomiuet of nlnk and white roos. A
wedding breakfast was served to the
guests, among whom was Mrs. Ettle
Weinheimer, of Rice, Minn., grand
mother of the bride Mr. and Mrs
liright left immediately after the cere
moti V1 for Red Cloud where they will
make their home. Roth blide and
groom.aru former students of Union
College. FridavV State Journal.
w .. :
List of Jurors
The following is the list of Jurors '
drawn for the September term of Dis
trict Court which convenes September
Frank Strobl
12 d Overlng
V. A Ilasebrook
12. H..Funk. Jr.
Cecil MuL'all
P. M. Whitehead
tJeo. Denton
J V Kropp
.1. II. Frey
Ed Crary
William Johnou
Lawrence Doyle
Peter Mcintosh
Wat. Leetsch
ltert. Leomtid
Sherman Uee.ley
li. P. Johnston
T. W. White
Walter Cottier
James Simpson
W J. Meyer
E. W. Ashley
Ed Oorley
in Cabinets of Exquisite Beauty
You know, of course, that so far as the reproduction of
music is concerned there is but one instrument which
RE-CREATES it with proven ability. That instrument is
"The Phonograph with a Sour
the only invention which has successfully met the tone
test, the test of direct comparison with the livintf artist.
To achive this result cost 53,000.000 in experimental work.
But do you realize that the superiority of the instrument
is now reflected in the superiority of the case which con
tains it? With but two exceptions, each New Edison, no
matter what its price, is now encased in a period cabinet.
Built of thoroughly seasoned and selected genuine Ma
hogany or selected quarter sawed White Oak by crafts
men whose pride in their work is apparent in its perfect
ion, these cabinets are masterpieces. We ask you to in
spect the display of Hcppel white, Sheraton, Chippendale,
Jacobean, William & Mary and Eighteenth Century Eng
lish cabinets now on view in our store." They are replicas
of those exhibited this month at the Hotel Cqmmodorc,
New York City.
E. H. Newhouse
Optometrist and Jeweler
Coal Shed Tragedy
Old King Brady, of dime novel fame,
has nothing on Sheriff Huffer when it
comes to locating the scene of action
of those violating the law, as was dem
onstrated last Thursday afternoon,
when his sudden appearance in the
doorway of the coal she Is at the city
power house broke up a little crap
game. The following day three of the
boys appeared before Judge Ranney,
voluntarily, and paid a fine of $2 each,
while the remaining eight, who wait
ed for a written iuvitation were as
seised Si each The young men also
received a little timely advice, gratis,
from the judge. This being their ilrst
itppearauce before his honor, he was
lenient witli them.
Speaking of tho proposed park in
Hod Cloud wo have n little Informat
ion for tho citizens who aio interested
iu the matter. P. M. Harlow, ouo of
our progressive farmers, called ou us
on ouu day this week and requested us
to inform the people that he has abo'ut
lot) cholco red and white elm trees,
from 1 to IU feet tall, that ho will give
to the pink, iu order that suilluient
shade may be found by those desiring
to escape the hot rays of old Sol. Here
Is a starter. Any one else willing to
lend a hand iu this good work?
In otdor to assist the parents of .tl e
city iu the mutter of having their
child) en form the habit of retiring
early the city intends to co-operate
with them, to the extent of enforcing
tho curfovv ordlnauco. Promptly at
nine o'clock, each evening, tbewhistlo
at the no wot house will be blown, as
a reminder to nil those under the age
of 18 years that they must be at home.
Any boy or girl within the ago limit,
wiio is not accompanied by patents or
guardian, that remains ou the streets
after that hour is liable to punishment
as provided by the curfew ordinance,
Discount for the next 10
days on our famous
Anker Holth
Cream Separator
This is your opportunity
to get a high grade sepa
rator at a Big Saving.
' They are all new ones, in perfect order,
subject to your inspection. Offer good
ten daysonly, and a" limited stock. If
you want one HURRY. Come in today.
Farmers Union
J. F. Edwards, Mgr. Red Cloud, Neb.
"NOT IN THE COMBINE"'iraiiM'iiil'i