The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 31, 1919, Image 4
,WM.WIP imHri-n tMutwm w w JW w mw m.T r r.wpvffwwwtii WAntrffeftitmwwasMw,, .w- RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF or SKffliiifflra'ra !i:'!!"r!T,,",:;r"" n;" ri . ",. :: x .. : -nrr ;.. . "tr:. ROY SATTLEY UNDERTAKING . LICENSED IN KANSAS AND NEBRASKA RED CLOUD - - NEBRASKA 1 MiiMiMiWiWM "piwroiwu i' . a n'. ww i. ' . , w h'' xwf n rawii; :i!ii,;ii:iii'iiWHTO,'iii'iiir.iiiira,wiK! K-rei , , ,!, rur. RKD CLOUD CHIF.F! , Hod Cloud, Nebraska. jHjjrcrii!ijuni:;mi!f!i!j:iiWH!itm.:riininiii ,.mh:utw.(i.n(i:nitj:n!.i mi. H!ii!i'j:rin!:.i.,a,i!:r:Kinjiti,;:iunnLK ;Jr:nurhm,j:.iHl.tfy:.iiirrfj(1H!,i ;iiM;;iTi'w;.nihi.itai;-i.rqj( WHEAT! The 1919 wheat is now ready for the market and we are prepared to handle all that you may bring to our elevator. Why waste your time and energy placing it in temporary bins on your farm? Haul it direct to us, from the separator, thus saving additional labor and.time. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE HONEST WEIGHTS AND TESTS We have proven to you (last year) that we can give you service that is satisfactory and are in a position to give you a better service this season. Sell to your own organization, where PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered In tho I'oktofflco at lied Cloud, Neb an hiccdnd Class M fitter' A. D. McAHTHUK, Editor nml Owntor TUB ONLY t)KMUCHATlC i'AI'Elt IN WEIISTEH COUNTY you know you will get a SQUARE DEAL Farmers Elevator Farmers Co-operative Union of Red Cloud GEO. A. KAILEY, Manager Congregation!! Church Notes Ilcv. D. G. Schurr, of Sution, Ne braska, will fill the pulpit both in tho morning and evening on next Sunday, August 3rd. At the time Mr. Schurr expected to be here he was unable to come on account of serious Hlness in Vila fam ily. Mr. Schurr comes to us well rec ommended and all members, and friends of the church arc cordially invited to hear him. Sunday School at the usual hour. BAPTIST CHURCH NOTES Sunday School 10 a. m. No preaching this Sunday as the pastor will be at The Lone Tree school house where there will be an all day service and a basket dinner. An old fashioned meeting conducted as it was fifty years ago will be held in tho afternoon. Tho Ladies' Aid will meet with Mrs. Oliver Hedge Friday after noon. V. M. HARPER, Pastor. cmiBTIlllBll!M!!liaElIilffl:&"JllJ. SLJ.i'Si-.JliZJI. . ISU.Z ::r:::i!::nira:::;;;ixni;iEiiEi:ix;sii Mrs. Chas. Bauer, who lias becrw visiting her mother, Mrs. E. Moran ville, returned to her home at Lin coln Monday. She was accompanied home by her mother. Con McCoale who resides in Smith county, was in town Tuesday. Con hiw obtained his passport papers and will leave next month for Ire land where he will visit his old home and friends. i'.l - t' This is the package with the moisture-proof jacket "5 . v & . ' if Jy t fPlff .that keeps Chesterfield's original flavor and freshness intact Your Chesterfields never become either soggy or dry; They always reach you in prime shape for smoking. And, Chesterfields do something for your smoke-hunger that you've always wished a cigarette would do they "touch the smoke spot" they let you know you're smoking they satisfy right down to the ground'. It's the blend that does it, and the blend can't be copied. v5 ... . D w-JT Lx'M' tucol Chesterfield :k V . CI of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos -blended fw22i29itr BOYS' SCHOOL ENCAMPMENT I The seventh annual session of the Boys' State Fair School will be held at the Nebraska State Fair Grounds, August 31 to September 5, inclusive. Delegates should arrive at the Fair Grounds Saturday evening or Sunday prior to the first Monday in September. CAMP AND PURPOSE The Stake Board of Agriculture, realizing the great educational val ue of such a school and being anx ious to make it a permanent feature is making a sanitary camp. The reg ular hospital force will look after the health of the boys and a phys ical instructor will direct the boys in regular exercise. We feel that we can say with confidence to parents and school officers that the comfort and health and happiness of the boys will be guarded in the most zealous manner. AIM OF THE SCHOOL To offer a select body of young men the means of systematic obser vation and study, under the direc tion of competent instructors, of the animal, agricultural, mechanical and educational exhibits of the State Fair, and through such agency more fully to inform and interest the res idents of the counties in the resour ces of Nebraska and the achieve ment of her citizens as demonstra ted by the displays on exhibition. WHO MAY ATTEND Two boys will be admitted from each of the ninety-two counties. Tho ago of tho delegates must be over fifteen and under twenty-one. APPLICATIONS All boys that would like to be a. delegate must write their applica tion or call at tho County Agent's office on Saturday, and from the applicants two delegates will be se lected. Do this at once. WHAT EACH BOY SHALL FURNISH Each boy will pay five dollars (5.00) to cover board, tuition and incidentals, which amount should be sent to the Secretary of the State Fair, Lincoln, Nebr., two weeks be fore opening of camp. Railroad fare will be refunded by the Board. Re ceipt from railroad agent must be presented for return of amount paid. Each boy must provide blank ets, sheets, pillow, towels, soap, cup and saucer, plate, knife, fork nnd spoon, and may be required to per form irom two to four hours duty each day during the afternoon or evening. County Agricultural Agent HENRY R. FAUSCH. The Marshalls' Reception At the reception hold for the newly married couple nt the home of the groom' father. Wednesday evening, it large crowd of. friends fathered and an enjoyable time was hud by all prey, cut, until the wee small hour. Ice crcatu, cake and other refreshments were served. The happy couple were presumed, by their friends, with numerous presents among which was w fine valuable cow. Uiverton Review. Comfort, Economy and Efficiency COMFORT for it means"a cool" kitchen. ' Economy for it wastes no fuel. You burn, kerosene oil only when you need it. Efficiency for a Florence Oil Stove is easy and quick of operation and every bit of heat is concentrated close under the cooking. - s"'$r - Come in and let our salesmen show its manyj good points. Every "Florence1' is Sold Under Guarantee GEO. W. TRINE Exclusive Agent in Red Cloud NOTICE; To tho County Commissioners of Webster , County, Nebraska.. You are hereby called to meet at the Commissioners Iloom in the Court IIoiiso at U1 Cloud on August r r I . IOju at 1 p m for the purpose of com plying with the requirements of an act passed by th" litst legislature pro viding for the Districting of Webver County into districts for couullda'ed and high school purposes. Also to trnnsHct any other business that may properly come before the Hoard on that date. (Seal.) U. p. PERRY. Couutj Cleric. Civil Service Examination Announcement is made that a Civil Service examination will ho held in Ked Cloud, August 2.1, 1919. The pur pose of the examination is to 1111 one vacancy in each of the following posi tions: Assistant Postmaster at SHOO per annum, Regular Clerk nt Slf'00 per annum and .Substitute Clerk four hours daily, at 10 cents per hour. Also any future vacancies that, may occur dur ing the year or two of eligibility. Application blnuka and other in formation may be obtained by address. Wig Secretary Klghth Civil Service Dis trict, St. Paul, Minn. Open Day and Night DINE AT OUR CAFE Powell & Pope IT,,,, Spend Your Spare Time Out of Doors When the weather is hot and sultry and the house ' seems "study" make yourself comfortable out of doors We have a complete line of furniture suitable for the porch and lawn porch swings and nice, easy rockers and chairs. And for the home we have just what you want. We can furnish any or every room complete. Designs that will please you and prices that are in keeping with the quality of goods we sell. RQ Y SA TTLEY Red Cloud's Exclusive Furniture Dealer Miss Mabel Bailey" spent tho Inst of tho week with her sister, Mrs. H. M. Waller and family at Cowlcs. SUMMER COLDS Many have their worst colds during the warm months. A very little of Scott's Emulsion after meals, puts that quality into the blood that helps thwart that rundown condition that is 0 depressing. Build up your vitality try Scott's. bcrti & lMwrae, XUoomficld, N. J. 19-6 I NEB ? VICTORY; Our First Bk HE-UNSGI -W-- Trr-i "- , '' SJMl FAIR '9 Of World War. Veterans 19QBS51Q tv LINCOLN NEBRASKA August 3i to Sept. sS UNQUESTIONABLY BIGGEST AND BEST FAIR EVR ATTEMPTED LIVE STOCK SHOW OF BEEf AND DAIRY CATTLE COUNTY AND INDIVIDUAL DISPLAYS OF AOWICULTUM POULTRY HOWAPPLB fHOW MANUFACTURIRp EXHIBIT' MACHINBRY. TRACTOR SCHOOL AND EDUCATIONAL DISPLAYS INCLUDING BOYS' AND OHUS OARDCN $, CANNING CLUBS AMUSEMENT r. Deal Ano iucanc9t i iHAununo 425000 PRODUCTION IN 'FIREWORKS OP BATTLE OP OAINT MMIEU i ' . and peace juonea THREE RINO CIRCUS AUTO HARNESS-AND RUNNINO RACES FAMILY OUTING 'RELAXATION DIVERSION IOEAS "A fiDPkTTO MRIUI1 SERVICES ' U (' W , 1H . Is 1 .... ( i . 1 Y $i '3& to w j? Jfe'- St. ,.- .-Wu-MiarJ-rrtwrrTr 7:j3BBOaS5SBISjj