The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 11, 1919, Image 5

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t i
1 Orpheuift : Reel Cloud I
I N Ell $S HI JSa t&H ,o &$ i
Unv lb end at Powell nnd Topes
Mi.-s Edna Phillip left Tuesday
for Chicago, where .-lie will attend
IJ.n-t Steven of Smith Cciitor was
visiting relatives in this city the first
of tho week.
Mrs. llesfio Anderson of Omaha is
in tho city visiting her mother, Mr.-.
K. J. Duckor.
Miss lima Rnnnev went to Dor
I I .ue s M my furniture nml under
t ikti i jj bushier lo Heck v Uoyer, who
have taken ehuige of the same, imd
w "U to t It-nit tne iimiiy friends and
put i on, for their patronage and hope
that they will continue to do buslines
with tho new firm. After u two week
, rIm ec 1 will nimln he in lied t'lmid
ulieie I icijuesl tlnit all owing tiu will
chetter Friday, vihcrc flic will teach H ' fcpttli' tnolr nccuiint. Anln
school this year. j'hnnhlng you foi pHt favors 1 nm re
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mitchell spent -.' ?t fully your.. KOVSATTLEY
the last of the week with relatives at , '
smith Center, Kansas i Farm Bureaus Getting Results
Mrs. Rex Alley returned to her
i,n,n m V.vnior Prliliiv after visitinc Connly farm burcaut have saved
with Mrs. Chas. McCliirc. I
Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Harry Dcd
rick and daughter, Josephine, spent
Friday, September 19th
MATINEE 4 p. m. EVENING 7:15-9:15 p. m.
Children 1 5c. Adults 35c Children 25c, Adults 50c
4&X-XX:-:-:-M-:M-X-MX 'avc w,cc wcnt l0 umana iues-
5 , day.
AS TOLD TO OS Attorney H. S. Foe was In Super-
: '
i -
Eat and drink at Powell & Pope's
Cafe. tf
Alf McCall went to Omaha this
ior Friday.
H. G. Kccncy of Cowles was In tho
city Monday.
Miss Mahcl Bailey spent Saturday
in Hastings.
I Dr. Hahn of Hastings was In the
mo"g,,,.. : ,- ., 'city Tuesday.
VnUD uirKncr went iu Jiiitum una i , . .. , . ,. . . T
Y. l. vailtu Ma uumi "" ..
,!.. Mrs. J. H. Ellingcr spent Monday
in Hastings.
Mrs. H. S. Foe spent Wednesday,
with relatives at' Cowles.
C. L. Cotting is in Omaha buying
goods for -jus drug store.
F; A. Good of Cowles was in tho
city Wednesday morning.
Miss,.Josic Igou yyent .to -St.-Louis
,' Monday to visit her sister.
Mrs. D. G. Britton went to Kear
ney Monday to visit friends.
Mrs. A. J. Waskom returned .to
Guide Rock Monday morning.
Earl Webber went to Kansas City
vale Monday.
Miss GertruTlc L. Coon is home from
New York City.
F. G. Tumure was in Western, Fri
day on business.
W. II. Roscncrans was in Alma
Tuesday on business.
Forgood eye glasses and specs sec
Mitchell Tho-Jeweler
Mrs. Geo. McKinne'y went to Des
Moines Friday to visit friends.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Smith went to
Grand Island Friday to visit.
Miss Nettie Springer went to Alma
Friday where she will teach school
Sunday to spend a few days. Gus Holmgrain went to Bird City
Will Kent has accepted a position Monday to visit relative, and friends,
with the Farmers' Union store. I Mlwea Chloc and Mabel Lulicr re-
Patty Frisbic fell off the porch
Wednesday and broke her arm. I
Upholstering and pictures framed
at the Graham Furniture Store.
Sam Smith left Monday for his
home at Long Beach, California.
Glen Fcavn went to Grafton Mon
day to work on the telephone lins.
S. C. Ellis loft Monday for Red
Field, Iowa, where he will visit his
Father Fitzgerald returned home
from Now Yoik City the first of tho
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bradford and
Mrs. Alf McCall autocd to Hastings
Wednesday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rnrklcy of Bla
den spent Sunday with his brother,
John, and wife. '
Mr. and Mrs. Eimo Goos of Blue
Hill spent Sunday with her father,
J. V. Roubal and family.
Clifford. Pope, of Maryville, Kan
sas, was visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jay Pope, this week.
Friday and Saturday
"Prisoners of
The Pines"
Also A' Two-reel
Centuty Comedy
Admission 17c and llo
First Show at eight o'clock ,
4 Monday and Tuesday
'The Darling
of Paris'
Adapted from Victor Hugo's
novel. "The Hunchback of Notra
Dame," A tine picture full of
stirring action. This famous
star at her best. .
turned to Cowles Saturday morning,
Mrs. Joe Hewitt and baby arrived
homo from Hastings Friday evening.
Mrs. E. W. Stevens and daughter,
Genevieve, spent Saturday in Hast
ings. Mrs. L. A. Coutlin of Omaha is vis
iting her sister, Mrs. W. G. Lippin
1 cott.
I Ernest Ncwhouse left Friday for
I Peoria, Illinois, where he will attend
I Forrc3t Mountford went to Hast
i ings Wednesday where he will attend
I Mrs. W. A. Maynaid and daughter,
Isabclle, have returned homo fron
' Lincoln.
Glen Foe is visiting , Ins mollier,
I Mrs. Foe, and his brother, II. S. Foe
and wife.
Miss Ora Grant went to Bluo Hill
Saturday where she will teach school
1 this year.
Marion Mercer is in Lexington this
week, playing in the band at the
County Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Garber spent
Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Hayes,
of Superior. .
Mrs. Dorothy Wilson left Wednes
day for Lincoln to visit her sister,
Mrs. Bcrnice Sanderson.
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Comer have re
turned home from Michigan where
they have been visiting relatives.
Misses Edith and Velma Beezley
left Saturday for Kearney whero they
will attend tho State Normal school.
E. II. Ncwhouse went to Omaha
Wednesday to purchase a largo ship
ment of Edison phonographs as well
as to look after other business mat
ters. A non-partisan primary election
will be held next Tuesday. Tho voters
are allowed to vote for only one can
didate A sample ballot appears on
another page of this issue.
While cranking his automobile,
Tuesday, preparatory to going to
dinner, C. T. Dickenson had the mis
fortune to fracture one of tho bones
in his right arm. The engine back
firing caused the accident.
"Mm,SFHC0,,,4f4 VISIT
ExMintiHg BvrkHHt; VntdtvilU
MtK linn FIIMwItfc rrtHf Mrit. FtMfClHN.ftVfMM
IlllMf. fklllUll lMl IlliCHMlt
Everybody ( Aak Anybody.
UMmfutmmmtmvmr-rnf -
Wednesday in Hastings.
FOR SALE Kanrcd Seed Wheat,
$2.15 per bushel. REIHER BROS,
R. F. D. No. 4, Red Cloud.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Robinson of
Superior spent Sunday with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Robinson.
Miss Anna Gilliam went to Aurora
Saturday where she will teach in the
public schools of that city again this
Mrs. G. G. Miller returned to her
homo at Council Bluffs Friday after
visiting her sister, Mrs. R. L. Hun
sicker. Remember Oct. 22 ns Smith Bro.
Polnnd China Hour Salu nt Superior,
Nebr. Watch this paper for further
Wm. DcIIart of Arthur, Illinois,
arrived in the city the last of the
week to visit his sister, Mrs. J. W.
Miner Sherwood and Kenneth Wil
son arc in charge of the Inavalc Bank
while Geo. McCrary is enjoying a
EH E. Ponton, of Clifton, Illinois,
and Miss Emily Detour of Red Cloud
were granted a marriage license on
Mrs. Mary Van Camp and children
of Lincoln arrived in the city Sat
urday to visit Dr. and Mrs. Robt.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McCracken re
turned home Saturday from Denver,
where they spent several weeks with
Miss Gladys Mcintosh returned to
Grand Island Tuesday after visiting
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Wm. Mouncc, of New York CJty,
left Saturday for Colorado Springs
after visiting with his cousin, W, 0.
Litpincott. .,.
Mrs. Dora Roal and Lizzie Buster
of Independence, Kansas, cousins of
Mrs. F. L. Hincs arc visiting with
her this week.
The Watts Construction Co. have
arrived in the city and have com
menced excavating on Fourth ave
nue for the paving.
Mrs. F. J. Munday went up to Hast
ings Saturday, and brought her son,
who is very much improved in health,
homo from the hospital.
Mrs. Marcus McConkcy went to
Hastings Tuesday to visit with her
son, who is in a hospital at that place
being treated for blood poison.
Rev. Bccbc will accompany his
daughter, Gladys, to Omaha Friday,
whero she will attend the institute
for the deaf tho coming year.
All those who attended the State
Fair last week have returned home
and report having hud a good time
and that the aviator wan great.
Wesley R. Kettering of Cawker
City, Kansas, and Miss Edith M.
Stowc, of Hardy, were united in mar
riage last Friday by Rev. J. L. Beebo.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sattloy and Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Hcrrick left Wednes
day afternoon via automobile, for
Colorado, where they will spend a
two weeks vacation.
FOR SALE Good quarter sectlotrof
land with good improvement, 1 miles
south of Inavule, Nebr.. on easy termb
Write for full description. C. F. Cutli
or ReckCloud, Nebr.
Mrs. E. A. Moranvirle arrived home
from Denver Tuesday. 'She was ac
companied by her sister, Mrs. W. E.
Montgomery of Scdalia, Colorado,
who will visit relatives hero for a
Guide Rock will have a special
election next Tuesday to vote wheth
er they shall install a ?12,000 elec
tric light plant or not. Besides elec
tric lights, that city needs a water
Engineer Taylor is on tho ground
and tli's bill of luding has been rcculv.
ed showing shipment of tools etc., for
oil well work. You muke look for
something doing before very long.
Rlvcrton Review.
W. G. Hamilton, of the Hamilton
Cathcr Clothing Co., returned home
Monday from Chicago, Cincinnati
and other eastern cities where he pur
chased a new line of up-to-the-minute
goods for their store.
The grading outfit for the new gov.
ernment aid road from Ayr to Red,,
Cloud, arrived here this week and are
lining up for the work. A Mr. Condon
Is tho man In charge and he works a
gang of about twenty men with grader
and t motors. It is quite an extended
job of putting the road up iu ehupe re
quired' by the engineer and will- not
faiuiPiH of Ihu I'nlted States millions
of dollars, thru cooperative projects to
eliminate waste, according to statistics
now being gathered. Knot ora which
have been causing millions of dollars
in loss, such as hog cholera, grasshop.
pers, Insect nests of all sorts, blackleg,
etc , have been successfully fought by
eooperntive community projects under
the leadership of farm bureaus. More
than 2,300 counties of the 2,WM conn
ties of the United States now have
farm bureaus.
The Kitchen Cabinet thai Saves Miles of Steps
Definitions of a Booster
A booster is a citizen who talks as
strong for his town when he. is at home
as lie does when he is 1000 away, and
vice versa.
A booster is a nmu wise enough to
know that by helping his community
ho is helping himself, andlhcu acts on
that knowledge.
A booster is a man who contributes
to the religious, social, charitable and
coinmorcial undertakings of his city in
proportion to his means.
A booster is a man who will let the
"We spirit" dominate his thoughts and
actions and will work in harmony with
his fellow citizens for the community
A booster is a man who helps to keep
his city clean morally nnd physically.
A booster is a man willing to serve.
A booster is cautious In his criticism
of those willing to serve.
A booster is the nan who believes
that his home town is the best place
in the whole wldo world. That's n
loyal booster.
A booster is a man who believes iu
woik, faith, charity; that day follows
night; that time heals; that humanity
contains more good than bad and that
this old world Is a mighty good place
to live In. Ex. ,
Rigorous Mourning. '
"Germnny'8 week of mournlnf ever
the harshness of our peace terms was
rigorously observed nit," said Major
Frederick Palmer, the famous war cor
"There's a story about tho week of
mourning from Berlin. A Uerlhse
assistant theater manager said to the
'"Is our burlesque going to observe
the week of mourning, boss?'
'"Rigorously, sir, rlgorouily,' tho
boss replied.
'"Close down Is that the idun?' sale
the assistant. .
"'Close down nothing V snld the
boss. 'We'll put all the chorus girls
In blnck fcllk stockings."
Join The Hoosier Club
Starts Monday, September 15th
One Dollar Down and the balance in small weekly payments
Come in and select Your Hoosier at once
and put an end to the kitchen drudgery
The Graham Furniture Co.
McFarland Building
To Keep Castaways Dry,
I.ouls O. Anderson has Invented n
"storm cover" for boats which, 'hen
adjusted, covers both boat and rower
so completely that waves and rain will
roll off It as water rolls off n duck's
bnck. The- ult, which Includes a
headpiece, Is made full at Its Juncture
with the rubberized cover, says tli
Popular Science Monthly, so that the
oarsman may try to puddle with one
Of the oars while sitting In the .s'-srn
with the tall spread out behind htm.
Ill i other onr makes a backbone for
the cover.
Harvest Days Are Over
You have Harvest Moriey io Spend
You know how hard you worked for that money.
Get your money's worth when you spend it.
Perhaps you have planned to buy a NEW RANGE
If you have we can recommend one that is. worth
One Hundred Cents on the Dollar, and then some
No Problem at All.
A small hoy was sent to the local
drugstore for an empty bottle, nuil
after' waiting his turn tho assistant
spotted him and said: "Well, little
man, whut can I do for you?"
"Ob, I wnnt on empty medicine bot
tle," the boy replied".
"I can't let you have ono without
donicthlug In It," said the assistant.
To which the little hopeful shyly nn
awered : "I suppose It Is merely red
tape, so shove us a cork lu."
All-Ways Preferable:
rtV.-siic- - 'c-!i'S:-tr4ifi!,
we- ry ti . '
b. i-Mi'tH. jitLllm '..l A
? :
. rT
.Wis. Jtrg)--i ...- -
"' rt ri- fi.sT KMr Mff
NOTICE Beginning with Aug.
1st we will develop any size film or
film pack free of charge when
prints are ordered. When no prints
are ordered, tho price is 5c for films
or 10c for film packs. Quick service:
bring in your films or packs today
and get your prints tomorrow. Tho
price of prints remains as hereto
Pay Your Subscription
Phone 48X
Gmsollnm, Kerosene
or Lubricating Oils
of All Kinds
Deep Rock
W. J. McPherson, Agt, Red Cloud
"ThtJIig Yllow Motor Truck"
i f5ii7r .in, .iiOv If vnn linv nnn nf Ihpsp.
ranges you will find that it
will save you money in fuel
bills every time you use it
Perfect baking, econ
omy in the use of fuel
durability and beauty
are all found in the South
Bend Malleable Range
We guarantee1 it to be all
we claim for it and more.
Be sure to see This Range
before you buy your range.
Our stock of these ranges include both cabinet and leg base.
Come in and see them, it will not obligate you to buy.
Red Cloud's Leading Hardware Dealer
rfes.a.sre, t .at.rj--V-a Mil
wi IB til mEHSWI:
Do You Sleep Well These Hot Nights
You Would If You hadm
Scroenmdmln Sleeping Porch
Any style o! house has a convenient
wall or corner for such an improvement
IKalone-Gellatly Go.
be Boon disposed of, Blue Hill Leader.