The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 31, 1919, Image 3
RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF tf"i MISSING LINK IS FOUND IN CONGO? Can Talk in a Way to the Na tives, Declares Professor Garner. i!qCivv'in' jft Children Cpy For 4$Nct Contents IS Fluid Draolmfl . f 4' riTrraiYmvii H'VaTidl y. IVJ LURES MALE TO DEATH .wV'r' mttmmmmmmmmmmamKmmlammmzmmmxamaimmmmmmmimmmmamKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i m 1 1 i I iwJ&i to hi M i r BIBsiiiiBSBl aVBfM SJalBBWajBBBfeBfsiisiaaBk ataaaaisBSI BBBaaaak AagB BBaasaaSi aSHaeaafaaY ..BMSaiskw US WL&mklwmm Di W Wk, WW HmHx)PBHfli C K ul" RIGLEYS I iX'te ,n its air-tifiht 1 ICuW sealed package. Itf j? A fi00dy that te lt7n worthy of your I xkat lasting regard 1 wj because of Its R (I u lasting quality. nil bibbbbbbw jj Three flavors to I suit ail tastes. I I Be SURE to get ?p I I WRIGLEYS I I Sealed Tight mf. nIIIsW I Kept Right S JW I Flavor Lasts OHH 1 WBBKm Consoling Thought. "I don't reo Iiow these motion pic ture nctora can put up with the treat ment they receive from Hint director." "Why not)" "When tliey spoil a scene lie talks n them its If they were no better than Mie dirt hencath his feet." "Oh, that might hurt the feelings of tn ordinary person, but when a niovlo director rnvos, the nctors can nlways tinintnln their composure by thinking of the salaries they get." Birming ham Age-Herald. Men and Horses. -Charley, dear," enld young Mrs. forking, I should think raco horses would feci foolish 1" "Why?" "Because they keep running around m great excitement and never really get anywhere Just like the people who bet on them." Bunk. A soldier coming through tho gate with something under his coat was stopped by the officer of the day and lskcd : "What Is that you hnve under there a tumor?" "No, It's n ean-cer," was tho reply. Tho Trodble Buster. Strange Self-Effacement. "I never could understand " said tho handwriting expert while examin ing the signature to a letter. "Whatr "Why a man wHo makes a great name for himself in business seems to take prido In writing it so that nobody enn read If The perfnmo of tho violet has been found to bo particularly Injurious to tho voice. For automobile upholstery an arti ficial silk h being mado from spun Klnss In. England. Tbjy enn ronqur who believe they con. -Mnztlnl. A Health-Br inger ! Make your naorniri ce real dish, a strengthenen Grape-Nuts is not only most deli . cious in taste, but is a builder of tissue " There s & Reason OLD NAMES RETURN TO FAVOR Nomenclature In England Shows Ef. feet of War's End on Minds of Parents. Parents nro giving their "Peace Tecr" babies much prettier names than those who were born during tho war period. Investigation of the registers at Som erset house shows some of the most popular names for boys nnd girls now nro Itonnld, Edward, George, Gordon, Joan, Kathleen, Irene, Marguerite. Lilian Is another populnr namo for girls today, and nmong Welsh people "Megnn" Is n grent favorite. Names of flowers are more In vogue now, nnd politics nnd royalty are not without their influence upon tho regis ter's hooks. Oddly enough tho early Victorian names arc cropping up agnln Susannah and Letltln nro occurring much more frequently thnn thoy have for many years, but except In remote rural districts Biblical names have not held swny for sorao decades. London Chronicle. His Description. The Chinese are not n race' given to flattery. A gentleman called at a Chi nese laundry for his clothes. On re ceiving tho pnekago ho noticed some Chinese characters marked upon it. Being curious, he asked, pointing to the lettering : "That is my name, I suppose?" "No. 'Scliptlon," was tho Chlnn man's bland reply. "'LIP ol' man, closs-eyed, no tcet' I" Mad at Her. "Was tho host agreeable?" "With everybody except hlB wife." own Location. "Is ho n parlor socialist?" "No. Ho never got Into a parlor, no's a saloon socialist." Automoblllng may bo the poetry of motion until tho machine breaks down; then It Js blnnk verse. Professor Imitates Call of Female and Secures Specimen of Strange An imal Spends Over Two Years in Congo. New York. Prof. 11. L. (lamer, nnt tinillst mill student of iiionkoj s. return ed recently with four tons of speci mens for the Smithsonian Institution In WiiMliiiitiui unil a description of tut animal, a cross between u gorilla anil a, which he avers was of Mich high Intelligence that It could talk to a limited degree to na tives In tho French Congo. The niitiirnllst siild ho hud spent two years and seven months In the French Congo In the Interests of the Smith sonlnu institution. Renlon Called "Infested." "In nil tny travels through the Jun gles I have never come across such a strange animal as the talking go rilla," he said. "I first heard of tho beast from natives In tho Congo, who said that a certain region was Infected with thcnnlinnls. with which they hud learned to tulle after u fushlon." Trofessor Gamer said ho Induced four natives to accompany him to the habitat of the miluials. He said he found they had told the truth nnd ho himself set nhottt to learn to talk to tho monkeys, which, In the (lurk, could be taken for natives. Lures Male to Death. '' One night several of the man apes approached the edge of the village and tutored a strange call which sounded like "Wau-hoon," Professor Garner said. This, he declared, wan the call of Could Talk to Natives. the male for Its mate. Interpreted, It meant: "Where are you?" The an swering call, given esunlly by a fe male, Is "Ahooahoo," meaning, as Pro fessor Garner said, "Here I am." Professor Garner said he spent weeks perfecting himself In Imitating the call of the female. Thn one night he answered the call of a male ape, nnd, to his surprise, the animal bound ed briskly over the ground to where he stood, with his rifle In hand. He said he shot the animal and brought Its body back with hint. The ape, he said, was taore than six feet tall and weighed 200 pounds. TRIES MARK TWAIN'S ADVICE Smuggler Copies From the "Double Barreled Detective," but It Doesn't Wark. Pittsburgh. Mark Twain's state ment In the "Double-Barreled Detec tive," that "the best way to throw a detective off tho track 1h to go along with hire," was put Into practice re cently by an unidentified smuggler on the Standard Oil tanker Royal Arrow, on her arrival at San Francisco from Hongkong. When the customs inspector board ed the tanker to search for contra hand, they followed tho custom of go ing to a vacant stateroom to change their uniforms for searching clothes. They first searched this room and then started to inspect the vessel. Finding nothing, they returned to the stateroom to change back Into their uniforms nnd wcro surprised to note evidences of tho room having been occupied during their absence. An ex amination resulted in the discovery of n heavy roll of pongee silk nnd a val uable silk kimono in the locker. "Corpse" Suddenly Revives. Pnrls, Texas. While relatives of Mrs. It. P, linker wero making ar rangements for her funeral here, fol lowing a report from Stratford, Okla., thnt she was dead there, a son, It. II. linker, here, received a messnge from physicians Unit Mrs. linker had "sud denly come to life." The message said, that physlclnns had pronounced Mrs. linker dead, but It was later discovered that fihe was breathing. It Is believed she will recover. A ALCouoL-orBitonN;- 9 tlnftthcStomftchs and ? ia wiifryr?lffitTiuiii'lifll H rt,.,(ncnniinestContalfiS' nclutcTOnlum.Morphlncnor Mineral. NoTNAHCOTtr; itnrwifl"" MM "" "' M AhclptuiKcnwuJl" ConftipauonnndDiarrhoet and Fcvcrishncss and LOSSOFStEEP rcsUnitherelTWUJnWMT. nakwiaUr m lacSIroilcSittiwm-- OMflWcw Bfinna BTBfl BUKXMSB Xxact Copy of Wrapper. flAlTONE BOLSHEVIK TRAIT Police Captain Was Right In Thinking That Mr. Smith Had Not Acted Naturally. Police Captain McKlnney said In New York: "Tho bolsheviks tell us wo should not lovo our own country better than any other country, but should love nil countries nlllce. That seems unnnturnl to me. "Yes, not to prefer your own country seems as unnatural as the conduct of Mr. Smith. "Mr. .Smith was Informed by Wil liam, his ofllcc boy, thnt it lady wished to sec him. '"Is she Rood-looklnjj. Wllllnm?' Mr. Smith nsked. "Tes, sir, very,' said William. " "Then show her lit, ray boy.' "Tho lady inndo her visit, and nf ter site was Rone Mr. Smith Rrowled to Wllllnm disgustedly: " 'A flno Judge of beauty you arc, I must say. "'Well, you see, sir,' said William, 'I didn't know but what the lady might bo your wife.'. '"So she Is my wife, growled Mr. Smith." No Suggestions Needed. Dallas wns Just old enough to begin to take nn interest In outdoor sports, nnd ono morning ho was busily on gaged In milking a klto when his nunt ventured to offer sonic suggestions In Its construction. Looking up from his work, ho said with tho most profound seriousness: "Aunt Milly, I don't want no ndvlco 'bout making this hero kite, 'cause I'm a-maklng It In my own image." Cutleura 8oothea Itching Scalp On retiring gently rub spots of dan draff and Itching with Cutloura Oint ment Next morning shampoo with Cutleura Soap and hot water. Make them your every-day toilet preparations and have a clear skin and soft, white handa. Adv. Affected by the Moon. Professoi- Does the moon affect tho tide? Student No, Rlr; merely the untied. Red Cross Ball Blue Is the finest product of Its kind In the world. Et ery woman who has used It knows this statement to bo true. Not Too Reformed. "I heard Second-Story Bill killed Burglar Jim." "Yes; Jim called him a reformer." Cartoons Magazine. Cheerfulness is like money well ex pended in charity; tho more wo dis pense of it tho greater our possessions. Victor Hugo. A boy who will howl at a neces sary 'lacing" will laugh at a finger broken In a ball gamo. Maybe tho "war lord" wore a steel helmet to protect hlB head from tho shafts of common Intelligence THE MOST DANGEROUS OF ALL DISEASES No organs of the human bodr are so Important to health and long life as the kidneys. When they slow up and com mence to lag in their duties, look out I Sanger is in eight. Find out what tho troublo le with out delay. 'Whenever you feel nervous, weak, dizzy, suffer from sleeplessness, or have pains in tho back, woke up at once. Your kidneys need help. Thcue are signs to warn you that your kidneys ere not performing their functions properly. They are only half doing their work and are allowing Impuritlec to accumulate and bo converted into uric acid and other poisons, which are causing you distress and will de stroy you unless they, are driven from jour system. - What is CASTOR1A Cnstoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It la pleasant It contains neither Opium, Morphine- nor other narcotic substance. Its nge is its guarantee. For more- than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating tho Stomach and Bowels, aids tho assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural 6leep. Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 2o&fffiiM In Use For Over 30 Years Tho Kind You Have Always Bought TH OINTAUR OOMPANV, NIW YORIC OITV, Nebraska 7s MODERfT B Hv I GET PRICES AT HALL'S HARDWARE 1517 O ST., LINCOLN, NEB. KODAKS Developing Printing andt Enlarging Lincoln Photo Supply Co. (Knotman Kodak Oo.) Dept K, 1217 O St. Lincoln, Nek. S. S. SHEAN OPTIOIAN 1123 O Streat n Lincoln, Nab. BATRY VIM DISTRIBUTOR Save 50 on Storage Batteries Guaranteed 18 months We manufacture, rebuild, charge, rent, aell Of exchange. Storage batteries of all kind. What Batry Vim Does Datry Vim make a worn-out storage battery aa good at new: it breaks up aulpbatlon on the plates and makes the battery 100 efficient, no matter bow old or what condition the battery ia in. Ship your old battery to us. Dealers' proposition open. Write for infornauoa. BATRY VIM CO, Inc. inioNStr-t Phone B KM LINCOLN. NEB. Let Us Miki I New Gir Out of Ywr Auti W bolld to order a soUd Victoria tost wtth bSTaled plate ilstsea oa sides and reart or Ooapa Body. fMdan. Snort or Boaditer Bodr. Fainting, slip Cortra, ate. Onr paint floerua t nt IS palm operations on anew paint Job. qnat (oAbs beat factory work. Writ Department Ko. t Wna. Pf elffer Auto M Carrlac tVorka l44fcAra.lMnaMthlL,Oak,Sk, rSMtXriwIM Also build Cabs and Track Bodies RANDALL & NOLL 317 Sett HA Street, Liicola, Nik. llth St. and Central Ave Nebraska City. Nek. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Generators, Starters, Magnetos, Batteries, Lamps, Horns, Bulbs, Fuses, Cables, Spark Plugs, Terminals, Switches, etc Official Factory Berrlee Representatives for Gray A Davis, Inc., Eleetrlo Auto Lite Corp., WeBtlnghousn Biro. A Ufg. Co., At water-Kent Mfg-. Works, General Lead Ratterlea Co., Bosch Magneto Co., Nortn-Kast Klectrlo Co., Ward Leonard Electric Uo, Blliir Motor Appliance Co., Djrneto Klectrlo Co., Connecticut Ignition, We specialize on all electrical equipment If you have a Slarter, Generator or MagntU that you do not understand send it to us. Agents wanted for Titan Battery. Don't forget we can take care of your electrical wants, and do it promptly. Get some GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules at once. They are an old, tried preparation used all over the world for centuries. They contain only old-fflBbloned, soothing oils combined with strength-giving and system-cleans lug herbs, well known and used by phy sicians in their dally practice GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are to- Jiorted direct from tho laboratories in JolIanJ. They are convenient to take, and will either give prompt relief or your money will be refunded. Ask for them at any drug store, but be sure to get the original Imported GOLD MEDAL brand. Accept no substitutes, Ja sealed packages. Three sixes. SflBnaaV bHIBBV Directory FILMS DEVELOPED FREE Wtn Print Ara Ordr4 PrldU2)nM,ncentBjtHiM.4cnt pontal card alte, 0 oeuia, poalpaJO Beaton Photo Supply Co. lBth&FamamSU. Omaha, NW mrnrp Morttaes til IIVLD Beads for Site In $1 00, 1 800 and $1,000 denomination on forma and high class city property to not D, B)t arid 0 pw cent. Soma can bs cashed any day before due tot a commission of ono month a Interest Honuui peper tor Inrestor sent free. LINCOLN TRUST COMPANY Nrtl, niK Slr..t LINCOLN. H DISTRIBUTORS OF RACINE TIRES and Repair Material. COOO-tnlla guaranteed, wrapped tread tires. Retreading and rebuild log tires a .specialty. Aneoolea Wanted. ror information address LINCOLN TIRE ft REPAIR CO. 124 So. 15th St, Liacoln,Netsj IN OMAHA T3hm Henshaw Eotel EUROPEAN FLAK T.J. O'Brien OoProsa, tLOO WITHOUT BATH ilm dp wrrn bath 15U and Faraam Sea Oat! Order of our agency. If we have no local representative order direct frptn as. TREY & fREY, florlste ( 1888 O STREET UNOOLM, NEB Monuments BOOKLET FREE C.E.SPEIDELL4S MOLINE KNIGHT, Celebrated Knlgbt Engine; beat an earth. Km earooa trouble. No valve or engine treats. BMWTS IMID Jafv Look this ear over before buying. Oood trvsv territory open to dealers. Write for cUlotf and descriptive matter. KNUDSEN AUTOMOV HE CO, Distributors. 2107 Fansaas St. OasafcaV WEAR OUT YOUR OLD TIRES (Bssl tin Ussj to Us Juts Bit) MX CSLNO TK- H PIGR B2SH UB YOUCANADD2.000TO CBbsW' I 8,000 miles extra serving) nrT.. - lnJ la mini tlrH whlnh .nil i... mm k.. 7 now throw away. V.KZiiZn, XGfflW I TbecostofairlahrrBnb-CastnBtsaboiitone-tbtri the cost of a new tire, the same Bub-ifeslrjg can D? psed to wes; oat several oM tl res. Ueeanse the flexl-l ble si el not (ma-Sea, "U") are endless and are)' noai w u. u luat uio losioe or u ooter kbVSd. atAAl Rl.i-ll".MlulntlM H'l th:ro ore there .a -o cbauee (or tbe Bab-J sslns to be forced thronah th HM.mL a -- '- uikrtasrMtBHutarMuijM. atMik7 ' VI8QER BCANUaTAOTDBINO OOKPANT i UU N Street JUucoln, Mekej . W SBs W timid with f Cement Blocks HOME. BARN. IIOG HOUSE OR FOUNDATION Granite-faced, waterproof ccsirat blocks meat your needs Siren. durable and namUosne. WRITE TO USt1 NEBRASKA MATERIAL CO, unujui,r(uu(ADikA 'SvM M ' BBBBBBBBBBBsHHsBBBSal SSSBBBBBBBBTSJSSBBBBBBbBSBb .SSBBBSBBBBBBBBSSBBBaeSSSSb uw,uncosal 'Sf seJsflSjCS. eTJlisPVBBBaN. 7 I