The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 31, 1919, Image 1

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l a . . . .fiing' aiaf -SEK tES3Dt',.a -ir- -,y
A Newspaper That Gives The News Firty-twi Weeks Each Year For 11.50
. inr.' ' : iinjn irt:
We buy and sell all issues of Liberty and
Victory Bonds at the market. If you
desire to buy or sell, call on us
Interest paid oh Time Deposits
Deposits Guaranteed by Depositors
Guarantee Fund of State of Nebraska
Webster County Bank
Red Cloud, Nebraska-
Burned by Explosion of Gas Chautauqua Program Pleases'
, Henry and lieu Hanks nml sister j The lt session of the Ked Cloud
Miss Lenii. iiPcomiwiUcil br Oliver De- cimittHUitua opened Friday. Mr. and
Mirs and SylvesterMercierdrovc down Mrs p,,,,, u.lniliuy worc Introduced to
from Campbell to attend the Clmutau-1 He Ba,eni.e the ormei. i,elK tle
qua heie last Sunday, Bcfote leaving . ,,1(.tful.m ,,.,...,.. A .. ,1 ,i1H irttGr
.. ---- -----
superintendent or the chtlutens flo
or, tho'teturn trip they stopped nt tltu '
H.imlll g ir.tge for oil and gas. At that
time tli car, a Ford sedan, was oeeu
.pled by the Batiks brothers DeMars
! and Mercier.
While lllltng the gasoline- tauk 01 a
p.irttnent, or the .Junior Chautauqua,
The opening number was the Autph
ion Four, male quartette. This pro
gram Included vtwul aud itisttitmoutal
aeiuctUlH. readings and a cornet solo. ,
of the ocaupnuta of the car struck a T(l8 eveulng ptogrniu brought forth1
nntch which ignited the fumes and In -Cron Bpplauo f,0m tlio audience, I
a uiomout the intorlor of the car was whloli. in ttsnlf wns nvldenea that our
t.. . ... ... . I -" 7
111 U'llUeS. I'llCy SUOOeOUOU III KOtWllir ,rtnn1ft nmn.,ln.. MnJi nlu.a.u,t,ir(nln.
I l!? Wl'J'lVWtWtV. Itlll WHJ , !-
car Physicians wero sum-.. ,.. .,', l il,,i .,. ti.i. ri,,.,,.
- I 1UL1II1 IJULII 111 11 111LDI1 Wll L.14 L 3 VSIlllll
8 1 out of the
Edward Floiance, President
S. R. Florance, Cashier
tAuu ;...,.
Del C"T FraitS
Gives Excellent Satisfaction in a large number
o! Red Cloud homes. WE GUARANTEE THEM
nniiod and the Injured boys were tak
en to the Royal hotel
It was found t'tat Hcniy Banks, was
badiy burned on the body, hands and
feet. DeMuiV burns were not of as
serious a nature, they being on his left
shoulder, abdomen, hand'-, feet and
the -side of his head Ben Bulks es
caped with slight burns on the hands,
feet and thigh. At the present time
, the boys are doing kh well as can be
expected, and It will be beveral diys
lefore they can bo removed to their
We Have Some Very Fine Dried Fruits
Have You Tried Mrs. fff f ttc
Rohrer's and Verebest VOIICC
that are gaining in popularity.
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Our Stock in AH Lines is New and Fresh
and know that or groceries and service
A. WllllD
Groceries and Qucensware
tor Summer
No matter how popular suits' or seperate
skirts may be, the thin dress is the most
pleasing and comfortable for the hot weather
Figured and striped voiles, flaxons, pongees
and organdies are the favorites.
In white we have plain and fancy figures;
In colors we have voile, organdy, flaxon
bateste and georgette.
We also have the handsomest line of laces
with which to trim them.
Come in and let us slioiv them to you
Jfe. Barbara Phares
Agent gor Ladies Home Journal Patterns
All Sizes in Childrens Half Sox
Fire Destroys Farm House
Fire entirely destroyed the farm
UDrae of James Davis, who resides near
Ebou, Tuesday evening at about six
o'clock. The exact cati9e of the fire is
unknown, it is supposed to have been
caused from "a defective Hue in tlje
kijtoheu la a fevAuiuntes the llames
spread to the other rooms of the house
aud in less than half an hour the house
was entirely destroyed.
Mrs. Davis nibbed into one of the
rooms aud endeavored to secure some
clothing and personal effects Befote
she had time to accomplish ths tatlc
the llames wete upon her. She was
compelled to foice a screen oir the
window to escape from the loom, using
s line bed ling as a shiold to piotect
he ftom the llauifs Slic was hurried
about the face, bunds and arms Mr.
D i is who was ill at th tune got out
of the house before the llwncs 1 cached
.loliu Woesuer, a neighbor, phonal
his father. in eesnei of this city,
who immediately drove to the 'ceuc
and brought the Ibivis fmnily to the
city. The will be the guests of Mr.
V-esnei until aiianireiuenU can be
made I'm another dwelling.
I About SjOO iusuiaiice was carried on
I I le house but none on its contents.
I District Court Proceedings
Judge W. C. Dorscy held court
hero last Monday, which is likely
the last term to be held here by him,
as he has accepted an appointment
as a member of the Supreme Court
Commission, effective September 15.
The following matters were dis
posed of:
Donald E. Cloud vs 'ilattie Or
chard et al, Sale confirmed. Deed
ordered to purchaser.
Minnie Westfall, formerly Minnie
Turner, vs John N. Turner, defend
ants given 10 days to file answer.
Jacob Schunk vs Siebolt Johnson,
Defendant given 30 days to file
amended answer.
John Saladcn, Administrator of
the Estate of Joseph Saladen, de
ceased, Sale confirmed, deed or
dered. u
Anna Strieker vs William Striek
er, Divoice for plaintiff, former
name restored.
Application of Joseph Dreher, Ad
ministrator, License to sell real es
tate granted. 1
William A. Kent vs City of Red
tauqiln circuit
Major A S Idbby, American Gener
al Stall' Intel prcter, conveyed to his
uudicuce tacts that had been unknown
to the uuj -rity of our citizens 1'ie-,
war com tuns, as they existed in
Kurope, pupaiations for war, (Serni-
any's dlbiegrtid for sacred pledges and1
treaties and the League of Nations,
were discussed by the major.
Dr. Arthur S l'oclc, world traveler,
and lecturer, occupied the platform .
during the evening. The illustrated '
lecture lews from France coupled
with authentic information pi overt to
be both interesting aud instructive.
On Saturday afternoon the stage whs
given over entirely to the fair bex, the
Liberty Belles, cotcposed of seven tal
ented nuhtoal artists, who rendered u
program 6t music, singing, whistling
and brief skctchos, suoh as had never
before been presented to our people.
The Flying Parson, A. J. Nielsen, fail
ed to make his appearance at the ap
pointed hour. Capt. Arthur Kachel
was substituted His ability to imper
sonate nine diQcicut characters, in the
"Melting Pot" was a feat that could
only be accomplished by an artist
Tills, in addition to vocal and instru
mental numbois by the Liberty Belli s
fouhi'd the program for the evening.
.Sundiij moining union services weie
held in the, big tent A union choir
fuinlslud the music Dr But ns of
Des Muitios, selected fur the theme of
his lecuue seimon, "'lho Life of Saul "
The manner in which he handled this
Mibject held the attention of all his
list nets
buiidiu afternoon's piogram ptoved
to bt a taie treat fot thoie in attend
ance Urns 1; Taggait oi victor
fame, falily made his violin talk. Veil- f
trlloijuisin. mimicry, illustrations and
explanations by this laments artist
held the audience spellbound during
the time he occupied the stage
Dr. Lyiiinn Powell's lectin e,, "Hands
Across the Sea" proved to be a more
interesting subject than most peoplo
thought it would be His subject cov-'
ere 1 circumstances anil conditions as
thev exist today in the' war-stricken '
countries aeross the water, Couuti les '
that are now torn asunder by revolu-
tiou, robbed of their men, thereby left
In a condition whore they are practic-.
ally uuable to help themselves; Ameri
ca must heed their call; como,to their (
assistance, in order that thoy may
again resume their place in the mer
cantile and agricultural circles.
Dr. Amiirtry Mars' lecture Sjinday
evening exceeded tho expectations of
the audience. Hlb thrilling story of
his three years In Luxemburg prison,
his bold escapo made tho nerves of his
listenors tingle, It was inside inform
ation as to what actually took place
inside of German prisons.
"The Old Country Fiddler'-Taggart-ngaln
demonstrated that ho could "put
fun into music and music into fuu"
and ilddled away many happy minutes
for the audience,
Kwings Overseas Band arrived on
the scone Monday af tot noon. It was
under tho personal direction of Prof.
Help Your Boy
Adjust Himself
to Peace
Suppose you spont the past ytHir in hurdling machine
gun neate or potting submarines r swooping over tho
German lines in an Airplane; wouldn't tho old homo seem
a little quiec, almost dall, aftr you'd baen back a few
days? Quite n problem to adjust yourself to tho hum
drum life of peace after gambling with death, daily, for
many months. And that's the problem which faces your
boy. You can help solve it. Give him
"77r- Phonograph zsith a Sour
That will liven up the house. That will attract a crowd
of happy young folks who will make things hum. That
will fill your boys evenings with so much clean, whole
some pleasure that nothing can compete vitli home as an
attraction. ' ""
Drop in tomorrow aud t-oe our exhibits of New Ellisons In period
cabinets. Each instrument, no matter at what price, is now sold in a
period cabinet of exquisite beauty. There are but two exceptions;
'models for sfieolal purposes ' '
f s
E. H. Newhouse
Optometrist and Jeweler
t ihlii
mativxmaBtaiaaaryxaimaiKmTniiKnJijjiA Him lutmwiaamirrmacmt
lj Sm'lmm
Clniwt. TYnmno-na AnnHf-nt-tnn n? An.
fndnnf fn nnk nhnrl-Q TT rfn1 ' Ewlng, One of tile UOted baud lOtldOlS
defendant, denied. of the nation. The program varied,
a I1LIIO u uvuiy tiling i rum griiuu uimu
to the very latost In music -the jazz.
Dr. Alva.M. Ueitzcl, a noted lecturer,
entered into tho Problems of Patriot
ism in a manner that domanded the
undivided attetitiou of the audiouce,
It was interesting and instructive
They were problems of peaco rather
(Contlnuod on page D)
John Copley, one of Webster county's
well known citizens pas-ed away in tho
Hastings hospital Wednesday evening,
lie had been opetated on for appendi
citis. The remains will be bt ought
to tills city tills eveuing. At the pros,
ent time no (Jetlniito arrangements
have bfen made for the funeral A
wife, four children and several bisters
and brothers burvive him,
The World's Standard Brand
Why Pay More?
Red I Cloud
armers union,