RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIEF i.W iT.W isf I 't 1 , V ' wm rii' ,, ?;?! a-.s.v ."?', Net Contents 15riuulDfaohml It! HWRWfl HAsrag at r.nmT,-.l PER CENT, r ' ATCgefattcJVcp.vationforAs-, l' simllatiniUieTaod tyltefiuta-. tiniJlhcStanaasandJWwwsaij EcmStfiOE ThcrctyItomoUn$l)KcsUon Cheerfulness antl RcsLContains neither Onlum.Morphtnc nor Mineral. Not ahcoi w jjcrptafoidDcxvainrnsm JimpJta Stxt V $$&& CtanfirdSBftn' I A fiMnful Remedy Ibr Constipation and Diarrhoea Tnccn it sleep i; .HVJJ - - - .. -, I resulting thererronvinin'v- TflcSimiic Sinatorepf InxCENTAcnCoWK NEW -YUiw CASTORIA For Infanta and Children, Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature, - )WSV- facsimile Signature" Mi- I m of. MlT Ayr 4j Ect Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMI eiNTMIN asMMNV, NITHa 4ITT. Make This Test For Acid-Stomach Thero lire millions of people who FufTer alnv-st tla!ly from tlio horrors of nn ncld-stomnch Indigestion; sour, gassy, stoumch ; distressing heartburn ; sickening food-repenting; painful blont mid that miserable, puffed up, lumpy feeling after eating. Many of these people have tried treatment after treatment; medicine after medicine; others have gone to doctors and stom ach fcpeelnllsts and some to hospitals, but In splto of all of their efforts they tnve obtained no lasting relief or a permanent cure. These symptoms simply mean acld Btomach. If allowed to run on, they tire very likely to cause n lot of seri ous trouble. Dyspepsia, rheumatism, gout, lumbago, sciatica, splitting bead nche, dizzy spells, nervousness, sleep lessness, mental depression, melan cholia, a feeling of llstlessness and all-goneness these are Just n few of tho disorders which can te traced to acid-stomach. As a matter of fact, acld-stomneh Is often the direct cause of those almost Incurable conditions known ns catarrh of the stomach, In testinal ulcer, and cancer of the stom ach. The lives of those who suffer from these serious troubles are noth ing short of dally agony. Surely, then, you must see how Important It Is to go at once to the sent of the trouble ncld-stomach. You know what ncld-mouth does to tho teeth how It eats right through the hard enamel nnd causes them to decay. Think then of the havoc that must be caused by excess ucld In the stom ach! Even If you nro not suffering any Immediate stomach pains, but are not feeling just ns fit and fine as you should, you should by all means make this test: Go to your drug store at once nnd get n big box of EATONIC. It Is In the form of pleasant-tasting tablets you eat them like a bit of candy. EATONIC Is prepared for Just one ipurposc correcting ncld-stomach by driving out the excess acid. EATONIC literally absorbs the excess arid. It brings instant relief from the pains -of Indigestion, heartburn, belching, sour, gnssy stomach, bloat, etc. It makes the stomach pure, sweet, cool nnd comfortnble, puts It In n nor mal, healthy condition, so that your, food Is properly digested. You need every bit of strength you can possibly get out of the food yoa eat und EATONIC helps you get It. Don't put this test off If you value your future good health and happi ness. You run no chnnco at all be cause EATONIC Is absolutely guar anteed to give you relief or your drug gist will refund your money. Tho cost Is a mere trifle. T A K E PATONiq PTTOR YOUR ACID-STOMACH )y Very Naturally. Gert Whnt did Myrt do when she found out you said she wns homely? Mabel Oh, she got reul ugly about It If a man is wide awake during tho day he can afford to sleep nt night. Most of us are willing to tako up our cross, but It must be a gilt one. Counterfeiter Caught 1 The New York health authorities had a Brook Iyn manufacturer sentenced to the penitentiary for Belling throughout the United Etafes million of "Talcum powder" tablets as Aspirin Tablet. Aspirin "DC-NTS" Don't ask for Aspirin Tablets say "Bayer I" Don't buy Aspirin in a pill box! Get Bayer package! Don't forget that the "Byer Crow" is your only protection against dangerous counterfeits. Don't fail to say to druggist: "I want 'Bayer Tablets of Aspirin' in a Bayer package." .The genuine! Buy only the regular Bayer pack age with the safety J'Bayer Crow" upon it and on each tablet inside. Bayer-Tablets of Aspirin The genuine American owned "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" have been proved safe by millions for Pain, Headache, Neuralgia, Toothache, Earache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Colds, Grippe, Influenzal Colds, Joint Pains, Neuritis. Proper dosage on every "Bayer" package. Boxes of 12 tablets Bottles of 24 Bottles of 100 Also Capsules. Aspirin U the trtde souk of Br jtr MsnuUctars of U onoscttluclduUr of CUIcjUcKld T"iisH!TNw 0t Mi ill iSr fUr 9 (! " I sSir xtmf MMmWhWmMMW XIHMiJulSvr S- tfv.'ii VXj.jWIJJ1'' JyFs Xfc "" -"-- . JC T. i-'ir. V' .. --. MtaStw. aBI "V'U , - "" . i- 1' . - at, rnr - .,mm- ? SBSBaMSBBBBBl ji JU oivonvy LONG-L ASTI NG omer Turnlno In Hems. When turning In hems on wtrv or sheer materials like mvKs, it Is often much easier to take n warm Iron and press them down by the eye. which Is generally accurate for long distances. This gives better results In many ensen than measuring, as a wiry suKs will slip In spite of you when you attempt to measure accurately for a deep hem or tuck. Hints for Amateurs. Neatness Is always a requisite of good sewing, and besides the fact that durability Is'lncreased, there Is a sat isfaction In knowing that the Inside of a garment need not be withheld from n critical eye. ltlndlng the seams Is n little thing, but most oJTeetunl In the attainment of the neatness that marks the careful sewer. If It Is dllllcult to adjust binding, the edges of seams can be pinked u method In favor with tailors. There Is no fraying of the edges, and the bulky line Is obviated. Hems of heavy material can be suc cessfully mill neatly linlshed If the raw ci1l( iif lust miit turn ln wiltclii'd down underneath a pliable tape of tho sanii color. Two rows of stitching are t,icsvary, but the scheme Is worth a t i i .1 If a bias strip be used for binding nnnliiiles or sennit, It can be adjusted easllv ami evenly If It be created In the tenter before It hi placed on thf edge of the seam. When cutting very sheer chiffons, bntl-ies or soft materials, It Is well to draw a thread as n guide line. It Is better to shrink washable, inn terhiN before making them Into gar minis, a little salt In this water will set the color, and It Is only necessary to wring out and hang by the selvedge on the line. What Not to Do. Do not sew trimmings or buttons in tight beneath. Use very tine thread or sewing silk for basting velvet, and to press the seams open them, very slightly dampen and run the seam across the narrow end of a warm Iron standing on the broad end. Do not allow the weight of an Iron on 'U I c Velveteen Jackets for Sport Skirts 3 m jIsvIssHssb V ' 'sssr " hsLLLV ?&? -JBiB BBBBBbJ I kT bHbbbbbbIK ky'- ..'IBl B I 1 ini. . .,.,.., n f ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtJfc 1- '5BBBBBBBBBBnLHBiBBBBBBBBBBBl T90HHR?T7 K 'j . " jO c PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPa1Labbbbbbbbbbbbbbc 1 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi There Is n new order of apparel brought about by the combination of sport styles nnd the new weaves in fiber silks nnd In genuine silk. It Is a glorified kind of sport apparel and It suits the up-to-dute girl of today "down to tho ground." The skirts of these handsome sport outfits arc mado of these splendid novelties in silks nnd the coat or Jacket to b worn with one of them must mnnngo some way not to suffer by comparison, Coats, made of the same material as the skirts, Just about dl vldo honors with suits In which conts are made of fabrics that are different from those used In the skirts, Quite a number of the new silk and silk fiber materlnls are conveniently class ed as "sport fabrics," nlong with other materials that manage some way to achieve the same chnrncter. Velveteen Jackets nre shown to be worn with skirts mado of sport fab rics. In the picture nbovo one of theso velveteen Jackets finds Itself In the company of a handsome skirt of heavy silk In which u figured patter Is accomplished by variety in the weave. The pattern Is bold but tho color is white nnd this combination spells style and refinement In the fab ric. Tho Jncket Is mado with rerers, plain sleeves and braid binding. I'enrl buttons make the best finishing touch In the world for It nnd n plain blouso of white wash silk believes In effacing Itself where there Is so much else to nttmct attention. For there Is a sport hat that measures up to the skirt and Jacket In thlB outfit nnd footwear that holds Its own In this smart and ele gant Interpretation of tho sport costume. Shawls In the Spotlight Shawls may be tho fashion of next season ; nt nny rate, two very fetching shnwls thnt have made their bow be hind the footlights recently hnve seemed to put an Idea into feminine heads anent shawls. After all, why has the shawl been ostracized for so long? In the days of our grandmoth ers an expensive camel's hair or Pnls ley shawl was the high mark of ele gance nnd prosperity. Now, nobody wears n shawl on the street but hat less Immigrant women. Behind the footlights, however well that Is an other Btory and perhaps the story Is going to point n morn), and the moral will be : Shawls as fashionable wraps I To Adorn Hats. Small garden vegetables, fruits and berries, effectively mado up In excel lent Imitations, both as to size nnd col orlng, nro used to trim some very nmnrt lints this season, nnd the uso of such garden flowers as hollyhocks and nasturtiums gives a pleasing relief from tho rather tlmeworn violet and rose hat. Practical Table-Runner. With tho return to simplicity In homo decoration, which Is making It self felt so decidedly on every hund, comes an appreciation of the modest cotton and Jute fiber tnblo runners and scarfs, woven In exotic patterns of In dlon or Mexlcun design. Theso strips ure usually found In dull combinations of reds, browns, nnd greens, with an occasional glint of yellow or orange, to give the required relieving note to the whole composition. Whether of not they nro planned purposely for this cud, It Is certain that they blend harmoniously In almost nny living room, library or dining room. Pleatlngs for Neck. Ono of the most gratifying details about the present clothes Is the round neck. And this for the reason that the round neck calls for tho use of pleating that can be bought by the yard and put Into the neck of tho frock by way of refurbishing It. It is a slmplo matter and this pleating arranged about a round beck Is gen erally becoming. i r t vin nminrniT i ? - CaMJEZaWa Satisfaction for the sweet tooth. Aid to appetite and digestion benefit and enjoyment in LASTING form. And only 5 cents a package. Flavor Lasts V Subtlety wins but wisdom holds. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER has been a household remedy all over tho civilized world for moro than half century for constipation, Intestinal troubles, torpid liver and tho generally depressed feeling thnt accompanies such disorders. It Is n most valunblo remedy for Indigestion or nervous dys pepsia nnd liver trouble, bringing on headache, coming up of food, palpita tion of heart, and many other symp toms. A few doses of August Flower will relievo you. It Is a gcntlo laxa tive. Ask your druggist. Sold In all civilized countries. Adv. Keeping It Up. A maldt servant applied for a week end off, ns her homo was distant, for Uio purposo of being at homo on her parents' silver wedding dny. The leave was granted, and tho maid returned. "Well," said her mistress, "did every thing go off satisfactory?" "Oh, yes, thank you, ma'am," said tho girl, "and mother told mo to say she Is very grateful to you far letting mo off." "And what did your father say?" asked tho lady. "Oh, lorl mn'am," replied tho girl "he wnsn't there. He's been dead this 20 years." Cuticura Stops Itching and Saves the Hair Alt dnifiIrt;'BopS, Ointment 76 4rJ,T1eomT6. Sample rch frM of ''Oottcin, Dtpl B, BMtso.'' a a aa ! MS inffA lUVWtml DAISY PLY KILLtH 2nM$sSjm AUi IX1E3. Nm. c)un,rsun.ntel,oB- tirlMt fha.n alia 1) HHOII..1UMN ST - sill i B or injur . aanhbS lOwanUw) mUmn. BoTdbr dljii. K hv RPfl - '- m t TIAltOUi (JOMSIUJ, lWUoKgAw..BroitlTn..Xjl That Friend 1 "Mother doesn't think she'll go to Uio theater with us tonight, Albert." "Is thnt bo? I havo got three tickets. What shall I do with the third ono?" "Give It to Uio man you ulways go out to sco between the acts. IIo can sit with us and you won't havo to go out and eeo him." Mystery Explained. IIo stood amid the blaze and splen dor of his magnificent mnnslon, and In his hand ho held tho portrait of a' beautiful woman. Ills faco was pal and haggard, nnd his lips moved coni vulslvely. Whnt was this mystery. Was thus tho picture of his departed wlfo? No. Was It tho portrait of his dead bat dearly remembered daughter. No. What, then, wns tho cnuse of hU haggard face? Was It not tho samo portrait that two minutes ago had fallen from Its nail, and raised a lump as big as hen's egg on his head? It was. Complimentary to Him. He But I asked you, dearest, to keep our engagement a secret for tho present She I couldn't help It That hateful Miss Oldum said tho reason I wasn't married was because no fool had pro posed to me,- so I up and told her you bad. Brooklyn GlUzen. A Diagnosis. "Ob, doctor," suld a worried looking agrarian, "My wlfo Is In an awful con dltlon I From a medium fat woman sh has been reduced to skin and bones. Sho talks Incessantly In a loud squawk, lng voice, begins a scntenco and npveri finishes It, and Jumps from subject toj subject without uttering anything that has tho least senso to It" , "P'ml I seel" returned the pbysl clon. "Go home, Mr. Gabblcby, and taka out your party lino telephono at one. Your wlfo has been listening In on It. too much." Kansas City Star. Lots of people make fortunes out of other people's curiosities. Breakfast is Ready when you have ta package of Grape-Nuts for tHiStastefulTblendfof wheat S torleyiis ready eppkedf' Not aBityo'Pvvasf e? Usable to the last crumb .i i Usual torice IS oer packocfe. W' ' i