The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 15, 1919, Image 1
A' i 'V . ttolo nUlotloia BiiClttT iv- s A T"- V ' . y ' ' . '! ... A Newspaper That Gives The News Flfb-two Weeks Each Year For 51.50 VOLUME IS It til) CLOUD, NEBRASKA. MAY 15, 11!. NUMBER 120 p uupjionEiJiBniir xrjiii n . & .a. ., ii , 1 1 r-inrj; .mr m uw GirniiiiYriiMi i ' n: jot is n. id- , i. ai n We can handle some more Business and We would like to have Yours If you feel as we do about this come in and let us talk it over Interest paid on Time Deposits Deposits Guaranteed by Depositors Guarantee Fund of State of Nebraska Webster County Bank CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $35,000 Red Cloud, Nebraska Edward Flounce, Prciident S. R. Florancc, Cajlnei THItainimmfnuiniiiinmituiHir warm 1 .r iw :i i'i .; 1 1 c r ' . i1, , nr " ' 11 . ii1", 1:1 wra iirrair iiiiirinTWiiiii 11 win nm immmuiciWu.H. ,'..', 1 A 111 ll I ! 1 I 'l ' I 1 i1 1 11 I Jil'tli lllil'i ' 1' I 1 '1 I II 1" I lllllt -a M i Canned Fruits 1 1 Held Special Meeting Keel Cloud, May 12, 1910 Itanul of Education met in special session with all member present, President Wcesner picsiding. The chairman appointed the fol lowing committees: Buildings and Grounds' Dr. Hox sey Chairman, Boczley, Grimes. Claims Pope Chairman, Sherwood and lloxsey. Disaiplinc Sherwood Chairman, HoKs-ey and Dcozlcy. Text Hooks and Supplies Grimes Chairman, Rcczlcy and Hoxsey. Finance Ucezley Chairman, Pope and Grimes. Teachers and Employes Pope Chairman, Giimes, Sherwood. Motion made by Beczlcy and sec onded by Hoxsey that Mrs. Hogue he retained as grade teacher but to bo transferred to the Cth grade. Mo tion carried. On motion it was de cided that the employment of all teachers should he left to the Teach ers' Committee and they are authori zed to contract with teachers anil name salaries for same. Adjourned to meet at the next regular session, Monday, Juno 2nd. C. J. POPE, Secy. Gives Excellent Satisfaction in a jlarge number of Red Cloud homes. WE GUARANTEE THEM We Have Some Very Fine Dried Fruits Have You' Tried Mrs, fJQ 8Aac Rohrer's and Verebest Ul 1 C ? & THESE ARE MEDIUM PRICED COFFEES that are gaining in pbpularity. Garden Seeds of Kinds Also Onion Sets Our Stock in AilSLines is New and Fresh WE SOLICBT YOUR TRADE and know that or groceries and service WILL PLEASE YOU P J A. WuUbrandt Groceries and Queensware as ll'lliillllll.1! liniilllillllll.lllIIIIIIIIWIIl'Il'WIllIll'llllliil lllllllfl'lll Ii!" i IfflWFPJllCllilllliEilllll Pi W lil.!! MIUI1I1M IUIIHIIU I UNDERTAKING I and EMBALMING ROY SATTLEY f Licensed in Kansas and Nebraska t - Peterson Ice Plant Is Now In Operation AltlimiKh not entirely completed Peterson' now artificial ice plant Is in operation, turning out huge cakes of pill'.., iJ?an, solid ice, nt tho rate rtJ; four tons every twenty-four hours. Constmit requests for tlw product caused the manager, Frank Peterson, to begin operations at once. Tlio urn cliincry was tested out, tliH biinu pre pined ami the "first hitch" of unter put into the containers on Satiinhy night, which was dr.iwn from tlio eon t.iiners In the form of ice oirly .Mon day tnoining. CoiisideinhU moio tluu was inquired for this' fietri;" Lltiiii will be for those following. Another section is being piepaicd and when completed tho capacity of the I'lithu plant will bo tun mid one- half tons every twenty. four houi-. Tlu' plant will be kept in operation constantly, Curl. MoAithur being tin' man in charge on the day inn and E 1 Fiy looking after tho night shift. A twenty horse powor gas engine is being used to furnish power atpiesenl but as soon as the new motors have been received and installed the plant will bo operated entirely by electric power. A huge rcfrigorator will be built, in which to stoie the surplus supply, in tlio near future and when all is coin I leted it will be one of tlio most mod ern plants of its kind In this part of the state. RT Jetty Reilly of Seattle, formerly of Lawrence, visited over Sunday at tho Geo Tiine home. Miss Clara Warren went to Su perior this morning to spend tho day with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sleeper) of Lin coln spent the first of tho week with relatives and friends here. They were enrouto to Kimball to look after his realty, holdings. S. C. Ellis received word Wednes day that his son, Dale, who was a Sergeant Major in the army, had been discharged from Camp Dodgo on Monday. Tho young man was united in marriago to Miss Mariam Jones of Farragut, Iowa, on the day following his discharge. Tho Ellis family had planned on attending tho wedding but tho haste of tho young couple interfcrrcd with theso plans. It. L Hippie of Ft. Morgan, Colorado, secretary of the Morgan county Short horn Association and J. W. Mcllrath foreman of tho ,1. P. Curry ranohes wero in this vioinity tho Inst of tho weok interviewing the Shorthorn brooders and looking over their herds These gentlemen purchased one heifer and two cows fiotn Steward A. Sons. Mcssis Hippie and Mellnith eonipll meutcd the Stewards on the fine grade of stock they raise and stated that they hoped to see moie of Webster county's fanners take to tho raising of tho high grade stock. Commissioners Proceedings Red Cloud, May M, 1019. I lie County Bouid of Commlssion i r met at one o'clock pursuant to ml j rnment, with all members pres ent. County Treasurer was instiucled to l'Hluce the Jo-sscssmctit of .lames r.rnnwH owner of c'i of sw4 soc t hi l-t-0. Said assessment to be re-du-l from $1145 to ?1325 assessed'io said tcduction amounting to Motion made by Thomas and sec ond m1 by Waldo that the various Pre cinct Assessors be allowed $o per day from tho first day of April ac cording to the new law regulating their salnrics, us pased by tho last 1 gislature of Nebraska. Motion carried. On motion John Pavlick was ap pointed Hoad Overseer of district No. 11'.!. 'I ho Bond of C. M.' Wilson as Hoad Oifi'scer of district 15 was appiovcd' b, Hoard. Motion made by Waldo and second ! ,y Shidicr that the salary of 0. J K.iiley as janitor of court houoo 1 increased ftom $75 to $85 pel nioii'h commencing Juno 1, 1010. Mo tion carried. The following claims were audited and allowed and County Clctlc instruc ted to draw warrants on the proper funds in payment of same: GENERAL FUND Frank Starr, county expenses $332 73 7 QO 41 (!( 75 00 100 10 45 00 1 02 2 28 CM An Investment In Happiness TO purchase a NEW EDISON is not an ex. ponditurc: it's an investment. It means evenings filled with enjoyment of the world's best music RE-CREATED so perfectly as to be indistinguishable from the interpretation of the living artists. And it menns evenings at home where you don't spend a cent. To own Tho New Edison means not only more happiness but more money in the bank. H. Newhouse Optometrist and Jeweler ca $. S Jones-... Annie Ii. Spanoglc i Ed A mack -. - - -.. C. C. Frazior . .. .. Dolly Dickenson Charles Iiarrett - . Zion Institution & Industries POOH FUND II. C. Wright . 20 f7 C. T. Dickenson . - 18 55 Ellis Shoe Store 3 75 , Oscar Harney. 4 00 C. A. Waldo 28 00 ', Malone-Gellatly "Co 122 30 I W. II. Ro-oncrans 21 00 Farmers Union Ass'n Hoscmont ... 10 01 E. A. McKinney ...-. 35 00 II. Ludlow . 5 00 A. H. McCoy -. 25 00 Ed Lewis . - 10 GO E. J. Emorton 10 50 Roaid adjourned to Juno 1G, 1010. II. F. PERRY, County Clerk. cmmm'MdiiiiEM RESLER LINE t it- Ed Pegg Laid to Rest After mi illness of about three yours duration Edward Ii. Pegg passed to his eternal reward on Sunday morning at the home of bis brother, Ren, west of tl'iis city. The deceased was born here Novem ber 11, 1881, and mude this his homo practically nil of the time. He wns about 31 years of age at the time of his doath. About three years ago he was strlck f n with rheumatism, later resulting in diabetes. Various health resorts wero visited and every effort made to restore the young man to health, but nil prov ed of no avail. Ills passing away makes the fifth death In tho family in the past five years and tho second within the past three weeks. He Js survived by bU mo(her, Mrs L. V. Pcgg; four brothers, Hen and Will of thlb city, John of Oklahoma City and Lloyd of SanPedio, California, two sisters, Mrs. Chris Jensen of this elty aud Mrs. Hattie Martin of River ton. Funeral services were conducted from tho Methodist church, Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock, Hev. J 1). llammll In charge. Interment was made in the city cemetery. COATS, SUITS, CAPES Waists, Skirts, Dresses At M, A. Albright's Friday -Saturday, May 16-17 20 pet cent Discount on Suits and Capes iiiniiiiwiniinin WVrWWUWJIAVWVWJVAV.V, Mr. and Mrs. ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING Phone, Ind. Store I58,'.Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB. AWWJWWWV.VAVAV.VVJWA inrTtinMuiunmiuEmiiiimuLiuiiuininuunutnninminiitfiiii'iiiuniiUii.iijHiininiimmu'nnminii nminjmnniLiiijiiuuicnimint'niiriiiiriinuiuiiiiiiniujuinixrtiiiinf.iiuijnnni'iiiuHiiujrii:!!:! Everywhere! On Tuesday evening the Chamber of Commerce met and after allowing u few claims tho President appointed a committee of six to have charge of the Decoration day program. Seo'y Wees, uoftwas eledted a delegate to attend tho state meeting at Broken How, Juuo 3rd and 4th. It was also decided to pay Uaiidmaster Miller bis salary the Hi st of each month, Hev. Hummel ap peared beforo the meeting and nsked for $100 to build a cabin for tho Boy Scouts. Agont Bush apoko on freight talcs. The club also decided to lme n .celebration in the future tor tho re turned soldleis of the count) . Along every country road you will see RACINE Country Road Tires. Always these tires give the good service. They are Extra Tested. That's the reason. Why don't you profit by the Extra Tested quality of Racine Country Road Tires? 5000 MILE GUARANTEE 7500 MILE FORD CASINGS Remember! We Give You the BEST in Vulcanizing, Repairing and Retreading. R. C. SUTTON fEDBRcALs0 IM4l1IIII