BED OLOUD, NIBRAIKA, OHIIF r i .& lt:t K& The Greatest Name In Goody -Land 10J!zLZt"ePERFECT GUM i &asts M J M 111 Hi 111 ll' -1--1!1 '"! 'I1 "I ' ".' !!' '" -"Till 111 111 M Plri Sealed Tlfiht The Flavor Lasts NOT AN UNNATURAL ERROR! Inquirer Might Be Excused for Think- ins Old Lady Was Gone Beyond Recall. Concerning the cheese that made Ltmburg famous, a bulletin of tlie National- Geographic society quotes n communication from Wllllnm WIsner Clinpln as follows: "Llmburg Is sometimes culled the garden ef Holland. Of tho celelirnted relish known as Llmburger cheese It hns long been n query how an artlclo of food made from delicious material nnd considered such n delicacy can possess so obnoxious nn odor nnd still retain Its self-respect. This peculiarity has made Llmburger cheese responsi ble for ninny nmuslng Incidents. "A Dutch-American rurnl citizen once went to town to make some purchases, among which was some of this odorif erous coMvodlty. For convenience he placed It In a long box In the wagon behind the scat. Happening to stop on the road, an Inqulsltlvo acquaint ance approached nnd asked what the box contained. "In answer he rnised the lid and re plied, ''I have ray grandmother.' "Wefl, rejoined the Inquirer, as -fie caught n whiff of the contents, 'she's not In n trance.'" After He Had Declined It. "What made Latin n dead language, pa?" HOh, I guess somebody doctor ed it." Cartaons Magazine. gJ525SESS35SS252S3S3SE5SEt!5SSBS2S3SSStl5SSBSZS Every Year Sees An Increased Demand for Postum, from coffee ' drinkers who realize a change in habit will bring better health. The Original Postum is rich and satisfying as a table drink for both .young and old. .At Grocers. Two sizes, usually sold at 15c and 25c KePtRlfiht FUNERAL A PICNIC FOR DOG Rover Had Quite a Good Time While on His Way to His Last Rettino Place. A big picnic was planned and I was slated to transport the refreshments and n crowd of relatives to the picnic grounds, writes n correspondent of the Chicago Tribune. I placed tho boxes and baskets containing tho sand wiches, enke, fried chicken, etc., In n trailer, hitched tho trailer to my car. already filled to overflowing, nnd start ed gnyly on my way. A huge dog belonging to my nunt ac companied us, nnd I bad the misfor tune to run the heavily loaded ma chine over him, killing him Instantly, as we all thought. My aunt was deep ly affected and Insisted that I take Rover's body along and bury It be side tho river. I loaded the dog's car cass into the trailer nnd started on again, but not so gnyly. When we readied the picnic grounds and I rcconnoltcred In my trailer I be held Rover sitting up licking bis chops, as largo as life, or larger, I should sny, for ho had devoured all our pro visions. Pity tho misguided amateur garden er who tries to llvo on the vegetables ho raises. The Difficulty. "I would like to tnke you apart, Blr. .'You can't. I'm no human puzzle." in i Cereal CHARGED WITH 12 MURDERS French Detectives Are Unraveling the Past of Modern Bluebeard VICTIMS ARE BURNED Escaped Lover, Destined to Become Thirteenth Victim, Is Expected to Give Startling Testi mony at Trial, Paris. French detectives continue the Investigations Into the strange ense of Henry Lnndnt, under arrest charged with tho murder of 11 women and one boy. Lundru Is being detained In prison while the police are completing tho net of evidence which, they as sert, will show this modern Dluebenrd to lie the arch-criminal of modern time. Tho police have also taken Into custody Mile. Fernnde Regent, who wart with Landru at the time of his arrest. She Is believed to know much of Lnn dru's pnst affairs and, according to tho police, was destined to bo his thir teenth victim. Paris Is said to be lm patient for the trial, which Is expected to reveal n talc of shocking nnd fright ful Inhumanity. Bones and Ashes of Victims. It Is believed by the police thnt most of tho victims of Landru disap peared nt his secluded country home, Vllln Ginnhnls. There detectives have discovered charred bits of women's clothing, burned bones of human be ings, ribs and pieces ofrilm, arm bones hliln bones nnd liumnu teeth. In nu merous nsh piles, believed to contain the remains of some of the victims, de tect Ives have discovered bits of melted 'glass, hairpins and teeth. In tl kitchen of the home wera found ment snws, such as only a butch er keeps, nnd a kitchen stovo whlclu In the opinion of the police, served to burn the bodies. In the cellar great stains of blood were found, covered with sand. Discovery of n largo can filled with tar has led the police to th Selxed and Handcuffed Landru. theory that Landru used tar with coal to create a fire sufficiently hot to con sume bodies. Sensational Arrest of Bluebeard. Landru was arrested In Paris, where he was living under the name of Quil let. Two detectives entered his home on pretense of being eager to purchase his automobile. Once they were in side, they seized and handcuffed Lan dru and told him he was under arrest. Shouting and screaming and trying to tear oft the handcuffs, he protested against the arrest. LOVERS REFUSE TO PART Pennsylvania Qlrl Burns Self to Death as Sweetheart Dlea by Bullet Northampton, Pa. Two lovers, Nava Newhard, Blxteen years old, and Pal mer Lilly, nineteen years old of North ampton, Pa., died In a tragic manner as tho result, It is asserted, of a sui cide pact. The parents of the girl had refused to permit her to accept the attention of Lilly. The young people walked to Hower town, a mile away from their home, where they sat down by the roadside and ended their lives. Tho girl, with tho assistance of her lover, It Is thought, set Ore to her dress and was burned to death. Then young Lilly, uccordlng to the theory of tho coroner, 'shot himself several times through the head, dying a few minutes later. The pair left a noto on the ground In which they told of their purpose to die, as they could not live apart. Found Lost Safe and $25,000. Ban Francisco. Ten years ago 14). O. McCormlck of this city lost bis office snfe, containing between $25,000 and $30,000 In bonds. Tho safe failed te follow him when bo moved. Recently an attorney camo upon a strong box that no key would fit A locksmith opened It and revealed tae aalaslac I beads. In the Mazy Whirl. KlMiior, live, had seen her first dance. Sho was frankly delighted watching tho dancers, but had llttlo to s,ay when bho gof homo that eve ning. The next morning ninmtnn told her to toll daddy about tho dunce, as If daddy hail never seen n dance. She explained It thus to daddy: "Well, you bee, daddy, they sort of cuddle up with their lunula out this way on one sldo and hug with tho other hands and then they scrnpo their feet on the floor and sort of run up cno sldo of the Moor, scraping their feet, nnd down the other side." Putting It Up to Grandpa. Howard had not had his breakfast one morning when his grandfather drove up In his cnr. Howard wanted very much to go along, but his mother tnld: "Hut you haven't had your break fast jet, and grandpa doesn't want to wnlt." Howard studied n moment nnd then replied: "Well If I was a grandpa and had n llttlo boy, I'd say, '(Jo on nnd eat your breakfast and I'll wait for you.' " IF THIN AND NERVOUS, TRY PHOSPHATE Nothing- like Plain Illtro-rhosplintn to Pat on Firm, Ilraltlir Flesh nnd to Increai Strength, Visor and Nerve Force. When one stops to consider the lioat ot thin people who are searching continually tor eome method by which they my In crease their nesh to normal proportion by the filling out ot ugly hollows, the roumllng off ot protruding ingles with the attend ant bloom ot health and attractiveness, It li no wonder that many and varied sug gestions along this line appear trom time to time In public print. While excessive thinness might be at tributed to various and subtle causes In different Individuals It Is a well-known (act that the lack ot sufficient phosphorous In the human system la very largely respon sible tor this condition. Experiments on humans and animals by many scientists have demonstrated beyond question ot doubt that a body dsflotent In phosphorous becomes nervous, sickly and thin. A noted author and professor In his book, "Chem istry and Food Nutrition," published In 1911, ays: " that the amount ot phos phorous required tor the normal nutrition ot man la seriously underestimated In many of our standard text books." It seems to be welt established that this deficiency In phosphorous may now b tnit by the use of an organlo phosphate known throughout English speaking countries as I3Itro.Phospha.te. Through the assimilation ot this phosphate by the nerve tissue the phosphoric content when absorbed In the amount normally required by nature soon produces a welcome change In our body and mind. Nerve tension disappears, vigor and strength replace weakness and lack of ener gy, and the whole body soon loses Its ugly hollows and abrupt angles, becoming envel oped In a glow of perfect health and beauty and the will and etrengtti to be up and doing. CAUTION: While Bttra-Fhosphate la un surpassed for the relief of nervousness, gen eral debility, etc., those taking It who do not desire to. put on flesh should use extra care In avoiding fat-preduclng food. 3 Oh, Happy Dayl Teacher If you tako four fingers from ten, how many remain? Alice does not reply. Teacher How many fingers have $ou altogether? "' Alice Ten. Teacher And suppose four were missing what havo you then? Alice (beaming) No music lessons! Profitable Trip. . An Interesting and profitable trip that every motorist should tako but very few think of Is n trip under tho car to see the condition of things there. Poverty brings many strong landlords. res. if s toasted i "VOU know how much toasting im-, i proves bread. Makes it taste good. Of course more flavor. $ Same with tobacco " especially Kentucky Burley. Buy yourself a pack age of Lucky Strike cigarettes. Notice the toasted flavor. Great! Nothing like it. The real Burley cigarette. Qyrt Guaranteed by' Safeguarding a Jewel, "Could you arrange to have tho let ter carrier call only once n week at my house?" nsked Mr. Crosslots. "What's the Idea?" Inquired tho man at tho post olllce window. "My wife's afraid (ho now cook will think he's company coining to dinner and leave before vu can explain." Don't Poison Baby. FORTY YEARS AGO ntmoafc ovory mother thought her child must have PAREGORIC or laudanum to niako it Bleep. Thcso drugs will produce Bleep, nnd a FEW DROPS TOO MANY will prodtico tho BLEEP FROM WHICH THERE IS NO WAKINO. Many aro tho children who havo been killed or whooo health hun been rulnod for lifo by paregoric,. lauda num and morphino, each of which la n narcotio product of opium, tyrugglata aro prohibited from selling cither of tho narcotics named to children at all, or to anybody without labelling thorn "poison." Tho dellnition of "narcotio" is : "A medicine which relieves pain and produces sleep, but which in poiton' ous doses produces stupor, coma, convulsions and death," Tho tasto and smell of medicines containing opium aro disguised, nnd sold under tho names of " Drops," " Cordials," " Boothlng Syrups," oto. You should not permit any mediclno to bo given to your children without you or your physician know of what It ia comnosod. CASTORIA DOES NOT CONTAIN NARCOTICS, If it bcara tho of Chas. II. Fletcher. Gonulno Castorla always boars tho SAVED TWO FAMOUS PICTURES Old Masters Taken by British Officer From the Ruln3 of Yprcs Cathedral. The king of the llelglnns will shortly havo returned to him two famous pic tures which were rescued, four years ago, from Yprcs cathedral. It ap pears that during the bombardment of Yprcs In 11)15 a young lirltlsh artil lery olllcer noticed Inside the cathe dral, which was being heavily shelled, that the only things not shuttered by German fire were two Inrge Flemish masters, tinted 1000, hanging sotno 20 feet high on the walls. How to get them and save them for Itclglum was the question which Immediately pre sented Itself. Tho olllcer called two prlvatu soldiers to help htm, and with the aid of bonie. long gas pipes whlch had been blown down by tho German fire, nnd two largo hooks, the pictures were lowered to tho ground. The of ficer, Lieutenant Daniels, It. A., then cut the pictures out of their frames and put them In it lnrgc sack, which he used for n time as a bed. In the. end ho took them to London, where, with tho approval of the Hulglnn minister, they have been placed on exhibition prior to being returned to King Albert nt Brussels. Courage. "Aren't you afraid to wear n bath ing suit like thnt?" "Afraid of what?" asked tho girl. "Sunburn." SAFE, GENTLE REMEDY BRINGS SURE RELIEF For 200 years GOLD MEDAL Hoar lem Oil has enabled suffering: human ity to withstand attacks of kidney, liver, bladder and stomach troubles and all diseases connected with the urinary organs, aad to build up and restore to health organs weakened by disease. These most important organs must bo watched, because they filter and purify the blood: unless they do their work you are doomed. Weariness, sleeplessness, nervous ness, despondency, backache, stomach trouble, pains in the loins and lower abdomen, gravel, rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago all warn you of trouble with your kidneys. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules ara the remedy i III lUCkS fill ittavPMSlilEsF aWsii IsWjLv TzzCAr' "..' Some men Imagine they are tho whole orchestra because they have drums In their ears. New York city contributed one-six-tecnth of tho entire nation's army. Knowledge Is not power; education Is power. .lohu II. Gros. signature f . j6Qtrf-- signature ottaSyyt cc&JUte Perhaps He Had Repented. A funny one happened tho other day, In tho oUlco of a jtiHtlco of tho peace. A young couple wore being married, surrounded by several friends. Am usual, tho ritual camo to that place where tho Justice said: "Does anyone present know of any, reason why this couple should not be conio man and wife?" And to everybody's amazement, the groom spoke up, "I do." As he said afterwards, "that's whnt comes of too ninny rehearsals." I A Lady of Distinction. Is recognized by the delicate fnsclnabs Ing Influence of tho perfume oho uses. A hath with Cutlcurn Soap and hot water to thoroughly cleanse the pores, followed by a dusting with Cntlcurat Talcum Powder usually means a clear, weet, healthy skin. Adv. When He Did It. "From what you tell me, Sam, you havo been a busy man all your life?" "Yes, sah; yes, snn" "You've done a great deal In your tlmo and day, Sam, I guess." "Yes, sah. I"hit Is, I'so done n good lot in innli day; but It wuz In de boss's time, sail." Yonkers Statesman. It's Effect. "How did you llko the moving pic turo play?" "I thought It was reel nice." IJoundloss enthusiasm Is bound to get n rebound sooner or Inter. you need. Take three or four every day The healing- oil soaks into the cells and lining of the kidneys and drives out the poisons. Now life and health will surely follow. When your normal vizor has been restored continue treatment for a while to keep yourself In condi tion and prevent a return of the dis ease. Don't wait until you aro Incapable of fighting. Start taking GOLD UMDAJb Jinariera uu uapoulcs today, xoar druggist will cheerfully refund your' money if you are not satisfied with results. But be sure to get the original imported GOLD MEDAL and accept no substitutes. In three sties. Sealed packages. At all drug stores. .v? ft I "