RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF WOMEN OF mm LEAGE Necrl Help to Pass the Crisis Safe. lyProof that Lydia E. Pink- Lam's Vegetable Compound Can be Relied Upon. TJtbfinD.Ill. "DurinRChnnKOofLtfo; in addition to its annoying symptoms, I ?w nnu an attack ol grippo which lasted ull winter and left mo in a weakened condition. I felt at times thnt I would never bo well again. 1 read ot Lydia J& il'inkhams vege table Compound , and what it did for women passing through the Change, of Life, sol told my doctor I would try it. I soon began to gain in strength and the annoying svmntomB dis appeared and your Vegetable Compound has made me a well, strong woman so I do all my own housework. I cannot recommend Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege table Compound too highly to women pausing through the Change of Life." Mrs. Frank HensoN, 1316 S. Orchade St, Urbana, 111. Women who suffer from nervousness, "heat flashes," backache, headaches and "the blues" should try this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia . Pink ham'a Vegetable Compound. tmmtmm: KjSriKi laK S JrnAanXi A superstitious Individual says It is a bad sign to write another man's name on u note. A SUMMER COLD A cold In the summer time, as every body knows, Is the hardest kind of a cold to get rid of. The best and quick est way Is to go to bed und stny there If you can. with n bottle of "Rosehce's Syrup" hnndy to insure a good night's rust, free from coughing, with easy ex pectoration in the morning. But If yon enn't stay In bed yon must keep out of draughts avoid sudden ihnnges. eat sparingly of simple food and take occasional doses of Boschee's Syrup, which you can buy at any Btore where medicine Is sold. r. safe and effl flcnt remedy, mwle In America for more than fifty years. Keep It hnndy. Adv. Poverty Is Mie mother of many efforts. Freohen a Heavy Skin With the antiseptic, fascinating Cutl cura Talcum Powder, an exquisitely scented tonvenlent, economical face, skin, baby nnd dusting powder and perfume. Renders other perfumes su perfluous. One of the Cuticura Toilet Trio (Soap, Ointment, Talcum). Adv. Debt makes cowards of us ull pro vided wr are honest. HAD TOOIVE LP Was Almost Frantic With the Pita and Suffering of Kidney Complaint Doan's Nade Her WelL Mrs. Lydia Sinister, 1833 Margaret Bt., Frankford, Pa., nayn: "A cold start ed my kidney trouble. My back began to nche anil got sore and lame. My joints and ankles became swollen and paintui anu u trip nn u needles were sticking in to them. 1 finally had to five up and went from bad to worse. "My kidneys didn't act right and the secretions were scanty and distress ing. 1 had awful dizzy ppells when everything one time I couldn't sec Mi. Shutter for twenty minutes. Awful pains in my head Bet mo almost frantic and I was o nervous, 1 couldn't stand the least noise. How I suffered! Often I didn't care whether I lived or died. "I conldn t sleep on account ot trie terrible pains in my back 'and head. Nothing Ffcmcd to do mc a bit of Rood until I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. I could poon see they were help ing me; the backache stopped, mv kid neys were regulated and I no longer had any dizzy spells or rheumatic pains. I still take Doan's occasionally and thev keep my kidneys in good health. Sworn to before me. F. W. 0AS8IDY, JR., "Notary Public. Ct Doan's at Any Store, 60c at Dox DOAM'S'SSS!? FOSTER-MILBURN CO. BUFFALO, N. Y. re WW HEADACHE Often Caused by ICEBOUND CABIN TOMB OF TRAPPER Dies All Alone In Frozen Wilder ness of the Canadian Northwest. BEAR STORY TOLD BY TROUBLE MAN EPITAPH ON HIS DOOR Wounded Policeman Makes Hazardous Journey of 2,000 Miles to Investi gate Fate of Man Suspected of Being Murdered. Saskatoon, Husk. Kiniiiimuol Peter son, a IltiiNon P.ny company trapper, foil asleep In his lonely cabin In the northern wilderness near Fond du Luc 11! month1" ago. lie lies today Just as he foil asleep, In his bunk with his blankets tucked nronnd him. The wolves that howl nbout his .hnck and the roaring blizzards thnt pile the win ter snows to the clapboard roof will never awaken him from bis slumber. There ho will continue to sleep, pos sibly forever. Ills old log cabin, which ho built htuiM'lf, has become his mausoleum. A sheet of paper tacked on the door bears his epitaph written In English, French Cree nnd Chepc wynn : "This Is the grave of Emanuel Pe terson. Let no man disturb It." Constable M. Chnpplns of the Itoynl Northwest mounted police trnveled 2,000 miles through snow and storm to write that epitaph. Ills return to Saskatoon after a throe-months Jour ney Is the Inst chapter In the tale. Suspected Slaying. News that a man lay dead In a cabin somewhere north of Lake Athahaska trickled down out of the frozen North to Edmonton last February. The man bad been dead then nine months. There was a suspicion that bo might have been murdered. Chnpplns wns assigned to make an Investigation. It Is such work as this that bus built the heroic traditions of Canada's corps of Scarlet Ulders. Ho sot out from Prince Albert. A branch line of one of the transconti nental railways took him beyond the farms to the northern end of the steel highway at Big ltlver. Ho outfitted with a sled and dog team nt Isle a la Crosse and with an lndlnn guide struck Into the wilderness. The ther mometer registered !K) degrees below zero. The snow was two feet deep. At Cree lake the snow was four feet deep and the mercury stood nt f Acid-Stomach Yes, nleed, mora often than you think. Because AC1P-HTOMACH, starting with In. dlffftlon, heartburn, lielchlntt, food-repeat-lnu, bloat and sas. If not checked, will even, tually affect every vital orean of the body Severe, blinding, splitting" headaches are. therefore, ot frequent occurrence as a remit f thla upiwt condition. Take EATON1C. It quickly banlahea acid atnmuch with Its sour bloat, pain and gas. It aids dlKestlon helps the stomach C't full strength from every mouthful of food vnn eat. Mllllnna of Dootile aro miserable, weak, stole ami ailing becauao of ACID BTOMACII. 1'ulsons, created by partly dl seated food charged with acid, are absorbed Into the blood and distributed throughout the cntlrtt aystem, Thla often causes rheu mntlHin, biliousness, cirrhosis of the liver, heart trouble, ulcer and even cancer of the atamach. It robs Its victims of their health, undermines the strength of thi roost vlcorous. If you want to get back your physical and mental strength bo full of vim and rigor enjoy life and bo happy, you must (t rid of your acid-stomach. In BATONIC you will Hnd tha very heir you need and It's guaranteed. 8o get a big iOo box from your druggist today. If It rails to please you, return It and b will raruna your money. Says Bruin Chased Him Up Pole and Then Fell Ten Feet From Top. TTnrdwIek. N. .1. The story of being "poled" by the biggest black bear rang ing the Illue mountains, was told here by Joseph Tltman, a "trouble shooter" or the American Telegraph anil Telephone company .of Strouds burg. Pa. Tltman was repairing wires on the top of a telegraph pole when ho saw a huge black bear charging upon til m from a clump of trees about 10 yards nwny. "I had taken my gun along," said Tltman, "to shoot some ground hogs, and when I left my motorcycle on the Think Texan Has Right Tip. The municipal bat roost and the ordi nance prohibiting thu destruction of the little animals were Introduced In San Antonio, Tex., by a local doctor several years ago. The city bus since enjoyed such gratifying immunity front moMptitofs nut! malaria that the doc tor's fume has gone abroad, lie has now been Invited by the Italian gov ernment to establish a "battery" In that country, nnd by the llritlsh to ex periment with his Idea In India. The InsiilTerahle heat and prolonged rains of the latter country often make the mosquito nuisance a serious menace to national health. Popular .Mechan ics Magazine. A Vo'tQQ From Sioux City, Iowa, soya PE-HU-MA Worth Its WelgSnt In Bold You cannot mistake the words of Mr. W. W. Northrup, of 008 Fourth Street, Sioux City, Iowa. He is enthusiastic about his present health and the merits of I'K-KU-NA aud wants everyouo to know It. Hero is a re cent letter from lilin : 3, W$r !Jr s ' srRBnHusK 'twrV "-X... f.-U. K III t I), ,1 1 'Willie f a& I t 1 Has Become His Mausoleum. i CO degrees below. Packs of gray wolves hung on his trail. They kill ed two of his dogs In nn nttack on his camp. Ho killed them every day by the dozen. This, Chnpplns believes, saved his life, for the half-starved, desperate brutes fensted on the car casses of their dead companions. Faced Snow Alone. A little farther on his lndlnn guide turned bnek. The frozen desolation thnt lay ahead struck him with panic terror. Chnpplns went on alone. Ho drovo ahead two days In tlin teeth of a blizzard. His provisions rnn low. Ho lived on short rations of pemmlcan and ten. At tho silver camp at Darnler he obtained fresh supplies nnd a new guide nnd pressed on to tho Hudson liny post at Fond du He found Peterson's body perfectly preserved In the cold, dry air. Thero were no signs of violence. Peterson's dlnry lay open on a table. The last entry, mnde March 20, 1018, read: "I am very sick. It would ho hell if I should die out hero among the snow drifts all alone." BABY IS LOST IN MOVING Forgotten by Mother, the Child Found Smothered In Mattress. U E ATONIC "Paraded Around That Pole for Two Mortal Hours." edge of tho road about H00 yards away, I thought I'd better take the gun nlong with me. Left the gun nt the foot of the pole and climbed up to make some repairs, .lust as I heard a roar my glance met the biggest black bear I over saw In these parts or anywhere else, charging down on me. He was far enough nwny for me to slip down the pole und get my gun. As I started to climb up again In n hurry, old Itruln reared on his haunches and swiped at me with his paw. He Just missed me and I went up to the top anil he after me. I must hnve been excited, for I shot nil my cartridges at him as he. was climbing the pole. "He got up about ten feet, begun to slip, and tlown ho wont. He reared up on his haunches again nnd Just paraded around that polo for two mortal hours. When I saw I hnd missed him I was so mad that I threw my gun at him. "I was some seared, I'll tell tho world, when that big black fellow started up the pole after me. I took my Held telephone and connected as quick as I could with central nt Stroudsburg nnd told her to send help quick as I had been treed by a bear. "After waiting for mo until ho got tired the bear turned anil ambled off Into the woods. When I thought he. had gone, I shinned down the pole, got my motorcycle und beat It for home." "What gets me," said Tltman, "Is that 1 am a tlrst-class telephone trou ble shooter for my company, and I couldn't shoot my own troubles even when I hnd a gnu." Farmer Is Victim of Own Dynamite Thief Trap Wlnstcd, Conn. When Henry Koehler. flfty-elKht. farmer of West Cornwall, discovered that his barn was being systematical- ly looted, ho fastened dynamite ? over the burn door so that If a 2 thief came at night he would ex- I plode It and be blown up. Last 2 night ho forgot his trap and opened the door without tnklng precautions. The dynamite ex ploded, and Koehler Is now In n hospital suffering with pain ful cuts on the legs mid thighs. L. Preserving Morale. Morale Implies morals, and more. It may be possible to be perfectly clean morally and yet have low morale. Morale Implies hope, courage, determi nation. Many a good man lucks these. He Is good morally, but has lost his grip on the world and himself. In spite of his goodness he Is doomed to tlefeat. On the other linnd n man can't have the highest morale If his life Is not clean. Mental nnd physical Im purity ure bound to leave their stain upon the life. Then In time of stress something will give way nnd the papers will talk about collapse and overwork and things. The only way to meet life's problems Is to keep fit. Thnt menns more thnn mere entlng nnd drinking. It means the proper care of the whole organism. SJK9aaalalaE& 'Ia-xk zTtUKr "rn-RU-NA Is worth Its wflchl in goM nd tlicn some. I tiled lo llilnk it ouly a wo. man's remedy but have changed my mind. I had a coicli. especially in tho morning. After uilnclult n loltlo of FR-UU-NA Wit much boiler. I would couch up chunks of phlccru and mucin, my ej cs itched and both ered me. Judclnc trura llio symptoms given In join almanac it was cal.irrh. My stomach Is lit much better condition since using your medicine." "Use this testimonial, If you with. Don't bctltalo tondvcrtlso the merits of FB-RU-NA." (Signed) W.W. NORTHRUP. There arc thousands Just Ilko Mr. Northrup, kcpticl at first but convinced by a trial of PB-RU-NA. DON'T DE AN UNBELIEVER. If your Iroublo Is of a catarrhal nature, trr TE-RU-NA, then fell your friends. It is fine sifter an attack of grip or Spanish Flu. mold Everywhere Tablets or Liquid rom CATMKMANO ATAHAL CONDITION IMPRISONED IN BANK VAULT Oakland, Cal. Iluslcd with getting her furniture reatly for moving to nn other apartment, Mrs. Joseph Vnlado, placed her month-old baby on a mat tress. She tossed a blanket over it to keep the bnby warm. Tho expressman failed to see the child when ho rolled up tho mattress and blanket and threw the bundlo Into the wagon. The child smothered be fore it was mimed. Assistant Cashier Was Taking Family Over Institution When Child Closed Door. Tulsa, Okln. C. T. Kverett, nn ns slstant cashier of tho First National bank, took his wife and smnll child and his father and mother tlown to thu bank on a Saturday night to see where ho worked. Ho showed them over tho place and then took them Into the safety deposit vault. Tho child closed tho door to tho vnult, locking his par ents and grandparents In. After de bating for some time whether to call the fire department or tho cashier, tho bank employeo called the latter, and Mr. Everett nnd his party were let out, none the worse for their experience. THE MEN IN CLASS Al A sound, healthy man is never a back number. A man can be as vigorous and able at seventy as at twenty. Condition, not years, puts you in tho discard. A system weakened by overwork and care loss living brings old age prematurely. The bodily functions aro impnircd and unpleasant symptoms appear. The weak spot is generally tho kidneys. Keen them clean and in proper working con dition and you will generally find "your self in Class A. Toko GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules periodically and y.our system will always bo in working order. Your spirits will be enlivened, your muscles supple, your mind active, and your body capable of hard work. Don't wait until you havo been reject ed. Commence to be a first-class man now. Go to your druggist at once. Get a trial box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. They arc mado of the pure, original, imported Haar lem Oil tho kind your great-grandfather used Two capsules each day will keep you toned up and feeling fine. Money refunded if they do not help you. Kemember to ask for the imported GOIJ) MEDAL lirand. In three sizes, sealed packages. Adv. Shrewd Farmer. "The boys are entlng your green ap ples," said one of the country hoard ers. "That's nil right," said the farmer. "Let them cat all they want. It will keep them nwny from the tabic for the next three or four days, and I'll charge their daddies for the apples besides." Stated Financially. "Edith Is one of those girls whoso Interest In a man Is governed by his wealth." "I see; the greater tho principal the greater the Interest." Speaks for Itself. "Are you an experienced nvlator?" "Well, I've boon at It three months nnd I'm all hero." Don't Be Discouraged. Tho burning thoughts of tomorrow , are often thrown Into the wnsto bas ket of today. If you don't think n womnn can keep n secret ask the next plump one you meet what sho weighs. Itusy men nearly always are happy men. How's This? We offer $100.00 for any caso of catarrh that cannot bo cured by HALL'S CATARIIH MEDICINE. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is tak n Internally and acts throuRh the Blood on the Mucous Surfacos of the System. Sold by druggists for over forty years. Prlco 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Describing Her. "Is she the kind of womnn who knows it nil?" "No, but she's the kind of woman who tells It nil." HuMSlHUsI JsalalalalalalaBZ.Vj I I BBBSalalB SalalalalalalalalPVw W SalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalaKsa9jVl1!2VViP9siSaBS& HH.ttitfi3uIlM7KB!3w ETjSwiJSzhSU ZBaBBhlL9'9BSlsaSaSaaLi Savory beans, Mexican peppers, choice bits of tender beef all in a hot Spanish sauce! Such is Libby's ChiU Con Carnc ask your croccr for a package today. Try it with rice, mashed potatoes or spachctti it's dclichtful. Iibby, M?NeM & Libby, Chicago LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE GET a package today. No tice the flavorthe whole some taste of Kentucky Burley tobacco. Why do so many "regular men" buy Lucky Strike cigarettes? They buy them for the special flavor of the toasted Burley tobacco. There's the big reason it's toasted, and real Burley. Make Lucky Strike your cigarette. ywasted O Guaranteed by rtf 1 O htfJtwjtsvtjeciuL,(d U iAXtZts d i tmm """ '