k nji.tmnniwjnuMaanKt taBHHLaF?i'iy!ffiKgBt JWgTfta.cji- mm-ji uubsviKJu. xmwTT RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF "ttwPA?y5Tcy:ct.iPO yrcar JX--- v Gcoffry Finds a Friend and an Enemy. Synopsis Gcoffry Cnrlylc, master of willing ships nt twen-ty-slx, Is sentenced to 20 yours' servltudo In the American col onies for participation In tlio Monmouth rehclllon In England. Among the piiKKengcrs on hoard tho ship on which he Is sent ncross nro Roger Fairfax, wealthy Maryland planter; his niece, Dorothy Fairfax, and Lieu tenant Sanchez, u Spaniard, who bocamo acquainted with the Fair faxes In Loudon. CHAPTER III Continued. z "Why especially with mo?" "Itnther n hard Question to answer at tho very beginning," I mulled back int her.' "Yet not so dllllcult as tho . ono I shnll ask you. I am only ono of .fifty prisoners, scarcely cleaner or jmoro reputable looking thai any of jiny mates. Yet surely you have-not sought speech with these others? Then ,why especially with mo?" Even In the growing dusk I could .mark a red flush mount Into tho clear cheeks nt this Insistent question, nnd ;for nn Instant her eyes wavered. Hut alio possessed the courage of pride, end her hesitancy was short. "You Imagine. I cannot nriswer. Oh, but I can; I know who you nro; roy undo pointed you out to me. I nm traveling homo with him to Maryland. I nm Dorothy Fairfax. lie was pres ent nt your trlnl beforo Lord Jeffries. You aro Gcoffry Carlyle, In command of tho ship tlint brought Monmouth to JZngland. I beard It all." "All? What else, pray?" Ttfir eyes opened widely In sudden surprise nnd she clasped and unclasped Jier hnnds nervously. "Do you really not know? Ilavo yon never been told what happened?" "Only thnt I wns roughly forbidden to speak, called every foul namo the learned Judgo could think of, nnd then sentenced to twenty years penal servi tude beyond sens," I nnswered soberly. "Following that I was dragged from tho dock, and flung Into n cell. Was there anything cine?" "Why you should hnvo known. Lord Jeffries sentenced you to death; tho decreo was signed, to bo executed Immediately. Then influence- was brought to bear some nobleman In Northumberland made direct appeal to tho king. That was what angered Jeffries so." "An appeal I For me? Good Godl not llucclough was It he, the duke?" "Yes; It was whispered about that tho king was In his debt some word of honor, nnd dare not refuse. The word of mercy camo Just In time, or dering Jeffries to commute your sen tence. At first ho swore he'd hang you, king or no king, but his nervo failed. My uncle said ho roared like a bull. This Bucclough; is ho not your friend?" I hesitated for an Instnnt of Indeci sion, looking Into her face, but the truth would not bo denied. "Scnrccly thnt," I said soberly. "Nor ,can I solve entirely his purpose. lie is my brother, and, I nm tho next in line. Wo nro not even on speaking terms; yet ho is childless, and mny feel fiomo measure of dlsliko to hnvo tho family end In n hangmnn's knot. I enn think of no other reason for his interference. I knew nothing of his action." ' "I am glad It becamo my privilege to tell you. Besides, Captain Carlyle," simply, "it may also help you to un derstand my interest. If you are of tho Cnrlyles of Bucclough, how hap pened It that you went to sen?" "Largely necessity, and to somo ex tent no doubt sheer lovo of adven ture. I was a younger son, with very Httlo income. There were then two lives between mo and the estate, nnd tho old duke, my father, treated mo llko a servant. I always loved tho sea, nnd nt fourteen to get out of his eight, I think largely was appren ticed to tho navy, but lost my grado In tho scrvlco by a mero boyish prank. His Influenco then would hnvo saved mo, but ho refused to even rend my letter of explanation. I dared not re turn homo In such disgrace, and conse quently drifted Into tho merchant serv ice. It Is n story quickly told." "Yet uot so quickly lived." "No, it meant many hard yenrs, on all tho ocenns of the world. This Is tho first message- reaching mo from tho old home." "I have seen that home," she said quietly, "and thall never forget tho Imprcsfalon It inndo on me. A beauti ful pluco. I was there on a coaching party, tho first summer I was in Eng. land. I was n mere girl then, and everything seemed wonderful. I hnvo been away from Maryland now for three yenrs. Nothing else would sat isfy father. Maryland Is only a colony, you know." "Your homo Is at Saint Mary's?" "Lower down the l'otomnc. Ilavo you ever been there?" "Twice; once ns mnto, nnd tho Inst time as master of a ship. My latest voyage In these waters was mado nearly two years ago." "It Is not so strange then, is It, Hint I should hnvo felt Interested In you?" she asked suddenly, ns though justify ing herself. "When Undo Roger first told mo who you were, nnd then ex plained what had occurred , nt your ttlnl, naturally you became to me something entirely different from tho others. Wcro you actunlly with Mon mouth?" "In sympathy, yes; but I had no hand In tho nctunl fighting. I wns not even nshoro until It wns all over with. Still I shall pay my shnro of tho bill." "And you know whnt that means, do you not? Whnt will happen when wo reach Virginia?" 'Tcrfectly; I have no Illusions. I have seen Just such ships ns this come In. Wo nre to bo ndvcrtlscd, and sold to tho highest bidder. A week from now I shall probably bo out In the tobneco fields, under tho whip of nn overseer, who will cnll mo Jeff. All I can hops for Is a kind-hearted master, and an early opportunity to escape." "Oh, no!" nnd In her cngerness her hnnds nctunlly clasped mine. "It Is not going to bo quite so bad ns that. Thnt is what I wanted to tell you. That is what gnvo mo boldness to cotno ncross hero to you tonight. It hns all been arranged. You are not going to be sold on tho block with those others. Undo Roger has already contracted with tho captain for your services. You nro going north with us to Maryland." I drew n deep breath, nnd in tho sudden Impulse of relief which swept ny "I Have Seen That Home." over mo my own fingers closed tightly about her hands. "I owe this to you; I nm sure I must owe this to you tell me?" Her eyes dropped, and In the dim light I could mark tho heaving of her bosom as sho caught her breath. "Only only tho suggestion," sho mnnnged to soy In n whisper. "lie ho was glad of that You seo I I knew ho needed someone to tnko chnrgo of his sloop, nnd nnd so I brought you to his mind. So pleaso don't thnnk me," "I shall never cense to thnnk you," I returned warmly, conscious suddenly thnt I was holding her hnnds, nnd ns Instantly releasing them. "It will snvo mo tho degradation which I dreaded most of nil tho tolling la the fields besldo negro slaves, and tho sting of tho lash. Ay, It means even more " I hesitated, instantly realizing that I must not utter thoso Impetuous words lenplng to my lips. "Morel" sho exclaimed. "What more?" "This," I went on, my thought shift ing Into a new channel. "A longer ser vitude. Up to this moment my ono dream has been to escape, but I must glvo thnt up now. You huvo placed mo under obligations to serve. Be tween us this has boconio a debt of honor." "But wnlt," she said enrnestly, "for I hud even thought of that. I wns suro you would feel that way any gentleman would. Still thero Is n wny out. You were mitcnced ns an in dentured servant 1 saw tho entry my self. It read : 'nsolYry Cariylo, Master Mariner. Indentured to the Colonies for the term of twenty yoirs, tti,,,, sooner released; crime, high treason. Any Indentured mnn, under our Mary land lnws, can buy his freedom, after Fervlng a certain proportion of his sentence. Did you not know thnt?" I did know It, yet somehow had never connected tho fact beforo di rectly with my own case. Godl what a relief; I stood up straight onca moro In tho stnturo of n mnn. I hard ly know whnt wild words I might hnvo spoken had tho opportunity been mine; but nt that Instant tho figuro of n mnn crossed tho deck toward us, emerging from tho open cabin door. Agnlnst tho gleam of yellow light I recognized tho trim form ndvanclng, nnd ns instantly stepped bnck into shadow. My quick movement caused her to turn nnd face him. "What!" he exclaimed, and evi dently surprised nt his discovery. "It Is Indeed Mistress Dorothy out hero alone? 'Twas my thought you were safely In your cabin long since. But prithee I mistake; you nre not nlonc." "I was preparing to' go in," she nn swered, Ignoring his hitter words. "The night already looks stormy." "But your friend?" Tho tone In which he epoke was Insistent, almost Insolent In Its de mand, and she hesitated no longer In meeting the challenge. "Your pardon, I nm sure Lieuten ant Sanchez, this gentleman Is Cap tain Geoffry Carlyle." Ho stood there stiff and straight ngnlnst tho background of light, ono hand In nffected carelessness caress ing tho end of a wnxed mustache. His faco was in shadow, yet I was quite aware of the flash of his eyes. "Ah, Indeed some passenger I hnvo not chanced to observe before?" "A prisoner," she returned distinct ly. "You mny perhaps remember my undo pointed him out to us when ha first enmo aboard." "And you have been out hero alone, talking with the fellow?" "Certainly why not?" "Why the man Is a felon, convicted of crime, sentenced to deportation." "It Is not necessary thnt we discuss this, sir," she Interposed, rather proud ly, "as my personal conduct is not a matter for your criticism. I shall re tire now. No, thank you, you need not come." no stopped still, staring blankly after her as she vanished; then wheeled nbout to vent his anger on me. "Carlyle, hey I" he exclaimed sneer Ingly. "A familiar sound thnt name In my ears. Ono of tho brood out of Bucclough?" "A cadet of that line," I managed to admit, wonderlngly. "You know of them?" "Quite as much as I care to," his tone ugly and Insulting. Then an Idea suddenly occurred to his mind. "Saint Guise, but thnt would even up tho score nicely. You are, as I understand It, sent to Virginia for sale?" "Yes." "For how long n term?" "Tho sentence was twenty years." "Ilela! and you go to tho highest bidder. Til do It, fellow I To actually own a Cariylo of Bucclough will bo a sweet revenge. 'Twill count for more than wcro I to tweak the duke's nose." "A very noble plan for revenge," 1 admitted, "And ono which I am not likely to forget. Unfortunately you come too Into. It hnppens, scnor, thnt I nm nlrendy safely Indentured to Roger Fairfax." I turned nway, but he called angrily after me: "Do not feel so sure of that Cariylo 1 I nm In tho gamo yet." CHAPTER IV. '4 5 Black Sanchez, Pirate. I rested In my berth for a long time, staring blankly up nt tho dark deck above, unable to sleep, and endeavor ing to figure out tho true mennlng of nil these occurrences. I felt that I could understand the Interest exhib ited by Dorothy Fairfax, nnd, greatly as I already admired her, I was not egotist enough to even Imnglno that her effort to serve mo had basis In any personal nttrnctlon. But what nbout Lieutenant Sanchez? Why wns this unknown Spnnlnrd already so openly my enemy? Could It be because of Dorothy Fairfax? I felt finally that I had tho clue Jealousy, tho mad, un reasoning jealousy of his race. I had no false conceptlon'ns to this ; no vagrant thought that her Interest In mo wns any moro than a pnsslng fancy, born of sympathy nnd n de sire to aid. Nevertheless, as sho had thus already served me, I now owed her service In return, nnd here was tho first cnll. If conditions mado it pos sible it was my plain duty to place myself between thoso two. What mystery Is back of the Namur of Rotterdam, the etranno ship which the Fairfax party encounters as It sails up the bay7 Sanchez shows little Interest, but Fairfax and Carlyle aro worried. What can the strange craft be doing In this spot? (TO BE CONTINUED.) Greedy for Wasps. Tho common green frog lino been dis covered to possess" nn Insntlnblo greed for wasps. This extraordinary appe tite does not seem to be In tho least checked by an occasional sting. Tho protecting color of tho frog, which sits motionless upon leaves, no Oouht de ludes tho most wary of Insects Into senso o-: security. LouLsvllio Courier Journnl. IMP10VED UlflFOKH fflTElrUTIOrTAlV StMrSOkW Lesson (By nE I', n. KITZWATEIt, D. D., Teacher f English Whip In the TUoody Ulble Itvltute of Chicago.) (CupyrlKtit. '.3I. Uf Wpnii-rn Nfwupuppr t'nl9n,) LESSON FOR JUNE 1. FAITH, WHAT IT IS AND WHAT IT DOES. LESSON TEXTS-Hobrovss 11:1-40; 12: 1.2. GOM)EN TEXT-Yo believe In nod, be lieve nlso In me. John 14.1. ADDITIONAL MATHMAL Matt. 8:& 13; Murk 2.1-12, Horn. 1.1U-17, 3:21-30; 6:1; 1 John f:4 PRIMARY TOPIC-Story of a Man Who Helleved In Jesus. (John. U:1-3S.) JUNIOR TOI'IC-Hurofs of Faith. INTERMEDIATE TOIMC-Thu Victory of ttilth SENIOR AND ADUI.T TOPIC The Place of Kallli In KcIIkIuiis Life. In Hebrews, chapters MO tho grounds of faith are clearly set forth. In this lesson its nature and glorious triumphs aro displayed. I. The Nature of Faith (11:1-3). 1. Faith Is the eye of the soul, en aiding It to see the Invisible (v. 1). It Is not merely Intellectual assent to that which commends Itself as being reasonable, hut It Is the soul's attitude toward Tied. 2. Faith seizes the things of tho future and lives and walks In their power In the present (v. 1). H. It enabled the "elders" to obtnln n rood report (v. J). It made God's promises so living and real to them that It became the dominant force In their lives. 4. Faith enables us to understand how the worlds were made (v. .1). No man was present when God made tho worlds, so the foundation for our knowledge Is the Word of God. The one who has faith wholly believes that Word. II. The Triumphant Victories of Faith (11:I-.'18). 1. Faith of the antediluvian saints (vv. '1-7). As representative of this period three men are pointed out: (a) Abel (v. 4), who displayed his faith In his worship. He took his place before God as a sinner and of fered a bloody sacrifice, thereby show ing thnt he looked forward to Christ's atonement, which Is substitutionary a life for a life, (b) Knnch, who dis played his faith In his walk In fel lowship with God (v. f). (c) Noah, who by faith stood loyal to God In a time of universal apostasy and wtck nedness (v. 7). Noah's task was a stupendous nnd dllllcult one. He exe cuted It In the face of many n sneer nnd taunt, but his faith carried him through, securing salvation for him self nnd his family. 2. Fnlth of the Hebrew saints (vv. 8-38). (a) Abraham (vv 8-10. 17-10). Abraham went out not knowing whither he went, but he knew that tho Lord had spoken nnd thnt was enough. Ry fnlth he offered up Isaac, believing that God was able to raise him up from the dead and fulfill his promise thnt In Isnae the promised seed should obtain, (b) Sarah through faith received strength to conceive seed when she was old, counting him faithful who had promised (vv. 11, 12). (c) Jacob by faith pronounced n prophecy concerning Joseph's sons (v. 21). Ry fnlth he penetrated the unseen nnd pronounced destinies which .should be experienced by them both, (d) Joseph by faith foresaw i til ik it nt tn twj nf litu rrrti!rt ttt tKn ' taiv niiiiMv.r vi nn jrwjiiv nil" tin; promised land and made them swear to carry his hones there for burlnl. for even his body must not he left behind In the land of Judgment and denth (v. 22). (o) Moses (vv. 23-28). Faith In the hearts of his pnrents caused them to dlsreganl the king's ( decree. Faith rntmed him to turn his , back upon the honors of Egypt and Identify himself with his enslaved brethren. III. Faith's Grand Exemplar (12: 1, 2). Christ taking upon himself humnn nnture nnd passing through the trlnls of life to a trlumphnnt goal Is tho supremo example for us. Those who fix their eyes upon him will (1) lay nslde every weight. To run with suc cess all burdens must bo enst off. Things which mny not be sinful In themselves, If they Impede our progress must be laid aside. (2) Lay aside the sin which doth so easily beset us. (3) Run with pntlence the race set before us. (4) Looking unto Jesus. Our eyes must be steadfastly fixed upon him. Hnvlng him ns our example we will endure the cross. To follow Jesus means suffering and trials. uove as a Word., Love, oven as a word only, must stnnd nlono. It Is one of the great monosyllables of our great language Love. It Is the Invisible gravita tion of life. With Its Invisible cords, viewless but potent, It draws hearts together over eternal spaces, and holds them together In an indissoluble bond in Time and Eternity. The Wonder of Itl "Lord, when I look on my own life it seems thou hast fed mo so care fully, so tenderly, that thou canst hnvo attended to no one else. Rut, when I see how wonderfully thou hnst led the world, anil are leading it, I am amazed thnt thou hast hnd time to attend to such as I." St. Augustine. Why Man Falls. Mnn could not fall so low were ho not so great. It Is the abused God In A man that turns htm Into a devil. wi:y druggists recommend swamp-rout For many yearn druggists have watched with much interest the remarkable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medi cine. It a physician's prescription. Swamp-Root is a strengthening medi cine. It helps the kidneys, liver and blad der do the work nature intended they should do. Swamp-Root has stood the test of years. It is sold by all druggists on its merit and It should help you. No other kidney medicine has so many friends. Ho sure to get Swamp-Root nnd start treatment at once. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cent to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Uinghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. His Mourning. Teddy wns Inconsolable when his little dog, Rags, died. To try to make him forget Ids loss his aunt had lilm accompany her to a friend's where there were several other children. Rut Teddy sat gloomily on the porch In stead of Joining In the game on the lawn. "Aren't you feeling well. Teddy?" asked his hostess. "Yes, ma'am, I'm feeling well enough, but I'm wearing u black look 'cause Rags Is (leaded." The Egg Came First. She was a country woman visiting her nieces In n large city and on pass Ing n poultry house noticed a sign on a blackboard, reading: "Hens, 2." cents; roosters, 12 cents; eggs, 3."i cents." 'I have lived In the country all my life where we raise chickens and eggs," she confided to the nlqce who was showing her uround, "but I never s'posed I'd live to see the day, even In n big city, where eggs would sell for more than the hens that laid 'em." A New Danish Harbor. It I? reported from Copenhagen that a new harbor Is to be constructed at Korsor, which l a Danish seaport ! miles west-southwest of Copenhagen. The cost of this work Is estimated at 30 million kronen nnd It Is stated that American capital has been Intcrc-ted. The harbor "will have a depth of ten meters as against nine meters In Co penhagen and largo quays will be built with ample facilities for handling mer chandise. Scientific American. That Beautiful Dream. "I'm going to get a nice little wife. I'll have a cty little home, well cooked meals, my slippers ready warmed for me when I get home at night, my pipe always handy to me nnd peace and contentment for the rest of my days." "You never ought to marry." "Whyover not?" "Well, when u man has a dream like that he ought not to risk waking up.'" Designation. "You say you are u lifelong demo crat?" "Yes, sir I That's what I am." "Rut Just what do you niennlliy Mem- "There's no cause to worry In par- ' tlcular about the mennlng. 'Demo- ' crnt' Is sort of part of my name, same as Rill.'" Irish Convalescence. "How's your husband getting along. Mrs. Fognrty?" "Well, sometimes he's better an' sometimes he's worse, but from the way he growls an' takes on whin he's better 01 thinks he's better whin he's worse." Roston Evening" Transcript. LADIES CAN WEAR SHOES Ono size smaller and shoes last longer after using Allen's Footi:aso, tho untl septlc powder for tho feet. .Shaken Into the shoes and sprinkled In tho foot-bath, Allon's FootKuso makes tight or now shoes feel easy; gives Instant relief to corns nnd bunions, prevents misters, Cal. lous and Sore Spots. Sold everywhere. Ad. A Valuable Dog. "Is he n pedigreed dog?" "He must be' We've lost him four times In three weeks." Snowy linens are tho pride of every housewife. Keep them In that condi tion by using Red Cross Ball Blue In your lnundry. 5 cents at grocers. The prodigal son went wrong, but camo hack all right. Better borrow from a pawnbroker than from a friend. Grow Wheat in Western Canada One Crop Often Pays lor the Land Western Canada offers the greatest advantages to home seekers. f ..nn nrnfili nre nqnirpH. Ynn enn huv nn mkv nnvtniint lnrm Fopa-slo LLnnrl at 15 in ft fl ..f- Ma A lttA4 Militt AlatPAaflMl fft Atfl. land Binmar iu inui wiul.ii iuiuuku many Canada a air.nle cron has paid tho cont of Msn.a f .Kn ImOT,ln(n.i nnil Urnu ni.. tf Kff?.l, the former to prosper, and extent! every possible encouragement and help to Grain Growing and Stock Raisincrr ,,-4i ThouBhWestern Canada offers land at such prices ol urain. cattie.aiiecp oiiuiiors win Loans for the Durchase of stock may be there nre Rood shipping facilities; best of markets; free schools; churches; splendid climate; low taxation (none on Improvements). Por particulars as tolocatlon of land, for !. mr. Illuitrated llteratur. rsducMlrallway rates, etc., apply to uupt, of immigration, Ottawa, Can., or W. Y. 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Whllo tho present edition lasts, anyone can obtain a f-eo copy by addressing a lettor to Progress Lejguo (Freo Distribution Dept. 4), No. 31 Union Square, New York. Enclose flyo cents (stamps) to defray postage, otc. Write your name and uddress clearly. SANITARIUM SULPH0 SALINE SPRINGS Located on our own premises ami used iu tho Natural Mineral Wator Baths Unsurpassed In the treatment of RHEUMATISM Heart, Stomach, Kidney and Liver Diseases Moderato charges Address OR. O.W.EVERETT. Mar. 1 4th and M Sts. Lincoln. Neb. NEW SOUTH WALES INFORMATION BUREAU Singer tluilding. U9 Hroidwty, New York City Will bit plennwl u send (loTnrnment llalletlni nr nntnvr anr Inquiries rettariUnii opportu nities for fariulnv. moc ralilnir. fruit Kniwlnu mlnlnit and Innituiont In New South Wales' AUSTRALIA 70,000 u. Lundi atock ranch; workable coal: near oil vrella, drilling; SB par a. Will aell Inula sections. Hugo Senbers, Itaton, N, il. 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