f?fc RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF h i i s V- ( THE MOST DANGEROUS OF ALL DISEASES No orgnns of the human body nro po Important to bcnltli nnd long life ns the kidneys, when they slow up and com mence to lag In their duties, look out! DniiRer is in Bight. Find out what tho trouble Is with out delay, whenever you feel nervous, weak, dizzy, Buffer from sleeplessness, or have pains in the back, wnkc up at once. Your kidneys need help. These nro Bipns to warn you that your kidncrs ere not performing their functions properly. Tli'ey nro only half doing their work nnd nro allowing impurities to accumulate and bo converted into uric ncid and other poisons, which pre causing you distress nnd will de stroy you unless they aru driven from your system. Get somo GOLD MEDAL ITnarlcm Oil Capsules nt once. They nro an old, tried preparation used all over tho world for centuries. They contain only old-fashioned, soothing oils combined with strength-giving nnd systcra-clenns-lug herbs, well known nnd used by phy sicians lu their dally practice. GOLD MEDAL ITaarlcm Oil Capsules "ro Im ported direct from tho laboratories in Holland. They nro convenient to take, nnd will cither glvo prompt relief or your money will bo refunded. Ask for them at any drug store, but bo stiro to get tho original imported GOLD MEDAL brand. Accept no substitutes. In scaled packages. Thrco sizes. mm lit hi Wfr 7 1 WATCH YOUR COLTS Tor CoiiKhs, Colds nnd Distemper, nnd nt the first symp toms of nny such ailment, jrlve small dosi-s of that won derful remedy now the most used In existence, M'OII.VS m.VHIMIT.Il COMPOUND Fnfe for nil iiKes. Colts, Mures in foal. Stallions nnd nil ethers. An excellent preventive as well as n cure. Sold by druggists. M'OH.N Mi:iICAI. CO., Mfr., rto.hrn. Ind., V. S. A. Substitutes for Glass. Materials of many kinds more or less transparent, are being tried In Europe to replace window glass, which Is unobtainable. Cellulose tllins nre innde prnctlcnl by Mounting on metal gratings, light wire screen, or cloth. Glue Interlaced with hemp strands be tween two sheets of paper; albumen nntl casein products; sheet gelatin, and nn nrtlflclnl resin made by condensing phenol with n formaldehyde solution, all nrc Imperfect but ready makeshifts. More nearly resembling glass, but comparatively expensive, nrc nn oxide of silica made by fusing It with acid oxides of titanium or zirconium, nnd n combination of greensnnd marl with magnesia, bauxite, and nn alkali, melt ed in nn electric furnace. Some of these glass substitutes are flexible. Popular Mechanics Mngazlno. Slender Returns. "Did you ralso anything on your promlso to pny?" "Oh, yes; I mined n smile." A town man complains of rain, n fanner of dry weather. t Palpably False. "I'nw, here's a new puzzle I heercd In town." stnted Coonrod, eldest son of Gap Johnson of Htimptm Illdgc. "A farmer said be bad thirty dogs and killed 'em nil In llvo days, killing nn odd number each day. What's tho an swer?" "The fnrmcr lied; that's nil," return ed his sire. "Ah, how do you know? Somebody must have told you," "I don't need to be told. No farmer that ever I knowed, If ho had nny sense, would kill any dogs a-tall, nny time." Kansas City Star. Just Beginning. Mrs. Kinebred "Is yours nn old family, Mr. Newpop?" Mr. Newpop "Mercy, no I We've been married only u yenr." If Eve hadn't been 'forbidden to eat that apple the chances nre thnt It wouldn't have happened. Much of mother's popularity with her children Is due to the fact thnt she Is willing to wait on them. Til nil i ti 0 V-w-- ' & .. ." . o UgSuSBV JJ o o3aBejaafcj!l II xS?5jji III The Flow of Meat Two-thirds of the live stock in the United States has to be raised in the West. One-half of the consumers of meat live in the East. In other words, most of the live stock is one or two thousand miles distant from most of the people who need it in the form of food. Fifty years ago, when live stock was raised close to every consuming cen ter, the country butcher could handle the job after a fashion. But the Job got too big. Now millions of animals have to be moved hundreds of miles to millions of people. Somewhere on the way they aave to be turned into meat. The packers solved the problem. They set up plants where the "live haul" and the "meat haul" were in the right balance. They built up distributing systems refrigerator cars, refrigerating plants, branch houses. They saved time, money and meat everywhere. The stockraiser bene fited in better markets and higher prices; the consumer, in better meat and lower prices. As the country grew, the packers had to grow, or break down. Because of its present size and efficiency, Swift & Company is able to perform its part in this service at a fraction of a cent per pound profit. Swift & Company, U. S. A. i IMPHOVED UNirORM INTERNATIONAL StMCIlDOL Lesson (By P.EV. l II K1TZWATEU, D. D Teacher of KngllMi Ulltlo In the Moody Ulblo Institute of chlcngo.) iCpTrlniit. into, tit Wi-lnn Vrw.piU'T fnlon.) LESSON FOR MAY 25. ' REPENTANCE. T.KSSON Ti:XTS-Jounh 3;1-10; I.uke ! 1-C; Acts 2-37. 3S CiOI.OKN TKXT-lt..pcnt yc, nnd be llcve tho Gospel -Mnrk 1-15. ADDITIONAL MATI-:iUAI-lR.ilnh 1:10 20, l.uka 3.1-11, AftM 17:30, 31. 2 Cor. 7:9-11; i i-i'irr ;;. IMUMAKY TOPIC-CJo.I'h Willingness to If rBlvc. .II'NIOIt TOPlC-The I'rople of Nino vch Kcpent INTKItMKniATH TOPIC- Turning I rom Sin to Ooil. SKNIOIt AND ADt'I.T TOI'IC-The riituro ami Kiult of ItFiuMitiincc. I. The Repentance of the People of Nineveh (,:1-10). The following steps nre noted In their conversion : 1. Hearing the Word of the Lord (vv. 1-4). The Lord commanded Jonah to go to Nineveh, a great and wicked city, nnd there "preach the preaching" that he bade him. Jonah's runaway experi ence (see chapters 1, '2) was such that he was willing to obey God. His chastisement was severe, but by God's grace he was now ready to execute tho commission. "Jonah arose nnd went unto Nineveh according to the word of the Lord" (v. :i). So great was tho city of Nineveh that It required threo days to compass It ; that Is, to visit Its very centers of activity. Jonah, com ing from Palestine, doubtless entered the city from the south, and during nn entire day going fronucenter to cen ter cried, "Yet forty days nnd Nineveh Khali be overthrown" (v. 4). Since the king's palace seems to have been In the south part of the city Jonah's message soon found Its way to hlra. If every preacher would prench what God bids him there would be more cities turning to God. 2. Uellevlng God (v. Ti). They not only believed God would visit Judgment upon them, but believed In God, nnd put their trust In him for mercy nnd salvation. a. llepented (vv. !5-0). Their penitence was shown in (1) proclaiming a fast and putting on sack cloth (vv. r-7). These marks of hu miliation were shown by all, from tho king on his throne to tho most humble man. (U) Cried mightily to God (v. 8). In the midst of their humiliation they cried with Intensity to God. (3) Turned from their evil ways (v. 8). The ilnnl test of penitence is turning from sin ; It is hating sin badly enough to quit It. 4, Accepted by God (v. 10). When the Nlnevltes turned from their evils God refrained from executing doom upon them. It averted Judgment. God Is unchangeable. Ills holy nature la unalterably opposed to sin. When men repent from their sins his wrnth Is turned naide. This Is what 1b mennt by God repenting. II. The Necessity of Repentance (Luke 18;l-f). Repentance is necessary on tho pnrt of nil, since, all nro sinners. "Tho wages of sin Is death" (Kom. 0:23). While God Is unalterably opposed to Bin he Is infinitely gracious. Ills holy nature compels him to cause Judgment to fall upon those who will not turn from their sins to servo him. Re pentance Is not merely a matter of privilege, but of absolute necessity If one would escnpe the wrath of God. Repentance Is the only door of escape from perdition. It is not a question of how great a sinner ono Is that de termines the need for repentnnce, since God ennnot look upon evil: "For thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, nnd canst not look upon Iniquity" (Hah. l-lll). No one can ever see him In penoe unless ho turns from his sins. God commands men to repent (Acta 17:30). Ml. The Blessed Resilts of Repen tance (Acts 2:37,38). 1. Remission of sins. Remit menns to send nwny. The one who repents Is rid forever of his sins, -for he la n new man In Christ. 2. Gift of tho Holy Spirit. When one Is regenerated he not only Is rid of his sins, but God, the Holy Spirit, tnkes up his abode In him. He Is his teacher, guide nnd defender. These blessed results ought to move one to repent. Tho goodness of God ought to provoke men to penitence. You Cannot Lose. To have Is to use, not to hoard, "no thnt snveth his life shall lose it." That Is the reason for spending yourself tho fact that you cannot lose what you really have; the ffict that spirit ual quantities arc real quantities; that the best In us Is better nnd stronger than tho worst, If wo believe In It; thnt, to tho eyo of faith, Satan like lightning Is forever falling from the henven of things that endure. W. II, Blake. Influence of the Bible, nold fast to the Bible. It Is tho sheet-anchor of your liberties; write Its precepts on your tutrts, and prac tice them In your Uvea. To the In fluence of this book v:c F,re ls3ehted for tho progress mndo In civilization, and to this we must look as our guldo In the future. U. S, Grant. God Is Love. "Love Is not lovo which alteration finds." "Tho unchangeable Ib Love, nnd Love Is tho unchangeable, for God la Love. aaaiF M Basl wl ' " W SAVED BY A FAITHFUL WIFE Buffered Thirty Years With Stom ach Troublo-and Hemorrhage Of the Bowels. The Story of Wonderful Recovery Thero la hardly any ono who doca , not cxporlonoo eomo troublo with tho nt. much. It la bo con uon that wo frequcMly pny lit tlo or no attention to it. Yet, tho Btomneh la very easily upset, nnd catarrhal Inflam mation of tho mu coua linliifr devel ops, Rr-.ws worse tho pain nnd dis tress is incessant nnd tho truth dawns that wo havo chronlo stom ach trouble. The enso of Mr. Louis Young. 205 Mcrrhnao St., Rochester, N. Y., Is typical, llo writes: "I suffered for thirty yearn with chronlo bowel trouble, stomach troublo nnd hem orrhages of tho bowels. Vo bought a bottlo of Teruna nnd I took It faithfully. I becan to feel better. My wlfo persuaded mo to contlnuo and I did for aomo tlmo as directed. Now I am a well man." Mr. Young expcrlcuco la not unusual. If you suffer from catarrh In any form, whether of tho head, stomach, bowels or any other part of tho body, try Terunn, It may bo Just what you need. Peruna cornea In either liquid or tablet form nnd is old everywhere. Your dealer has It or will get it for you. Ask for Dr. Hartman'a "Woria-Famoua Po runa Tonlo and insist upon bavins: It If you wont your health accept nothing else. . All tho sick and suffering1 nro In vited to write Tho Peruna Company, Dept. 78, Columbus, Ohio, for Dr. Hartmnn'a Health Book. Tho book la frco and may help you. Ask your dealer for a Peruna Almanac. JUST AS LAWYER FIGURED IT Legal Light Had Method of His Own of Ascertaining Age of Feminine Witness. Lou Guernsey hns gono on record that he doesn't think It should bo nec essary to establish the ago of n woman witness In court, no mndo tho state ment after pulling a boner In court tho other day which has put him In bnd In one Los Angeles homo, nt lenst. "Whnt Is your ago madam?" Lon asked of tho matronly witness. "My age, why I've Just turned 24," she gurgled. "Let's see. When you turn 21 It's 42," figured Guernsey, "I thnnk yon, madam." "You brute," sho hissed, but the Jury waa more appreciative. Los An geles Times. He Loved the Khaki. The officer father had Just been mus tered out nnd when he appeared In "civvies" his elghtecn-months-old son failed to recognize him. In khaki had tho father' first been Introduced to tho baby and tho baby refused to acknowl edge the acquaintance In other dress. "Papa nil gonol" ho cried sadly, over and over again and when tho parent insisted "No I No!" declared tho bnby, "papa all gonol' "At least he's not a pacifist," was tho fathcr'a con soling remark. Tho woman who foils to say "be cause" has somo other excuse. You will not do enough If yon do not try to do more than enough. YIELD BIG CROPS Grain Seeds From Western Can ada Do Well in Ohio. Demand for Them Is Bound to Add Value to the Land of Our North- ern Neighbor, Now to Be Had Cheap. A Inrge area of the land In several counties In Ohio prepnred for spring seeding will be seeded with Mnrquls wheat a spring vnrlety. This wheat Is Imported from Western Canada. It was nbout three years ago that the first of this seed was Imported Into the States, nnd the result, wntched each succeed ing year, proved thnt Ohio soil and spring seeding was a success. The demand for the seed has now become so grent that one of the largest seed houes In tlm state, that has been pur chasing from Western Canada farmer, nnd Importing It. has decided to pur chase n larire block of land In that country for the purpose of growing the grain themselves. They will devote a considerable portion of their West ern Canada holdings to growing oats, barley nnd rye. Their action I n strong Indorsement of the product. For anmc time past n considerable quan tity of seed oats hns nlso been Import ed. The prolific yield reported wnn whnt probably gave nn Impetus to tho Introduction of wheat. It was found, though, after a couple of years the qunllty of the oats, ns well as the yield, began to deteriorate when grown seed wns used, mnklng It neressnry for fresh Importntlons every couple of yenrs. It Is possible thnt tho same experience may follow the growing of Western Canadn wheat. In fact It Is quite probable, nnd the Ohio farmer will find It necessnry to Import every two years. With tho success that hns followed the Ohio farmers' experiments with this Imported seed It Is possible other states now growing winter wheat will begin growing spring wheat. It may therefore be taken for grnnted thnt Western Cnnndn, In nddttlnn to Its ability to produce hundreds of mil lions of hnshels of wheat possessing the greatest percentage of gluten of any whent In tho world, will shortly bo called upon to provide the seed thnt will be grown on tho additional acres In the United Stntes that mny bo devoted to spring whent. It Is n well-established fact that the further north any product of the farm can bo brought to a stnte of maturity, tho moro vigorous It becomes. This hns been proven In tho grains thnt have been produced In Western Can nda ; It hns heen shown In the devel opment of Its horses, Its. cattle, Its aheep nnd Its hogs; nlso In Its people. The neighbor to the north renlly hna a splendid future before him, and mnny yenrs will not have pnssed be fore tho lands thot nre selling todny at much less thnn their producing Tnluo will bring prices more commen aurnte with their true worth than they do today. Think of lands that yield In their opcrntlon n profit of from fifteen to twenty-five dollars nn acre a year selling at figures less than $40 nn acre. It does not require a mathematician to figure the percentage of profit. It la unfair to these lands to ask them to continue these profits for long. So. It Is safe to make the prediction that In a yery few years they will ploce themselves on a parity with other lands that today produce less and sell for much more. Advertisement i$r.5t Back Lame and Achy ? There's littlo pence when your kid neys nro weak nnd while nt lirat there mny be nothing more pcrimis thnn dull backache, nlmrp, etnbbing tm inn, head nehes, diy spells nnd Kidney irregu larities, you.muat net quickly to avoid tho more icrious trouble, dropsy, gravel, heart dicnrc, llrighl's disunnc. Use Doan's Kidney I'llli, the remedy that is so wnnnly recommended everywhere by grateful users. A Nebraska Case n d w 1 n Meredith. mint. Htumlnnl Chenw lcul Co., H.M Hhor-wn wood Ave., Oniulm, tutJ Ncbr., nays: "1 nnifaJl never without Dona's ;rJ Kidney Pills In thoC - liouso. I hml a severe attack of ltldnuy complaint n few yenrs npo I suffered everything from this troublo which wum iirottgi vcro Uoni nnd they helped mo wonderfully. 1 loin's strengthened my kidneys nnd have Blven mo no troublo since using loan's." Cat Doan't t Any Store. COe a Box DOAN'S "p'V FOSTUtMlLOURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. ulmu which viia I tight on by ft 8C-D o lllnesn. I took I m's Kidney 1'IIInU-Jj. I Vrk3i y0 mytiw Vain Escape. "I am not rich enough to give yon a large contribution to this cause." "That is a poor excuse." Now Is the Time to Buy a Farm in Good Old U.S.A. Alttinuih the war la ovn, th ile mnml fur food rontlnuos. The liunlntii ot producing till nun to eat, therefore, slvei irimile ot paying UiUctory illvlcWncl.. The II. S. HAII.nOAD ADMINIfl TltATION nlToni the rnMiperatluil ot It IIOMKHICKKIIHH' lll'HKAU to tho.e who wl.h to engage In furmlng. slnolc ruining, dairying, poultry railing, fruit growing, anU klmlreil purnult. Kr.e Information will be furnished about form opportunities In any Btate on request. Write today, Cllva me the nam of the Htate you want Information about; aay what Una of farm activity you wleh to follow, anil the number ot acres you will need, and let me know what kind of terms you desire. The more particulars you can send regard ing your requirements, th better I can lervs you. Nsthlnf t Sill.. Onlf lafaraitln t Gin. J. I- KIMVAUDH, Mmmger, Agrl. Section, U. b. Itnllroad Admlnls trutlon, llooiu 2000, Washington, U. C CALIFORNIA Pacino QroTe with Its Idsal climate mous summer and winter rssort city charming Msntsrsy Bay 111 miles Math f Ban Francisco Wonderful (lining! wsrIS rsoownsd auto drives along rugged shsrssi and In beautlrul pins, oak and cyprsaa forests. Free literature. Address Chsssbsg) f Commerce, Pacino Grove. Cat. KodakFinishing Expert work. Prompt return. Special mail order department. We pay return postage. Write for price list The Robert Dempstsr Co., Box 1138, Omabi, Nik. MOMMIIIAM your own enr with transfe leltcrs. Work llko postage stamp. S letters. 35o postpaid. 15. Lewis, Ueaver City, Nab. VV. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 20-1919. Could Not Resist His Appeal. "No, Mr. Smith," alio said, gently bnt firmly, "I can never bo your wife." Then ho struggled to his feet and said In broken tones: "Arc nil my hopes to be thus dashed " to pieces? Am I never to bo known1 ns tho husband of tho beautiful Mrs.' Smith?" ! This was too much for the girl, and sho succumbed. Tho snmo hnmmer thnt breaks piece of Iron In two can be used to weld two pieces of Iron Into one. In the solltudo of country life ax the solid things of life. Tho greatest business In tho world Ib to help the world to bo better. Betty Said She Could Bake WI knew she never had baked a cake and I was doubtful; But I tolc her to go ahead. "She got my treasured Royal Cook Book, my can of Royal Baking Pow der and all the fixings and sailed in, "Honestly, it was the best cake wa ever had, and now I believe anyone who tries can bake anything with Royal Baking Powder Absolutely Pure Made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes Royal Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste Tho Royal Cook Book, containing over 500 recipes for all kinds of cookery, mailed free. Write for a copy to ROYAL BARING POWDER CO., Dept. , 135 William Street, NewYork