The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 19, 1919, Image 7

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l ft
of prominent and Influential lunkhead J
.can lo soon atnndfnr; In tlio ihjorwny .
of the old pnit ofllco room, patiently
waiting for busy pronlo to come, an
they tiaed to, mill HWiRt piwt them,
trying to get In." Kiitisujj City Star.
llnrd fncfrt do not nlwnyi mnko an
Impression on a soft-headed innn.
c a package
before the war
I 5
c a package
during the war
c a package
Trip Over the Cascades In a Gasoline
Alelgh Was Distinct
A spectacular trlnl trip wos recently
mado across tho Cascades In n motor
sleigh, and a number of photogrnphs,
taken ntvnrIous stages of the Journey,
aro reproduced In Popular Mechan
ic., Tho achievement of the motor
etelgh was almost ns amazing ns that
of the first army tank, conquering, as
U did, all kinds of obstacles. Skimming
the surface of snowfalls,, old or new,
the strange little vehicle, broke Its way
through primeval passes with never a
stumble. The rescue of an automobile,
hopelessly stalled In tho drifts of Sno
qualnflc pass, was a mere Incident In
Its progress. Crossing a deep gully on
a pair of hemlock poles wns but one of
the day's adventures. The Intended
substitution of the motor sleigh for the
dog drnwn sledges of Alaska's snow
bound post trails means more to the
people of that grent territory than may
be generally realized. Jack London and
otheis have limned the mnlcmufe as a
romontle figure; but tho followers of
the troll know well be Is never that. It
Is the elimination of much human bard
ship, as well as canine Inefficiency, that
recommends the gasoline method.
Quick Action Called For.
When an angler drops a Una he
hr .a to get an answer right away.
Time's Changes.
"Times shoro change," philosophic
cnlly Bald Gap Johnson of Rumpus
Ridge. "Just tuther dny, as It were,
nobody thought anything In pertlckler
If a feller took a demijohn to church
under the back seat of his wagon, and
after the sermon had grown sorter
tiresome winked n" few of his friends
outside to help him lap it up syid fool
uround and swap horses and mebbey
fight a little In a general way.
"But now, by grit, If ho even smells
of patent medicine on n week day he'B
got to produce tho omenlck and p'int
out the ilace whur It snys h6's got the
deadly disease that ho claims to havo
taken tlo modlclno for." Kansas City
Proud of His "Profession."
"Burglars who served In the army
are going back to their old trade," said
a London police official tho other day.
"These men deliberately cleojt to live
by stealing because they'flnd It adven
turous, ft was with the same spirit
that they Joined the army. At least
one convicted burglar wn the Victoria
cross." Confirmation of this charac
tcristle Is provided by a captain In a
Lfamons fighting regiment, who declares
mat one or tne Dravest men in nis
company, a corporal .with a D.CM, and
other 'honors, declared himself a pro
fessional thief. "His one regret," re
marked the officer, "was that the re
cruiting authorities would net let him
describe his occupation on his attesta-
Hon papers as burglar."
Liked Better !
Than Coffee j
for its uniformly high grade
of flavor, its always steady
and fair price, and its economy
If you want a satisfying bev
erage that will stop com
plaints about "poor coffee9
or the "high price" of coffee,
start using Postum and note
at m
Usually sold at 15c and 25c
Everywhere at Grocers
(By RKV. I'. II PlT.WATlStt. D D
Tcncher of CngllMi Iiiblo In the UtoAj
nibte Institute of Clik'no.)
.iCoirlnhtniltjiT WmiiTU Nmnptntr I'nl'n
LESSON TliXT-1 Cor. 13.
aoi.Dl.2N TIJXT-Now nliUleth fnlth,
tiupu, loc, tlirno tliruo; but tlio greutcft
of those l love. I Cor. 13:13.
lUt. 6:4, 5; John 10 27, 8:1C, I John 4:7-21.
l'HIMAUY TOl'lC-llow to Show Our
JUNIOR TOPIC-rWhom Wo Should
Ixvo nnd How
INTnUMKUlATH TOl'IC-The Greatest
Thins In tho World.
(Strongest Hond lletween Men and Woman.
The best gift of the Holy Spirit Is
tlio love of God shed nlmmil In our
hearts. Not all ctm tench, preach,
work minifies, speak with tongues;
but tlio gift of love Is within reach
of nil. Tho "more oxcellent way" of
the last verse of chapter 11! Is tlio way
of love. Lovo Is not a mere senti
ment or emotion, but n mighty dy
namic which transforms the life, ex
pressing itself In practical service to
I. The Preeminence of Love- (vt.
It transcends:
(1) Speaking with tongues. For
men to possess the loftiest eloquence,
to be niile to speak In other Iiuikiiiircs,
anil to bo lacking In love la to bo ns
soundlnj,' brass ttud a tinkling cymbal.
riensIiiK and powerful speaking Is de
sirable, but to lovo Is better.
(2) The gift of prophecy. To dis
close thO events of the future, to be
able to unfold all mysteries of nature
and providence is good but to love
Is better.
(3) Fnlth of the most vigorous kind.
Such ns would remove mountains.
(4) riiilnnthropy of the raoRt gen
erous sort, prompting one to surren
der nil earthly goods for tho sake of
the poor.
(5) Heroism which lends even to
martyrdom without love Is profitless.
II. The Attributes of Lovo (vv. 4-7).
1. It Is long-suffering nnd kind. It
means not only to boar long but to be
kind all the while. Patience is n re
markable virtue. It Is much caster to
bear long than to show the spirit of
kindness nil the while.
2. It Is free from envy. Those who
love are free from that envy which Is
engendered because of the good, or the
success of others.
!t. It Is free from empty boasting.
Love has ns Its supreme (Am the doing
of good to nil nnd does not seek their
admiration and applause.
4. It Is well behaved. Love Is'po
Ilte and mannerly. It knows how to
behave nt nil times.
5. It is unselfish. Love seeks tho
good of others nnd is forgetful of self.
(J. Does not give way to pnsslon.
It Is not quick tempered. It Is not
easily aroused to resentment.
7. It takes no delight in evil; docs
not Impute evil motives to others; Is
not suspicious, but forgiving.
8. It rejoices in the tmth. It sym
pathizes with that which Is true and
has a conimon Joy with It.
0. It bcurcth all things that is, It
Incuses Itself with Its own ninntlo nnd
shuts all evil out.
10. It Is trustful, hopeful nnd firm.
III. The Permanence of Love (rv.
Prophecy, as prediction, will bo ful
filled; prophecy, ns teaching, will be
brought to nn end in the day when
teaching Is not needed. "And they
shall not teach every man his neigh
bor, and every mnn his brother, say
ing, Know the Lord: for all shall
know me, from the leant to the great
est" (Hen. 8:11; cf. Jer. 81:84).
Tongues shall cease, for as the lan
guages of earth were cnuBed by God's
Judgment for sin so shall Christ's
redemption bring the nations back to
one tongue. Knowledge shall be done
away with by a wider and nobler In
telligence. The twilight shall be lost
in the day. Childhood 'shall be lost
In maturity, for at Christ's coming wo
shall sco him face to face and be like
him. Love will always abide, for Go'd
U love.
Program Will Feature Exercises
at Firo rfall on Wed
nesday. (From Naahvllle Tannesseaa.
Ann Dallas Dudley, the new firo on
glne'nt tho Wavorly-llelmont fire hall,
will bo, christened on Wednesday aft
croon at 2 o'clock with nifproprlnto
exercises. Mrs. Guilford Dudley, for
whom tho engine gets Its name, Is ono
oC tho state's plpnoer suffrage workers
ami tt Is duo to her untiring work that
pnrtlat suffrage was ghron tho women
of Tennessee. arm Miles Wllllnms, a
resident of tho twenty-flrst ward, Is
chnlrninn of arrangements,, nnd also a
pioneer mrffraKlst. and little Judith
Winston Folk, the 0-yenr-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs, Itenn Folk, nlso n
pioneer Btiffrnglst nnd the youngest
member of tho Nashville organization,
has uceji chosen sponsor. Miss Folk"
has seloctcd ns her, mnlds the following
young girls, dntightprs of prominent
miQ'nco lender: TriiTnnin Dudley,
LcnorcKonny, Kate Rnrksdalo, Harriet
Ingrmn, Mnry, Sue Cantrell, Jnne Dnvls
and Kllznbcth Smith.
At the) christening not champngnp
but n bottle o coca-coin' will be broken
and the mnlds will shower tho cnglno
with yellow flowers. Speeches will bo
made, by Mayor Wllllnm Guptnn, Com
roUjioncr Tompkins and Chief A. A.
Ilbscltn. Mrs. Dudley, a member of tho
national Knffrnge organization, and
Mrs. Hean Folk, chairman, of tho city
drpinlmtloB, will b lienor guests of
tho oecaslon Adv.
Their Fnlthfulnetra.
"Iforco of habit Is almost ns hard h
master to some people ns ruin Is paid
to be," commented tlio landlord of tho
tnvcrn nt Grudge. "Although tho post
ojllco moved to Its now lqcntlon morj
than n month ago, and, too, though
they never were compelled by law to
do so, 'most nny time o' day n bunch
The Effects of Opiates.
I II AT INFANTS aro peculiarly nuoofptiblo- to orfun aad its various
preparations, nil or wniou aro narcotic, u won Known, liven In tho
smallest uooco. If continued, thceo onintea cauoo chaocrea in tho funo
tlona nnd growth of tuo ceils rriuoa are nueiy to become permanent, causing
nrving xor niooiio or narootics in inter mo,
blo nervous dyspepsia and lack of etaylnp
All snmt women talk about ls well,
about 18 hours.
Cry tomorrow,
taugn today.
If you must, but
The School of Gentleness.
With what Infinite gentleness the
Great Phyfclcinn ministered to bruis
ed reeds nnd broken henrtsl Whnt
tender names bo gave them! "Sot!"
"Daughter!" Ho wns never rough,
never brusque, never fmpntlcnt, never
In n hurry ! Ills tender tippronch was
pnrt of the cure. His tery touch had
healing power. He hnndled tho bur
dens of men In such a way no to Im
mediately make them irghter. Many
a broken henrt was Rtrnngoly comfort
ed by his presence even before the
life hod been made whole. Most sure
ly the hospltnl work of our Saviour
was u .school of gentleness I
Do Not Shun the Light.
The mnn who shuns the light for
feits his own final peuco of henrt. Ho
who refuses to face his worst forfeits
tlio possibility of finding his best. lie
does not solve the question of his sin
fulness; ho shelves It. Percy C. Alns-.worth.
If the prudence of reserve nnd de
corum dictates sllenco In somo elr
cumiituncps, in others prudence of a
hlgl'ier order mny Justify us In speak
ing our thoughts. Burke.
Freshen a Heavy 8k(n
WIt!l the antiseptic, fascinating Cntl-
nra Talcum Powder, an exquisitely
centvd convenient, economical face.
kin. babr and dusting- powder and
perfume. Renders other perfumes su
perfluous. Ono of the. Cutlcnra Toilet
Trla (Soap, Ointment, Talc-m). A6.
iml)Ocillty, men trtl perversion, OTarvlrig for nlooliol or narootics in Inter lifo.
Nervous ulaonaos. mien as intraotabio nervous dyspepsia and lack or staying
powers aro a result of dosing with opiate or narooUoa to keep children quleo
LtTlhoIr infancy. Tho rulo among physiclam' is that children should novor
rocelvo opiates in tho smallest doeos for mora than a day at a tlmo, and
only then if nnn voidable.
Tho administration of Anodynes, Drops. Cordials, Soothing Syrups and
other narcotic! to children by any but a physician cannot bo too strongly
decried, and tho druggiHt should not bo a party to it. Children who tiro ill
need tho attention of n physician, and it ia nothing loss tbitn a crime to
uooo titcm wiiuuuy witn narcotics.
OBlOrill UUUUUIUI I1U IXirtjUklUO U 16 UU8IB ua Js i t-
signaturo of Chos. II. Hotelier.
tienuino Castorla always bears tho signature
Don'twSneeze; You May Die.
Scientists say that we nro never
nenrer denth than when wo sneeze,
tho net causing u momentary convul
sion of tho brain.
Nw I Iks TioN to CtRIJ of Tbttt Ui Spoil
TlifM'ijjio lootfVr th iltthWit nM f frfllng
turned "t jour frKkln, Ollilot 1oubl
lrenith U rarntl to rcmar tbtit koin!
Slmrlj Rtt in mnr ef Otkln donbU
tffnjlh from jour dnigiUt, and ipplr lltllt
ef It alfht iDi nornlnf nnd jrem h"M toon
that trn tb norat frrcktr bira btgua t dla-
ppar, whll the llibttr onot Bar Tiitatied tn
tlrtlr. It U Mora that mora taa oaa aaaea
la nrt,il ta rocaplatrlr dearth ait aaj gala
a btaotlful elrar compUilon.
Dr aura to aak for th rtnubU itrtaitb Olktaa,
aa thla la aoM undar cuaraataa of mtrj baak
U tt falls to ramora fcacklaa. Adv.
Tho bet you Intended to make
didn't Is nlwnys a safe bet.
Do yon pflt
day's work?
your "O. K." on your
Laws, are
not allvo until they aro
Slnier BalMlaf, 14 Broadwir. Ntw Yark CHr
Will ka lama.ixl to aaivd UoTaniaaalBallatlM
r aaawar anr IsanlrlM rfiardlaa aaaorta
nlllM for farauac, alack raln. trait arawiM,
aatDlax aaa rtraalnaanl In Ntir Saatk WaJaa,
Kill All Flies! 5!S3S,D
I'luxl anrnferr. DAtHY FI.Y KILLER atlrnct, aiul
kill all (lion. Nat. rlrnn. nrnamaatal. ronrantent ana
.ahtap L.uiaauara
an. Mails of maul.
ai't nr t DOfart
will not aolforlnlura
anything, (niarantaed.
at joar uaaicror
, B hT F.XFHESiT, nrrpal-t. II S..
rtAROLD BOMEIUS. 1U Ua Kalb Ato.. llrooklm.
Cuticura Heals
Ikhing Burning
Skin I roubles
All drntHUta; Soap at, Olntaiant M an J M, TalnimM.
UaaipU sadi tra of "OaUaara, B,p. B, Saltan."
Alollal praaacmtkM af nariV
to r4toat aaaarae 4 1
atariaa Caiar aaad '1
!S1.0apfim1aaa. -1
from year
la tha moat wonderful atoms
Ha wairM. TlrftUsK
Ithtnr. In.fattaA
fiur Deat taniiinoniai ia wnii
will (to tor yoo. Bo sat aubla; too
slirnals that tht kidneys needbelpi
Yon should uso GOLD MBDAL Htsr
lem Oil Capsules immediately. Tha
soothing, healiag oil stimulates tha
kidneys, relievos inflammation and jle-
KltoBy diieale li Bo respecter of per
tons. A majority of the ills afflicting
peopk tods can be traced back to tho
kidney trouble
orgaaa of taa body. Taey arc tha fil-Lntroys tho germs which have causesfit.
tereta ef joor blood. If tie polsonafGo to your druggist" today and get
ffhkkarasnrepttromthetlstxieflbytho box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil
brood areaot ellralnateal through tho
kidneys, disease of one form r another
will claim you as a victim.
Kidney durcaso is usually ladtcated by
weariness, sleeplessness, . nervousness,
despoadency, backache, stomach trou
ble, pssa in loins and lower abdomen,
gall stonesj gravel, rheumatism, sciatica
Wad lumbago. ,
AD tbeaa derangementa aro nature's
Capsules. Jo twenty-four npars yoa
should feel health and vigor returning.
After you feel somewhat improved
continue to tako one or two capsules
each day, so aa to keep the first-class
condition and ward off the danger of
other attacks.
Ask for tho original imported GOLD
MEDAL brand. Three slats. Money re
funded If they do sot help you,
Good Riddance.
"Shall wo hire a detective to watch
our wedding presents?"
"I hardly think that will bo neces
sary, , my dear. Oor friends have
seized tho opportunity to work off a
lot o old Junk." Louisville Courier-Journal.
Tho General Tendency.
"Everybody In America belongs to
somoklnd of a social or commercial
organization," observed the distin
guished visitor."
"Yes," answered Senator Sorghum.
"Wo havo developed into n nation of
Caused by
That bitter haattburn. balchlni, food
rsDeatlnr. Indhrratlon. bloat after eattns
a.11 am caueed by aold-etomaoh. nut theyj
ars unix um 7iiiii,ui -uii,nr iaii,a w
warn you of awful troubles if not atoppaa.
Headnohe, blllousnoas, rheumnUwn. aclatloa
that tlul. l atlesa foelinr. laoK or snarsy.
dlnlneaa. Insomnia, eren canoer and! ulcers
that tired, llatlesa foellna;,
of the Inteatlnea and many qthar
are traoeabla to ACID-STOMACH. '
ThoueatidB -yea. millions of people who)
ounht to be well and strons- ara mere weak
llnca because of acid-stomach. They raally
atarve In the nlldat of ptsnty because they,
do not set enouajs strength and vitality trots
tba foot they rtt.
Take BATOK1.C and sire your atomaoh a
ohaaoa to do Ha work rlsht. Make It airont,
cool, aweet and comfortable. EA.TONIO
brMfs anlok relief for heartburn, bolcbhur,
tndla-eatnn and ether alomach miseries, im
proves digestion helps you let full strength
looa. inousanas any
t wiMidarfui atomach
Ilrouaht them relief when every
remedy In
bos ot;
nATQNia today from your drucglat, usa It I
Irra dnya If you're not pleaaed, return Ski
and set yeur money back.
fcsB CirOrtYftUk AfctD-STOMAClQ
Hard to Determine. ,
Ruth Clifford, tho moving picture
star, has a cousin overseas. Recent
ly his name appeared In tho casualty
list as wounded. i
"Yes," said Miss Clifford, In an
swer to an inquiry by 'her. director,
"he was wounded, but not' seriously.
We had a letter from tho regimental
"Where was he wounded?" asked
"Wte are not quite aura Tho buim
goon mentioned the place, but we'
don't know whether it's an anatomical
phrase or French village."
Health Insurance
One of the distinctive qualities of food
baked with Royal Baking Powder is
This is health insurance of such vital
importance that millions of worjien
bake at home f just to be sure that
Royal Baking Powder is used.
Remember the adage "Bake it with
Y Royal and be sure."
Absolutely Pare
Made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapei
Royal Contains No Alum
Leaves No Bitter Taste