The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 18, 1919, Image 5
ii m. aw. 'y-"" 2ZS ll'D OLOOD, '- KBEA1KA, OH 111 ' I SB v i te. .1 ;v .... : i' 3 I . K "ft, 1 '1" 'W W - fc3r .5 ,1 if" fy ,. ORPHEUM iHISMAN fought against the most terrible odds See how fit did i . Jlenrtj M-Blossomk greatest racing drama in the world A fox 'special COMING Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday Sept. 29-30-Oct. 1 as told to us : Ent and drink nt Powell & Pope's Cafe. tf . Father Fitzgerald was in Superior Friday. Eli Cox of Bladen was in the city Sunday. Vm. Kilpatrick of Guide Kock was in the city Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bctz are visiting with friends in the city. K For good eye glusseb and ,6pecs see Mitchell The Jeweler Mrs. D. G. Britton returned home Saturday from Kearney. Finley Bright went to Lincoln on Tuesday to visit friends. m ..Mrs. Fred K'uchn spent Saturday with friends at Superior. Miss Laura Hedge went to Lincoln Saturday to visit friends. E. H. Newhouse returned home on Friday evening from Omaha. Attorney A. M. Walters of Blue Hill was in the city Tuesday. John Q. Potter of Denver is visit ing his brother, Spcnce Potter. C. T. Dickenson went to Ecklcy, Colorado, Friday to visit his son. Geo. Corner and Bruce Frame of Blue Hill were in the city Sunday. Harold Wiggins went to Lincoln Saturday where he will attend college. Ed Garber and Supt. Bradford were in Guide Bock on Monday-evening. ORPHEUM Friday and Saturday Tom Mix In The Coming of the Law 'Rainbow Comedy A ROOF GARDEN ROUGH HOUSE 'Eyes of the Vorld' will not be shown Friday as advertised Monday and Tuesday ROSALIND At Tin: RED GATE from Nicholson's famous btory in two reelB. NEBRASKA NEWS REEL Showing various Nebraska scenes. TWO MEN OF TINTED BUTTE A tworeel western drama. BROWN EYES AND BANK NOTE3 Comedy Intermoun tain news reel, Mary Pica-ford in "AMOItlLLA OP CLOTHES LINK ALLEY" Wednesday Hiid Thurbday L "Afn Q aaarlhe I PRODUCTION I Buy Brend at Powell and Popes Art Gilbert attended the Franklin County Fair at Franklin last Thurs day. Mrs. Alice Homer and Mr. and Mr. C. D. Whitaker spent Friday in Hast int.'.v Miss Edith Hoffman went to Lin coln Friday, where she will attend college. Mtv. T. K. McArthur and daughter, Lois, wont to Nelson Monday to visit friends. Guy Zeiglcr of Lincoln was look ing after business affairs In the city Sunday. Attorney McNeny and daughter, Helen, returned homo Saturday from' Denver. The Catholic church of Orleans is erecting a $40,000 school building at that place. Glenn Foe went to Lincoln Mon day to attend the State University this year. Miss Mildred Hayes is home from Lincoln where she went for medical treatment. Chas. Wolfe of St. Francis, Kansas, spent the last of the week with rela tives here. Mrs. Sarah Card went to Lincoln Tuesday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Georgia, Perkins. Mips Margaret Miner went to Lin coln' Monday to attend the State Uni versity this year. MJss. Nettie Springer, who is teach "irig"sch"6l at Alma, spent Sunday with her mother. J. F. Winters, of Lincoln, was look ing after his farm interests here the last of the week. Mrs. A. D. McMurry went to Kear ney) Friday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Lottie Aultz. Mrs. S. C. Ellis went to Creston, Iowa, Monday to join her husband and visit his son, Dale. F. W. Cowden, J. W. Aula, Dave Knley and Roy Oatman returned from Lincoln thisirorning. Rev. Edson of Oxford was in the city between trains Saturday while enroute to Blue Hill. Will McBride went to Lincoln Mon day where he will attend the State University this year. Mrs. Jas. Silvcy of Inavalc spent Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Wonderly. Miss Mildred Polnicky went to Lin coln the first of the week to attend the State University. Clarence Carpenter of Sclden, Kan sas, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Carpenter. D. W. Turnure of Portland, Oregon, is in the city visiting his brother, F. G. Turnure and family. Miss Ruth Young went to Crete on Monday, where she will teach music at the college this year. The Misses Amanda Watson and Gesina Boom went to Guide Rock on Saturday to visit friends. County Treasurer Examiner C. D. Robinson spent the last of the week with his wife and family. FOR SALE Kanred' Seed Wheat, $2.13 per bushel. REIHER BROS, R. F. D. No. 4, Red Cloud. Harold Cramer is home from Blad en where he spent a week with his mother, Mrs. W. B. Cramer. John Foster and daughter, Miss Eva, returned home from Hill City, Kansas, the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Teel spent the first of the week with their daughter, .Mrs. Fred N. Wells, at Lincoln. Mr. and .Mrs. W. B. Ryan and daugh ter, Miss Mable spent Sunday evening in Red Cloud. Lebanon Times. 'Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Knutson of Bladen spent Sunday with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Kailey. Joe Hewitt, Frank Starr, Nate Piatt and Aaron Hedge attended the County Fair at Nelson on Tuesday. A. T. Scrivner returned to his home at Hay Springs Tuesday after visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smelser. Mrs. L. A. Cantlin returned to her home in Omaha, Saturday after vis iting with her brother, W. J. Lippin- cott. W. G. Shannon left Tuosdav for Bridgeport, Illinois, where he will vis unrs daughter, Mrs. Mary Hought clirifcp Miss May Markcrt, who has been visiting Dr. Moranville and family, left Tuesday 'for Shelton to visit friends. Clifford Pope returned to Mary ville, Kansas, Monday after spending a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Pope I Are Your Roal Estate Taxes Paid? They will be advertised for sale October 1st. FrHnk Starr, County Treasurer. Miss Grace Leggctt returned homo Monday from Franklin where sho had been visiting her brother, Otis, and family. NOTICE Ev. Lutheran .Ion's Con. gregatlon. No horvices Sunday the 21st , businets mooting instead, begin nlng 11 a, m. Plan to attend -A. Sehal, ThftPniKtAT HOME EXPECT YOU ine tell 'em all about "OMAHA'S FMcC--frfy VISIT Exhilarating Burtoaua: Vaudeville ttiiAliiriFlllidlthrrildBlrlt,FunnrCloirit,Gor(Mui Mulpif i, Brilliant Icislc tatlionmiat LADIES' IIME MATIKE EVERY WEEKIAY . Everybody Goaat Aak Anybody 1 1 ILMYI TIE IIWH! AH lUTSMir WM? " Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Andrcnnnnd Mrs. Mary Brokaw went to Super ior, Tuesday after visiting at the Chris Zeiss home. Mrs. J. R. Qucscnbcrry of Jcanci" ctte, Louisiana, arrived in the city Monday evening to visit her friend, Mrs. H. J. Rickcrson. .1. W. Auld of Rod Cloud donated 810(H) worth of books to the Guide Rock Library, and .'1.10 or 1 00 volumes arrived I'lie-day. Guide Rook SIkuuI. A jury term of District Court vwll convene in this city on September 20. There arc four criminal cases and twenty-eight civil cases on the docket. F. W. Cowden returned homo Sat urday from the eastern markets where he purchased a line of up-to-date goods for the Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. The city of Franklin will hold a special election on September 25th, at which time the voters will have the privilege of voting for or against a sewer system. The ladles of the Temperance Union will serve h Jubilee tea at the home of Mrs. X. It Bush Wednesday. Sept. 21 The families of the members and the public Is invited. TAKEN UP Seven stray ealvcs hi my place 2 miles south mid 1 mile east of Cowles. Owner may have same by paying for this notice, and necessary expense. A. A. BOREN. You are invited to attend tlio Con. gregatlonal church next Sunday and hear Mr. Ray Spencer, a young man who recently graduated from the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. E. E. DcLano, of Los Angeles, California, who has been here visit ing at the home of Thos. Emerton, left Tuesday for Chicago. His wife, who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emerton will remain here for a time. Last Thursday afternoon, while threshing at Chris Jensen's, the team hitched to the water wagon ran away. Thorville Jensen made an attempt to stop them but was knocked down and the wagon passed over his hips, caus ing him painful injuries. Ho is able to be about, with the aid of crutches, this week. Special made to measure suits and overcoats by the Chicago Kabn Bros., tiilors, of Chicago. Will display their full line of piece goods at our stoie Sept. 10-20. Suits and overcoats made to order by expert cutter and UtUr A big line to choose from and all guar anteed Hirst class tailoring Conden. Kaley Clothing Co. Any young man or young lady wishing to prepare for a Government or Banking position should write for free particulars to the well known Grand Island Business College, 'of Grand Island, Nebraska thirty-five years successful experience in quali fying young people for Government, Banking and Business positions. The magnitude of the work to bo performed in the government road pro ject is best arried at, by taking note of the outlay of men and teams and equipment on tlio grounds here, to take up the work. It is a splendid outfit the contractor has brought onto this sector and it is a pleasure to look over his stuff. Blue II ill Leader. NOTICE Beginning with Aug. 1st we will develop any size film or film pack free of charge when prints are ordered. When no prints are ordered, the price is Cc for films or 10c for film packs. Quick service: bring in your films or packs today and get your prints tomorrow. The price of prints remains as hereto fore. THE RED CLOUD STUDIO After months of patient and pain ful waiting the long delayed rain has arrived. The dry spell was broken on Tuesday, and has continued ever sine". It is reported that various creeks la this vicinity have reached the high water mark and the Hood waters are rambling over the meadow aud roads. Wbeather Observer Ludlow reports a total fall of eight inches, at ten o'clock this morning. If some of the city parents would take to heart the old hymn, "Where is my Wandering Boy Tonight" aud im press the meaning of the same upon the minds of their bona possibly the town would not be orer run with a number of boys, of the high school age, who insist on staying out until al most morning, disturbing the rest of those who keep good hours. The ser iousness of the matter will be brought home to the parents, when, some morn ing in the very near future, they find that their pet sou bus spent the night as a guest or the county sherilf. Better heed the warning! Pay Your Subscription Phone 48X WHEN YOU NEED Gasoline, Kerosene . or Lubricating Oils of All Kinds IF YOU WANT THE BEST USE Deep, Rock W. J. McPherson, Af,'t., Red Cloud '7'ht Jllg l'tllow Motor Truck" Miss Eunice Hoffman went to Lin coln Monday where sho will nttend college. i Grant Christy aud sons are engaged In the construction of a new residence fr Fred Goebel south of Rlverton , Rlverton Review. A traveling salesman was in thlsclty tie llrst of the week and secured the or ler for the suits for the new audi t ilium They will cost about SluOO. I'Olt SALE Good quarter section of mi i with good improvements, I miles & uith of luavale, Nebr.. tin easy terms. Write for full description. C. l Cath- I er Red Cloud, Nebr. t ' The continued liillatiou of land viluch by speculators has caused the United States Department of Agricul t lie to send out a winning, Serious ousequences are liable to result from the boom, the department says, espec ially when the price of farm products tends to go back to normal. Experts estimate that an advance of 2. percent was justifiable, for Iowa land, but specu lators have pushed the price far above this in many instances. $5.00 Reward 1 will pay live dollars for confident ial Information leading to the identi fication of the person or persons who threw eggs at the Orphcutn Tuesday iVJiilug. Please aid me In apprehend ing the guilty party. G. .1. WARREN Piano at a Bargain We have a used piano in good condl tlon, that one of our customers wasun able to finish paying for. Wo will place it free of charge in the home of any satisfactory party in the vicinity of Red Cloud, who will pay thebalanco in cash, or easy payments, if desired. Address Gaston Music Co., Hastings, Nebr. The King Got His. Solomon, a London musician, had os pupil King George II. Ono day, when the king had not distinguished himself by great practice or skill In playing, the teacher gave him tho fol lowing classification of flddlcrs. "Fid dlers, your majesty, may be divided Into three classes: To tho first belong thoso who cannot play nt nil; to the eccond thoso who play badly; and V tho third those who piny well. Yot. elre, have nlready reached tho sccon class." In the tounty Court of Webster Ceunty. Nebraska. In tlio matter of tlio extatcol I'aiintoStrny er, Deceased. The State of Nebraska, to all iiersoim Inter ested In fcald cKtntc, rrcdltorHnnd heirs tnko notice, that Robert Newton has nlcd his pctl tlonallPKliiK that KannloStraycr. a resident and Inhabitant of Webster County, NoIpmf-k-n, died Intestnto In Mild County and Stnto on or about the :t0th day of November, WO.!. le.iviim as lirr wild n nil only heir at law A brum Newton. Tlmt said dieident died M-led In fen of tint liillouiim descrlbul real estate, to-w It: tho Ndrth-w est quarter (NW'H) of hcctlon twenty rluht iiA). township two (2)( north of rnnuo twelve (I'Ji, west of thotlth I1.' M Webster County, Nebraska; that your petitioner Ik one of tho helm at law of the altovo named A lira in Newton, and the owner ol an undivided ono third of the abovo de scribed real estate, and praying for a decree hnrrliiK claims; that said decedent died lute state: that no application for administration 1ms been made, and tho estate of hald deced ent has not been administered In tho. State of Neb-aska, and that tho heir at law of said decedent as herein Hot forth shall bo decreed to ho tho owner In fee simple of tho nbovo described real estate, which has been set for henrlimon tho llthdny of tJctober.A. 1). Hill), at 10 o'clock A. M. Dated ntlteil Cloud, Nebraska, tills i:Uh day of September, mm. A. I). KANNKV (Seal) County .liide. I'. J. Mmiilay, Attorney. His Music Masterpieces" and 200CF others alVlOteach YOU know Paderewstei'S "Menuet" his masterful composition is world famous. But, do you know that you can Buy it lor lOc beautifully printed on the best of paper certified to bo correct as the master wrote it? That U the achieve. ment of Ctnlurv Cef tiHd Edition Sheet Mutictot 10c you can elect from n comolete catalogue of 2,(00 compo slttonvftuchfamouimaflter- pleces as " Madrifrle," "II Tmvalnrm.' "ifiimnminui. " "nrrmtlfi "Af.nru in JT " "Dutlerltv""Harlekin.""Shrn. lord's Dance," and pructlcully ull ine omcr emnauru claisic. We carry the complete catalog of 2,000 titles. Pleate come in and inspect it. lxTii Sold by Chas. L. Cotting The Druggist the Kitchen Cabinet J&&&0. . j-" .,';'A"., l mi .J l rH i tiuu iw ill psn i t Four and One Half Million Meals Are Prepared on Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets Each Day Your own meal-time work can be reduced to a pleasurable mini mum by the Hoosier method a method that has been developed by science. It enables you to sit at ease with everything you need before you. You reach instead of walk. A small payment puts a Hoosier model at work in your kitchen. Small amounts each week soon pay the balance. This case of pur chase leaves you no excuse for continued drudgery. Come and select your Hoosier soon. t The Graham Furniture Co. Red Cloud EASY PAYMENTS Hastings NiinuuMnniiiin TheTown Prophet and the Community Pessimist who predicted all sorts o .dire calamities for the Farmers Union including dissatifaction among the members, Jack of business ability and finally a failure in business before the end of the year are experiencing considerable trouble in "squaring themselves" with the public and their own consci ience. Wc are still doing business at the old stand and the following figures proves that we have the confidence and good will of the farmers of the community as. during the month of August we purchased from them over 40,000 BUSHELS OF WHEAT PAYING THEM $82,000 FOR IT This is pretty strong evidence that a good many of the farmers arc satisfied with our methods of do ing business, as well as our tests, weights, prices. As we again can receive cars at regular intervals we are prepared to handle all grain you haul in. See us before you market it. It will PAY YOU. Farmers GEO. A. KAILEY, Ngr. V Kfflwr VWWVWVWWkVWbrWIArVbrVinM Mr. and Mrs. ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING Phone, Ind. Store 158, Res, VV.VV.VV.SV.VAVV.V.V.VNVVViAWJVVI unnnin Christian Church SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st 10 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. Sermon ( 7 p. m. C. E. Service 8 p. m. Sermon "The Mystery of Unequality" iaiiMMnMiw thai saves miles of steps fettll'l flulltrO.. tMHH i,u m 1 ' it u it i- -"'i i fmm Elevator RED CLOUD, NEBR. i!ii;ii:mr;!i!Bii!iira!ii;riiEniijiraDi!Pjiiffii:Ei!iirara2!iii!n5 93 RED CLOUD, NEB. i,