BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIEP 1 "FAKE"' ASPIRIN . WAS TALCUM Therefore Insist Upon Gen uine "Bayer Tablets pf Aspirin"- & S 1 " W, 1,1 ii '.aMFiffaf TwaaBai -art ir AMmMMMLWMMm'JMBMMEK Has av '3cSfSBBl5BBBHBBBBH It ..fc sov -' .i.-ewflsjaa.jaswvwwayay wasssBBBBPsspSBBBBjasiJsjRiijSBajBjBjgfBjBjBBjBjgpBai SKgjpjjpjgj0jj j' ISlHflsSlelMfiflSIe l!KLlsW39vwKSflsVwf!ffsVw aMsWsnttfaaaaflBflaaaaaaaaaaV VlniSl aaaal BT"JJaaW sSsaaafQaBaallaaaaaaaaaaaaai TWmmmJSmmmmmmm BaaaaakKEBfSaaaBBBaaaaaaaaBBBB fii'-' mmWmmmmSmmmmmmmumm fe&YIIIra f I 1 1 I "A1 w 1 6' Ar!llons of fraudulent Aspirin Tab lets were sold by a Brooklyn mnnufar hirer which Inter proved to bo com posed mnlnly of Talcum Powder, "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" the true, genuine, American mude and America Awned Tablets are marked with the safety "Bayer Cross." Ask for and then Insist upon "fenycr Tablets of Aspirin" nnd ubntiys buy them In the original package which contains proper olrectlons and dosage. Aspirin Is the trad innrk of Bayei .Manufacture of Monovietlcacldester 0 Sallcyllcacld. Naturshy. "Fie went all to pieces." "Whnt made him do that?" "He was broke." PHYSICALLY FIT AT ANY AGE It isn't nee, it's careless llrlng that buts men "down and out." Keep your Intcrnnl orpins in good condition and you will always bo physically fit. ' The kidneys arc the most over worked organs in the human body. When they break down under the Atraln and tho deadly uric acid ac cumulates and crystallizes look out! The bo sharp crystals tear and scratch tut delicate urinary channels causing excruciating pain and set up irrita tions which may causo prematura de generation and often do turn into dtadly Bright's Disease. One of tho first warnings of slug gish kidney action is pain or stiffness in tho small of tho back, loss of appe tite, indigestion or rheumatism. Do not wait until tho danger is upon you. ftt tbc lirst indication of. trouoio G o alter tnc cause ac once, ucc a inui mix of GOLD MEDAL DTaarlcm Oil Capsules. Imported direct from the laboratories in Holland. They will give almost immediate relief. If for any cause they should not, your money will be refunded. But be suro to get GOLD UEDAL. None other is genuine. In ivaled boxes, thrco sizes. Adv. At the Hotel. 'Mrs. Mary McGlnnls," wrote tin woman. "Miss Muyine MncGlnnles, teglstored hor daughter. BILIOUSNESS Caused by Acid-Stomach If people wlio are bilious are treated 0 cording to local lyniptaini they seldom ga very much better. Whuteer relief la ob. talned Is, usually temporary. Truce bllloui. cen to Ita source and remote the cauae und the chancea are that the patient will re main atrong and healthy Doctora aay that more than TO non. organic dlaeaaea can be traced to an Add Gtomnch. Iilllouanesa la one ct them. Ind geatlon, heartburn, belching, aour atomacl bloat and gaa are other signs of acid, stomach. EATONIC, the marveloua raoilen lomach remedy, bring quick relief from theae atomach mlaerlea which lead to a long train of allmenta that make life mlaerable I not corrected, EATONIC literally adsorb and carrlea away the excess acid. Makea the atomach atrong, cool and comfortable. Helps dlicea tlon; Improves the appetite and yuu then gtt fulTatrength from your food. Thoueandi aay that KATONIC la tba moat effective stomach remedy In the world. It la the help VOU need. Try It on our money-back-lfe not-satisfied guarantee. At all druggists, Only 60 centa for a big box. E ATONIC CrOR YOUR ACm-STOiJACg) SANITARIUM SULPHO SALINE SPRINGS Located on civown premises and c.ed in the Natural Mineral Water Baths Unsurpassed in the treatment of RHEUMATISM Hearts 101110011, Kidney and Liver Diseases Moderate charges. Address . Dfc.e.W. EVERETT. Mgr. MthaaaMSIa. Llacola. Nafc. NEW SOUTH WALES INFORMATION BUREAU Siager Building, M Rroidwij, New York City Will be pleased to send Uovernmsnt Bulletins or answer anr Inquiries regarding opportu nities for farming, slot raising, fruit growing saining and InTestment In New Hoatb Wales AUSTRALIA Agents Make Big Money Selling our high grade fountain pens dur ing apare time; retail price $1.00; sample to agents 50 cents; particulars free. The Hymmn Company, Brenahm, Texas Two Omaha Homes For Sale By Owner 9 and 10 rooms respectively. All modern; close to schools; on paved streets. Price M.800 and 4&500., For particulars write YMw I ton, 2701 bnanmta It, luW, 1U . , P3RittraiEasss9sflissssssssi 1 View of Pontn Dclgada, Azores, whence the Amerlcnn nnvy plune NC-4 started on the Inst leg of Its transatlantic flight from Newfoundland to Lisbon. 2 A few of the hundreds of New York school children who held a demonstration against the war tax on soda water and Ice cream. 3. The I'ollns, second largest concreto ship in the world, Just before It was Inunched at Long Island City. NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENT EVENTS Germans Hand in Their Counter Proposals for Peace to Council of Four. WANT TO RETAIN COLONIES Make Many Other Demands to Which Allies Will Not Yield Adriatic Ques tion Settled, Flume Becoming In dependent City Western Can ada Strike Spreads. By EDWARD W. PICKARD. The Germans have handed In their counter-proposals 10S printed pages of them with the evident nnd pre sumably Justified feeling that they won't do Germany nny particular good. If the replies of the nllles to Krock-dorff-Ilnntznu's preliminary notes fur nish any Imsls for prediction, It Is safe to say that this hunch of counter-proposals will lu the main he turned down flnt by the council of four. As was easily foreseen, the Germans predlcnte tlielr propositions largely on the fourteen points and on various Idealistic utterances of President Wil son and others, nnd quotations from these are used liberally. The Ideas of territorial self-determination nnd opportunities for economic develop ment nro played upon strongly, and the peace- terms prepared by the al lies are declared to be In contradiction to a Just pence and dominated by the "might greater than right" principle. Germany refuses absolutely to cede Upper Silesia, and declines to give up the Sanr basin, I'osen and other terri tory unless a plebiscite Is held. Dan zig, she says, must be a free port and must not be In any way controlled by the Poles, but It Is agreed that the Vistula river may be neutralized as far as the Polish border. She agrees to surrender her warships and to dis solve the rest of her nnvy, but de mands merchant shipping In exchnnge, saying this Is necessary to her com mercial life. She accepts the limita tion of the army to 100.000 men, but wants more than thnt for the present to maintain order. She offers to pay nn Indemnity of $.r,000,000,000 In gold by 1020 and to make nnnual payments thereafter up to n total of ?2r.000,000, 000, but puts In n counter-claim of about $.1,300,000,000 for damages from the allied blockndc. The Germans refuse to admit that Germnny Is alone to blame for the wnr nnd its damage, and take n slap at Italy nnd Iloumanln, which, they as Bert, entered the conflict for territo rial conquest. As for personal respon sibility, they declare they will not sur render the former kaiser and others for trial by the allies, asserting they can be tried only by Germans or neu trals. Return of Germnny's colonics Is de manded, though It Is agreed that Ger many might be wllllngg to net ns man datory for them under the league ot nations, nnd the right of Germany to enter the league nt once on an equal ity with other nntlons Is nsserted. All occupied territories, say tho counter proposals, must be evacuated within six months. In claiming tho return of the colonies the Germans call atten tion to the fnct that an Impartial set tlement of all colonial claims was promised In number five of the four teen points. This reads; "Free, open-minded, and absolutely Impartial adjustment of all colonial claims, based upon n strict observanco of the principle thnt In determining all such questions of sovereignty the In terests of the population concerned must have equal weight with tho equi table claims of the government whoso tltlo Is to he determined." Since Germany's administration of her colonial possessions, especially those In Africa, was notoriously op pressive to the nntlves. It Is hard to see how she can gain much by nn appeal to an ngreement that the Inter ests of the people concerned shnll be given full weight. Germany's claim for damages due to the blockade Is based on the alleged loss of thousands of lives from hun ger nnd malnutrition. Hut tho allied council Is ready for them on this point with statistics that prove the Infant mortality In German cities would have been kept at near normal If the dis tribution of the country's milk supply had been elllclcnt, since the milk pro duction never was below 45 per cent of tho pre-war figures. Mortality In hospitals, due to lack of rubber and cotton, also was cited by the Germans. To this the allies reply that the Im ports of rubber and cotton were much In excess of hospital requirements, but the authorities chose to devote theso supplies to mllltnry purposes, nnd for this choice the allies cannot be held re sponsible. These are the outstanding points In the counterproposals made by the Huns. They object, of course, to In numinerable other clauses In the treaty, especially the economic provi sions, and offer many substitutions nnd modifications. It Is not likely thnt the council of four will require many days to digest the document nnd re ply to 'it. Then the Germans will be required to sign the treaty within n given time, presumably before June 1R. Jf, unexpectedly, they refuse to sign, they will be given 72 hours' no tice of the termination of the armistice and then the blockade will be restored with all its former rigidity nnd the allied armies of occupation will ad vance fnrther Into German territory. No one pretends that the Germans could offer serious armed reslstnncc to such n movement. An Indication of the unyielding spirit of the allies wns given last week when American nnd Rrltlsh troops were landed nt Danzig nnd their warships began to gather there. At homo In Germnny the counter proposals seemed to please no one. The conservative papers denounced them as too yielding nnd the radical press said they did not yield enough. None hnd much hope of their suc cess. According to correspondents In Ger many, the Germnns Intend to sign tho treaty, but also Intend to evnde Its terms In every way possible. This would mean that the allies would be compelled to keep under arms n large force of "collectors." The German people, as a whole, say theso corre spondents, hnve ndoptcd the position that they will pay for tho war only what Is forced out of them. They nro more united in spirit than nt anytime before for several years, and cannot be brought to see thnt they nro a de feated, not u conquering people. In other words, say these observers, Ger mnny hns not had enough whipping. The terms of pence with Austria, though not wholly completed, were hnnded to the Austrlnn delegates. All the territorial questions were Included, but certain economic arrangements nnd the matter of reparation were left for further consideration. It was known, however, that Austria would be required to pay about 2,500,000,000 kroner Indemnity, nnd that the pay ment of a like sum would be apportion ed among Hungary, Czecho-Slavakla, .Tugo-Slavla, Itoumanla, Poland and Italy. The countries that formerly formed parts of the Austro-IIungn-rlnn empire hnve ngreed to share In the payment of Indemnity, not as en emies of the nllles, but In recognition of their liberation. They also will re deem proportionately their share of the Austrian paper currency In circu lation within their boundaries. Italy Is Included because of her acquisition of the Trentlno, Trieste nnd other ter ritory that was Austrian. It wns announced In Paris that tho Adriatic muddle had been cleared up at last. Flume Is to bo an Independ ent city and Italy Is to get Scbenlco and Zara, together with soverlgnty over certain strategic Islands. News from Russia Is frequently de layed and often confusing, but the latest advices from that wretched country show that Admiral Kolchak Is unremittingly driving the. bolshevik forces Inward. Some days ngo he wns attacking Orenburg, nn important rail way junction nnd jx bolshevik strong hold In southeastern Russia. Dis patches from Omsk told of n revolt against the soviet rule In tlje Ukraine, Trotzky'a forces thus being attacked from the rear. The Esthoninns con tinued their advance on Petrograd while declaring they meant to occupy that city only to relieve Its suffering Inhabitants, nnd If recent reports from there are reliable tho relief Is sadly needed, for tho people nro said to be starving to death by the thousands. New units of the Rrltlsh volunteer nrniy arrived at Archangel and the transports that took them were ex pected to bring nway the American troops thnt hnve been serving there, nnd whoso return hns been so loudly demanded. According to Maxim Gorky, who wns Interviewed by Frnzler Hunt, the outside world cannot aid Russia; boMievIsm must run Its course, bring ing gradual starvation and paralysis of Industries; n great revolt will follow, with a reign of terror, nnd then there will be a constituent assembly In which the peasants will nssert their powci nnd form n democracy. The Iludapest communists clnlmed to have defented the forces of tho "enemy" that wore advancing on tho city, and assert that one Roumanlnn regiment wns almost wiped out. Rela Kun, however, Is not satisfying I.cnlne, who announces that Moscow, not Budapest, Is tho revolutionary center of the world and Its orders must ba obeyed, and that the Hungarian revo lution Is not proceeding well. In the United States senate tho bat tle over tho league of nations Is pro ceeding merrily, nnd on Wednesday the Democratic nntlonal committee took n hand. It unanimously adopt ed resolutions domandlng thnt the league covenant be ratified by the sen ate, which Is controlled by the Repub licans, and then its'membcrs Indicated that the rejection of the covenant would not be unwelcome to them, be cause It would force tho political Is sue. . Reed of Missouri delivered In tho sennte n fierce denunciation of the league, In the course of which he said the covenant meant tho domination of tho white races by tho block, yellow and brown races, his appeal being chiefly to the southern nnd far west ern senators. Senntor Robinson of Ar kansas, also n Democrat, replied to Heed nnd challenged him to Join him In resigning nnd seeking re-election as a test of the sentiment of their states on tho lengue question. Secretary Daniels, appearing be fore the liouso committee on naval nf falrs, formally withdrew his recom mendation for n second thrce-yenr program of battleship building which, as he formerly snld, was designed to make tho American navy the biggest In the world. Last winter ho told tho con gressmen thnt even with n league of nations the United States should have a navy as large as Great Britain's. Now he says we must show our confi dence In tho efllcncy of tho lenguo by at least postponing any plans for such a nnval Increase. The great general strike which has tied up nnd almost Isolated Winnipeg has not yet been brought to an end, and, despite the efforts of the govern ment representatives, 1b spreading to other cities of western Canada. The authorities declare the agitators ara trying to overthrow the dominion and provincial governments nnd to estnb lish bolshevlsm. This the strike lead ers deny, but their course lends credi bility to the nccusatlon. Ostensibly the strike Is to enforce tho workers' demnnd for the right of collective bar gaining, but tho plan to form tho "ono big union," fostered by the I. W. W., Is apparently nt the bottom of the trou ble. Lieutenant Commander Rend and his crew of tho Amerlcnn nnvy plane NC-4 completed their grent achieve ment of crossing tho Atlnntlc by air plane by flying from the Azores to Lis bon, Portugal. The last leg of tho epoch-making flight wns without special Incident. Tho hold nvlators were re ceived In Lisbon with plaudits and giv en decorations. Hawker nnd Grieve, given up for dead, were picked up In mld-Atlnntlc by n small steamer which took them to Great Rrltaln. There they were welcomed as the heroes they undoubt edly are. though their attempt failed. It was regrettable that Hawker should show himself to be a poor sport by belittling and sneering at the feul of the Americans. WesfcrnGnaJaV "HornofPl: Utters louneaim mWP'22? ras WM1 are sure acre era. Farms ping; tree Kor part Icnlars Uatstl XI uu W. Good Advice. "I am to iiiuko my first public speech tomorrow night What would you ndvlsc me to do?" naked thu young man of nn old-tlmo after-dinner speaker. "Are you fond of your wife and children?" asked the old-timer. "Yes, very." "Llko your homo?" "Very much." "Do you enjoy hnvlng nn occasional evening nt homo with your wlfo nnd kiddles?" "I certainly do." "Well then tnko my advice. Mnko that speech of your's tomorrow ns bad ns you possibly can. Mnko It bo bad that they'll never nsk you to apeak in public again, nnd live in pence nnd contentment the remainder of your life" v Knocking the Judge. A discouraged counsellor rctnnrked to the court, "My poor client Is little likely to get Justice dono her until tho Judgment dny." "Well, counsellor," suld tho Judgo, "if I have nn opportunity I'll plend for tho poor woman myself on thnt dny." "Your honor," 'replied tho other, "will have troubles of your own upon that day." . Mean Intimation. "Mr. Jones says ho would die for me." "How can ho when no's bald?" Tho spring poet haB declared war, and is now firing blnnk verso at the editor. Why Complain of Poor Coffee Or The High Price of Coffee -when you can have a superior beverage of rich flavor and health value by drinking the original Ipostum It's an American drink whose high quality never varies. Its price doesn't change and it's economical. Two sizes, usually everywhere at Grocers. A cream sauce poured over tetr dcr, uniformly wafer-like slices of Libbs Dried Beef makes a delightful luncheon at little cost. Ask your croccr today for Lib by' Dried Beef. Libby, M?NeiII A libby Chicago West era Can iidafrar TMra haa hdard to fred ttu world the aauave rrnrmit till It v nf Dnxluctlon atlll rota nann her. fil oh nrlrrn for Grain. Cattle anal Sheen to remain, price of land la much below its value. Land capable ef yielding 20 to 45 Miah la of wheat to the acre can ha had en aay terma at from $15 to f SO par good grazing lana at mucn ieaa. Many farms paid for from a alnote year'e crop. Ralstaf cattle, sheep and hoes bring? equal auccesa. Theuorernment encouraifca (armlofl anil atock ralaiag. Railway and Land ComDanlea offer unusual Inatucemaata ts Ifaaaae Seek miv nn stocked bv lanna at moderate interest. Western Canada offers low taxation, good marketo aad ship scnoois, cnurcnes ana neaitmui ciunaie. t as to rsdncM rsttsray rataa, laeatlea k wad, DJsa- literature, etc.. applr to Supt, of Imasl., Ottawa, Can., ar . V. BENNETT, Im 4, Bet BslUlat Mill, Rik Canadian aorernment Agent FIXING LEAKY FOUNTAIN PEN Really No Need to Put Up with An noyance That Can Be Reme died Easily. If you hnvo a fountain pen that leaks around tho Joints, especially so If it 1b ono of thoso types of foun tain pens having n potnt which dis appears by turning a section of tba barrel, try an application- of heavy oil. To remedy tho defect, soak tha pen in wnrm wnter, not hot, and al low it to dry, particularly Inside. Then npply oil on tho splndlo which revolves. Tho oil Bhould bo worked through tho bearings from end to end. You can now refill tho pen and wipe off tho excess oil. A heavy cylinder oil Is best for this purpose. To un screw tho parts of a fountain pen which hnvo becomo set, merely heat the pen with hot wnter or by holding It near n llnmc, but bo careful not to get too hot for there In danger of melting. Whllo pen Is heated a slight twist will often loosen tho act Frnnk I. Goeder, Colorado .Agrlcid tual College, Fort Collins, Colo. One or the Other. Necdzit Why don't you pay your debts? You've got the money. Owem Yes, but I wouldn't have If if I wns to pny my debts. GIvo fiome agitators freo lunch aa they will manngo to get along for a tlmo without free speech. If yon trust to luck for anything you'll bo lucky If you get It Cereal sold at 15c and 25c