V X 'tVHTfci -S . I KJED OLOPD, WlBRAiKA, OHIKf PAINT ASAN ASSET. 'Bankers Say They Lend More Money on Property When , Buildings Aro Well Painted. I "V" V 'AN INDICATION OF THRIFTJ I RSI .One Concern Advanoaa 25 Pop Cant' More If Repainting la Done t F-very Five Year. k' :j- 11 . I - w V m I Does It pny to paint carefully farm 'buildings? Does It add to tho soiling .value of a form whon buildings arS ,proporly kept up and regularly paint ,ed? A careful Inquiry of a number ot 'leading bankers In the Mississippi vnl ley, Including such states as Iowa, 1111 nols, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Mls-j sourl, reveals the fact that In nearly every case the bankers did not heaW tatt to say that they would lend all thtf way from 8 to 00 per cent more on. land where farm buildings wore well painted and kopt in good condition.' jThey maintain that well kept-up and' well painted buildings and fences are' an Indication of thrift and Uiat the thrifty farmer Is a good client, and to1 him money can be safely loaned. Aa' average of tho returns from these bankers shows that tho Increased loan' value becauso of painted buildings Is around 22 per cent. Some of these bankers mako Inter esting comment. A Michigan concern; says that, while not especlully pro- pared to advise definitely In response' to this inquiry, tho ofllcers would loan' more money on farms whero'butldlngs' wera painted than where they wora' not so treated. This bank nlso finds' that where houses, barns and fences! ure well taken care of the farm is a1 profitable proposition, and bankers In! general consider the farmer a good client. Another Michigan bank says! Vjfurm buildings out of repair and needing paint Indicate that tho ownorj Is slow pay." Such fnrms aro rated at nbout one-third of the assessed valuo for loans. Where the furm buildings are In good shape the rating Is one-; half. The president of a middle west ern bank isays that when real estato loans are considered, painted buildings aro alwtiys taken Into consideration in inalclnifan estimate. Tho general ap pearance of the property surrounding thehQujq anbpjo a also, tho gelds and fences would oe carefully" observ ed, no further says tlint he has no hesitancy In saying that ho would ab solutely refusa a loan on farms where the buildings were not kept up and well painted. In his Judgment un painted farm buildings would reduce the loan value at least 25 per cent I A Minnesota banker says that he Is much more willing to loan money! where the buildings are well palnted.1 In his particular case ho belloves that he would loan 20 per cent, more than . If tho buildings wcro not properlyj taken care of. A farmer who will, keep his buildings painted tukes a much deeper Interest .n his work thnn one who does not. Another Minne sota hank bnys thnt well painted build ings have resulted In securing from, his bank sometimes as high ns 2o per cent, moro money than whero tho buildings nre not painted. An Ohio concern says that It will loan 23 per cent, morcjmoney on n well kept farm' where buildings aro painted at least once every flvo years. A southern Illi nois bank says that It has no fixed rulo about this, but It does make a de cided difference when owners of farm, lands apply for loans. If tho buildings) aro well pnlnted nnd thus well pre-" aerved tho loan rate would not only! be cheaper, but tho amount of moneyj borrowed would bo larger. A northern, Illinois bank .does not hesitate to say( that It would loan fully 50 per cent' more on a farm whe.ro buildings were well painted and in good order than' where they were not The vice presi-! dent, who answers the Inquiry, goea on to say: 'There probably are many' farmers good financially and morally who permit their buildings To remain unpalnted, but as a. rulo the most sub stantial people who Ure In the coun-i , try keep their buildings well painted.") An Iowa bank, through its vice pres Went, slafeslKat It would muke a dlf-i ferenco of ot least 25 per cent In fa vor of tho farm with painted build ings, Another Iowa concern says that It would make a difference of at least 20 per cent - H A this being true, It Is porfectly evident thnt It Is n good business prop osition to keep the farm buildings well nnintml. TIipv not onlv look better nnd are more pleasing to tho owner, but tho farm would sell to better nd- ' vantage, tho loan valuo of the property woum uo grcauy lucrcusuu unu uiu buildings themselves would lost much longer, 'and need loss repair. Tho American Agriculturist PAINTAND ILLITERACY. Curloua Fact Cornea to Light That Le calltlea Least Ualng Booka Avoid Paint Also. Washington, D. 0. A curious fact has been brought to light by tho Edu catlonal Bureau and tho Bureau of In dustrlnl Research hero. It Is that In the statos where llllterticy Is most prevalent paint Is least used. Tho, paint roferrcd to Is tho common or, barn variety, of courso, for tho back woods countries havo no nocd for the finer pigments or facial adornments.! It Is truo, though, that In, tho sections of all Btotes whero whlto Illiteracy .isj highest pointed homes nro rare nndj painted outbuildings and barns aro( practically unknown. Probably the; Illiterates do not use paint on their buildings because they do not under: stand Us valuo ns a preaorvatlve. I rv The Mast ere 3-4Ploj Farm Tractor omkmericar &. ?tCA. rmmsd iMi: I:;.;; !;ll ,! ;::. , l 1 1 t M I:',! i , - , iil:: 'J ii;:; :, l, !, , :! i,. !:?.::::.!! :!: ;::::,ii '. .in" ...,. ..' !.!'. I. i ::.:...: i :. 1 1 . 1 1 .-:. ( Hi I UxUij, &?Z V. J ''r.i;1 - .-. fcfiES Vi The Illinois Super-Drive Tractor is Guaranteed to Give You Performance in AccordanceWith Our Guarantee or We Will Refund the Full Purchase Price THE unequalled, remarkable satisfaction that all Illinois Super Drive Tractors have given their owners, enables us to give you an absolute unconditional guarantee, that when you put an . Illinois Super-Drive Tractor on. your farm it must give you per formance in accordance with all terms of our broad guarantee or we will refund the full purchase price. ' The Illinois Super-Drive Tractor is sure to give you complete satisfac tion, because it is dependably built; its driving principle delivers 20 more of the engine power to the draw bar than- any other driving prin ciple in tractor use. The Illinois is completely equipped with a system for absorbing shocks. Its perfect kerosene burning motor produces great power at low fuel cost It will pull four plows under most conditions, run a thresher up to 28 inches and has great reserve power. All gears and bearings are enclosed and constantly run in a bath of oil, therefore dirt, dust, and grit cannot reach the mechanism and cause destruction and loss of power. Here is the Guaranteed Tractor that you can put on your farm without taking chances of having your farm work delayed at a critical time. IIJLJNOISTRACTORCOMPAlrManufacturer8,BIoomington,IlUU.S.A iir . tr . B.,1.. ILLINOIS TRACTOR COMPANY. 242-246 North Seventh Street. Lincoln. Nebraska Wetem Factory Branch "J ILLINOIS TRACTOR COMPANY. 20S Dakota Avenue, Sioux Fall. South Dakota Complete. Stock of Tracton, Repair Parts, and Seniicm Department Our hitherto unheard of guarantee is given to assure you that when you purchase an Illinois Super-Drive Tractor you will have a tractor that will do all the work you intended it to do that it will dependably work day after day and last for years. Our absolute guarantee positively protects your tractor investment, and absolutely insures you against the purchase of an unsatisfactory farm tractor. From the standpoint of dependability, low upkeep cost, economy of operation, and long life service, the Illinois is the cheapest farm tractor you can purchase. Compare the Illinois Super-Drive Tractor and the Illinois Guarantee with all others and you will be quickly convinced that this is the farm tractor for you to buy now. Write to us today send coupon, and lei us tell you what the Illinois Super-Drive Tractor will do for you. Illinois Tractor Company, Lincoln Street, Bloominston. III. 1296 GtntUmen : Give ma particular! recardhvi your unqualified Guar- V antee to refund the full purchase price and at the um time aire me (acta oo what Cm Illinois Super-Drira 4 Tractor haa doae (or all tta owaera. I own a farm of acrea Name Postoflice Township County. .State. jgnKO Christian Church Services for the Month of August 10 a. m Sunday School 11a. m. Breaching Service 2 p. m. South Side Mission Sunday School. 7 p. m. Senior Endeavor Service 8 p. m. Preaching Service muiiuiwiuun Try The 'Ad Route' to Success BUY Land At Stratum, Colo. For Particulars Wrlto to Jos. A. Collins Land Co. Stratton, Colorado Dr. R.V. Nicholson DENTIST OlllcoOvor AIIrltU'a8tore tied Cloud Nebraska WWWrWWWaWWVbWrWA Do You Sleep Well These Hot Nights You Would If You had a Scraenadmin Sleeping Porch Any style of house has a convenient wal or corner for such an improvement LET'S TALK IT OVER Ittalone-Gellatly Go.f YWWWWflJVUVrVWVUWUWlflrt Want the Best in Job Printing? Come to the Chief A