The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 31, 1919, Image 7

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Hk. 1 am RJLVssJsjtY'BCBBBBBBBBflalspi. ar? a Bh JTUqiwVjJj)4nhM- HtJRkAfts bbs-bbV iLku. tlUflB
't'lie IviiIIiIm of Columbus nre Komllng photopraplis of Hie ltuvcs of Ami'i-inin xoldti'rs, bailors and minim's to rein
tlws In tills country. The picture shows "Casey" workers placing wreaths on Knives.
i p i yimn mi.11.1 )""""Wl)rSTnT11lsantS.l '' ! Mi I l I HI I I I -t,--
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;w'wcwy 'x; JXv
Under the Mirwllluiicu of a KilmicIi arniored cruiser French whippet ttuiUs iuu heru shown being iiunspoited
through the mouth of the Dnelster river In Russia to Itouiunnlu.
l.ndy Beutty, wife of Admiral Ueatty.
conimatider-In-chlef of the grand fleet
of (I rent ISrltaln. and her little hoy.
Lndy Heatty's exqulslto charm and de
votion to her family Is well known In
England's soclnl circle. She was for
merly Miss Ethel Field of Chicago,
U. S. A.
This photograph shows the German national assembly which recently ruti
fled the treaty of peaco. Note tho women members of the assembly.
j? VA A.e
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frZ&A. iLa jCa
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? ftrriiDM. (JL, "" ,v v v f
Itosnlle Frcedmnn of riilludelphla
pnlntlng n portrnlt of Pj-esldent Wil
son, holding tho brush between her
teeth. Sho lost the use of Iter hnniN
through illness.
History In Stones.
Huge stone statues and other relics
of an unknown race on Eastc Island,
,2,000 mllea off tho west const of South
America, wtll be studied by British
iiimi milieu 'v 'ii mh i IMP JB i , H wWiliBB' WmBII trmv'i """
E "" IllSSII il jT!
"yiS'. ISBTIfeSB. I ; " "
111 ii i i n-'i ' f'- WWUfffvt IkmSwv ' -
., : KjgHT rwg4SrtQarSp.Sli ' yr-g - '
1 1 i In iiWWKiJBMiMiK--lhBIThkai4;'l.yrn Xfwipr union
i if " -f i i i
The proclamation announcing the selection of Geneva as tho seat of the
Lcaguo of Nations Is being rend before the nnlnco of Justtco In Geneva. Tho
couucll of state and tho state ofllclalu are In attendance.
Lift off Corns!
Doesn't hurt a bit and Freeione
costs only a few cents.
With your fingers I You enn lift off
ny hard corn, soft corn, or com be
tween the toes, and the hard skin cal
luses from bottom of feet.
A tiny bottlo of "Freczono" costs
little at any drug store; apply a few
drops upon tho corn or caHus. In
stantly it stops hurting, then shortly
you lift that bothersome corn or cnllus
right off, root and all, without one bit
of puln or soreness. Truly 1 No hum
bug I
These Modern Dances.
"You say you don't dance.
"No. I gave It up a year ngo."
"What's the trouble, too awkward?"
"Not at all, Just too modest."
Past Experience.
"Yotii- singer has n line range. But
can she manage It?"
"She ought to. Sho used to be n
Ten days' Intimate acquaintance
with poverty will satisfy any man
for the rest of his natural days.
Friendship Is n fellow who knows
you're lllihlng but hopes different.
Famlllnrlty breeds contempt for mosquitoes.
if,.. f. r, .. '-s--1 , tuu
Nerves All Unstrung?
Nervouoncss often comes from weak
kidneys. Many a person who worries
over trifles and is troubled with neu
ralgiti, rheumatic painn and backnche,
isould find relief through a good kidney
remedy. If you have nervous attacks
with headaches, backaches, dizzy spells
and sharp, shooting pains, or If you are
annoyed by bladder troubles, try
Doan'a Kidney Pilln, They have
brought quick benefit in thousands of
such cases.
A Nebraska Case
Mrs. Harriet Stump,
McLane nnd Seven
teenth Bts.. Falls
City. Neb., says: "I
suffered terribly from
my kidneys. I had
rheumatic pains In
ray back and sides.
After uslnc three
boxes of Doun's Kid
ney Pills I was en
tirety cured. My
limbs which had
been swollen, were
reduced to normnl
slzn nnd tlin ftorenesa
all disappeared from my joints, und
tho trouble has never returned."
CWt Doan'-s at Any Store, 60c a Dos
For Baby's
Itchv Skin
All drnesrliti; 8oip 2S, Oint
ment 25 mj SO. Ttlcum 'a.
or, Dp. B, BotUn."
IIAI1Y C1IICKH Uarrrd Ilocki. H. I. IteJi,
Whits WyunJuttn. White and Jlrown Lev
horns, 14 for 25; $16 for 100; prepaid. Safe
delivery guaranteed. Aleo booking order for
fall haiche F P. Smith. Martlnnburi, Mo.
Wanted Lady permanently located to man
age a branch offlce In (hie dlatrlct. Canh
salary. Otla Novelty Works, Otlsvllle, Mich.
Precious Metal Is Sounht In Many
Places, Though No Great Amounts
Are Recorded.
Oold Is found In Sumntrn, tho
Celebes nnd In Dutch Borneo In bench
deposits, alluvial deposits, tertiary
(travel beds und also In vein deposits.
According to a government report, tho
working of tho gravel beds has so far
been of Ilttlo Importance, nnd the
dredging companies hnvo met with lit
tle success. The natives aro employed
to somo extent In tho washing of river
sediment, and In certain parts of Su
matra they also work tho tertiary beds
In n primitive wny by tunnels. Tho
larger companies confine themselves
to working vein deposits.
It Is understood that the greatest
quantity of gold Is produced In tho
residency of Henkulen, Sumntrn. Tho
gold mining area extends sometimes to
a length of two nnd uue-hulf miles.
Water power can be employed near
ly everywhere. Some mines In central
Sumatra are being worked. The mines
In tho Celebes are not ns rich as those
In Sumatra.
Worst Part of It.
"Why do you waste your days nnd
nights on thcbo pictures?" nsked the
wife of a struggling painter. "You
don't get enough for than to pay for
tliu paint you ueo."
"I know, my dear," ho answered,
"hut think 1 Kemhrnudt nnd others
painted pictures and schl them for
trifles, and now they nro the master
pieces of this world und sell for a mil
lion dollars I I am not painting for us,
I mil painting for our descendants."
"Humph 1" was tho wife's discour
aging reply. "You don't mnko enough
for us to raise any descendants." San
Francisco Chronicle.
A Ghastly Loan.
Representative Bnscom Slemp said
In Itlchmond the other day:
"There's homethlng ghastly nbout
German resourcefulness, something
that reminds me of Hill's silk hat.
"Bill was on his way to Joe's fu
neral In n resplendent silk hat. A
friend also on tho wny to tho funeral,
met him und eyed the tile enviously.
"'Where did you get It. BUI?" he
said. 'You don't own a tile I know
"'Shi' Mild Bill. 'It's poor Joo's.
I borrowed It off tho widow.' "
American Half-Cent Pieces.
Joseph I'owell, the curiosity shop
keeper n the zoo, lias added n col
lection of United States half-cent
coins to Ills already large coin exhibit
They date from 1800 to 1850. The gov
ernment stopped coining half cents n
good many ycurx ngo, but they nre
still real money and will be accepted
nt their fnco value. Of course, the
fuct that half cents nre now worth 25
cents to 75 cents each, becuuso of
their scarcity, Is another inntter.
Cincinnati Star-Times.
British Logic.
Sergeant (to Private Jones, who Is
looking hlnnkly nt the mug of ten)
Now, then, I'rivnto Jones, what's tho
matter with you?
Private Jones This bloomln' ten
don't 'arf taste funny.
Sergeant Taste funny, does It7
Well, then, If It's funny, why the
don't yer larf? From Blighty, London.
Frequently Happens.
Mr. Kxe Jack and Edith aro to be
married und I gut tho credit for mak
ing the match.
Mrs. Wye-j-KnJoy tho credit while
you' can, my dear. In n few years
they may ho giving you tho blame.
Boston Evening Transcript.
Catty Comment.
Belle rd Just like to see any man
try to kiss mo I i
Nell Oh, nobody doubts you'd Ilka
Nothing Llka Plain Dltro-Phosphato i
Put on Firm, Healthy Flesh and
to Increaso Strength, Vigor
and Nerve- Force.
Juilclriff from tlin countless preparations
and treatment!) which aro continually be-.
Ins- advertised for the purpose of making
tnln people llcshy. developing; arms, neck
and bunt, and replacing ugly hollows and
nngits by tna
soft curvel
linen of health
and beautri
there are evlJ
dently thou
sands of men;
and w o m e al
who k enn ly
feel their ex
connive thin
Thinness anf
weaknens are,
often dua to
nerves. Ou
bod lea ne4
mora vbo
pl'atw tnan ll
contained In
modern foods,
I'hyil clanw
rlnlm !hrA If
nothing that will supply, this denclcno
bo ttcll an the organic phosphate known
among druggists ns bltro-phosphat
which Is luexttonslva and Is sold by most
nil druggists under a guurnntro of natls
fuctlon or money back, Hy feeding th
nerves directly and by supplying the bodf
cells with the necomary phosphoric fo4
elements, bttro-phosphate should product,
a wolcomo transformation In tho appear
anco; the Inrreiiba In weight frequently
being astonishing.
Increaso In weight also carries vrtth It
n general Improvement In tho health.
Nervousness, sleeplessness and lack of
energy, which nearly always accompany
excessive thinness, should noon disappear,
dull eyes ought to brighten, and pal
checks glow with the bloom of perfect
health. Miss Georgia Hamilton, who was
once thin and frail, reporting her own
experience, wrltcn: "IHtro-Phosphate has)
brought about a magic transformation
with mo. 1 gained IS pounds and neva'
before felt so well."
CAUTION:-Atthough hltro-phonphate ti
unsurpanscd for relieving nervousness,
sleeplessness and general weakness. It
should not, owing to Its tondenqy to lr
creiiHo weight, be used by onyono wb
does not ileslra to put on flosh.
Makes 9 Out of (O
People Suffer
Doctors declare that more than 10 non
oritnnlo diseases can b traced to Acid
Htnmuch. sturtlns; with Imlluestlon. heart
bu,, belchliiB, food-repeating, bloat, sour,
gaany atuinnch, the entire syvtam eventually
becomes affected, every vital oncan suffering
In some degree or other. You see these vic
tims of Arid-Stomach everywhere people
who are subject to nervousness, headache.
Insomnia, biliousness people who suffer from
rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica and aches and
pains all over the body. It la safe to say
(hat about people out of 10 suffer to soma
xtent from Acid-Stomach.
If you suffer from stomach trouble or.
ven If you do not feel any stomach distress,
yet are weak and ailing, feel tired ana
dragged out, lack "pep" and enthusiasm and
know that something It wrong although yon
cannot locate tht azact cause of your trou
ble you naturally want to get baek yout
grip on health aa Quickly as possible. Thea
take K ATONIC, the wonderful modern rem
edy that brings quick relief from pains of
Indigestion, belching, gassy bloat, etc Kaep
your stomach strong, clean and swet. Bee
how your general health improves how
quickly the old-time vim, vigor and vitality
comet back!
Get a big EOo box of KATON1C from yout
druggist today. It Is guaranteed to pleaaa
you. If you are not aatltrttd yoar druggist
will refund your money.
kilfAHFIies! "5T.S5r'
ri.c.,1 unrwtitre. DA1SV FLY KILLER sttrmet tc4
kills all I lea. Ntat, elran. ornamental, convenient an4
faon. Made of metal,
can't anlll ortlnovan
will not anil or Inlurej
anything Guaranteed.
fly-xilLeei I
Jit yoar ucsier or '
30UEU3. 1W Us Kalb Aft., Urooklyn, N.T.
Expert work. Prompt return. Special
mail order department We yvy
return postage. Write for price list
The Robert Dempster Co., Box 1138, OmaUMeK
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 30-1 9 1.
d Nervous Mothers
Should Profit by the Experience
of These Two Women
Buffalo, N. T. "I am tho mother of four children, and for
nearly three years 1 suuorca irom a female trouble with pains
in my back and side, and a general weakness. I had pro
fesslonal attenuanco most of that time but did not eecm to
get well. Aa a last resort I decided to try Lydia B.
Pinkham'a Vegotablo Compound which I had aeen"
advertised in tho nowspapors, and in two weeks noticed
a marked improvement I continued its uso and am
now freo from -pain and ahlo to do all my house
work." Mrs. B. B. Ziilinska, 202 Weiss Street,
Buffalo, N. T.
Portland, Ind. "I had a disnlacement and suffered
so badly from it at times I could not bo on my feet
at all. I wa9 all run down and so weak I could nob
do my housowork. was nervous and could not lio
down at night. I took treatments from a physician
uut uioyuiu hoc neip roe. my auuu recommeuueu
Lvdia E. IMnkham'a Vfjcmtabla Comnound. I tried
J it and now I am strong and well again and do
Compound the credit." Mrs. Jobepiiinb
Kimdle, 035 West Race Street, Portland, Ind.
Every Sick Woman Should Try