The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 03, 1919, Image 8

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Titan 10-20 Kerosene
THIS tractor is designed and built to
operate from start to finish on low
priced kerosene (coal oil), or distillate. It does
more than simply run on kerosene it delivers its
full rated horse power or does any kind of work
within its capacity on any kind of oil fuel above
39 degrees Baume.
What This Means to You
It means that nt the present prices of gasoline and
kerosene in "this locality you will save fully one-half your
fuel costs over a tractor of equal horse power operating
on gasoline.
At Drawbar and Belt
A Titan 10-20 will furnish dependable power in all
seasons. For field, road, or belt work it can be used
day and nyjkt if the case demands. It will do this work
at the least possible expensa because it operates on low
grade fuels.
It is wortk your while to examine the record of the
Titan 10-20. Find out what it is doing for others and
then apply that to your own case. Then give us your
order-so that you can get delivery of your tractor when
you want it
James Peterson
Red Cloud
Never before have there been better prospects for so
bountiful a wheat crop as is existing today and at the
market price promised the farmer he cannot take any
chances on loosing even a small portion.of it. Be prepar
ed to harvest it as soon as il is ripe. A delay of even one
single day may be the cause of losing hundreds of dollars.
Prompt action may mean a big saving to you.
'Tuscan-Driven'' Binders will Do Your
Harvesting and Save One Half the Time
C5 m
The Harvesting Problem Solved
With a CUSHMAN on the farm you no longer have to
worry about extra horses or mules which you must use
for the regular routine of farm work. Just secure the few
simple, inexpensive attachments, place your CUSHMAN
on your grain binder and in 30 minutes your CUSHMAN
is driving your machine over your wheat field finishing in less time than would be required to do it with
horses or mules. Coma in Let us tell you moro about
the "Cushman on the Farm." Interesting and pro fitable
Plumbing Heating Everything Electrical
Guide Rock
"tt'iti , tir f"i
Advanced to Second Class
A- tin Ut'il (Jiouil post oi'leo li s
bi'i'ti ndvni'i'i'ri l tcond class nil Sun.
d.iy an 1 Holiday service, exrept in, pro
viik'il by See. .'-'J, must tto dismnutlnii.
i'tl. See. 83" tunds; Put ortlci-s if tlio
Htii'oml class shall not be open on Sun
days, for the purport' of dellverltiK
iiihII to the geneial public, but tills
provision does not prevent the prompt
delivery of tiny special delivery until.
Postmasters of the flist mid econd
class shall not require more clerks and
carders to be on duty Sundays than
lire requisite to prepare mall for dis
patch and to make such distribution of
incoming mail as Is necessary to meet
the requirements concerning spccUl
delivery mall anil all necessary dis
tribution to lock boxes, and to deliver
mall of special importance called for
and described, while employes uro on
duty ou account of hucIi distribution.
The hours which the post ofllee lob
by will be open arc 8:'M to l0:.1u a, in.
Sundays arid 8:00 it. in. to 7:3u p. in.
week days.
Hoys' and Girls' Club Work
Miss Mabel E. Kirk, an assistant
Htato leader in hoys' and girls' club
work spent three days in the county
last week with County Hoys' and Girls'
Leader, J. C. Hagcy. The purpose of
Miss Kirk's visit was to help organ
ize groups of club members into Stan
dard Clubs that arc promoted by the
Hoys' and Girls' Division of the De
partment of Agriculture.
Groups of club members at Bladen,
District 90, District 3, Guide Rock,
Inavale and Red Clbud were either
organized or some phase of club ac
tivities discussed and demonstrated.
At Ecklcy consolidated school, Dist.
90, judging contests in baking and
sewing and a demonstration in mak
ing muffins were put on .by club mem
bers. Only those places where at least
five members were working along the
same project were visited as no club
can he organized with less than that
number. In those communities where
there arc loss than the required num
ber, the work will be taken up with
the individual members. However,
it is hoped that next year there will
be more places where the Standard
Club is possible.
The girls in the Canning Club at
lied Cloud have completed arrange
ments, and arc now operating the
community canning kitchen at that
place. This is surely a very practic
al way for the girls to carry out th6ir
club work and the community should
Imj exceedingly proud that they have
in their midst a number of girls who
have enough of the community spirit
to undertake this work. This is sim
ply another example of what club
work hopes to accomplish SERVICE.
It is hoped that from these girls a
demonstration team can he picked
which can be sent to Lincoln to the
State Fair.
Hoys' And Girls'Cluh Leader.
The Christian EndcaVor and
Missionary societies of the. Chris
tian church gave a" good program
before a large audience at the
Christian church Sunday evening.
Afterwards Rev. Heche's resigna
tion was taken up and was over
whelmingly rejected. As yet ho
has not decided what ho will do.
Ungallant Statement.
"Mischief and petticoats enmo Into
the world tho same day, nnd have ro-
mnlnod together ever since." "Tho
Gate- Opfliiera," by K. L. Montgomery.
for Summer
No matter how popular suits or seperate
skirts may be, the thin dress is the most
pleasing and comfortable for the hot weather
Figured and striped voiles, flaxons, pongees
and organdies are the favorites.
In white we have plain and fancy figures;
In colors we have voile, organdy, flaxon
bateste and georgette.
We also have the handsomest line of laces
with which to trim them.
Come in and let us shoiv them to you
flfs. Barbara Phares
Agent gor Ladies Homo Journal Patterns
All Sizes in Childrens Half Sox
A Star in a big Story
Magnlilcent, magnetic Kitty Oordon,
populiu farorlte comes to the Orpheum
thcutie on Monday for two days in the
sumptuous offering, hi "Allele," pic
turization of the famotib romance,
'The Nurse's Story," which was writ,
ten by the well known American auth
or, Adele Hleneati, Miss Gordon por
trays a role affording splendid oppor
tunity for her talent while the plcturo
is replete with u suniptjiousnrss of
detail and richness of production
The facluatlng story of "Adele" re
teals In thrilling fnslilou the great
romance of a womau's choice between
love and duty and tells with tense
human note u Red Cross Nurse's start
ling adventures in Primes.
Attention Soldiers!
Posts of tho National Organization
of the American Legion, made up of
soldiers, sailors and marines of the
late war, are being organized through
out the country.
The purpose of the organization is
to uphold the constitution of the Unit
ed States, foster a one hundred per
cent Americanism, preserve the mem
ories and Incidents of our association
In the great war, to combat autocracy
of both the classes and the masses, to
promote pence and good will ou earth
and to transmit to posterity the prin
ciples of justice, freedom aud democ
racy, to consecrate nnd sanctify our
comradbhlp by our devotion to mutual
Fifteen or more soldiers may organ
i.o a post in any locality.
Early la September Colonel Roose
velt Jr., tv 111 be in Nebraska to deliver
several addresses to members of the
American Legion.
For full particulars, constitution, by.
laws, etc., write the undersigned and
you will receive the same.
Jons G. Maiich,
President, American Legion
20J S Iith St ,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Bladen Brieflets
J P. Kropp was o Iiluc Hill visitor
Mrs. Oley Iverson was a Red Cloud
visitor Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Cramer were in
Red Cloud Friday.
Harry Cramer of Red Cloud visited
BlHden friends Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, I. V. Negley were in
Red Cloud last Wednesday.
- Frank Atkins of Lincoln visited
friends here the first of the' week.
I'-LiE Spence made a business trip to
Norton, Kansas, the first of the week
J ltritton Bros., and Jens Westensen
purchased Fordston tractors the first
of the week.
Pete Haller was down from Culbert
sou the last of the week visiting friends
and relatives.
Mrs Ellis spent the first of the week
with relatives at Lincoln.
Mrs George Matklns was In the city
today She was enrouto from Canada
to Inavale where they will make their
home again. Mr. Matklns will be back
David Paul passed away Tuesday
at the home of his son, E. V. Paul,
at Cowles. He was born in Ross
county, Ohio, September IB, 18112
and was over 8G years old at tho
time of his demise. Tho funeral
services were held today, and inter
ment took place in the Cowles cem
fllalone-Gellatly Go. I
Christian Church
Services for the
Sunday, July 6 Communion Service at 11:00 a. m. fi
10 a. m. Sunday School
11a. m Preaching Service
2 p. m. South Side Mission Sunday School.
7 p. m Senior Endeavor Service
8 p. m. Preaching Service
The National Parks
With All Their Wonders Are Yours
The land of geysers, painted canyons, forests and water
falls you can tour grand old Yellowstone in automobiles,
cither via the Cody Way or Gardiner or Yellowstone en
trances. Through sleepers, hotel and camp accomodations
as usual. You can go direct or via Scenic Colorado or
Ilocky Mountain National-Estes Park.
Rocky Mountain-Estes Park
Colorado's beautiful vacation land, Just north of Denver,
tho summer playgrounds of fifty thousand tourists. You
can reach Denver in the morning and be in the Park at
Magnificent Glacier Park the climax of the Rockies' rug
ged grandeur is open to tourists! Through sleepers to the
Park entrance. Tickets either direct or via Denver. Scen
ic Colorado, with I?peky Mountain National-Estes and Yel
lowstone Parks en ' route THREE PARKS ON ONE
Ask your local ticket agent to help you plan
your trip and furnish you with descriptive
booklets of points in which you arc interested.
'Misses Fannie Miksch and Gert
rude Topham spent last week in
Denver, visiting their brothers.
Interviews with furmors living In
this vicinity and nlso our hi&ter statu
to the south (Kunsus) buvc resulted in
convincing us that Nebraska and Kan
sns will hnrvebt n whoat crop this year,
such as has never before been equaled
iu this section ot the country They
claim that if nature plays fair witli
them for a few days more the crop will
be safe. Some of tho funnel 8 hhvo al
ready entered their fields and are now
harvesting, while .others are busily en
gaged in preparing for tho harvest.
They ulho stato that coin is progress,
ing nicely and present indications uro
that there will bo a bountiful crop.
Calls for help to harvest the wheat aio
coming iu and preparations are being
made for rounding up the business
men and city bids to assist their rural
Notice To Creditors
In tlio "utility Court ot Webster County,
In tlio innltcr of tlio estate ot Kru House
Creditors ot said cslato will tako notice,
that tho tlmu Kmlto.l (or presentation and
llllnt; ol clalmi against said cstnto Is October
IBth mil), ami lor tho payment ot debts Is No
vombcrB2d, IUIU, Unit I will alt at tho county
court room In said e junty ou tho lUth tiny ot
July lino, to examine, hear nnd allow all
claims duly tiled wh'Mi are a tlrst or second
lien upon said estate, and on tho 20th day ot
October, 111 11), to examine, hear, allow and
udjuht all claims and o!vucllons ot neutral
creditors duly tiled.
Dated this llth day U .Tune, 1019.
(Seal) A. 1). IIANNKY
Comity Judge.
Notice of Application
for Pool Hall License
Notice dg hereby given that on tho Kith day
ol Juno m W. II. Tabor riled his application
and petition asking (or License to'conduct a
Illllard and Pool Hall on Lot IS Illock 12 o(
Inavale, Nebraska.
That on tho 7th day ot July 919 at the
Court House In Ilcd Cloud, Nebraska at '1 V.
M. tho hearing ol snld application will bo
had bolqre tho County Commissioners ot
Webster County Nebraska, at which time all
objections and remonstrances against tho
grnutlngolsald llcenso will be heard.
n.K. I'KUHV,
(Seal.) County Clerk
No. 1 Nil
-4. 5
Month of July
Iceland's Fisheries.
Iceland hns excellent fisheries,
among the best in the world, and her
Qshlng Industry Is growing rapidly.
E. S. Grber
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and"
(Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kinds
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You the Fixtures
When the
Firemen Appear
the insured nWi first thought it one' oi
thankfulness that he U so, How abou
your thoughts ii a fiiieman should ap
pear at your home?
The De.y
Before the Fire
is the day to insure. As that day may
be to-morrow for all you can know or
do, it fellows that prudence would Jim
pell you to slop in our office today and
have us issue you a policy,
R.elieible Insurance
& m3?X$l fa YIBB01
' i