The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 22, 1919, Image 5

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liny IJieul ut Powell mill Popes
Hoc Dr. Wilt i hit, Wednesday, Mny -0
J. H. Uniley went to Ticntun Mon
Miss Marie Harwood is home from
Mrs. Hosmier spent Saturday in
Dr. Lollar spent Wednesday in
Rev. Hammcl spent Tuesday in
.Guide Rock.
John Rose of Blue Hill was in the
city Monday.
15. J. Ovcring, Jr.. spent Tue.-day
i.i Guide Rock.
Miss 1'uy Richardson returned from
McCook, Monday.
Miss Ethel Waller returned to
Covvlcs, Saturday.
C. V. Lindsey left Monday for his
Jiome in California.
, Con McCoale of ith county was
in the city Saturday.
Miss Marie Hollistcr was down
from Inavale, Saturday.
Robert Pope returned home Sunday
from Denver, Colorado.
Editor Coffman of the Yuma Times
spent Monday in Hastings.
Mr. and Mrs. August Urinkman
spent Wednesday in Hastings.
Russel Amack left Wednesday
evening for Holyoke, Colorado.
Miss Eltina Richard spent the week
end with her folks at Orleans.
Harry Roat.s left Sunday for Do
triot where he will visit his wife.
E. M. Egc put up a new awning in
front of his 5-10-25c store last week.
Christal and Leo Terrill of Cowles
spent Sunday with friends in this
Mrs. Mackey left Tuesday for Dal
las, Texas, where she will visit rela
tives. E. S. Fitz left Tuesday for As
' toria, Illinois, where he will visit
Mrs. Doudna and daughter, Oma,
of Guide Rock were shopping in the
city Saturday.
Attorney F. J. Munday went to
Trenton, Monday, to look after some
legal business.
Having corn-acted for the output of
the artificial ice plant I will deliver
ice to all parts of the city for $:.7fi
for a 5001b ticket.
All tickets mut, ho paid for in ad
vance. Phone all oiders to C. H.
Zeiss, Residence Bell IfiO-Jnd. .'!-119.
Friday and Saturday
TRA D r v " if - M A n A
William Fornum in
The Man
Tho Mory begins in London and
ends in New York, with soenes on
land Hiid sea. It is oeitnlnly n
thriller and gives Mr Fnnuim ex
ceptional opportunity to show his
fine dramatic uhility. it is a ease
of from riches to poverty and back
to richess again with ninny stirring
Incidents In the deuliiw and fall
and the '-comeback.''
Also a Sunshine Comedy-
Six Cylinder Love
Admission 17c and lie
Elaine Hammcrstein in
A special nttrtustinn of real merit.
Tho Sromnntio story oT the hill
country of Kuntueky, the Cumber
land mountains, tho laud of yester
day, where dwelt men and women
whose ancestors nettled in tho
mountains in colonial days and
who live and talk as their grand
fathers did; their songs, those of
England mid Scotland in tho days
of Queen Mary.
Adapted- from the 'novel, .-The
Battle Cry" by Charles Nevillo liuok
Swing Your Partners
Admission 22c-llc
Eat and drink at 1'o.vell A
W. H. Rosencranrf snout Monday in
Mrs. Mary Simpson spent Friday
in Hasting".
Chas. Arnold was down from Ina
vale, TuoMlny.
Mrs. L. II. Blaeklcdgo spent Satur
day in Iliiftings.
E. E. Burr of Guide Rock was in
the city Tuesday.
(Jood meals -good service model ate
prices Powell &, Pope's cafe.
May 27th, has been set as anotl er
clean up day for the oity. Hours T to
a. m
County Treasurer Examiner C. D.
Robinson spent Sunday with his wife
and fnmily.
Ed Pulsipher went to Wilsonville,
Monday, where he will do some car
penter work.
W. (J. Hamilton and Russel Amack
returned home Saturday from Holy
oke, Colorado.
Ed Fry was taken to Hastings,
Wednesday where he will receive med
ical attention.
Miss lone lAbright went to Omaha
Friday, to visit her brother, Sher
wood Albright. ,
Mrs. J.- W. Auld and daughter,
Virginia, returned homo from Omaha
Monday evening.
The Farmers' Union is planning on
having their elevator covered with
corrugated iron.
Barney Sutton has sold his farm to
0. E. Ramcy, Jr., who has taken pos
session of the same.
Mrs. H. E. Thomas wus taken to
Omaha, Monday evening, where she
will undergo an operation.
Mrs. Fird Rctzman returned to
Omaha, Tuesday, after spending a
few days with friends here.
The Misses Rachel Cowden and
Mildred Mercer spent the last of the
week with friends at Lincoln.
M. B. Sunbcrry arrived in the city
Monday evening to visit his sister,
Mrs. Roy Cramer and family.
Miss Nina Simmons of Washington,
D. C, arrived in the city Friday even
ing to visit her many friends.
Miss Barnes of Franklin spent a
few days the first of the week with
her sister, Mrs. John Burress.
Mrs. Andrew Saladen returned
home from Rivcrton, Friday, where
she had been visiting relatives.
Drs. McBridc and Nicholson were
in Omaha this week attending the
state dental association meeting.
J. W. Shadbolt and daughter, Miss
Melissa, wont to Lincoln, Saaturday,
to visit their son and brother.
Mrs.. S. C. Ellis entertained the
Royal Neighbors Kensington club at
her homo Wednesday afternoon.
Ab Holverson and Floyd McMurdy
who started west with a wild west
show have returned to this city.
Tho Misses Josephine and Blanche
Sheicr and Helen Lemon attended a
house party at Riverton Saturday.
Rudolph Streit, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Streit, returned homo this week hav
ing been discharged from the army.
Mrs. Roy Cramer returned home
Friday from Woodruff, Kansas,
where she had been visiting relatives.
Miss Johnston returned to McCook,
Saturday, after spending a few days
with her aunt, Mrs. L. H. Blaeklcdgo.
Rev. Raymond Clarke of Superior
spent Saturday with Rev. Bccbe. They
arc planning to exchange pulpits
F. S. Henderson underwent an op
eration in a hospital at Omaha this
week and he is still in a critical con
dition. H. C. Wolfe returned home Satur
day from Bird City and St. Francis,
Kansas, whore ho had been visiting
The ladies of the Red Cross Aux
iliary of Line township will meet with
Mrs. Chas. Anderson next Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Huffcr of Cheyenne,
Wyoming, arrived in the city Wednes
day to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Huffer.
Mrs. Grace Sutton returned to her
home at Inavale, Friday, after spend
ing a few days with her mother, Mrs.
Mary Arneson. .
Mrs. Henry Pharos returned to her
homo at Central City, Friday, after
spending a week with the Pharos and
Zeiss families.
0. R. Boyce was taken to Hastings
Thursday, were he underwent an op
eration and is getting along njecly
at this writing.
Memorial day sen-ices will be held
at the Congregational church, Sun
day. Rev. Harper will have chargo
of the services.
Rev. Harper and daughter, Grace,
were called to Rivcrton, Monday, on
account of the illness of their daugh
ter and sister.
Molvin Wall of Smith Center and
Miss Gladys Somers of Athol, Kan
sas were united in marriage by Judge
Rannoy last Sunday.
The Nebraska Convention pf the
Lcaguo to Enforce will meet
in Omaha, Saturday May :U, at tho
Auditorium. Such prominent educa
tors and speakers as William Howard
Taft, Dr. Anna Howaid Shaw, Capt.
Thomas Shaw, Capt. Thonuis G,
Chamberlain, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise,
and Herbert S. Houston, editor ol
World's Work will bo present.
Miss Hazel Harvey was tjovyn from
Inavale today.
Mrs, Andy Saladen went to Wy
more this morning. ,:
Miss Greta TuinUic returned home,
from Lincoln, Wednesday evening.
Gene Ryan and Paul Polnlcky arc
spending today fishing at Amboy.
Rev. Harper and daughter, (5 race,
returned from Rivet tun this morning.
Misses Lottie and May Putnam went
to Hastings thi.s morning to spend
the day.
County Attorney II. S. Foe re
turned homo Wednesday evejiing from
a business trip to the western part
of the state.
W. II. Fry went to Hustings this
morning to visit his brother, Ed Fry,
who is in a hospital receiving medi
cal attention.
Mrs. R. 0. Gather and chiHIrcn of
Lander, Wyoming, arrived in the city
Wednesday to visit with Mr. ami Mrs.
C. F. Cather.
LOST A Purse in Orphcum or on
street. Finder please notify Miss
Clcmmie Boubal at Powell & Pope's
cafe. Reward.
Mrs. Henry .of Sabetha, Kansas,
who had been visiting her uncle, A.
N. Delph and family, left for her
home this morning.
0. M. Adams, of Omaha, one of
the executive committee of the Y. M.
C. A., was in the city Monday between
trains visiting Rev. Heche.
FOR SALE One week and one
month old baby chicks. Rhode Is
land Reds and BufT Orphingtons. 20
cents each. Phone lnd. 25X.
Siipt. P. M. Whitehead, Geo. Harris
and A. II. Carpenter were in the
western part of Kansas looking at
land tho first of the week.
Mrs. Frank Peterson returned homo
from York, Monthly evening, where
she had been visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Crone.
Mrs. Eckbcrg and daughter, Miss
Minnie, spent Saturday and Sunday
in Red Cloud at the Fred Nelson home.
Monday's McCook Tribune.
The Misses May Walker and Ber
nice Shorer spent the last of the week
with their brother and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Sherer, at Hastings.
Fred Carnahan arrived homo this
morning from Camp Hancock, Geor
gia, where ho was a Sergcnt in the
ordinance branch of the army.
Editor Coffman of the Yuma Times
left this morning for Superior and
Smith Center where he will spend n
few days before returning to Yuma,
Dr. Warrick, tho specialist, will
meet eye, ear, noso and throat patients
and those lieedingH glasses lifted at
Dr. Dnmerells otlloo, WedtiCMlny, Maj
M.- Hours '2 o 0.
Mcsdamcs Doudna, Ed Burr anc'
John Crary, wore up from Gu dr
Rock, Wednesday evening attending
the Guide Rock High School play at
the Orphcum.
All the men who belong to the Rei
Cloud Fire Department that are en
titled to exemption papers may ob
tain them from Secretary L. R. RuM
at Hunt's barber shop.
Tho Social Cirelo of young people of
the Christian Church entertained the
Senior Social Circle at the home of
Mis. Beit Morhnrtlast Friday. About
4." were present.
For Sale
Minneapolis threshing outlit, com
plete, consisting of 20 li p steam en
gine, :$2 x Ml separator with 10 bin
cylinder, gcarltss blower, new Ruth
feeder, Uai t belt wcigticr, all in goo. I
shape, good belts. K. S. FIT,,
Red Cloud, Neb
Modernize the old home with a Chi
Namel floor imitatingnatural hardwood
atacostofabout2casquarefoot. Sani
tary, washable, heel-proof and remarka
bly durable. Dries quickly. There is a
Clii-Namel varnish, enamel or other
trnish lor everything in
tne Home. fv
In your locality will leach you lo
tnln la 5 mlnutei. lite. Cbi-Namcl product!
ate confined lo one representative merchant In
locality alwayi dealer known lor hl(li trade
service and mcrchandlie.
The Ohio Varnish Co., ClCTelind
We carry a full line of Clii-Namel varnishes,
enamel and other finishes because they fit
our icputation for goods of first quality,
at the lowest prices, and for pains-taking
service to our customers. f
Chl-tfamtl Color VarnlthM alio on
colored lor flooti, woodwork and ForcW
Chl-Namtl Stove Pipe Enamel uandi
hi:h heat, prerenli run, and itayi tliy
Let us teach you the
graining process free.
Chi-Namcl easy
C. L. Cotting
The Druggist
Mi, and Mrs. Chns Whitaker cele
brnvd their fifteenth wedding anni
u i ..! Inst Thursday evening. A
lart'.' number of friends were invited
an i -hey had a most enjoyable time.
week ago some one broke tho
loi ., oir tho door of tho Masonic
ha i htenng tho same and stole about
a ' v. n of the electric light globes.
Tb. lodge will pay a reward of $2fi
f"' tie nricst and conviction of the
go party.
' ' lit. Rev. Goo. A. Beecher,
HUinpof western Nebraska, will
1' i li tit Grace church next Sunday at 11 o'clock, school time.
0 'iiir to Dean Tyner's address in the
event-g, the Bishop's evening service
w" mdoubtedly be omitted.
J. M. BATES, Pastor.
I ' Leviathan, which is the largest
sh , afloat on the ocean, is due to
do. at New York City today. The
'itY.'!i regiment and other branches of
thi 'ith division were aboard her
ami it is safe to say that many of
oiii voting men who were in this
famous division will soon be home.
The neat appearance, to vlsltois and
&ti angers of well kept yards, lawns
and streets will create tin impression
of thrift i.inl prosperity. An example
is the couit yard, compared with two
or tin ce years ago, now a beautiful
vvel kept lawn which hhould bo the
pti' ! of every cltlen of the town and
V Sheriff O. 1). Hedge of Red Cloud,
now hi the employ of the state enforop.
mi.' nt Hijind, was liereThurhday of this
week and made the arrest of Chi Is
AimIi'immi of Franklin and found home
Jamaica ginger in the Anderson restaur
ant in Franklin, it is Nild. The ics
tam ati'iir was brought to the timullo in
tin-1 ity. where nil examination was
begun into ills ense, which was con
tinued over to Friday Franklin Conn
tj Ti buiiu.
Tlnoiigh the courtesy of tho Com.
men ml Club acting in co-operation
with the commilteu of tho P. E. (),
Chapter, Tnc&dny, .May 27th, has been
designated as another "clean up" day
for the city. On this date practically
all the stores and business houses have
ngucd to remain olnsed until ten
o'c-W'k in the morning in order that
this time, may be put in, by every one,
in cleaning yards, terraces and streets
in liout of their residences or any
pluce that may be Improved.
Civic pride In our town should
prmpt in every man, '.voiiimii and child
a iU m to assist in making Red Cloud
a ty Beautiful
Why pay $1 to $1.50 when you can buy
a high grade broom from us for
This is the greatest bargain ever offered.
You will save money by trading with us.
jT NOTE: We are independent and no "combine" dictates prices to us.
7U We buy for cash and sell for cash and give you the benefit. Merchan
dise bought and sold on a long term credit basis must be and are higher in
price. While we are a Farmers Asssciation we also welcome city patronage.
Farmers union
COMFORT for it means a cool kitchen, y
Economy for it wastes no fuel. You burn
kerosene oil only when you need it. Efficiency
for a Florence Oil Stove is easy and quick of
operation and every bit of heat is concentrated
close under the cooking. ttmtHJSb' 4
Come in and let our salesmen show its manyJ
good points.
Sold Exclusively and Guaranteed by
Mr. and Mrs.
Phone, lnd. Store 1 58, Res,
F .. mmmmmt
Co-Operative Association of
mm wi
Red Cloud