ZZZm?&i& w vMm$wvM&f$WLXmiii " r - '" im iintm1 ". 'pfrim t "WilWiWIi iv w(WWVim. J5 P OLOUD, NEBRASKA. CHIEF i i i v County Treasurer's Semi-Annual Statement .mi-Annual Stnlenunt of Colli cUons, Disbuixmciits, Ualaiu-i-, f r thi tt Monti'- end ig June '), l'.j-i. KRANK SI ARR, County Ticauiei. BUY AiJiWJA'WllllWWtilfcft-fc' "M mtriniii . M COLLECTIONS Amount i 'lo Carti on hand $ 81,007.26 To 1012 tax collected To yl8 lax collected . '.I o lfM tax collected . To 1!)15 tax collected . To 191(5 tax collected . To 11)17 tax colloctod . 8.75 18.67 1(1.00 22.3(1 09.71 139.82 'Jo lOtS tax collected 101,2:12.78 To School Land prin. coll.. . 3M-1.00 ' School Land Int. coll... 80 MM To School Land leant coll. IM.fiO To Inheritance tax 20.20 To Uni. Land int. -coll. . . -187.10 To Uni. Land lease coll.... 201.155 State Hail 1,221,43 To Jan. Appt. from St. Tr.. 8,890.23 To Rod Cloud Sower bond. . 12C.00 To Misc. coll county gcn'l. 080.15 To Misc. coll Co. Hridgc.. 57.95 To fines and license 74.00 To motor vehicle fees 2,194.05 To Int.'on County deposits. 947.88 To Poor Farm . v 2,735.39 To Redemptions . .'. 2,483.84 To Commissioner districts . 30.00 To fo?3 28.25 To school districts 103.83 DISBURSEMENTS Amount St. Tiens. Roc. 149o44 . . .$18,BS4.90 St. Trt'UH. Rec. 149830 ... 758.60 St. Treiw. Rec. 150C66 . . 14,548.69 Co. Genl war'nla mleom'd 12,716.07 Co. Bridge war. redefined 12,328.02 Co. I'oor war. if dcomod . . 2,700.85 Road Drag war. redeemed 8,231,85 Inheritance war. vedoemed 799.00 Commissioner dl.di let .. 5,762.81 Red Cloud Klcc. Lt. Works 750.00 Red Cloud Water works. . 800.00 Red Cloud Special 450.00 Red ClomhSewer Uond .. 175.S0 School Uonds 2,407.10 150.00 Total $200,754.93 it Red Cloud Sewer woiks School orders pd. loc.tax Dist. road warrants Poll receipts HIadon Klcc. Lt. bond.... Hladcn Klcc. Lt. works . . City Tr. receipts, R. C. . City Tr. R. C. water bd. City Tr. R. C. Klcc. Lt. bd. Vill. Tr. R. IL water bond VillTr.R. II. Kl. Lt. bond Village Treas llladen.... Vill. Tr. Ilia, water bond . Bladen water works Redemption 2,533.39 County Treasurer's fees . 1,200.00 Co. Treasurers commlss'n 1,299.99 72,578.85 0,772.00 4.00 75.00 237.50 1,500.00 22.50 271.00 150.00 175.00 475.00 1,175.00 237.50 Total $102,496.83 m-m', BALANCES Amount I State General fund 236.83 1 State Aid Road .ifl.fla , Stute Activity Fund .... 7.02 State University Fund . . 105.34 I State Uni. Bldg. Fund . . 79.02 State Normal Fund .... S9.07 State Motor Vehicle Fund 180.00 i State Aid Bridge Fund . . 14.30 Slate Incl. Impiovemont 34.34 Rod Cloud K. L. Works . . 190.2G Rod Cloud Library 589.34 Red Cloud Water Works . 58.90 Red Cloud K. L. Bond .. 104.90 Int. on University Land.. 47.03 Lease 87.01 Principal on School Land over paid 37,44 Interest on School Land over paid 8.05 Lease on School Land . . . 38.05 Rcil Cloud Special ...... 118.58 Red Cloud Sewer Bond . . 933.00 Red Cloud Sewer Works . 29.83 County General Fund .. 12,300.33 County Bridge Fund ... 5,909.54 Co. Road I'd. R. C. Paving 975.10 County Poor Fund 1.GS7.9S Blue Hill 705.19 Blue Hill Water Bond .. Soldiers' Relief Fund Blue Hill K. L. Bond ... II. H. Klcc. Light Work j.. Blue Hill W. Works Commissioner Districts . Guide Rock Guide Rock Library Schtfol Bond Fund Sohool District Fund .... Bladen Fines and License Fund HNwriMM wwuaruwimNBivm At Strattorf, Cole. I-1'- iMtti mj nr v, u 1.1 Jos. A. Collins Land Co. Stratton. Colorado Mtv. Adeline InrqUftr. dnuliter of Sam I-m-quur. pushed away at the faai ily home norm of l?iihl. linni. Tn.. day 11 ornlng, after an Illness of sovcra1 tnontlit. The fimral services woie held at the home this morning mid In- tei meat was mailo In tho Guide Rock cemetery. Gus Xyborg, one of our farmer-, tending south ot 1,387.44 77.82 1,801.31 320.20 320.20 10,388.91 494.81 170.62 15,078.51 32,905.83 256.31 (4.UIJ In Hoard Drag 3,058.40 Inheritance . 122.87 Road District Fund 10,535.90 Bladen Water Bond i5S.lt! Bladen K. L. Bond 003.25 City of Ked Cloud 39S.12 City of R. C. Water Bond 31.19 Village of Bla. K. L. Wks. 109.47 Village of Bl. Water Wks. 109.48 Village of Cowles 1.00 Redemption Fund 44.00 Over Draft on School Land 45.49 tllit ..Iff surprised hi many fi lends bv takinp 01110 iiiiiiima wire, the lady ot lu choice I chip .Mrs Myru Joy of this city. The umrrlaire ceivniuiiv took place at the home of the brdle, Sumluv iiftei-iicion at two o'clock. Rev J I) Hatnmel omVluting Only a low of the relatives were pre-ont. They will be at home to their fiieiidson the NyLerir farm. The joys of a vi-lt with imuulmti was brought to 11 sudden termiimtli n by an acolileut which resulted In a broken arm, last Saturday. Little MUs lieulah Hawkins daughter of Mr. and Mr Tom Hawkins, who reside on a farm northeast of the city had been visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Ittitte-r She started down town, on hor rollir skates and when near the Cntholic chuich, lost her balance and fell on the walk, breaking her arm below the elbow. A physician was Mimmrmed at once an 1 gave the IttUe sufferer tnedl cat attc. 0 -.. . JLignc and rower mgm ! The Standard Tho Standard 1p7m4l ' BELT TYPE 4 H. P. .FWS3 fi?eclrfe . ALL-PURPOSE BtB Lighting Plant Power Plant ISuSKfifl ! p r ' x j ?? fv ff k f I j T ?r ' - x, V, ----HWvVd Ml .UAllLiRJ V mii.,W.ttU ' - s Art?4--- - -Vri I 'X iirezv'i' I I TsTL-JmwSJ' I Vg- - !','. lf?in7Y Y'ji iJt '.A r&f&.-JimJiC-x mBtt-m i r y3m IH jssstWk ;- wsmy r propeions Ttnl $104,250.10 omie oi iNcurasKai FRANK STARR, County Treasurer, k . By, B. W. STEWART, Deputy, webster County, "Nebraska, my pres-ence andsworn to before me this 20 day ofJuly, 1919. . B. F. PERRY, There are no registered Countywavrants of any kind at present time. CUnty Clerk there are no county bonds outstanding. Subscribed (SEAL) in PJNH rlr j 1 iff CT WiW i id a i iti p- - u rnTF ifPH 'I, Mi it ii ii i ii . . r . :.-i ,'r'- . !' ' v&' ' 'I, .. ' Mil I h liUili (",; ..'V ... ., :..-..M .Wiit'..V.,V, ?..i3Kf i?s- . ill I 111 111 Mil riMiil I'l IMI j II .. -.-."l viV .,1 I I I inl'JJ 7 .11 it tmouuB' " jmsmMmmmsmmr . U II tm.jSr i Ik i Kir 4 g-:mk I m luii ., rt'fcf.rfA, i . . ' -HWKKTk n: j hi w utuuf. ' fi a rf n ': , .. . , - ( 'sf , u" Au w :? Tr-rV!r. ' i4' ' 1 IM," i. sr.' i!' i IK. if teas kv---. -J 11 111 II ii Mm!t.,:M id Bp?& : .-$!i.i: ' ' " ... 1- .. . .v, War Savings Before County Institute,. During the monMis of July, Acut and September the Nebraska War Stv i ?s Committee are .ending represent. atie to the v.tilnus C'inty Se!iol Institute meetings to present Hi"Treas n ry Department's policy mid iuthod of teaching Thrift in the schnoN dnr. itiK the coming year. The War Sav. ings S;amps will be ued as the med ium of teaching Thrift. The Govern meat feels this phase of the Thrift movement h extremely important and Is malring very thorough plans to In. sure JJs success. "Quality" Job Printing .' "-': , SAY, you'll have a streak of smokeluck that'll put pep-in-your-smokemotor, all right, if you'll ring-in with a jimmy pipe or cigarette papers and nail some Prince Albert for packing! Just between ourselves, you never will wise-up to high.gpot-smoke-joy until you can call a pipe by its first name, Men, to hit the peak-of-pleasure you land square on that two-fisted-man -tobacco, Prince Albert I Well, sir, you'll be so all-fired happy you'll want to ct a photo graph of yourself breezing up the pike with your smokethrottle wide open ! Talk about smaUe-spart! Quality makes Prince Albert so appealing all along the smoke line. Men who never before could smoke a pipe and men who've smoked pipes for years all testify to the delight it hands out I P. A, can't bice or parch! Both are cut out by our exclusive patented process! Right now while the going's good you get out your old jimmy pipe or the papers and land on some P. A. for what ails your particular smokeappetite I br Coprriiht till ' K.J. l()n Tobacco Cs. lUnioldi You buv Prince Albert tvrywhtr tobacco it told. Toppy rtdbagt, tidy red tint, handtom pound and half pound tin humldort-and that clotty, practical pound eryttal slate humidor with tpongm mohlener top that heept the tobacco in tuch perfect condition. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C, Why the Cushmaii "Does More" It doel morn hfrnn;r it oivna vm knit. nn.i.t.i. t :i.t 1 ... : -- r. .i . o"- j"""""! yunuuiu t.inu ana portaoie rower In one plant, in the most compact, efficient and convenient form ever devised. It does more because there is less vibration with a belted outfit like the ......., uu .u.iacHucmiy icss adjustments, repairs and service required. It doe more because every part is get-at-able. It is not necessary to r 'tear down" the plant to correct any trouble. 3Sur ra It do more because the same engine-the 4 H. P. Cusliman All-Purpose Engine may be used for work all over the farm, or be attached to binder. i potato digger, corn binder or other machines. 'f ?' doe m" because other machinery may be run from clutch pulley of engine at the same time the batteries are being charged by belt from fry- J wheel side of engine. It is the most flexible outfit. ' The Cushman Self-Starter permits the Cushman tlant to be started, stopped and operated by a woman or child. It is the oily starter that automatically releases engine compression and turns on and off oil. Engine started from switchboard, by pushing a button. We have a Cusliman "Does More" Light Plant ready for demonstralion. Please call and see it. " B. W. STEVENS Plumbing' Heating Everything Electrical JWrWWWAWVAVAWAW.V.VAWAVAWVAW Do You Sleep Well These Hot Nights ' You Would if You had a . Screenedmin Sleeping Porch Any style o! house has a convenient wall or corner for such an improvement LET'S TALK IT OVER r MaloDe-Gellatlv Go. I J i ! Christian Church When the FireiTven Appear tlie insured nun'j firat thought it one ol ihanUuln?!) that hs u so. Haw nSou your thoughts il n fiireman should .ip pear at your home? The Da.y Before the Fire is the day to insure. As that day may be to-morrow (or all you can know or do, it fellows that prudence would im pell you to stop in our office to day and have us issue you a policy, O. C. TEEL R.elia.ble Insura-nce i EXCESSIVE ACIDITY is-at the bottom of most digestive ills. KMfOIDS for indigestion afford pleas ing and prompt relief from the distress of acid-dyspepsia. MADE BY SCOTT & BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTTS EMM JUttM mmmmmmammmmamoMr Dr. R.V. Nicholson DENTIST Oillco Over Albrlglit'i Store Red Cloud Nebraska Judge Dorsoy of Bloomlngton was in the city Monday and held a short session of District Court. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cordle of Kiv crton visited her 'father, Rev. Har per tho last of the week, Dr.W.H.Mc Bride DENTIST OVEft STATE DANK REDCLOUD NEBRASKA Th Hamilton - Cmther Clothing Co Everything e Mem er Boy Weere 01 Of NrUm 1 Services lor the Mon th of July f i I 10 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. Preaching Service 1 2 p. m. South Side Mission Sunday School. I 7 p. m. Senior Endeavor Service I 8 p. m. Preaching Service wiel: i UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION The National Parks With All Their Wonders Are Yours YELLOWSTONE The land of geysers, painted canyons, forests and water fallsyou can tour grand old Yellowstone in automobiles, either via the Cody Way or Gardiner or Yellowstone en trances. Through sleepers, hotel and camp accomodations as usual. You can go direct or via Scenic Colorado or Rocky Mountain Nntional-Estes Park. Rocky Mountain-Estes Park Colorado' ; beautiful vacation land, just north of Denver, the summerplaygrounds of fifty thousand tourists. You can reach Denver in the morning and bo in the Park at noon. GLACIER Magnificent Glacier Park the climax of tho Rockies rug ged grandeur is open to tourists. Through sleepers to the Park entrance. Tickets either direct or via Denver. Scen ic 'Colorado, with Rocky Mountain National-Estcs and Yel lowstone Parks en, route THREE PARKS ON ONE TICKET. Ask your local ticket agent to help you plan your trip and furnish you with descriptivo booklets of points in which you are interested. - . I ' 1 ssEiszggtsafg"! m, M. ,