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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1919)
4a TT' ' i . 'tf , ( wwfrWU iw4f-Miniiiiiiii'iii; ! -. .... m.111 iwm rfiiitfihwwfcM'fc MMM T) CLOUD, WIBRAiKA, dHIEF 7F WH lllb HIV vltl fir l ill W Chesterfield CIGARETTES of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos -blended mtt R I Satisfy ? HJ 4 1 Farm Burfeau Notes 77 5y 50 A'OHj ChetttrfieliTs mohture proof package kttpt them firm and fresh, vhatever the weather. THIS Chesterfield cigarette does more than please the taste. It gives smokers a new kind of cigarette enjoyment, the one thing they've always wished for in a cigarette-Chesterfields let you know you're smok ing they go straight to your smoke-spot they satisfy. It's because of the blend an exactly pro portioned blend of the finest Turkish and Domestic tobaccos. And the formula for this blend is Tie manufacturer's secret. It cannot be copied or even closely imitated. Today ask your dealer for "those ciga rettes that satisfy. SCRUB PUKE IJKEDS Pedigrees do not make animals. In every family of pure bred live stock some scrubs occur. The regis tration of an animal is not necessar ily a Kiuuantoo of its own excellence; it merely indicates what the animal has behind it. It may or may not be lcflccted in the animal itself. Natur ally, innt of the lOgiateied animal?, aie good individuals ana they hae the ability to transfer the character istic which they have inherited to their offspring, but there aie a good many scrub pure breds. Occasionally a farmer refers to an ordinary bull or boar which lie has purchased at a very normal price but at a high price, considering the in dividual as a pure bred, or he will confide in proud tones that the ani mal is eligible to registry. Many of these animals actually could not be registered, but even though'they ware they could be picked an scrubs as far as they were risible. A man wastes money when ho pays more than rcrub pi ice for scrub pure-bred. Well bred grades in many cases would be a better purchase. Of course, p-digrces an valuable and they must be considered. Men who know puvo-n'vd live stock could not use an individual, no matter how excellent it was unless its pedigree were above suspicion. However, good breeders arc just as careful to elim inate scrub pure-breds. Tlie fact that an animal comes from registered There is a possibility that it does, but occasionally there arc sports from purc-breds which revert to the very commonest kinds of animals. The farmer should be very careful in selecting breeding animals and he should be able to tell 'whether or not the animal he expects to buy mea sures up to the quality indicated by the pedigree. Do not purchase an an imal which Is " eligible to registry" merely upon the statement of its owner. If the animal s eligible there must be very definite proof of the fact at hand. If you arc expecting to purchase a puro-bicd animal, do not purchase one that is merely eligible to registry, but make the seller or breeder provide the papers. Above all avoid scrubs. Learn to discriminate .between the good pure-bred and the cnrnli mivn.1irrrl Pull vnill' flock-! as mercilessly as though they belonged j I to another. Retain only those which will improve the breed. If this be done, your reputation as a breeder and your financial standing will be as sured. HENRY R. FAUSCH, County Agricultural Agent. ANNOUNCEMENT Having purchased the slock and business of the Roy Sattley Furniture Store we wish to announce to the public that we will continue the business at the same location, and will at all limes carry a complete and up to date slock of Furniture, Rugs, Linoleums and House hold Furnishings. We respectfully solicit a continuation of the liberal pat ronage given to the store during the years it was con dueled by Mr. Sattley and guarantee you the same couitcous trealmcnt, and will at all times endeavor, thru honest business methods, to merit your good will and patronage. All business intrusted to our care, in cither the Furniture or Undertaking departments, will receive prompt and careful attention. Kindly consider this a personal invitation to call at the slore and become acquainted. We will welcome your visit, whether you havebeen a former patron or not. It will not in any way obligate you to make a purchase. Thanking you in advance; for any and all business favors shbwn us, we are, Respectfully, BECK & BOYER Furniture and Undertaking SnwiraraCT iem; ma 1 i The following letteis will be seut to 1 1 t'ie dead letter olllec Sept. 27. 1019 mi-1 J ts. they ntvea'ted tor before that date: 1 1 Mr- AlU I r v er Mrs Niinnie lldyes S A. U Harbin II 0 Hums Mrs. V 7. I.lgiri'lt Fr.mlc f. Thomas a C It Smith II C I.ET.sON. Po-tmiistev. ! 25th YEAR OF AK-SAR-BEN FALL FESTIVAL OMAHA Sept. 24th toOct. 4th,-1919, Grand Electric Parade Wednesday Night, Oct. 1 Grand Auto-Flower Parade Thursday Afternoon, Oct. 2 Coronation Bali Friday Night, Oct. 3 Con T. Kennedy's Shows 25 Shows and Rides 25 On The GarniYst Grounds Every Afternoon and Evening 15th and Capitol Ave I Public Saie The undersigned will offer at Public Auction at the Roats farms adjoining Red Cloud city on the east, on Wednesday, Sept. 24 Commencing At 1 O'clock, Sharp 27 Head of Stock Described As Follows IS Horses and Mules 7 coming 3-yr old Mules 6 coming 2-yr old Mule 1 good driving team, 7 and 9-yrs old, wt 2100 19 14a! tS Toll-la 2 Cows with Calves by side VL iieaa OF vaiUe Heifers with Calves by side Farm Terms ol Sale9 months 1 0 percent interest, $ 1 0 and under cash TheMargln of Safety Is represented by the amount of Insurance you curry. Don't lull yourself into a fancied security. Because tire has never touched you It doesn't follow that you're immune Tomorrow -no today, if you have time and you better find time come to the ofllce and we'll write a policy on your house, furniture, store or merchandise. -LATKR MAY I1B TOO LATB- O. C. TEEL Reliable Insurance Public Sale Intending to purchase some pure bred livestock, have the fol lowing described property to dispose of at Public Auction at my place of residence, 4 miles west of Red Cloud and 3 miles east of Inavale, Neb., commencing at 1 o'clock, sharp, on Monday, Sept. 22 85 Head of Stock J. H. Ellinger, Auct J. W. Auld, Clerk Harry Roats BUY Hamilton -Gather Olothlng Co. Everything a Mam or may Waara mw4 Otowt Mirkm Dr. Bride DENTIST I OVER STATE UANK 1 REDCLOUD NEBRASKA Land At Stratton, Colo. For Particulars Write to Jos. A. Collins Land Co. Stratton, Colorado 4 Head of Horses and Mules 45 Head of Sheep 45 Dr. R.V. Nicholson DENTIST Olllco Over Albright's Hioro Red Cloud Nebraska E. S. Gao-ber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kindt Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures COMING TO M ANKATO DR. DORAN A SPECIALIST NOT IN NAME ONLY BUT BY EXPERIENCE OF ALMOST A QUARTER OF A CENTURY DOES NOT USE THE KNIFE Will Give Free Consultation on Wednesday, September 24th At Commercial Hotel FrMR 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. ONE DAY ONLY -5L!!!--" 3e Head of Cattle 36 ii "" - rj- medicine Htul surgery unci Is licensed bv the state of Kuiisas. He visits pro fessionally the more important towns, nnd cities, mid offers to all who" cull on "E Sr "IIS 1 FARM MACHINERY, FEED, ETC. wlieti desired. - According to his method of coming TERMS 10 months credit on sums over $10, at 10 per cent interest IwTauThe Tvk peopUnn opportunity I Sums under $10 cash. Property must be settled for before removal. to obtain the best that science ( can otter right at home, lie does not ( , jj fcjr; r Auct nnmti. for chrotiic appendicitis, alliJ . . . ! :. -, s.i i n l stones, ulcofs ot stonmcn, lonsus ur VV. A. 3hcrV00CJ,l IK adenoids. He litis to his credit many wonderful resuttb In diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, filtln, nerves, I heart, itinney, maimer, """"'" I catarrah, leg ulcers an I rectal ailments I ,. ... i..... t..wi nlllnir fill unv II vim uuc uuoii ""'n length of time and do not get any bet ter, do not fail to call, as Improper measures rather than disease are Wry often the enuse of your lonjj standing trouble. Kemomuer above date, that examitm lion on this trip will lie free and that hi treatment N different. Murrlod ladles must como with their husbands and children with tholr par ents. . Address: Medical Laboratory of Dr. Docan, 335-330 Bostou Moot, Mlnne- Unolls. Minn. i n . Gilbert Reed Want the Best in Job Printing? Come to the Chief Normal Weight Perhaps ypu are worried because your child does not pick up In weight? Better try i Scott's Emulsion and watch how it helps make a thin child grow and put on weight. There is nothing quite so strengthening as Scott's Emulsion for a child of any age. cott at Bowne,BIoomfield..W, . . l IT'S UNWISE to pat off to-day's duty until to morrow. If your stomach is acid-disturbed take KH101D5 the net? aid to digestion comfort today A pleasant relief from the discomfort of acid-dyspepsia. MADE BY SCOTT & BOWNE j-IAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION v I w 4 A. i3