The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 28, 1919, Image 1

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.y'Jft.ite". JC""-
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We buy and sell all issues of Liberty and j
j Victory Bonds at the market. If you
desire to buy or sell, call on us
Interest paid on Time Deposits
Deposits Guaranteed by Depositors
! Guarantee Fund of State of Nebraska
1 Webster County Bank
I Red Cloud, Nebraska
1 Edward Floiance, President S. R. Floranee, Cashier
EaniiMiijnmsiiii'iis'iiiiaiiiTimr.inr inwiir'Ji "T.
i,ni;,;n,!i!i!ira:E,!iiiiiii'i:i!'i.!i!:i"ii:j!Jir.ix':':in.,:! i'w n
U "1
SS & Canned Fruits
Gives Excellent Satisfaction in a large number
of Red Cloud homes. WE GUARANTEE THEM
We Have Some Very
Have You Tried Mrs.
Rohrer's and Verebest
that are gaining
Fresh Fruits
Our Stock in All Lines is New and Fresh
and know that or groceries and service
P. A. Wullbrandt
Groceries and Queensware
( rniKHt inij mm tma tn mimmii :n in i ti! i niiiii .i ii u :nr ai ii in! n ' nac uinn. uTu : u; m uh aiiH ki
tor Summer
No matter how popular suits or seperate
skirts may be, the thin dress is the most
pleasing and comfortable for the hot weather
Figured and striped voiles, flaxons, pongees
and organdies are the favorites.
' In white we have plain and fancy figures;
In colors we have voile, organdy, flaxon
bateste and georgette.
We also have the handsomest line of laces
with which to trim them.
Come in and let us show them to you
fe. Barbara Phares
Agent gor Ladies Home Journal Patterns
All Sizes in Childrens Half Sox
. - . ,. -St.
, "v '"-r i " " "r ". " w
Fine Dried Fruits
ff &kC
in popularity.
and Vegetables
'un ji ii.iiuiiMiaa:nnna4Kja; jiinuu:ajii. t:uusuiu ni-m iinnnmiin thj: .t: KiiKCUtnittii m
4 Neisaer That Gives The Hew
Bullet Ends the Life of
Former Red Cloud Man
Considerable tnytery surrounds the
denth of Lee Copleu. n fanner resident
of this city, which occurred netir Liu
coin lust Friday uiuht. Todate no duo
to the identity of the man who tlrod
tho fatal shot Iihs been secured. Ac
cordiutf to the story given orit Coplen,
a farm hntid employed by H FI Leav
IU, residing near Bethany, accomp-ui-ied
by three companions were driving
n car on the road east of Wyuka cenir
tery when they saw it car standing be
side the road ThU car whs occupied
by it man and woman Coplen and his
companions stopped their car und ask
ed tlit occupants of the other car what
they were doing and receiving n reply
that they could not understand Coplen
got out of the car At this time the
mai. in the roadster fired upon Uopleu,
started ills car and iicaded south The
injured umu was then tnken to n doc-tor'-
otllco at Hethanv where exatnlna
ion was made and a operation pcrfoiin
ed upc n Coplen. which disclosed the
fact that the bullet had ranged down
ward teaiing a hole in his stomach.
His three companions were question,
ed by the authoiitins but they could
no' give the number of the car or any
description of it occupants. They
also admitted that they ha 1 made a
practice of playing this kind of a joke.
It ts hoped by the, hiucoln author
ities thatMic parly who did the shoot
ing u,jH,come forward and make a
statement as in , all probability he
thought that lie was being held up by
Coplen nnd his companions.
Tho deceased was a son of H. W.
Coplen of Colorado Splint's and the te
nianis were shipped to that city for in
teiment Local Stockmen will Exhibit
Shorthorns at State Fair
Webstei county will again be well
represented in the livo stock exhibits
at the State Fair tills year, as several
of the local stockmen have entered
their stock, and without a doubt will
be successful in securing the ribbons
und the honors
Five head have been selected from
the mammoth herd of thoroughbred
Shorthorns of the J. M Ste ward &, Sou's
rancli and shipment made today. The
lot consisted of two senior bull calves,
one junior yearling heifer calf, one
seuior heifer calf and one junior heifer
calf. If fair judges and quality stock
predominate it is a .foregone conclus
ion that the Stewards will receive their
share of the glory. It will be remem
bered by those who are Interested in
live stock that they have "secured the
honors, against heavy odds, at live
stock exhibits at Denver and other
Clarence Johnston, another one of
our stockmen who specializes on high
grade thoroughbred stock and who
has lately been attracting considerable
attention in tho livo stock circles will
exhibit one thoroughbred Shorthorn
at Lincoln this year, a junior bull calf.
Noiton Steward, son ol Chas. Stew
ard, accompanied the shipment to Lin
coln and will have charge of tho cattle
at the fair.
Friday, August 29th, at 8:15 p. m.
1. March "The Spirit of tho
West." Hummer.
2. Overture "Abelard and Hc
loisc." Zimmcrmann.
G. A Flutation Roguish Eyes"
1. Selection "Tho Dollar Prin
cess." Fall
5. Spanish Serenade- "La Pn
loinu." Jradier
C. Two Step "The Walking
Frog." King
Tho Star Spangled Banner.
On account of tho absence of
Messrs. Miller and Mercer who will
play at tho Stato Fair next week,
there will bo no Band Concert.
Phil Shot-wood returned homo
from Chicago, Monday evening, af
ter visiting his aunt, Mrs. Weisz.
.y.yfo.fc S&'y.yj'MWFja&a'' r.-1wif
Fifty - two Weeks Each Year Far JI.50
Paving Contract Let
Th. mayor and city council held a
special session Tuesday afternoou for
tne purpose of letting the contract for
the p.iving of Districts number two and
number three. The contract was let
to tho Watts Construction Company of,
Grand Island. The construction is to
bo of asphalt c concrete and to cost
82 G5 per square yard. Tho contract
states that the work is to be completed
on or before January ir, 11)20. j
At the present time this company Is
completing a job of paving at Superior
and will finish theie Saturday, ufter
tvhli'li rlnif will mum Uioir i-nulntnont
to this city and commence work next1
Webster Co. Rural Teachers
Following Is the names of tho uiral
teachers of Vebter county aud the '
number of the dltriet in which they;
will te.ich the eusulng your:
3 J Ujntiie Blanken baiter
4 Transpoit
5 VirgiuU Haines
0 x Biuce ivdielnmti, Kathryn Eshe'
uiuti, Zelnia Wondoily
3 Letha llutislcker
'. Rachel Cowden
10 Sadie Uouldle
11 Katheryn MeCartiiey
12 Vesta Hubatku
l.'l Margaret Merritt
1 1 Ethel Waller
lTVerna Francis
H Beatrice McA lister
Uu Flora Osborne
21 Frank Thomas
22 Joycie Vise
21 Stella Illndonach
21 Verna llutchliis
.' Gertrude Backer, -Ora Grant
,(J Alvena Iteutro
27 Bonnie Miller
J" Salvia Donley
'In Anna Johnson
IIJ Leva Sheppard
l Mild ted Fey
31 Christ ln Caldwell
W Opal Bishop Thelma McBride
17 Eleanor l'elsiger
.'$ Ruth Householder
HO Teresa Reiglo
10 Violet Dairs
11 Mildred Mercer
12 Clara Koehlcr
i;) Howard Arnold
15 Murle Kggleston
40 Floyd Holnigraiu
47 Kthelyu Durdlu
43 Lulu McCoy
4'J Agnes Klrkpatrick
DO Gertrude Barcus
SI Alice McCartney
.VJ l'earl Johnson
.111 Ruth Chaplin
f.l Edith Crilly
5'. Lillie Leetsoh 53
:! Grace Hoover
tiO J. I. Burwell, Trcna Rose, Grace
Bo we r.s
il Klizibeth Coplen
t)J Maude Morauviile
Chi r.lsio lliippert
CJ Verna Chaplin
it." Alta Coon
0(i Albert Gingrich
tiS Pauline Bodley
C'si Delia McCallum
70 Ruth Robertson
7J Myra Kvans
7a Mabel Koont.
77 Lois Home
73 N Ksther Phillips, S-Gem White
8J Bleauor Harvey
81 Mildred Arnold
811 Mario Meents
hi Irma Oatmnu
8.1 Jesse Wagoner, Zella Chapllu
8 Vera Watt
!M Maud Bean, Anna McPartland,
Mabel Greouhnlgh
M. E. Church Festival
Come to the M. E Uhuich I'ostlval
At S o'clock Filday evening, Aug. 29
Ripping good time for twentyllve cents
Neath summer skies Xubraslm Hawal
lans play
Icecream aud ico cold drinks
Very select amusements
All white star mliisttels of Nebrnsl.n
Laugh and enjoy the evening!
Given in cause of tl 0
Centenary Movement.
KggggS-r -
"rmv 'VlL rj?- LvAVjI mIJ& uu
"The Cabinet Sold My Wife
The Music Then Sold Me"
"You see, Alice is a furniture 'fan', is interested in in
terior decoration knows all the periods and tlie careers
of the famous designers.
"What a beautiful Sheraton piece, she exclaimed, as we
passed the store window. Note the rich tints of the ma
hogany; the perfeci proportions.
"Wc entered.
"She raved about the classic purity of the period models.
Then we listened to the instrument. That got me.
"I don't doubt the salesman's claim about the tone test that no ono
can tell thn artist from the instrument when they're pitted against
each other. He said It cost J 1,000,0011 to perfeqt;tbe New Edlton Any
how thats the story of how se happened to buy? And I'm certainly a
If you enjoy beatlful furniture you'll want to see tho Now Edison
period cabinets, we'ie now displaying.
E. H. Newhouse
Optometrist and Jeweler
Harvest Days Are Over
Von have Harvest Money to Spend
You know how hard you worked for that money.
Get your money's worth when you spend it.
Perhaps you have planned to buy a NEW RANGE
If you have we can recommend one that is worth
One Hundred Cents on the Dollar, and then some
Our stock of these ranges include both cabinet and leg base.
Come in and see them, it will not obligate you to buy.
Red Cloud's Leading Hardware Dealer
Notice to Automobilists
Tall lights must bo put on nutomo
biles and kept light at nlKht while
driving In tho tho city limits of Hod
Cloud. N.r. PHI LLIl'S, City Marshal.
L-tis -a
g"- -
If you buy one of these
ranges you will find that it
will save you money in fuel
bills every time you use it
Perfect baking, econ
omy in the use of fuel
durability and beauty
arc all found in the South
Bend Malleable Range
We guarantee it to be all
we claim for it and more.
Be sure to see This Range
before you buy your range.
Judge and Mrs. A. U. Ilannoy and
son, Donnld, icturned homo Satur
day from n thrcQ weeks vacation-
spent at Spirt Lake,
Iowa and oth-
or Iown points.