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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1919)
JMak jr.J5D GLOUD, ill NEBRASKA, acBMaRMaM CHI E MHWUinoiWJwmnTBVi ITiintrrriTOWimmmmmmmiiirrmnnimmnmnnnMHnrTnit'irniiimmai imnwirarirmn .JHi!m.nMimmS!M!lffilM THlii'lT W ' " IttflMtlfllli' i" " ' ' ' " Ji kW "'HIIHtNlllllMUUHIlUIHHIIHIIUItlllitllHttlIMHiHMttUtUUHltHttn HWIMIIIIMtimHHntllKlinill BtMHKMMMMIINHWH H"mnni"'i" --m..- - smk &j jl QUESTIONNAIRE ANSWEns WHICH WILL SOLVE PERPLEXING PROBLEMS OF THIS RECONSTRUCTION ERA. THE TIME AND PLACE AT ?ii (srivr If UlUl I fM MOW LB IMI ' IQ OO TlieJW UCKOLLS I 1 h COUNTY FAIR Comes nearer being a real exhibition f goed tkings than anywhere yon can go RACES Will be Better Than Ever LIBERAL PREMIUMS Good Liberal Premiums paid for all Kinds of Stock, Poultry and Farm Products i !-- ; FREE ATTRACTIONS More Money Paid for Our Free Acts than Most Fairs Pay Ont in Premiums Free Band ' Concflrts Daily CHILDREN ADMITTED FREE ON TUESDAY Night Show will be worth the Price of Admission The Greatest Display of FIREWORKS ever pulled off in the West CHAS. MALSBERY, Pres. GEORGE JACKSON, Sec. tNiini,r HiMffiiii uiiiiirairaiiajiiiiiiiiaimiaaiiiiimiiiMaiiini'iiiiiatiiMiiii m,mntitiii'WNHiiiiiiliiii,ii!!i"iui n i v x, .raiimiiin'raiirar . ' "i ''VMM Mian1 ' " i ' mJ , rm. r v . , t i wmm Burroughs Banking, Bookkeeping anil adding machines, coating more than ?2,G00.0O aio us-ed for instruc tion in the Banking Department of the Grand Island Business College. No other school in Nebraska, or sur rounding states is so well equipped to teach by Actual Practice. j miwmiwiwt C. T. Dickenson, Dave Boll, Ben Kshclman and W. II. Thomas return ed home Monday from Tulsa, Okla homa where they were looking after ' their oil interests. They report fine ' prospects for oil on their holdings. ' Mrs. Al Smith was visiting her, bi other, Harry Harris and fatnilv this week. Mr. and Mrs. Al Smith! arc moving from Gillette, Wyoming, to Pleasant Hill, Missouri, on account of -Mr. Smith's health. . Have a Heart, Judge. In the Ion;; rim nn nutomoblllst doesn't gain tlmo by making too much of it In the city limits. The chances are he'll have to do some. ifwlliwiaf "Wrr Wiiil'w,u,,"'iW!.:i:ii',iii!",rv'r' 4C'''',''''',;'l'l'liM- . i. '""'V'. W i i ' : fc& vc&xwsm Pv-ci v h v :ii. ml i i ar-ym'm -i i wu iii jr-KUitiii, HiiH Uis pz- cm j . . cm i'i ' wmMKmmts&w vc-t' ?u liiSII li'l'IWl l! ill! ILiSBlIi'' IlliiilB'iW .J :J "' ,, : i'i,i, I''11''' MeMssikESP$r Jffli''-'1 J;'"ii' ' ! ''"it , h , , V" juHmSTiVQiV i .. Jle 'l?.Lt L'iSi " Vcv 3i ?ci; 3fcJU' amwawwy. w:i' Kilii, Cigarettes made to meet your taste! Camels are offered you as a cigarette entirely out of the ordinary a flavor and smoothness never before attained. To best realize their qual ity compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price! Camels flavor is so refreshing, so enticing, it vill win you at once it is so new and unusual. That's what Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobacco gives you! You'll prefer this blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight ! As you smoke Camels, you'll note absence of any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or any un pleasant cigaretty odor. And, you'll be delighted to discover that you can smoke Camels liberally without tiring your taste! Take Camels at any angle they surely supply cigarette contentment beyond anything you ever experienced. They're a cigarette revelation! You do not miss coupons, premiums or gifts. You'll prefer Camels quality! 10 cento a package Cawtlt are told ityrrywher in cien(fley reeled pack ti ff3U c ilartlla or ten packaHn 1300 ctjarrttea) in a tliniH-ptpr covtrt'd lar'on V tlronitt tttommand tint carton tar tint liviu or otln. tupply or when iou travel. J. REYNOLDS TOUACCO CO., Wliuton.Salem, N. C. I',,!, I 1 I '' I l VI I' (i 'iTftj, M fcttlitV Qutjt. Tim government hai Inun'-licil an oilutntlorial cnmimlgn lo cncoiirugu .building In order to iut ttnoru men to vorl(. Would not n .thnllnr moeni(nt to tliow how tli old structures can lio beat nnd most economically repaired nnd muilj Bood ns new also help? Answer. It Is luurnetl tbnt such a plan Is In elloct and is linked directly with the Washington propaganda Industry must be turned buck from woil;s of war to Uio vnys of peace. Employment must bo found, In tho munnhlle, for those whose occupa tion has been Interrupted. There Is, no real surplus of labor In tho United States. Bather there Is a shortage, which would be acuto If nonual condl illttons were already restored, nnd ono atop Uiward restoring tbem will cotuo with restiiuptlou of repair work. ' Government rastrJctlwns, Imposed by the necessities of tho war program, lliivo for many months past retarded or illtogethur prevented construction, liniovemeut and repulrs. These re strictions are now off,, nnd there Is scarcely a town, a city, n factory, a dwelling or a furm that does not rovenl n crying need for prompt attention. Nothing delays such Instnnt action ex cept the feeling that prices aro high for tho time being and may bo lower. That Is not logical. No matter whut It costs to repair, tho cost Is less than the coit of neglect. No matter whut tho cost of paint, the wind nnd tho weather will collect a higher bill In deterioration and decay. GEO. W. HUTCHISON m ",".'W,I'II7,W''IMI m mJ m ' H w iPW'WWimwiiwwOTiywy Real Efcatey Insurance, Loans agicS Abstracts Phones: Office lied 33; Ind. 03 Kcb. lied 177 Ki:iL CLOUD, NEUHASkA Query. What do you think of paint aa nn Investment, asldo from tho appearance It lends? Does It renlly PAY to paint a house reguluily, say, ovory throo or four .years? Answer. Good paint properly ap plied when needed is the main thing in making a house lust long and well. A houso woith $LV00 cifn be painted at n cost of about $111."). In CD years that houso will ueed about 15 paintings, the total cost of which will be $1,81)3. Left without paint, such a house would fall Into complete ruin In 30 years'. So taking tiO years as a basis for our llg ures wo find that with paint a 'home will last that time In good condition nnd will cost, plus paint, ? 1,375. With out paint the house would have to be rebuilt at the end of 30 years and would be ready for another complete renovntlon when tho sixtieth year ar rived. Cost, without paint, $5,000 for a homo ready to fall to pieces. Docs regular painting pay? As tho old Dutch adage says : "PAINT PAYS FOR ITSELF." PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN I havr- $8,000.00, belonging to private parties, to loan on real es tate, security G ptjr cent, good options, time to suit borrower. See me if you need a loan, and hava your mortgage handled where interest and principal aro both payable to the banks of lied Cloud. LIST YOUR LAND FKEE OF CHARGE I have a customer for a qunrter section of land, also one for a half section. If you want to sell come in and list your land. This will cost you nothing unless a sale is made. CHEAP CORN AND WHEAT LAND Come in and have a talk with me about Colorado land, as I haro just formed a connection with tho Wayne Investment Company of Chcyenno Wells, Colorado, who owm the land they soli. Thoy own Bevoral thousand acres of land noar Chcyenno Wells, also a bank at Cheyenne Wells, and one at Arapahoe, Cheyenne county, Colorado. Thia will assure you of buying land at a reasonable price, and not allowing some agent to tack on five or ten dollars more per aero than the land can be bought for. They have just harvested 25 to 30 bushels of wheat. This is the fourth year of good crops. Prices range from twenty to forty dollars per acre, according to location. Titles approved and abstracts up to date on all land owned by this company. OWN YOUR OWN H05IE Have just listed a good house, six rooms with bath, all modern except heat, full basement and chimney to bottom of cellar arranged for furnace. Price. $1,900.00 Terms, $500.00 cash, and balance in monthly payments. r i i Query. I have a quantity of old paint on hand. Can I mo It for tho first coat In repainting my barn? Answer. On no account should old paint which has become fat he used fur priming either old or new work. Old pulut In that condition Is best used on a fence, bilclcwurlc or tlnwork. If you value your barn sufficiently to saint it. do It the Justice of a good Job. 74 ffiMIMn Tft'B SAMPLE BALLOT Non-Partisan Primary Election for Constitutional Convention September 16, 1919 Candidates for Constitutional Convention 46th District Vote for ONE I I FRED A. GOOD . '. : .'.'.,. V. C. F. GUND .V:,... rUv:.v ,-,m,'-- i- I I II. G. KEENEY . . ... I ! ROBERT DAMERELL ........; : , DR. DORAN A SPECIA LIST NOT IN NAM E ONLY OUT BY EXPERIENCE OV ALMOST A QUARTER OF A CENTURY DOES NOT USE THE KNIFE Will Give Free Consultation on Wednesday, September 24th At Commercial Hotel From 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. ONE DAY ONLY THEY COME MANY MILES TO SEE HIM Dr. Doran Is u rogulur graduate In medicine and surgery and is licensed by tlia btate of Kunsus. He visits pro- feaiioually the more Important tovwis nnd cities, mid offeih to all who cull on this trip consultation and cxnniiuittton froo, except tho expense of treatment when desired, According to his mothod of coming to your nctirest city to seo putlentsdie glvos all the sick people mi opportunity lo obtain the best tliut medicul science out oiler right at home. Ho does not opcrattf for chroule appendicitis, gall .stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or iidrttioiils. lie luls to his credit many wonderful results 1(1 dlbOHhua of the stoniHch, liver, bowels, Idood, skin, nerves, i. s.i.i 1.1...1.1 . 1....1 .it..,. IIH.UI, uniiioj-, maimer, uninfuiiiiiM c UiuTiili, leg uluorn nn 1 roetnl ailments If you have been uillug for nny length of tlmo and do-not get any bet tor, do not fall to call, ns improper moHhitren rather than dlsmisu aro vory often the ennse of your long -standing trouble. Ilcmembor above dutu, that o.sumlnu tiou on thi trip will bo free and Unit his troittmeul Is different. Man led ladlos must comu with their husb.vulr. and children vvllh their par ents. Address; Medical Laboratory of Dr. Doran. 113 " 330" Boston lllout, Mlunc r:i!'!!iii:a;; "Zfvjrv: .mmm Christian Church SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th 10 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. Sermon: "Every Man Measured by His Own Social Standard. 7 p..m. C. E. Service Sermon-Lecture: "Wild Oats" 3 t. .luii'Uiuiium iiijiHruiinriii.niim:HrLnfiii,mtHi'niTuninuMu:rnamijrjuiJiunumuanunauii iritijiiumutnarnnui wiiu'asninnimEiiKuiusii'miiiHnrimtiTiuuriiniiiatimtiLrf wwurtv-j-vw',; Mr. and Mrs. ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING Phone, Ind. Store 1 58, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB. VVAVVAuV.VVAV-VJlAVVV.VV.V."W:jVlArVVW A TWO-FOLD DUTY Many thoughtful mothers first give their children Help Your Digestion When ncld-dbjtrcssed, relicro tho indigestion with I a 1 ' uitugcsuon wuu oott s Emulsion i kmioids regularly and then take if themselves. It is a tonic-food that contains elements as needful to an adult as to a child. Build up your strength try Scott's. L Scott 8tBowne,Bloo3ifield,N.. 19-4 Dissolve easily on tongue as pleasant to take a candy. Keep your Btomach bwect, try Hi-molds MADE Wf SCOTT ft BOWNE MAKERS Of COTTS EMULSION 1 J r 'K X . f . . f i .i)'"TI ! "IHi.ltfiB-U ll'llil U(JOlIe), Miuu,