" BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF f mob nBBin THE 1919 Red Cloud i, THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVKRY THURSDAY Sntercd in tho 1'cMofllcu tit Kid Cluud, Neb an Second t'lnss Matter' lA.B. MfAUTHUH, Kilitor titnl Owner I I utauqra July 25 to July 31 INCLUSIVE, WILL BE OF SURPASSING INTEREST TO EVERYBODY INFORMATION KK. THE FLYING PARSON-ACTUAL FLIGHTS; NICHOLS AT THEPEACE CONFERENCE; SEEING IS BELIEVING SO SEE EUROPE WITH PECK AMUSEMENT LAUGHTER LOVERS TAGGART, FIDDLER, OF VICTROLA FAME; SEVEN LIBERTY BELLES A LIVE AMERICAN COMPANY; HENRY, MAGICIAN, CRAYON AND SAND PAINTING. THOUGHT-PROVOKERS Ktes DAVID D. VAUGHAN-FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS; REITZAL, PROB LEMS OF PATRIOTISM; ADAMS, "MORALE;" DR. LYMAN P. POWELL A PREMIER WAR SPZAKER. WATCH FOR THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF SPECIAL SPEAKER. PLENTY OF GOOD HIGH-GRADE UNDERSTANDABLE MUSIC OVERSEAS BAND WITH EWING LEADING; ROYAL WELSH LADIES CHOIR-MME. HUGHES-THOMAS; MATHISEN CONCERT PARTY AND IGNATIUS TELLO, BRAZILIAN VIOLINIST, MALE QUARTETTE, OR CHESTRA, SOLOISTS. Watch Next Week's Paper. Ask HOWARD S. FOE, Local Manager, for Detailed Information. ' SAVE MONEY SUBSCRIBE FOR MAWI SEASON TICKETS F V VV I P. S. Yes, the boys and girls will have a Junior Chautauqua Every Morning. ma oniy dkmockatic 1'AI'Kh in WKIiSTKll COUNTY m lamimiMMicrg Rod Cloud titul Wobster county citl zimir arc to be commended for tho on tcrpribe nnil promptness with which they arc moving in the matter of high way building, in conjunction with county commissioners of Wobster coun ty, stnto unci federal engineers hive Rono over n 28.mlles strotoh of rond runniug from Red Cloud north to Ayr which linb been npprovod. Tho cost will be 8.10,201. Federal nid to tho I amount of $10,002 hns been allowed. . . i This rond is intended as a main con. ncctlnR truuU line with Hustings. county-scat to county-seat highway' It will later be up to the authorities of Adams county to come across with tho connection with this city Adimie County Democrat. The Nebraska State Association of Commercial Clubs at their annual con vention at ltroken How, after a short address by Lloyd Mnttson, Director of Publicity of the Nebraska War Savings Committee, concerning the War Sav ings Stamps adopted a resolution, put ting the organization on record favor ing the Government teaching Thrift In tho State and also pledge their hearty support to the movement that its suc cess in Nebraska may be assured. rami:': Perfect Satisfaction That is what every owner of a South Bend Malleable7 has to say about this wonderful Range And swhy should' t they? South Bends are backed by the maker and dealer. They're sold to you on guarantee, of "Satisfaction or Your Money Back" Realizing that tastes differ in the selection of ranges as well as in dry goods, wearing apparel, etc., we have in addition to our South Bends another Range. Knowing that we must secure a range that would satisfy we entered upon the task of looking into the qualities of the many other ranges on the market and after months of careful inveftigation have decided to accept the Copper-Clad. They are now on our floor ready for your inspection, COME IN. G. W. TRINE Red Cloud's Quality Hardware Store NEW ARMY WANT MEN The' Now Regular Army is rapidly becoming the National University. Vocational and advanced educational training is emphasized. Any ambi tious and patriotic young man may cither continue his studies in the com mon branches or take up academic or collegiate work and he also has ac cess to the many trade schools es tablished for his benefit. The army needs trained men. The army de mands skilled men in all of tho branches and to that end trade schools have been established in all of the camps and army posts whero the soldier has his choice of trade to follow. The instruction is given by those who are trained in the pro fession of teaching. Schools arc operated as schools. The school sys tem, however, is not compulsory, but the young man of today cannot "wait for something to turn up;" ho has to get in line and the training afforded in the service is so extensive that there are classes for all ages and conditions. Enlistments arc open to all men between tho ages of 18 and 55, ex cept those having dependents. Men between 18 and 21 must furnish evi dence of their age cither by baptism al or school record registration card, birth certificate or affidavit of pur em or legally appointed guardian. Tho enlistment period is for tlireo yeai.-i except that former" soldiers may reenlist for one year. The pay remains the same as during the emergency, $30.00 per month for privates up to $121.00 per month for the higher grades. There is alp ex tra pay for overseas duty and in ad dition to the pay there is given ab solutely free: clothing, lodging, med ical and dental attention and food, A very liberal insurance is provided. All brandies of the service arc open at this time, viz: Infantry, Cavalry, Field Artillery, Coast Artillery, Air Service, Signal Corps Quartermas ter Corps, Motor Transport Corps, Tank Corps, Engineer Corps, Veter inary Corps and Construction Divi sion. Service in any part of the United States or Hawaii, China, Alasku, Panama, tho Philippines, or GERMANY. There is an absolute guarantee given to all who enlist that they will see the country they choose and that they will be assigned to the brnnch of service which ap peals to them most. Service in the Signal , Corps, Engineers, M otor Transport Corps or Tank Corps re quires technical training. In tho Air service alone there arc over -10 trades to choose from. The Field Artillery and Coast Artillery open a large field to those who wish Instruc tion in mechanical, electrical and radio work. To the young man of today, Undo Sam is offering a career that trains and educates him for ,tho future. It pays well and is a good clean cut, honorable work. It builds character, teaches self-respect and discipline and makes rod-blooded men. The main station of tho Omaha dis trict is located at the Army Building, loth and Dodge Street.--, Omaha, Ne braska, and the other stations of tin district will bo found at Sioux City, Des Moines, Mason City, Fort Dodge, Marshalltown, and Crcston, Iowa, and at Lincoln, Norfolk, Hastings, Alliance, and Grand Island, Nebras ka. Correspondence with any of the above stations for information is solicited. Farm Bureau Notes . ThrcHlicrmcns' Organization Thre.'-hcrmen have expressed a de sire to have a meeting called whero they can discuss and agree upon some of the problems that pertain to their work. The principal thing to decide upon is the uniform price for threshing. Meeting Saturday, July 12, at 'J o'clock p. m., fharp, in the courtroom of the court house. All men operating threshing machines' are urged to bo present. Farmers Iliiing Small Rigs In many neighborhoods farmers are clubing together and buying small rigs to do the neighboring threshing with. Wc have a sample copy of Constitution and Ry-lnws to he used for companies of this nature and would be glad to assist any neighborhood in the organiaztion of companies of this kind. The United States Threshing Divi sion is offering to conduct three day short courses in counties that want them. These short courses arc for the inexperienced threshermen, such as neighborhood companies. If the demand for a course of this kind is great enough we could probably land one for Webster County. HENRY R. FAUSCH, County Agricultural Agent WBraia airea H I Everywhere! ,, n--iip,:i '-iiirmniimjE.'ciJir'isr !!HT,:;:rv ;l r """.... Along every country road you will see RACINE Countrv Road Tires. Always these tires give the good service. They ate Extra Tested. That's the reason. Why don't you profit by the Extra Tested quality of Racine Country Road Tires? 6000 MILE GUARANTEE, 780Q MILE FORD CASINGS Remember! Wc Give You the BEST in Vulcanizing, Repairing and Retreading. RED CLOUD NEBRASKA R. C. SUTTON iimimbmim T. J. Ward and daughters, Mrs Francis McCall and 'Miss Vivienne Ward of Lincoln and son, Dr. Win. i Ward, of Omaha, are visiting friends in the city this week. lrtfWftrvwvvwiwwAftv Mr. and Mrs. ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING Phone, Ind. Store W.Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB- wAvvvv.v.v.v.v.v.JftWVvv ;Let Our Service Dep't. Prepare Your Ad Copy R3 Eva and Helen to their home at after spending a grandparents, Mr. Stcflln. Schellack returned Hastings, Monday, week with their and Mrs. Gins. Tha Hamilton - Cither Clothing Co. Everything Mtm or Boy Wear Olautl Nabraaka BUY Land At Stratton, Colo. 1'or Particulars Write to Jos. A. Collins Land Co. Stratton, Colorado sgJ?agcrrs&raTrjggirar2gia Postmaster General Orders New Telephone Toll Rates-Effective June 21, 1919 Offers Several New Classes of Service-Reduces the Revenue of Telephone Company n A new method of computing charges on telephone toll cull under which all, toll rates within the State of Nebraska, are placed on a standard basin, hecomes effecthe 12:01 a. in. Juni 21, 1919. A brief description of this new method and ol its application to the several classes of service, is given herewith. The rate for any particular class of service may be oh taincd from the long distance operator: "Station to Station" Rate When a person makes a toll call without specifying that conversation is desired with a particular person, and the connection is es tablished and conversation held, the "station to staion" rate applies. "Station to station" calls should be made by number wherever Telephone Directory in formation is available. Where this informa tion is not available at the calling telephone, such calls mf.y be made by giving the toll operator the name and nddre.ss of the sub scriber at the telephone called. "Person to Person" Rate When a person makes a toll call, specifying that conversation is desired with a particular person and the connection is established and conversation held with that person, the "per son to person" rate applies. As this sen-ice requires a greater amount of operating effort, the rate for such calls is about one-fourth greater than the "station to station" rate. This "person to person" rate is computed on tho day rate between tho points involved, whether the call is made during the day or during the night, and the minimum charge is 15c. "Report Charge" When a "person to person" call is made and the particular person desired is not in or will not talk, or when an exact telephone address of the particular person desired has not been given and he can not bo reached at a tele phone within one hour a "report charge" ap plies. Such a charge also applies if the calling party is absent when the connection is com pleted within one hour, or if he refuses to talk. This charge is to cover compensation for the operating work performed and is usually about one-fourth of the "station to station" rate. . In any case where a "report charge" ap plies, the minimum charge is ,10c and tho maximum $2.00. "Appointment" Rate When the calling party in placing his call appoints a definite specified time at which ho will talk on a "person to person" basis and tho conservation is held at tho specified time, the "appointment" rate applies. The "appointment" rate is usually about one-half greater than the "station to station" rate. The "appointment" rate is computed on tho day rate between the points involved, whether tho call is made during the day or during the night, and the minimum charge is 25c. "Report charges" apply under the same gen oral conditions as specified for "person to per son" calls. "Messenger" Calls When a call is made on a "person to per son" basis and a messenger is required to sc , cure attendance of the designated person at the distant point, the "mtv.-enger call" rate applies. This rate is tho same as the "appointment rate" for the same distance, plus any charge for messenger service. The "messenger call" rate is computed on the day rate between the points involved, whother tho call is made during the day or during the night, and tho minimum charge is 25c. Messenger charges incurred are to be paid even if desired conversation is not held. "Report charges" apply under the same t general conditions as specified for "person to person" calls. Standard Toll Night Rates The following reduced rates for night serv ice on a "station to station" basis only arc effective 12:01 a. m. Juno 21, 1919: 8:30 p. m. to 12:00 midnight About one-half the "station to station" day rate. 12:00 midnight to 4:30 a. m. About - one- quarter of the "station to sta lion" day rate. For tho purpose of applying night rates, the time of day at the point at which a "sta tion to station" message originates is used. Day rates apply on calls made at night when tho "station to station" charge is less than the minimum night rate of 25c. "Collect Call," "Collect calls" arc calls for which tho charges are reversed; that is, are to be col lected from the subscriber at the distant sta tion at which the call is completed. Such "collect calls" or reversed charges arc allowed only in connection with "person to person" calls. Example Showing Application of New Rates Assuming tho air-line distance between toll points to ho more than 144 miles, but not more than 152 miles, the following initial period rates for service under the various classes offered would apply: "Station to station" rate $1.00 Completed "person to person" rate .... 1.25 Completed "appointment" rate..... 1.50 Completed "messenger cnll" rate 1.50 Plus messenger charges. Report charge .. 25 Rate between 8:30 p. m. and 12:00 midnight, ."station to station" service only 50 Rate between 12:00 midnight and 4:30 a. m., "station to station" service only .25 The rate for a "station-to-station call is generally loss than the present chnrgo and the pcrson-to-person rate is a slight increase in some cases. The revenue produced under the new tariff will be less than was received under the old rates. The Postmaster General's classification and rates have been in effect on interstate busi ness since the first of this year. The United States Supreme Court has estab lished tho Postmaster General's authority to prescribe rates and at 12:01 a. in., June 21, tho now long distance rates and classifica tions are the legal rates on all toll business throughout the United States. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company v i V i i. fc ft rmTMMirrew i K.H p M IVJ m PS twwig)-try '''