The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 04, 1919, Image 8

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&?.. 'V"
Don't Forget!
Comes nearer being a real exhibition of good things than anywhere you can go
Will be Better Than Ever
Good Liberal Premiums paid for all Kinds of Stock, Poultry and Farm Products
More Money Paid for Our Free Acts . than Most Fairs Pay Out in Premiums
Free Band .Concerts' Daily
- r?
Night Show will be worth the Price of Admission
Appoints tiuant Officer
The Greatest Display of FIREWORKS ever palled off in the West
ui "T.nm,)!T!n.nihmir.iinjn'auiU'iiiffliaui':n33nii.niiiiiian!i2:tiiui::a2U!:inRiHi!jiji
Jay Popo attended the picnic at
Cowlcs Saturday.
Mrs. H. L. Shepherd went to McCoolc
Miss Uliinclic Honer left tlilh morn
ing for Lincoln where hhe will teach
the coming year.
Mrs. O. Lepley returned to her homo
iu uusuuKR uus morning nrfervlMting'
with her daughter, Men. .1. Petersen. ,
i..'u1cVcityUTchly.UCaVCr CHy Wa3'lliR.aVC "oH SP0,U rii,lay ,n Illuo
The M 10 Lij.Uijs Aid society will Mr. and Mrs. W. t. Kearn departed
jjtve a fried chiuken supper in the Sattirdur morning for Ked Cloud.
basement of the uhurch Fridav even- whure tliy will visit. ir.dng from there
lug A seveiitylive cent supper fortl Tic t. Me:nrioeiui.l thence on to Lincoln
tiood meals irood service tnniWutn ' to tdUe in the fctnte fair TtiHv ivill
prices t'owell x. rope's cafe Hone tin iur two weeks Moudui s Ale
Mrs. K M K-rji went r.i T.ln..ntn n.tu Uoolt I illume.
liny Itreiui at Powell and ropes
lUSJSi-SSy TU Wftnt Farm thlt wiU PAY A G00D INCOME ON YOUR
INVESTMENT. We are selling These Farms in Furnas and Red Willow
n;r. T' i "" acies cultivated land tha
ami can be plowed. Improvements consist of r
barn, granary and garage, cave, chicken an
ana large cistern, shade trees and small ore
tnat has good soil and improvements and is r
shZttoattoawntf1 h 192f'wl privilege to sow wheat Jh I fall. Priced for a
Sn tho pta fot'S vov'JH00 0n CntraCt W,th MBKh lrt -""lemonlf $5,500 can be carried
tlOn. four miloa frnm TUnrinn Mnltx n i
t lavs good, with 40 acres more that is level
ood frame house with basement, large new
d hog houses and sheds, :good -well, windmill
hard. Here is an excellent all purpose farm
eady to move on without a dollars expense.
No.' 221 Half section 3 miles from Leban
pf which is in cultivation. Good three room ho
bushel, new.garago.and wash liouso, pit silo 1
we 1 and windmill, all fenced and cross fence
sell this farm for $17,000. $2,000 on contrac
on, Ncbr., with 250 acres of level land, 200
use, barn for 8 head, new granary for 1200
4x23, cement cave, 4 acres fenced hoc tight,
d, phono line and rural route by the door. Will
t with March 1st settlement. Easy terms on
No. 222 -A fine 100 acre farm five miles west from Lebanon. Nebr.. witli 240 acres in an
excellent state of cultivation and 1C0 acres of good pasture LndV all fenced and cross fenc
ed,, 6 room frame, house, barn for about 10 head with hay mow, otic -necessary out buUd
ings, well and windmill, school house on farm, phone and rural route This farm h in ?ba?I
. rn,nfCiTniCr,b ? i-r W bui,dmP' well and windmill, farm a fenced and cross fSSd'
lots of hedge posts. This is a good invostment at $55 per acre. 8,2000 on contract J6M0
more March 1st, and the balance can be carried back at G per cent. conuacl' !rtJ0U
No. 224 A fine farm of 480 acres five miles from Wilsonville. larce improvements con
s sting of a two story frame house with 8 rooms, barn 28x56 with hay moTtwoame cat
tle barns 20x40 each, corn crib 28x28, granary and machine she rnml!inn.i -WvV IHa
other 28x28, milk house with tank, water system piSdThouse? afi yanls to nastS?;
and cistern, fine orchard and yard trees, 300 acres fine level land rn "u ltiva ton 175 acres
pasture, farm all fenced and cross fenced, 160 acres hoe tiirht fLiI r n hU. pJE"
$30000, with $2,000 on contract, SH.OOo'mote March 'is anil $L ,8c can 15 five ?cars
at 6 per cent with optional payments. ' w- Lun Iun me Jcais
No. 225 A 480 acre farm G miles from Wilsonville, with 330 acres of level cultivated
land and 150 acres pasture, large 2 story concrete and frame house, largo IS, sffi barn!
and cattle sheds, well and windmill, on ruia route and nhom lino u. mil M '...mV,;,?!
Priced at $62.50 per acre, $2500 on contract, $15,600 moro Match 1st' mid i ni in MBchl
5 years at 6 per cent with optional payments. cU lHt nn" $12'000 can '""
I will be in RED CLOUD, at the Royal Hotel, on SEPTEMBER Sth and 6th.
See me and I will take you there. Car fare refunded to those who buy.
II we fail to meet, write
wWonvillk. neb'aska Hamilton-Parker Land Co.
Kcd Cloud, Ncbr.,
September 1, 1919.
Board mot in regular session at
High School assembly room. All
members present except Grimes.
Minutes of previous meeting, of
August 4th read and approved.
The following bills were read and
K. W. Stevens $ 23.63
Pope IJros 54.85
O. C. Tccl .... ... 161.12
W.-A. Sherwood .. 164.12
Peoples Hank 5.00
Ncbr. School Supply House . 9.00
Joe Hewitt .. .... 161.12
On motion it was decided to admit,
at the beginning of the term only,
all kindergarten pupils coming five
years ot age any time before the be
ginning of the second semester,
Motion made and carried that City
Marshal Phillips be appointed Truant
officer. Also motion made by Sher-
woou and seconded by Bcezley that
said truant officer be allowed 25
cents for each delinquent brought to
school. Motion carried.
In the matter of fines due the
school, district, the secretary was in
structed to check up with the- city
clerk and police judge and make re
port) also that the secretary serve
notice that all school children in the
district between the ages of 7 and 16
coming under the compulsory school
law, should be made to attend school.
In cases where parents refused to
send to school, complaint should be
filed against them and the law
strictly enforced.
Supt. Holtsen made detailed report
and on account of the present corps
of teachers being alloted seven to
eight periods each, the Board de
cided, on motion, to elect another
teacher for the High School.
No .further business and Board ad
journed to meet Monday, October 6.
C. J. POPE, Secretary.
Hev. Hammcl requests The Chief
to print the following nrticlo rtnVli
.'appeared in Monday's Commercial
Advertiser, and lm stntn tlmt lm ;u
sn6t the atith'or of the same:
"''Wore you there V" You missed1
the greatest time of your life if you j
weren't. Ked Cloud's best and latest !
Carnival was on the Methodist i
church lawn.
Darkies, straight from the heart
of Africa, entertained the people
with native sonirs and comic cn-
tures. The leader assured the audi
ence of the company's inability to
speak the American language, then
ttirntfd for confirmation to his com
pany and they astonished everyone
h$ saying "yes, Sir." After their
part of the rrogram, they mingled
quite freely with the crowd.
Under the green, swaying palms
the dark Hawaiian maidens sang
their soothing melodies carrying us
hack in dreams to the shores of Wau
kiki. "Know your past, present and fu
ture," yelled the clown, and away he
swept the crowd to the gypsies tent.
Weird voices and smoke came from
the tent. Awe struck and wonder
mingled on their faces as they came
from that mystery of mysteries.
These performances, along with
the world famous Ouija board were
repeated several times for the ben
efit of newcomers.
Ice cream and lemonade were sold
for refreshments. The amount raised
was around $60.00
All colors of small pieces of paper
commenced flying around. No Strang
ers, all were happy and gay, espe
cially Mr. Finch, who saw every
thing and scattered confetti. He was
safe from troublesome people, be
cause he was taller. Both lie and
Ms. Finch are very lively and help
ful additions to our church. Merry
making was for everyone. Just ask
Mr. .Starr if he had a good time.
Imagine a person's mind so full of
merrymaking that he would walk all
tho way. home, leaving his car at the
church. Notice Dr. McBride's face
and neck. Too bad that men have to
wear collars. Collars did not aid Mr.
Ellis because most of the confetti
went down his neck through his
mouth. Mrs. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs.
Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, Mrs.
Renfro, Mrs. Starr and Mrs. McBrido
are others to ask if they enjoyed it.
Beaver City, Nebraska
No. EM--320 acres 210 acres in cultivation, balance pasture and
II nVn .:..? w,tn u rooms and 3 closets and summer kitchen, barn
19 4()X()0 With fill h'lcnmnnf ,ri-.ii., l,ns .'., !,.. ..,ll 1 ...ill .win i.t.i
cistern, lh miles to Bchool, on It. F. 1). and phono line, 3 miles to
weaver City. Price $60 per acre, one-half cash, balance five years at
0 per cent.
No. MB. 160 acres 1 miles from Beaver city, one mile to school,
on phone line, 100 acres in cultivation, 60 acres pasture. House with
0 rooms, hen hotii-e, small barn, good well that never fails, windmill,
some fruit trees. Price $65.00 per acre, one-half cash, balance 5 years
at G per cent.
No. HG 320 ncrcs 155 acres in pasture, 165 acres under cultiva
tion, house with 8 rooms and 3 closets, barn for 12 horses, buggv shed,
granary, cistern, hog house, hen house, good well and mill, small or
chard, all fenced, 3 miles to Beaver City, U mile to school, price $70
per acre, one-half cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent.
No. JT160 acres I can sell this farm for $75 per acre. It has 110
acres under the plow. Has 10 acres of timber that furnishes posta
and fuel, a well that never fails, with new mill, house with 4 rooms,
a barn with room for six horses, is 3 miles from town, l4, mlies to
school, see this before you buy. 1
No. FM160 acres This is one of Furnas county's best upland
1 arms, has 135 acres in cultivation and more smooth ground not in
cultivation, 35 acres in pasture, all fenced, small houso.,witb A roomn;
barn and outbuildings fair. Good well with mill, some fruit trees, 4
miles from Beaver City on It. P. D. and phone line.' Price $80 per acrp,
one-half cash, balance on time. If you-Iwant something good, looR'
this over. ,, .1 oil jr-i P.tjIVi.. "r
nii'r" JTJ"16(I ac,'cs-785 news usder. tha -plow, '75' acres' 1. 'pasture,
all fenced and cross fencqd, good .house,, barn with mow and 'drive
nftfti cf M Si ' hennh0HUaSr a n,QV?r fal.linK WH wit" ""ill? water-
F$Sdi,i0ittiei,baV,i !' lD- and phonc lnc on,y Ho to 'Beaver
c Lnl?h ?c ,0' budding, here you can educate your children' iri .one
? st s?hoo,s In the state and have them home at night.. With
Hmri..K?i0d iC0Wr?n ti"lp,Bfe ,on. couI,(1 d, weI1' and afthe same
time have the benefits of church, lodge, school and city life. Look this
No. AS 400 acres 210 acres in cultivation. 60 acres in alfalfa,
1J0 acres in pasture, all well fenced and cross fenced, has over 1600
csage foMs. home timber, 200 acres good alfalfa ground. Good house
nr :""""'' !""., u num. arn zoxjd, cement basomerit. New
I wVnt i hoVse w,th shi.nK'e roof, 3 wells, 2 mills, one well only 18
feet to water. 1 mile to school, 1 miles to Beaver City. Price
1 ni ""'u above are ?n!y a few of tho farm bargains I have to offer. I
I Z 5av-ei1iome cno'ce residence properties in Beaver City that are
priced right. For further information, write or see me. ' "
rurnasco. Beayer City, Neb.
I jfllJfl'niimnw!ifiimi,min..i
ft """""MiiuuiiHiiiiiiiiini ui
m mm 'miuvi ni",
tfu iilWiiiiiniMMMTtt
'i i
"', ;j n iuui:nitisr.u
Christian Church
I Rev. Ira Wagoner : : : 11 a. m.
I , Kev. ifeebe Sermon-Lecture Sundav Evening
and a cordial invitation to all.
Mr. and Mrs.
;: Phone, Ind. Store 158, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB.
Miss Kathryne Burke arrived in
the city Saturday to resume her
school duties after spending the sum
mcr with her parents at Walnut,
Mrs. Chris Zeiss went to Central
City Tuesday to visit her daughter,
Mrs. Henry Phares and familv. She
was accompanied by Mrs. H. E. Mil
ligan. Airs. C. L. Courtrlght and daugh
ter, Ituth, and son. Claire, returned
to their homo at Beaver City Mon
day, after visiting with Attorney nnd
Mrs. F. J. Munday.
Mrs. F. A. Hildebrandt returned
homo Friday from Alma where she
has been visiting her mother. Her
uunt. Mrs. Emilino Woods accompan
ied her homo, and returned to her
home at Harvard, Saturday.
Mrs. E. J. Beauchesno and daugh
ter, Mariorie, returned to their homo
in Omaha Saturday, after visiting
with her mother, Mrs. A. C. Schultz.
Her mothor accompanied them home
for a visit.
At Stratton, Colo.
For Particular Write to
Jos. A. Collins Land Co.
Stratton, Colorado
Keep your stomach tweet
today and ward off the indi
gestion of tomorrow try
the new aid to digestion.
As pleasant and as safe to
take as candy.
makers of scorra cmuuion
L-f ,. J-KliaT.TOMTf,.-
"Quality" Job Printing
As an aid to robustness, thousands
upon thousands use
Scott's Emulsion
as regular as clock-work the year
around. A rich tonic, ScorrV
abounds in elements that con
tribute to the up-building oE
strength: Be sore that yo
buy Scott'a Emulsion.
Scott at Bowne.BloomQeld. M.J. t$
E. S. GaLrber
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
(Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kinds
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You tho Fixtures
Dr. R.V. Nicholson
OillcuOvur Allirluht'eHtoro
Red Cloud Nebraska
ifrfrfrWyfr tKrit it iw
&ryprfitm4 y- t.t f ti"mt'