The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 31, 1919, Image 5

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r If T
t ScalcitpnU)a!s will herotc(vul at thpt'llri'ot the ( Uy Clerk. Ilct I loiut. MLratka
yntliao'clock p. in. Htaiiilartl tlrrie. Auuu :&, 11)1 It. lor thoconirui'tiun ol p.ivlni: ami nils
Cflaiicotuwork inilclcntal thfruto In I'aWn Districts Not. JlnnJdotimUl ( ! it shown on
plan ami spccltltntioiiH en lite In nlllce ol "laM rlerl.
f Tin-cntjIiutrHistinmlu til rtismtltltanl l unit costs are an follow i:
Eat nml drink nt Powell A- Pope's I
E. S. Gaurber
-& . tjivsrnihs Umi i'oms
Vl Dist. ". 1'isr it
nfflf street t'arciticnt A II. i:. iVW q. . 3I,SIBsi..m1s.
T Alloy I'nwmiml Ij. 2.ISI m. jiU.
.,. ' 'llrtcU Olafi A I , S !lt7
o' Shirt Asphalt Chics II. H-'jj
A. Aphaltli'L'oni. t'lassC. ,V -,'"
Concreto (.'law It. . ' '. . . -:0
F Curb . ' . " 0 tin. ft. 1,!W iln. It. .70
,F Onrbamiauttur " '4.VJ7 -UXM ' . 100
J iiemiw , -A- ' it " " I 'wo " ' :o
, ,h-.Ji (lracttm:algecutll , 1.7) cu. yiN. Mlcu.yil. .70
NEW ' lnk'tsTypi-A ' 4 Knch 20 ICtich, 'J7.10
M YnlctsTypoiV ,'i " "
Ji Wnliolw . ' '0 " .1 moo
J PlpeUtiw lUlitehOfi iWlln. ft. tlNlln. ft. 1.05
f)iV . if. ' . 0 " '' W " I.W
"iw i V v ' iJ " l) " " 8rti " " i''
WHH, 30 " .' 580 " " B.'.'O
Alternate proposals will bo received on brick, shift asphalt ami aophaltlc concrete tor
'. - . i -.. ............... f....nll..i. uni'nmnntnll nu ..Inbul lli'il nlinvn. nnil mnrn fulls
mrcciumcni"lu,u" . l ..w I-...-...V - . --- ..
liowu and described In the engineer plans ami fpcelllcatlons.
i ""Kadi proposal must be accompanied by a certified check In a amount ot not lets than
r.pcrcentolblfl. made payable to "The City Treasurer ol lied Cloud. Nebraska". 'I lie
check ol the bidder to whom the award Is made will be held until contracts ate sinned and
bond tiled. All othirchecks will be returned when the contract Is awarded.
Metalled plans and specifications may be seen and proposal blanks obtained at the olllco
of the City Engineer, Geo. II. Ovcrlng, or at the otllcu ot the consulting engineers. Urant,
Fulton A hctton. W5 Hankers Ufe Illdg., Lincoln, Nebraska.
Hidden desiring plans and specifications tor their Individual use may obtain the same
from the consulting emtlncirs upon payment ol 85.00 no part of which will be refunded.
Proposals mado upon blanks oilier than those furnished by the engineers will be rejected
and the t'ltv Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids If deemed advisable.
Ily order ot the Mavor and city Council ot lted Cloud, luly JJ. nilti.
P. c. PHP1-: Major
(i. C. Ti:i:t. clerk
Ui:o. H.OVi:itlN(4 City Hiiulnuir
Caff. tf
Miss Lottie Emcrton has returned Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and !
from Denver. I v U
Mrs. Mark McConkey went to Blue, Vamisn
Hill Monday, to visit friends. PICTURE FRAMING'
Mis. l'.ilmer of Denver is vMtlnn I (Work tiuorantecd)
liet parent.. Mr. and Mrs. C.A.IIetrlek Electrical Goods of all Kind
ur. .leiiie .uurer wait to Denver
P.av Uteatl at Powel. and Popes
Earl Hall was in Lincoln Monday.
Dr. Lollar spent Wednesday in Su
Mrs. F. J. Munday spent Friday in
E. S. Garbcr spent Wednesday in
John Tulleys of Lincoln was in the
city today.
E. J. OveringJr. spent Wednesday
in Superior.
fester Amack returned to Alliance
Attorney A. M. Walters was in
. the .city Tuesday.
Geo. Hoit of Cowles was in the
city Monday afternoon.
' Mr. and Mrs. Dave Britton spent
Tuesday in Guide Rock.
Jesse Johnson of Clay C,entcr was
in the city Tuesdajr!fveninf.
Al Hoffman went' to Blue Hill
Wednesday to look after his farm.
Chas. Gurney shipped two"carsof
cattle to the river market Sunday.
S. B. Kizeri went ito Lincoln,' Sat
urday to visit" hfs son and daughter.
Sherman Boezley and family auto
cd to Hastings Friday and spent the
Geo. Matkin of Inavale was visit
' ing friends in this city Friday. after
noon. Rev. Borden of Inavale was in the
city Saturday attending the Chau
tauqua. Miss Helen Lemon returned home
home from Creston, Iowa, the last
of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Oris Fearn of Hast
ings are visiting his "parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Fearn.
Reva Campbell returned to Guide
Rock Saturday, after spending a
week with her father.
Everett Stroup returned home
Wednesday evening, having I een dis
charged from the service.
Friday and Saturday
Bessie Borriscale
In an up to-the minute Western
comedy drama with bcenery. Rims,
fannetettes and a eowboyette mixed
in a scream of a fcpiisation.
'Two Gun
A rare combination of laughs and
deep chuckles, with drama, suspen
se and love
Also a Sunshine Comedy
'A Son of a Gun'
First Show 8:00 Second 9:45
Monday and Tuesday
Precilla Dean in
'A Wicked Darling'
Miss Ruby Goble spent Friday in
Hood meulh good service moderate
prices Powell &. Pope's enfe.
Miss Gladys Pels of Blue Hill is
visiting Miss Elizabeth Overman
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Oris Fearn and fam
ily went to Reynolds this morning
to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Thomas have
returned from a visit at Hastings,
Lincoln and Crete.
Miss Elsie Prathcr of Ikibbclhas
been visiting with Mrs. I. O. Walker
and family this week.
E. H. Damerell of Bozcman, Mon
tana, is visiting his brother, Dr.
Robt. Damerell and wife.
Misses Florence and Margaret
Frahm of Blue Hill spent Sunday
with Miss Mary McBridc.
Mm Blanche iorer returned home
Saturday from Lincoln where she
has been attending college.
FOR SALE 4 first class Short
horn milch cows. Will ship Sunday
if nofr sold. YOST & SON.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Darner of
-"Lincoln are visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Ranney.
James Ethcrton of Grand Island
spent the first of 'the week with rel
atives and friends in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Clark of Kan
sas City spent the first of the week
witlt W. R. Nash and family.
Clifford Pope of Maryvillc, Kan
sas, spent the weekend with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Pope.
Evan Hutohins returned to his
home near Cowles last week having
been discharged from the navy.
Verne Butler went to Clayton,
Kansas, the last of the week where
he will cook for a threshing crew.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harris and son,
Marvin, left Sunday for Colorado,
where they will spend a few weeks.
Earl E. Delay and Miss Ella Nel
lie Seeba of Guide Rock were united
in marriage by Rev. Bccbo last Mon
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Still returned
to their home at Denver, Tuesday,
after visiting her aunt, Mrs. L. L.
Mrs. Guy Zcigler returned from
Riverton, Wednesday after spend
ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Veturncd to
Lincoln Saturday after visiting with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rickcrson
and baby have moved to this city
and will occupy the Edgar Cowden
Miss Laura Delph returned to
Washita, Kansas, Friday, after vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
N. Delph.
I Miss Elsie Turner was taken to
Rochester, Minnesota, Monday, to
' undergo an operation at the Mayo
Bros, hospital.
I The premium list and speed pro
gram of c'.io leister County Fair is
out. The dates of the Fair are Au
gust 19 to 22.,
I Mites Georgctta Coon returned to
her work at Omaha, Saturday after
' spending a couple of weeks with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Coon.
Mrs. Dorothy Wilson returned
home from Lincoln the last of the
week where she had been visiting
her sister, Mrs. D. D. Sanderson.
Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Warren went
to Beatrice Monday to visit his fath
er. They will also spend a few days
at Lincoln and Omaha before re
turning home.
Monday to spend an outing with
friends. j
Miss Grace Beozley wont to Don-'
rer, Monday, whole she will enjoy
an outing. (
Two of tlte frame bulldincs on the ,
Amlltoi iiim site are tiein nced to the.
ground this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Dickenson
autocd to St. Joe, Tuesday, to visit
relatives and friends.
Mrs. Ralph Merry and children re
turned from Orleans Monday, where
they had been visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Robinson of
Superior spent Sunday with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Robinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Whittakcr and
children left Tuesday, via automo
bile for Denver and other Colorado
points where they will enjoy an out
ing. FOR SALE-About 2.") slightly used
sinirlo and double disc: phonograph
recordb. Cheap if taken iti once. Box
512, Red Cloud.
FOR SALE: On easy terms, good
improved quarter section 2 miles
cast and seven miles south of Ina
vale. For terms see II. J. Wondcr
ly. tf.
Ralph Wintcrbloom, who has been
visiting at the L. M. Crabill jomc
for the past three weeks, departed
this morning for his home at Minne
apolis. Miss Helen Saunders, who has
been visiting friends in the city for
several weeks, departed for her
home at Billings. Montana, this
On Monday evening two of the
young men of this city, accompan
ied by a referee went out north of
town and settled their grievance by
a fistic duel.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McPhcrson
who have been visiting her sister,
Miss Sarah Baxter, departed Tucs-i
day for their home at Millbank,'
South Dakota. v j
Marion Mercer, Chas. Frazier,
Will Sunberry and several other
baseball fans from here attended
the Alma va Riverton ball game at
Riverton Sunday
The many friends of Chas. Richard
son will regret to learn that his limb,
thtt was fractured in a railroad acoi.
dent some time ago, is again canning;
him trouble. He was taken to
Omaha hospital Monday where
injured member will be given suri
ni aiieijuou.
NOTICE Beginning with Aug.
1st we will develop any sizo film or
film pack free of charge when
prints arc ordered. When no prints
arc ordered, the price is fie for films
or 10c for film packs. Quick service:
bring in your films or packs today
and get your prints tomorrow. The
priec of prints remains as hereto
Bids foruniiNtrucMori of the Hasting-.-Ayr
and Bed Cloud-Ayr state-fedetal-aid
roadways will bo opened at the
court bouse In Hastings at '.:?,(), Aug
ust. 11. Five, Midi road piojeuts aiu
now under 'contract and construction
In this the :rd district, this district
comprising all that portion of Ncbta
1m lying west of tho Ciay-NueUolls
count v line to the Colorado line
Adams County llemoumt.
Young men now returning , from
the Army who wish to prepare them
selves for positions in Banks and
other Business Offices, or for tho
Civil Service Examinations, will be
interested in the circulars now being
sent out by the well known Grand
Island Business College, of Grand
Island, Nebraska. ,The School has
been a leader in business education
for thirty-five years and cannot sup
ply tho demand for its graduates. It
was the first Western School to
prove that positions could bo guar
anteed and secured for graduates.
Enter now. School in session all the
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You the Fixtures
Chautauqua Program Pleases
(Continued from page I)
tl.ftti of war. A problem of how to
have hII of the people patristic, all of
'he time; Itfiioraneo and illiteracy to
cninnnt: unforced knowledge of the
English language in every vchool and
the Intelligent, use of the American
By special request tho nfternoon
band program was repeat;d. It prov
to be the big musical feature of tho
entire week. All of the old soldiers
were guests of honor at both the after
noon and evening entertainments.
Tuesday afternoon the Mathiscn
Concert Company, featuring 'christian
Mathiscn, the great Norwegian tenor,
Ignatlous Tello, noted Brazilian Violin
lot, .laetiettc Booher, sopranaandMnr
garlto Polndexter, reader and aceom
panlst, played to a huge enthusiastic
The same musical company rendered
a pleasing program the same evening,
which Included u part of the grand
opera. "The Bohemian (drl."
This was followed by a lecture by
Dr. .las. 'J'. Nichols, a noted world
traveler. As lie had been one of the
fortunate ones who had gained iiduiis
von to tho Peace Conference ho was
qtialilled to give the people consider
able information regarding what had
taken place there. lie told of the fav
orable impression that our President
mado with the French people, both
filleials and citizens; the peace table,
.'10 feet long, surrounded by 81 men
from 27 nations, representing 1,200,000,
i)00 people. Every man that rose to
speak paid tribute to President Wll.
son. He also laid great stress on the
proposed League of Nations; that It
whs looked upon favorably by every
foreign country and was not opposed
by those who gave their sons to fight
for the cause of freedom, it seems to
be the only thing that will prevent a
repetition of this last great struggle.
The sixth day, Wednesday, brought
The Henrys and Dr. D. U. Vaughan.
The Henrys, with their program of
magic and mystery, made a decided
hit with the audience. Humorous
crayon sketches and beautiful laud,
scapes in colored sands. It was a dif
ferent class of entertainment than is
usually found on Chautauqua programs
Dr. Vaughun comes1 to us a national
character. He is pastor of the Hal-
stead Street International Church of
Chicago. The good ho has accomplish,
ed in the. slums of this g-eat city has
made him a great favorite witli the
people. Ho had a very foicuful mess
age, on his subject, "American Ideals,"
the four principal ideals being Truth,
Liberty and Equality and Service
As a result of coming in contact with
poison Ivy Rev. Shaal is wearlng)band.
Ages oti his hands.
Cecil Pence is passing out the cigai6
today and all because he took onto
himself a biide, the young lady being
Miss Gladys Willes of Superior. The
ceremony was performed at Nelson,
Wednesday Hftoinoon. They I'limo as
far as (illicit Ittck on No. IT and diove
frpm that place to this city In a ctr,
'.thinking they would avoid greetings
lit the depot. However tho glad tid
ings was soon noised around and the
boys had considerable fun at their ex
pense. They will make their home in
Bed Cloud. The groom is n valued
employe of the Red Cloud Vulcanizing
Real Estate. Insurance, Loans
and Abstracts
Plumes : Office Bed 3.1; ind. GO
IUs. Bed 177
I have $8,000.00, belonging to private parties, to loan on real es
tate, security C per cent, good options, time to suit borrower. See me
if you need a loan, and have your mortgage handled where interest
and principal arc both payable to the bankK of Rod Cloud.
I have a customer for n quarter section of land, also one for n
half section. If you want to sell come in and list your land. Tlris will
cost you nothing unless a sale is made.
Come in and have a talk with me about Colorado land, as I have
just formed a connection with the Wayne Investment Company of
Cheyenne Wells, Colorado, who own the land they sell. They own
several thousand acres of land near Cheyenne Wells, also a bank at
Cheyenne Wells, and one at Arapahoe, Cheyenne county, Colorado.
This will assure you of buying land at a reasonable price, and not
allowing some agent to tack on five or ten dollars moro per aero
thnn tho land can bo bought for. They have just harvested 25 to 30
bushels of wheat. This is the fourth year of good crops. Prices rango
from twenty to forty dollars per acre, according to location. Titles
approved and abstracts up to date on all land owned by this company.
Have just listed a good house, six rooms with bath, all modern
except heat, full basement and chimney to bottom of cellar arranged
for furnace. Price, $1,000.00 Terms, $500.00 cash, and balance in
monthly payments.
Sheep And Cattle For Sale
400 head full blooded Shropshire
sheep, in lots to suit purchaser, ulso
two cars of Hereford cows and
calves. Inquire of E. II. Damerell,
Red Cloud.
Bargains in Farm Lands
I hiivo for sale a largo list of lands Bird City, Ivanbiis, ranging in
price from S22(l0 00 to $111 OO.Oo, per
100 acres, according to lay of laud, o
cation and improvements. Among
thoin are the. following which are
bargains: lOOacics, j miles south of
Bird City, 12(1 acres hummer tilled and
packed ready for wheat, now hou-e,
barn, well and wind mill. Adjoining
hind near this cut. bo rented. Puce
1C0 acres, 11 miles south of Bird
City, choice and level, I2u acres under
cultivation. Price 84500.0U.
1(50 acres, 7 miles south from Bird
City, all fine fHrm land, 80 acres val
ley. Price S1800.UO.
Remember that I would not ask you
to buy land where I would bo afraid
to invest, and that I have 320 acres 7
miles from Bird City which cost me
87.100.00 and for which I have boen
offered and refused $10000 for the
reason that I look for another big ad
vance in values by next spring.
I here quote from a letter from Bird
City, written July 14th, lOlli. "Harvest
Is on in full blast and we arc harvest
ing mi immense rvnp Some of my
fields will go from 30 to 40 bushels per
Call and get a list of the lands that
I havo for sale.
Now Is the time to buy before anoth
er advance In prices. J. H. BAILEY.
Sheriffs Sale
Notice Whereby given, that under and by
virtue utan order of kale l&hiied from tho
oltlceof Kdlih I.. MeKcluhan Clerk of the
District Court ol the Tenth Judicial District,
within and for Wetwier county, Ncbraskn,
Upon a decree In an action jienlliig, therein,
wherein Occidental llulhllni; A: l.onn Associa
tion was I'latutlll', and aisalnHt William K.
I'arkN ct al Dtfcndiintx, I shall oiler for Kalo
at public vendue, accordlim to tho tonus ot
said decree, to tho highest bidder for cash In
hand, at the south door of tho Court house,
nt Cloud. In said Webster county, Ne
braska, (that bclnu the Imlldliu; wherein tho
last term ol said court wan lioldtu) on tho
2nd day of S pteinlier A. II. !ll! at two
o'clock I'. .M ot said day. the following de
scribed properly, to-wlt: Lot Six () lllock
Three (:)) (iarbers Addition to lied Cloud.
Webster County, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this :iOlh. day of J uly
A. I)., llt).
KltANIC liri'TKItSherlll.
I'rcd Mnurer l'lalntlirs Attorney. 8-28
Notice to Creditors.
In tho founty Court ot Webster County,
In the matter of tho estate of Louise
Darwin, deceased.
Creditors of said citato will take uotlco
that tho tlmo limited for presentation and
flllnt; of claims aualust said tstato Is Novem
ber '21st, 1910, and for tho payment ot debts
Ib December 7th, 1'JI'J, that I will sit at the
county court room In said county on tho 22d
day of August, 1UIU, to examine, hear and
allow all claims duly filed which are a first or
second lieu upon said estate, and on' tho -'-M
day ol November, l'JIlt, to examine, hear,
allow and adjtut all claims and objections ol
Ktncral creditors duly Hied.
Dated this 10th day of July, A. DIIH.
(Seal) A. D. IIa.nsky,
"V" " County Juduo.
of Successful Experience
Send your boy or girl to Franklin Academy if
you wish to give them a thorough and com
plete education in Music Piano, Voice,
Violin, Band Business and Expression, along
with the regular High School course, under the
best Christian Influence and at VERY.
Send for catalogue or other information address'
Principal of Franklin Academy
iiMsrai1 ' rw" !""" "''imiiiiirai! j"W rrawiiraiinni'iira:"'!;!!!":
".'I'l'.iiii'P'raiiiiii'.iiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiii'ii'iiiiiiiiia rmiiniiiHiiiwarainiii
Buy Your Tires Where You
Get the Most for Your Money
Racine Country Road Tires A rugged lire design
ed to meet the Farmer's need. Built for the man who
must drive his car on bad roads as well as good ones. Also
Um S. Tires All kinds. Usco plain chain or nobby
treads. New Punctnrc Proof Tubes. Tube
Casings. Rose Pumps.
AN Kinds of Retreading and Repairing
IX a'MllB,nX'i "Hi TOXI J!U..'
Mr. and Mrs.
Phone, Ind. Store 158,lRes, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB.
I 0
Norton and Decatur Counties, Kansas, the ft
Best Land Proposition in the U. S. Today
We have bold more than $.100,000 00 of these lands In tho past eight 1
weeltN. Wheat yields tip to uusnois por aero. Lew Holds unuor 30
bushels). Your lauds at home tiro making yields as low as four bushels.
Yet are priced at Slot) td S150 per acre. Hundreds of our farms are
moro than paying for the land with this year's crop. Same was true of
three out of Hvo crops In tho past live years.
Wo havo 200 lino level wheat farms, Improved and unimproved, at
830 to 845 por aero easy terms some of which wo btill offer tho rents
this year. Olllces at Norton, Kans., Jennings, Kans., and Franklin,
Nebr. Liberal commissions to local agents, Write or heo us.
Tho Chief lias received a premium
list of tho Thayer County Fnir. Tho
County Fair will bo held nt Deshlcr,
August 2G to 29th inclusive.
Miss Lydia Swihcart, of Now
Philadelphia, Ohio, Is spending the
summer with Mr. and Mrs. B. P.
M 'i