Jtft 4 w T) CLOUD.' IftBRAlIA, OH1IP 9 r - 9 -, H si i'; T ' NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bcalod proposals wlllbe rectlvcd nt thcnHlccof the City Clerk, lice) Clout), Nebraska until 0 o'clock p, m. Standard Mmo, Auituil 3ft, ID1U tor the construction of paving nntt ml colahcuun work Incidental thereto In l'avlni Dlitrlcta Xoh. 2 ntul 3 ol (said Olty, as show n on plans and specification)) on flic In olllcc ol Bald clerk. The englneerB estimate ( qunntltlcit and ol unit costs areas ronown: titMNTyius Unit Cihih Din. 'J. DlHT 3 Htrcct Pavement A. II. C. 3,3-Vi k(. Vds. . 31,81!) k. yds. Alloy 1'avcmtnt 1). 2,131 w. yd. Ilrlck ClasH A 3M Sheet Asphalt Clam II. 3.13 Asiihalt'lc Cone. Class C. i -? Concrete Claw 1). , ' i' Curb . ' O lln. ft. I,3o0 lln. It. .70 Curb and Gutter ' , l,W7 " " 2JBSK) " " 100 Header '( . 121 " " 1,200 " " -TO Grading above curb . IWcti. yds. KOru. ds. .73 InlctsTypi-A . I Kach 20 ICnch . 27.00 InlelsrypoC. 'i " " ls0 Manholes 0 " . . " oi.i'O 1'lpcMnes U Inches ISilIIn.lt. IISlln.lt. 1.00 t5 ,. o " ill " " 1-W l .. o " " hgO " 8.70 ;W .. ' n " " S0 " " f.-20 Alternate proposals will he ret ilvitl on brick, sheet asphalt and asphaltlc cimrielu lor Htrcct pavciiRiit and on concrete for alley pavement all as clastliled alo e, and more fully Hhottii and described In the engineers plans and upcclHcatlons. raeh proposal must bo accompanied by a certified cluck In an amount of not !( than 5 percent of bldnado payable to "The City Treasurer ol Itid Cloud. Nebraska". The cheek of the bidder to w horn the award Is made w III be held until contracts ate slimed anil bond liltd. All other checks will bo returned when the contract Is awarded. Detailed plans and speclncatloiis may he hten and proposal blanks obtained nt tho olllcc 'of the City Enirtntor, Clco. II. Overlni?, or nt the oilleo ol tho consulting engineers, Grant, Fulton A I.etton, Ml Hankers Mfo llldg., Lincoln, Nebraska. Hidden deilrlng plans and Hpectilcntlons lor their Individual use may obtain tho same from theconsultlng engineers upon payment ol JWI0 no partot which will be refunded. Proposals made upon blanks oilier than those furnished by tho engineers will be rejected and tho City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids If deemed advisable, ny order of the Mayor mid City Council of tied Cloud, .luly 2a, 1810. P. C. POPK Mayor ,,. O.C.TEi:ii Clerk uvir GEO. ll.OVKUING City Ktiglncer r -:-x-:"X-t-x-K-:-M"M"X AS TOLD TO US i Buy Dread at Powell and Topes If you have hendHche sec Dr. War rick. Dr. Howard Yost went to Lincoln Tuesday. Verne Bailey left this morning for Twin Falls, Idaho. Dr. Crawford of Omaha spent Sun dav with friends here. Gcrhardt Olmstcad of Guide Rock was in the city Monday. Mrs. J. O. Butler went to Cowles Wednesday to visit friends. Superintendent Clark of the Au burn schools was in the city today, Mr. anil Mrs. Roy Stevens of Hast ings spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. J.'Wl Auld and children left today for an outing nt Boulder, Col orado. Mrs. Floyd J Christian, went to Grand Island Tuesday to visit rela tives. f(, ,. t ;..- j", :.. i , Mrs. Harwood went to Omaha, this morning1 to Visit her son, Tres5and luinny. ,.... , ' . t llu tVinv will vioif WlntivfS to visit relatives nB'f V.;i v 'tw, v.hi.,i hnmn van uciiiuw6 . ......... ,, Miss Ethel Doyle3 went' lo Hardy Wednesday friends. Mrs. Bossie pajn and Missv Vera Hatfield 'went to Hastings this morning. l ' Mrs. Frank Jones of Cleveland, Ohio, is visiting her cousin, Miss Effie Holcomb. Joe Carr, who has been very sick the' past few weeks is able to be up and around again. Roy Hcrbergcr, who is employed nt tho Arams office is enjoying a two weeks vacation. R. A. Garrctson returned to Van Tassel, Wyoming Wednesday after visiting with his mother here. NOTICE Beginning with Aug. 1st we will develop any size film or film pack free of charge when prints are ordered. When no prints nrc ordered, the price is 5c for films or 10c for film packs. Quick service: bring in your films or packs today and get your prints tomorrow. The price of prints remains as hereto fore. THE RED CLOUD STUDIO Good meals good service moderate prlcc9 Powell & l'ope's cafe. Harry Rcgcstcr went to Trenton Monday. Mrs. Polnicky spent Monday in Hastings. Ben Hudson of Guide Rock was In the city Monday. Pauline Munday spent. Sunday with friends at Guide Rock. A. M. Glover returned home Sat urday from Atwood, Kansas. A. E. Ensign, of Burr Oak, Kan sas, was in the city aauiruay. Mrs. Luccna White went to Guide Rock Saturday to visit relatives. Mrs. Moranvillo returned home from Lincoln the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Simons of Cowles were in the city Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Schultz went to Axtell Monday to visit relatives. Mrs. Frank Ellinger and Mrs. H. E. Drietzler of St. Joe spent Satur day in Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Burgess spent Sunday with their son, Clarence, and family at Inavale. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and M. A;1 Merger l-reto'rned home from Leb anon Sunday morning. v Rev. and Mrs. J.' J. Ernst left Sat today for Eckleyr' Colorado, fwhere V 'M 0RPH1UM Friday and Saturday E. K. LINCOLN in FIGHTING THROUGH NOT A WAR STORY But a splendid American drama of Southern prldo Hnd Southern wom anhood. (Maryland Warren thought Robert Carr of Virginia was u cow ard and disloyal to "Old Glory" but a trip to Mexico brought out his laten patriotism' attd he "found himself." ,, Comedy Cupids IDay Oil ..vv 'iJA Admission l(c. and lie MONDAY and, TUESDAY ANITA STEWART in 'Virtuous Wives' .vilaij , nYfe'V 'I" Thursday evening, having bcerf dis charged from the army. a Mrs. Vernon Zeiss returned to Hampton Monday where they will make their future home. Miss Minnie Kcllett of Hastings spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Kcllett. Miss Mabel Bright went to Cam bridge, Saturday evening to visit her sister, Mrs. Mclvin Rickard. The Misses Lucy and Rebecca Barrows of Hay Springs are visit ing, with Mrs. Sarah Bright. Grant and Verne Bailey spent Saturday with relatives at Guide Rock and Burr Oak, Kansas. The ladies of the South Side Mis sion held an ice cream social Thurs day evening and cleared 15. The Misses Kathcrine, Mario and Lydia Traut went to Loveland, Col orado, Friday to visit relatives. Chas. Schcllak and Jack Stcffins of Hastings spent Sunday with the lattcr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Steffins. Mrs. Plyth returned to her home at Saronvillc, Monday, after spend ing a few days with her sister, Mrs. Roy Oatman. Mrs. Glenn Olmstcad and daugh ter, Lola, returned home Saturday from Inavale where they hail been visiting relatives. Will Munson, of Hastings, who is lAvtA -fits t-Un nniTif rn rt f 1 1 vl m i frit k JIUIIIU I1UI11 UlU lit J w utwut)if is. visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Doyle and family. Miss Kathleen Harris returned to her home at Edgemont, South Da kota, Friday after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Denno. Miss Elsie Jernborg returned home Friday from Cheyenne, Wyoming, where she had been visiting her sis-t-r, Mrs. Roy Robinson. Mrs. Hannah Jensen returned to her homo at Bloomington, Saturday evening after spending a few days with Mrs. Gertrude Hanson. Miss Allison Cowdcn left Satur day evening for Oakland, California, ,to visit friends. She will attend col lege 'at Berkley the coming year. ,. Mrs. Alleta Johnson returned' to her home at Grand Island, -Satur- I day, after spending a few days with ner sister, Mrs. uuza lompmns. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Sutton return ed to their home at Council Bluffs, Iowa, Saturday, after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lippincott. Mrs. Fred Meininger returned to her home at Hastings, Saturday, af- , ter spending a few days with her 'parents, Mr. and' Mrs." A.- B; vPc!rce. j Eat and drink nt Powell iVFoje's Cafe. tf Mrs. E. E. Butler of Smith Center,( Kansas, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Leggctt. J. D. Edwards, of Clarence, Mis-, souri, is visiting his son, J. F. Ed wards and family this,vcck. Miss Margaret Piatt went to Cowles Tuesday to visit her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lacy. Mihs Lena Ludlow returned home Monday from McCook where she had been visiting her brother. A. G. Hauscrman and son, Leon ard of Alma stopped off in the city Wednesday while onroute east. Mrs. Prathcr returned to Hast ings Wednesday after visiting with her daughter, Mrs. I. O. Walker. Miss Fay Richardson wont to Onutha Tuesday to visit her brother, Charles, who is in a hospital there. Mr. and Mm. W. D. Edson spent Sunday and Monday at Oxford' with his father, Rev. I. W. Edson and fam Mr. and Mrs. Max Mizcr and fam ily left Tuesday for Casper, Wy oming, whore they will enjoy an out ing. Mrs. May Overton of Limevilie, Iowa, arrived Wednesday morning to visit her sister, Mrs. N. P. Camp bell. Lieutenant Clayton R. Ranncy of the Sixth Corps Military Police ar rived in New York Sunday from overseas. Attorney F. J. Munday was in the western part of tho state looking af ter some business affairs the first of the week. Mrs. D. D. Sanderson returned to her home at Lincoln Tuesday after visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Potter. Elias Goble is home from Farm ington, New Mexico, to attend the wedding of his daughter, Miss Ruby, to Mr. Howard Cramer. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Tate1 and children of Tarkio, Missouri, arrived in the city Monday to visit her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Christian. The Garfield Boy Scouts and their Scout Master, Jesse Wagoner, left Tuesday via automobile for Colora do where they will enjoy an outing. Mesdamcs A. J. Topham and T. E. Topham left .Monday for an extend ed visit at Gillette. Wyoming, Port land. Orecon. and other western! points. Mrs. F.J. Munday went to Hat ines Friday morning and brought her son, Virgil, home from the hos pital and he if?,. much, improved in neaitn. .. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Waller J Cowles drove down Saturday. wm took the, evening train for Gurlcjft Nebraska," where- they will" visit? he brother. ' , " Glen A. Rhoads of Otego; Kansas, and Miss May Louisa Green of Guide Rock were granted a mar riage license by the county ' judge last Friday. Mrs. E. E. Boner and children, who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Boner, departed Monday even ing for their home at Aberdeen, Washington. Mrs. J. E. Butler went to Shenan doah, Iowa, Tuesday, to visit and will go from there to Kansas City to buy her fall line of millinery be fore returning. Dr. Warrick, The Specialist, will meet eye, ear, nose and throat patients and those needinir glasses fitted at Dr. Dameroll's ofllce Tuesday, Aug 19th. Hours 1 to 5 only. Miss Ramoria Schwcr, domestic science teacher in the high school for the coming year, went to Hebron this morning after visiting 'with Mr. and Mrs. Holtzen. Miss Ruth Blackwell and Albert Hogan, of Clayton, Kansas, who hao been visiting friends here, went to Guide Rock this morning to visit rel atives and friends. Mrs. Celia Lawler of Los Angeles, California, who had been visiting her son, Emory Lawler, near Cowles left Saturday for Atchison, Kansas, to visit rejatives. Mrs. F. L. Hines and daughter, Pearl, left this morning for Shenan doah, Iowa, and from there they will go to Cherryvillc, Kansas, to visit their son and brother, Ernest. J. W. Drury and family of Beloit, Kansas, and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. no ner of Norton, who had been visit ing Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Boner, do parted Wednesday for their homes. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Clute of Co lumbiaville, Michigan, who hnd been visiting their friends, J. A. McAr thur and sons, left Friday morning for Long Island, KansaR, to spend a few days with Mrs. S. M. Carl be fore going to Portland, Oregon, to visit their son, Claude Clute and family. &. FSiS? mmfek-L iasrrT&Z2i yf, iisijiKU(7gi7 .wfi - 3 Wt VGA & 'kJ t 7 VrTiTl -w- 'vi'i.. lijvir m( m rsSteS Ioa'U Lh net IBO rrcj 18 cents a package What you pay out your good money for is cigarette satisfaction and, my, how you do get it in every puff of Carnels! kXPERTLY blended choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos in Camel cigarettes elimi nate bite and free them from any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor. Camels win instant and permanent success with smokers because the blend brings out to the limit the refreshing flavor and delightful mel low-mildness of the tobaccos yet re taining the desirable ''body." Camels are simply revelation 1 You may smoke them without tiringyour taste! For your own satisfaction you must compare Camels with any cigarette in the world ,at any price. Then, you'll best realize their superior quality and the rare enjoyment they provide. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Wintton-Salein, N. C. On Wednesday afternoon the firol department was called out to cxtin-l guish a fire at the Wm. Holliday place in the First Ward. A small sneu caugnt nrc anu uurncu iu mv ground. , ,, Miss Mono Albright left Wednes day for a -two weeks visit with Miss Bertha Canner..at'.Minnetonka, Min nesota. She was -.accompanied as far as Omaha by her mothor, Mrs. L. P. Albright, .who will visit' her son, Sherwood. j Dr. Hubbard, head of the Department of Economics of the Wisconsin Uni versity, and O. H. Gustavson of Lin coln are two of tho prominent men S2heduled to speak at the Farmeis Union Picnio at Cowlts, Saturday,' Aug. 30th, j Mrs. Lida Woodworth, formerly t,ida Blackwell, of Ayr, was in the' city Saturday, enroute homo from. Clayton, Kansas, where she had been to "attend the funeral of her brother-in-law, John Hogan, who was killed by lightning. , Hero Monday and Tuesday, Miss I . ,. . A. 1 lilfl-i . Wtnnl 1' Alma aiewart in -vumuun n..-, . . i.i i i... 1 lom me year s gremejsi, nuvui, uy Owen Johnson. A .fatory of society, New York's famous Four Hundred, marriage, moial social conduct, love a-begging, with gowns galore, palatial settings and u big all-star cast, at the Orphuutu. R. E. Schrocdcr and Mrs. S. E.J Loo of New Florence, Missouri, were married on Tuesday evening at the hnmn of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hurd of Cowles. Mrs. Schrocdcr is an aunt of Mrs. Oscar Boyce of this city and' a niece of Mrs. Hurd. They, left Wednesday for their home in Mis souri. Rev. J. L. Beebc officiated. Frank Starr returned from his eastern trip Sunday morning, and with his wife and baby returned to Red Cloud yesterday. Frank is still in the race horse business with a good horse that cleaned up in the races at Laharpe, Illinois, and he de cided not to sell the critter at this time, although ho had some good offers for her. Tuesday's Lebanon Times. Why not attend the oldest, larg est and lending Business Training School in the west the school1 en dorsed by Banks, Commercial Hous es and Business Firms everywhere. Send for free catalogue. Enter now. School in session all year. Address: Grand Iglarid 'Business College, .Grand. Island, Nebraska tho school built up to a standard, not down to a price. KaiJiMiiiraimrauiiimimiM Farmers Union County Picnic In McBride's Grove COWLES, NEBR. Saturday, Aug. 30 PROMINENT SPEAKERS MUSIC BY BAND Lots of Sport ; Barrels of Fnn Each Local to Furnish Part of the Program All are welcome whether members of the Farmers Union or not. Come and bring your tinea oaiKeu. ..m..i.m,iiminniiiimiiiu.,imiimminmmmtfflm'limini!l1IIItIIHIIt!iffl!lin!!l'III IIMIITiMlMllllM .- Public Sale E. S. Wall Paptr9PaSnti, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Wrk GuaratMd) Electrical Goods of all KfeaV Win' Wire Your House Aiid r Furnish You the Fixtures ' ' fM Hmllfn-Oitr Ctotklng C: Kvwytktni MM :,n As I am moving to Colorado, will offer at Public Sale on the old Aubushon farm, 2 miles west and 2 miles south of the Red Cloud river bridge, on Tuesday, Aug. 19, 1919 Commencing At 12 O'clock, Sharp Head of Stock Consisting of 9 Head of Horses and Mules 7 Head of Cattle . 70 Head Hogs and Shoats , Hay, Farm Machinery Terms ot Sale: 7 month at 10 per cent. 86 U. John Aubttshtm