The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 08, 1919, Image 3

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Splendid Returns From Farms In
Western Canada.
r &
Production of Butter and Cheese, Com.
mantling Highest Prices, Increases
Steadily Livestock Raisers
at Height of Prosperity.
Dnlr.vltifj Is rapidly nppronchlng one
of the first positions In Western Can
ada tiRrlculttire. This does not apply
particularly to nny one of the three
Western Canada provinces, as they all
participate In the distinction.
A report recently published by the
Alberta Department of Agriculture
shows that In 11)18, In spite of adverse
conditions of labor and the high cost
of feed there was no decline In the
Industry. It will be Interesting to
know that the average number of milch
cows per farm Is 0.(1. The total pro
duction of creamery butter In the
provinces In 1013 was 11,100.000, us
ngulm-t 8,914,000 pounds In 11)17.
No better evidence of the growth of
Western Canada can be given than by
the fact that In ten years the produc
tion of butter has Increased from
l!,r00,000 pounds and of cheese from
88,570 pounds to C.'iO.OOO pounds. When
It Is known that In the production of
grain so much energy was placed, and
through which bank deposits were
Increased, homes made comfortable,
farms carefully tilled. It will be real
ized that the Increase In dairy produc
tion has been remarkable. During the
past four years the price to the pro
ducer Increased 7." per cent.
Further evidence of the grent Inter
est taken In the dairy and livestock
Industries Is found in recent bull sales.
At Edmonton the average price of 141
was S2.'1.0G; at Calgary 784 head
were sold, bringing an average price of
$2G!).i:i; while at Lacombe 170 bulls
brought an average of 101.34. Sales
In Manitoba a few days ago gave fully
as good an average, or better. The
sales were attended by farmers from
all parts of the country. The high
prices paid show that good stock was
required, and, no matter the price, tho
farmer had the money to pay for it
As evidence of this we find thnt at a
sale recently held nt Carman, Mani
toba, buyers were present from nil
parts of tho province, besides some
from Sakntehewan points. Five head
of Herefords brought $500 each. A
Shorthorn bull was sold for 700 and
registered Shorthorn cows brought
500 each.
The establishment of creameries
and cheese factories throughout the
entire West Is on tho increase, and It
will only be within the period of a
very few years before Western Can
ada will' occupy u position In the first
ranks In the dairy production of the
There Is complete government su
pervision over creameries and cheese
factories. The government takes care
of the sales, looks after the manufac
turer mid employs as heads of the In
stitutions highly paid and efllctent
It may well be said that tho dairy
Industry In Western Canada Is rapidly
coming into Its own. At present It Is
but nn adjunct to tho parent or fore
most industry of the country the
growing of grain, but while nn adjunct,
it Is a highly Important one. The price
of farm lands is gradually Increasing,
but not In the rapid proportion that
has been shown In other countries.
This rise in price does not materially
increase the cost of production, nor
lessen the profits that may be derived
from an acre of wheat, oats or barley.
The advance In the prices of these
grains has moro than doubled ; the use
of tractors has lessened tho cost.
The reports from government sources
ore that the present year will show a
great Increase In Immigration over the
past four or flvo years. The man who
has made a tour of Inspection of the
country will give you tho reason. He
will speak of the fertile soil, of the
good crops, of the attractive climate,
of compliance with the law, the splen
did school system, the almost perfect
social conditions that prevail. lie will
have visited settlements composed al
most solely of AmerlciUis, who have
built up their homes and villages, who
have brought, and aro applying, to
day, their experience In economic land
culture as applied to large tracts with
the result that he obtains yields on
$:(0 an ncro land equal to that former
ly produced on lund that he had sold
for $i!00 nn acre. Tho story of his
success he has sent buck to his friends
in his home state. They In turn follow
him, and so It goes on, nnd Immigra
tion to Western Canada increases.
Acquired Taste.
He "Did you love mo when you
first saw mo?" She "Oh, no. I had
to get used to you first."
To Have a Clear Sweet Skin.
Touch pimples, redness, roughnese
or itching, if any, with Cutlcura Oint
ment, then bathe with Cutlcura Soap
and hot water. Rinse, dry gently and
dust on a little Cutlet! a Talcum to
leave a fascinating fragrance on akin.
Everywhere 25c each. Adv.
Tho frankness with which n seven-teen-year-old
girl refers to herself as
nn old maid Is certainly amusing.
There Is nothing more satisfactory
after a day of hard work than a line
full of snowy white clothes. For such
results use Red Cross Ball Blue.
Love Is not blind, but In a lot at
tmaes he's cross-eyed,
(JW"'" r 4efeBBUBTj"''lt fjC r ;' 6 C t -7s J
1 Scottish soldiers loading on n ItrltMi ship some of the gold bullion with M Oermany Is paying for food
from the allies, i! (lemma government sniper on n roof picking off Spartami s. ,'t obverse and of tho
gold medal which will bo presented to President Wilson by leading citizens of .Switzerland.
Italians, Being Refused Fiume by
President Wilson, Bolt the
Peace Conference.
Success of League of Nations Is Imper
iledBolshevists and Communists
Losing Ground Victory Loan
Going Well Carranza De
nounces Monroe Doctrine.
President Wilson declared ilatly last
Wednesday that Italy should not have
Flume because that outlet to the' Adri
atic was essential to the prosperity of
the Croat Ions and other Jugo-Slav
Premier Orlando promptly an
nounced the withdrawal of the Italian
delegates from the peace conference
and on Thursday himself left Purls,
his colleagues remaining for the pres
ent in the vicinity of the French capi
tal. "We do not break with our allies,
but hand over our Interests to their
hands trusting they will loyally fulilll
their mission," said Orlando.
Tho seriousness of the situation was
recognized by all, and France and
Great Britain renewed' their efforts to
bring about an agreement. The Italian
delegates endeavored to throw on Mr.
Wilson personally the blame for the
break, asserting that Just before the
president Issued his btatement they
had received from Clemenceau, Lloyd
George and Wilson proposals that Fl
ume should be a free port, all the Dal
matian Island cities going to'Italy and
the hinterland to Croatia. This plan,
they declared, would have been accept
ed by them with the exception that the
city of Flume should bey Italian and
Its port only Intcniatloimllzed. Whllo
their mubussador was on his way with
a reply to this, said the Italians, they
were astounded to read In a Paris
newspaper Mr. Wilson's stutcment and
appeal to public opinion In Itnly. They
asserted that Mr. Wilson made u grave
error In diplomatic etiquette and that
nothing was left for them except to
withdraw from the conference.
Lloyd George and Clemenceau, It
wns said, read and approved Wilson's
statemeut before it was given out, but
neither of them signed It. Tho docu
ment culled attention to the fact thnt
tho treaty of London gave the Dalma
tian coast and cities to Italy because
hhe needed protection against Austro
Hungury, but that the Austro-IIungnr-Ian
empire no longer exists and so the
necessity has passed; that Italy gave
her adherence to the 14 points, and
that to give Flume to her would not
be In accordance with them, Tho
I Italians replied that Wilson already
1 had compromised some of those points,
notably In the case of the freedom of
the seas cud the Saar basin, and that
Italy was being discriminated against.
This really was the crux of the dis
pute. Mr. Wilson may hnvo acted too Im
petuously and may have violated dip
lomatic courtesy in appealing to the
Italian people over their government,
but It Is likely that In the mutter of
the disposition of Flume ho Is backed
by the great body of public opinion In
this country, and probably In Great
liritnln mid France. The Justice of the
claims of the Jugo-Sluvs'uro generally
recognized. Itnly asserts Flume Is an
Italian city, but this Is only half a
truth, for a largo part of it Is Inhabit
ed by Croutlans.
What would bo tho result If Italy's
withdrawal from tho conference wero
permanent wns the subject of much
speculation. It was believed thcro
would bo no consequent delay In tho
treaty dealings with Germany, and
there wero Intimations thr.t Italy
would undcrtako to make a separate
peace with Germany. Of course Italy
would cease to be a charter member of
tho league of nations and would be ad
mitted later only by vote, like tho en
emy nations. If she chose to remain
aloof from the league, the strength
and Milue of that association would
be greatly Impaired, according to some
authorities. In political circles In
Home it was predicted that Orlando
ami Sonnlno would offer their resig
nations to the parliament and would
be unanimously continued In tho ten
ure of their oflices. The king lost no
time In wiring his absolute approval
of the course they were pursuing In
Paris, and they were given ardent sup
port by the Italian press and by pub
lie demonstrations.
Italy already Is In possession of
Flume as well as the Dalmatian coast
territory she claims, and declared she
Intended to hold them, by force If nec
essary. In such case the leaguu of na
tions could not act militarily hecausu It
does not yet exist. Nor would any
of the allied nations take up onus
against Italy, according to opinion In
Parfs. It was believed there that If
either Great Britain or France took
sides with Italy In the dispute, the
United States might withdraw from
the conference and make a separate
peace with the enemy countries.
It was reported that Italy was hur
rying more troops to Flume, and the
early opening of hostilities between
them and the .Tugo-Slavs there nnd nt
other points was freely predicted.
Closely resembling the Adriatic Is
sue, and scarcely less ditllcult of nolu
tlon, wns the mutter of Klnu-Chnu, for
Japan relies on secret agreements
with Great Britain, France and Italy
to support her claim to the concessions
In Shantung which wero held by the
Germans. Tho council, reduced to
three by Orlando's defection, gavo
much time last week to this contro
versy, but Its conclusions, If nny were
reached, were not known nt.tho time
of writing.
It appears that the peace treaty will
not be ready for the signatures of tho
Germans so soon ns had been expect
ed, because of the long task of com
pleting the drafting, and ns the Ger
man government announced Its dele
gates would not arrive at Versailles
as early ns former plans contemplated.
The treaty may be presented to them
piecemeal, so that It can be signed
ubout May 15. In that caso peace
would bo effective throughout the
world ubout July 15, for a clauso will
bo Inserted providing that the pact
shall go Into effect GO days after It Is
signed. The German party, headed by
Count von BrockdornMlnntznu, will
Include about 75 persons. It Is the
present plan to keep them virtually In
communicado at Versailles, but both
the Germuns nnd tho American corre
spondents are protesting against this.
The first of General Haller's divi
sions, transported through Germnny by
train, began to arrive In Poland last
week, to the great contentment of that
rather hard-pressed country. Tho Poles
and Czecho-Slovaks will be required to
settle between themselves their dis
pute over tne Teschen mining region.
Polish forces recaptured Vllnn, the
Lithuanian railway center, from the
Bolshevism and communism had a
hard week of It. The Russian soviet
First army surrendered to Ukrainian
troops under General Pctluru In the
region of Home!, giving up Inrge stores
of munitions, and n few days later the
Ukralnlnns drove tho bolshevlkl out of
Kiev, being aided by many of their
prisoners, who volunteered to servo
agnlnst their former comrades. Along
the Pctchora river tho bolshevlst
troops were driven far back by tho
loyal Russians and Siberians, who
wero not far from u Junction with tho
allied forces in the Archangel district.
Tho latter had several successes and
took much material, and thoy were
Joined by numerous deserters. In
southeastern Russia, In the region of
Urajsk, the Ural Cossacks, apparently
acting In conjunction with Admiral
Kolchnk's Slhorlnns, forced the bolshe
vlkl to retire a long way to tho north.
Bela Kun and his soviet government
of Hungary seemed npproachlng their
end, nnd there wero intimations that
that leader was ready to rctlro In fa
vor of tho socialists. Roumanla, act
ing under the Instructions of the allies,
"is sjondlly moving Into Hungarian
ii'irltory with the purple of stemming
'lie bolshevik advance, and there was
i mtIoiis crisis In Budapest.
The communists still held on In
Munich, but the government of Pre
mier Hoffman was pressing them close
l and most of the Bavarians seemed
oinilimt them. In Munich Itself terror
Ism, rioting and great distress ruled,
nail nearly all the workers were Idle.
Llspwheru In Germany, especially In
ll'imhurg and llremen, there was a
continuation of (he lighting and disor
der that have been prevalent for
months. The details are uninterest
ing. Au attempt to seize Vienna was
made by communists led by Hungar
ian agitator. It was foiled ami the
Hungarians wero arretsed and ejected
fioni the city.
The plan of tho nllles to withdraw
their troops from Russia and to supply
tin' aiitl-bolshcvlk elements with muni
tions met with the hearty approval of
the governments of North Russia and
Omsk, but they protest earnestly Doctor Nausea's proposal that
the bolshevlkl ho supplied with food
provided hostilities aro entirely stop
ped. Tho loyal Russians have no In
tention or desire to ceaso their war
faro on the Lonlne-Trotzky forces nnd
are confident Mho bolshevlsts will be
defeated. In this view the Russlnn rep
resentatives In Paris and Washington
concur. According to the present
plans of tho nllles, tho Omsk govern
ment will bo recognized by them soon
after the peace treaty Is signed, and In
the meantime any diplomatic advances
by the bolshevlkl will be Ignored.
According to documents published In
a Swiss paper, Lenlne has his eye on
Switzerland now1. Tho papers wero
mnrked "very confidential" and enti
tled "General Instructions for n revolu
tion In Switzerland." According to
Lcnne's orders, "all the federal au
thorities and also the military stuff
must bo captured and held ns hostages.
He also directs that the banks, rail
ways, factories mid newspapers bo
seized nnd placed under the control of
Comrade Rndck. That Is the man who ,
has been directing the movements of
the Spartucans In Germany.
Iljnlmnr Brnntlng, tho Swedish so
clnllst leader, addressing tho socialist
congress In Paris, warned his hearers
of tho results of soviet government,
which he said meant absolute eco
nomic decomposition, misery and fam
ine. Tho congress passed resolutions
demanding the return to the state of
excess war prollts and tho levying of
special taxes on wealthy establish
ments, financial monopolies, concerns
dealing In luxuries, railways and large
enterprises such ns mines nnd banks.
A reduction In tho hours of labor, the
fixing of minimum wages nnd rigor
ous protection of mothers, nnd chlldret
wero also demanded.
The Victory lonn cnmpnlgn was
launched Inst week and the results of
the first few days wero so satisfactory
that tho treasury olllclals wero almost
surprised. The slogan, "Let's Finish
tho Job," has caught the public mind
mid Is catching the public's dollars,
and tho enthusiasm displayed all over
tho country Is no less than thnt dis
played In the former loan campaigns.
Tho drive Is greatly aided by the pros
enco of returned lighters mid of cap
tured German submarines, cannon nnd
President Carranza threw his som
brero Into the ring Inst week with an
nttnek on tho Monrno doctrine. In a
formal statement his foreign depart
ment snld : "The conferenco now meet
ing at Paris has considered the recog
nition of tho Monroo doctrine. Some
governments, friends of Mexico, hnvo
usked Mexico for Its opinion regarding
the doctrine, and the Mexican depart
ment of foreign relations has answered
that tho Mexican government bus not
recognized nnd will not rccognlzo tho
Monroe doctrine or any other doctrine
that attacks tho sovereignty and inde
pendence of Mexico."
But who cares?
Carranza alho ordered his minister
to Franco to withdraw to Spain be
cause, though ho has been in Paris
since Dccombor, ho has not yet boerj
permitted to present his credentials t
the French coverument.
Counterfeiter Caught! The New York health authorities had a Droob
lyn manufacturer sentenced to tha penitentiary for selling throughout
iha United States millions of 'Talcum powder" tablets as Aspirin Tablets,
Don't ask for Aspirin Tablets Always say "Bayer.
Don't buy Aspirin in a pill box! Get Bayer package!
The genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" hnte tceri
proved safe by millions for Pain, Headache, Neuralgia,
Toothache, Earache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Colds,
Grippe, influenzal Colds, Joint Pains, Neuritis. Proper
dose in every "Bayer" package. American ownedl
Boxes of 12 tablets Bottles of 24 Bottles of 100 Also Capsules.
Aeatrfca It Us trade auric of Drr Manafaetare ef aConoecctlcacideatar ef feHcyBaaaM
In Demand.
"Who Is your favorite screen star?"
"A man named Blobbs."
"I never heard of him. What com
pany Is ho with?"
"He's nt the bend of his own com
pany, nnd along about fly time ho does
n lund-oftlco business." Birmingham
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never
Suspect It
Applicants for Insurance Often
Judging from report? from druggists
who are constantly in dfrcct touch with
tho public,! there is one preparation that
has been very successful in overcoming
these conditions. The mild and healing
influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is
soon realized. It stands tho highest for
its remarkable record of success.
An examining physician for one of the
prominent Life Insurance Companies, in
an interview of tho subject, tnado tho as
tonishing statement that one reason why
so many applicants for insurance aro re
jected is because kidney trouble is so
common to the American people, and the
largo majority of those whose applica
tions are declined do not even suspect
that they have the disease. It is on sale
at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes,
medium and large.
Ilowcvcr, if you wish first to test this
great preparation -send ten. cents to Dr.
Kilmer & "i Binghamton, N. Y for a
sample bottle. When writing bo sure and
mention this paper. Adv.
Glittering Highways.
"Why don't you tnko charge of that
niau who Is acting so qucerly?"
"I will In time," answered the bl
cyclo policeman. "I always like to let
him enjoy himself for awhile. Be Im
agines he's SInbnd the Bailor, and when
ho sees all the glass In the roadway
ho thinks he's In tho valley of dia
monds." FRECKLES
Nsw Is tie Tubs ts Get Rid sf Tata Ugly Spell
There's no looser the illfbteit need of feeling
ashamed of your f reck lee. ai Othlne double
etrenjta U guaranteed to remove three homely
Simply get an ounce of Othlna double
strength from your drugglet, end apply a tittle
f It night end morning end you inould toon eee
that area the wont frecklre litre brgnn to die
appear, while the lighter on re biT Tinlebed en
tirely. It le seldom that mora then one ounce
le needed to completely clear the akin and gala
a beautiful clear complexion.
n aure to aak for the double atrengtb OUflne,
aa thla le Bold under guarantee of money beck
If It falls to remote frtckle Adr,
A Chesterfield In the Rough.
Lady I think you are tho worst
looking tramp I hnvo ever seen.
Tramp Lady, It Is only In the pres
ence of such uncommon beauty that I
look so bad.
will quiet your cough, soothe the In
flammation of a sore throat and lungs,
atop Irritation In the bronchial tubes,
Insuring a good night's rest, free from
coughing and with easy expectoration
In tho morning. Made and sold tn
America for fifty-two years. A won
derful prescription, assisting Nature In
building up your general health and
throwing off the disease. Especially
useful in lung trouble, asthma, croup,
bronchitis, etc. For aale In all cItII
Iced countries. Adv.
Of two evils some men choose the
lesser unless there Is more money In
the other one.
A cat can look at a king without
putting up tho ante.
yW Waolesinee, Cleiislii,
W Oil aT RelresalBB and Heallii
Ullaa MurineforRcd.
ncss. Soreness, Granula
tion.ItchlngandDumlng "2 Drona" After iha Moviaa. Matorlnar or Golf
will win your confidence. Aak Your Dnustat
for Murine when your Eyes Need Care. JZ-ll
Mc4a Sy Raaaady Co. GhUtm
Always say, "Give me genuine
Bayer Tablet of Aspirin.' " Insist
you want only the Bayer package:
with the "Bayer Croat" Oh til
package and on the tablets.
Life In the Army.
First Orderly Sergeant You know.
Bill, n man's mind gets pretty rusts;
after a few months of this life.
Second Orderly Sergeant Righto I
I haven't used my bend for n thing
lately except as a drill ground for mjr
razor. Judge.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach the seat of tlia disease.
Catarrh In a local dlsonse, greatly Influ
enced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S
CATAlCmi MKUICINI2 will euro catarrh.
It In taken Internally and acts throuals
the Dlood on the Mucous Surface of tlia
Is componed ot some of the best tontca
known, combined with some of the best
blood purifiers. The perfect combination
of tho Ingredients In HALL'S CATARRH
MEDICINE la what produces such won
derful results In catarrhal conditions.
DruHtsts 75c. Testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney Co., Props., Toledo, X
Flow happy Is ho that owes nothing
but to himself.
Wnnt of tnct Is nn Incurable lav
head feeli
thiok ot
aches, when
1 one feels all
perhaps a
tongue it
is the signal
that poisoni
are accumu
lating in tht
system, and
should be
cleaned out
nt nnm.
Auto-intoxication can be best!
aacriDea to our own neglect or
carelessness. When the organs fail
in the discharge of their duties,
the Dutrefactive serins set in ana
generate toxins actual poisonay
which fill one's own body.
Sleepiness after meals, flushing
of the face, extreme lassitude, biK
iousness, dizziness, sick headache,
acidity of the stomach, heartburn. .
offensive breath, anemia, loss of
weight and muscular power, de
crease of vitality or lowering of
resistance to infectious diseases,
disturbance of tho eye, dyspepsia,
indigestion, gastritis, many forma
of catarrh, asthma, car affection
and allied ailments result from
auto-intoxication or self-poisoning.
Take castor oil, or procure at
tho drug store, a pleasant vege
table laxative, called Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets, composed of
May-apple, aloes and jalap.
Your Best Asset
A Skin Cleared By
Sample each free of "OaUewa, De t. a, SteUa."
Paelflo drove with Ita Ideal climate fa.
moua summer and winter reaort city oa
eharmlnc Monterey Bay Ul miles south
ef Ban Franclico. Wonderful flahlns: world'
renowned auto drlvea along- rusted ahorea
and In beautiful pine, oak and eyprcas
foreita. Free literature. Addreaa Chambaa)
et Commerce, Paeiao Urote. Cal.
7aa1 Atollel preparation of martv
r . BelpatoeradloaaedaadriJC..
t-JH For ftaeteriauj Color a4
r-"5! Uou ry to Ore r or Faded Hair.
yjj eaa. and SLOP aaPrerrlata.
120 acrea, 4 mllea from atatlons 120 acres
broken; I good wellaj aeepase: no Irrlsatloa
aeoeaaarri good corn land; considerable bay.
Con. K. O'Oyrne, 121 Hymaa Uldg-., Denver,
Acratsl do buys, lb, of our wonderful Herbat
drlvea moat atubbom rheumatism entirety out
of system. Rheumatism Uarb Co., Venice, Cal,
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 18-1919.
gtjXA I?lgagSSSsal
ea7o x. . hl. tBBaeaaasSl
g vgx.MfflBaWBar