The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 08, 1919, Image 1

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We can handle some more Business
and We would like to have Yours
If you feel as we do about this
come in and let us talk it over
Interest paid on Time Deposits
Deposits Guaranteed by Depositors
I Guarantee Fund of State of Nebraska
Webster County Bank
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Edward Floiance, President
, WmH'lOT
Get YOUR GROCERY Supplies of
Choice Candies,
Full Supply
All Kinds
Canned Goods
Everything in Groceries
and Queensware
A Few Pieces of Fine Hand-painted China
Licensed in Kansas and Nebraska
S. R. Floiance, Cashier
Fresh Cookies
of Pecans
of Nuts
Fine Apples
V -- ' -- - '- i -.. . -i -- - -. . M r - - - i . , . . .1 ..Iili -- .. -. - j. -- J
A FlewsHter Tkat aire The News
School Board Increases
Salary of Five Teachers
Unci Cloud, Nebr.
May 5, 1910.
Board met in regular aosmon with
all members present, Uluelderige pre
siding. The following bills were read and
J. W. Pepper & Son ,
M. Witmark & Sons. . ..
Nebr. School Supply House
Lincoln Fine Arts Shop .
Hall & McCreary ..
The Gregg Pub. Co .
Malone-Gellatly Co ...
Red Cloud Chief. .
Hansen Laundry
Roy Sattley
Piatt & Ficcs Co
Turnurc & Son
Morhart Uros .
S 3.00
- 5.87
. 63.00
.. 1.09
.... 3.08
. 280.1G
J. 30
.. 3.00
. 206.51
... 5.03
.. 20.15
Supt. Whitehead made tho follow
ing report: "For the first time since
the cry beginning of school we are
free from serious interruption. There
are no cases of "flu" or other epi
demic among the .student body .so fur
as I know. Consequently there no
longer exists any reason for tho non
attendance of any child of school age.
There are some, however, who are
not in school. 1, therefore, recom
mend again that the Hoard appoint a
truant or attendance officer who will
sec that the law is complied with.
"In view of tho movement in the
diiection of vocational education at
the prefcent time and tho assistance
offered through the recently enacted
Smith-Hughes law, the courses of
study in the High School should be
immediately planned along vocational
line.i. 1, therefore, lecommcnd that
the Ileal d take immediate steps to
make the Red Cloud High School a
Smith-Hughes High School.
"I am pleased to report the follow
ing cash collections:
Fines for first semester. . . SG.30
Telephone service .... .75
Texts sold . , 1.1)0
Total $7.95
"The tuition statement for noif-ic-i
dents in the High School for tho first
semester is considerably i educed on
account of the large number of those
who were obliged to absent them
selves from sch6ol on account of hav
ing the "flu," cither themselves or in
the home. This statement shows the
tuition due tho district to be $1233.59.
The amount should be gi eater during
the current semester."
.Mrs. .1. A. ISradford came before
the Hoard with a petition signed by
ten mothers of pupils of the 2nd
grade, asking that Mrs. Hogue be rp
fuscd a contract for the ensuing
year. On "motion the secretary was
instructed to hold up the contract of
Mrs. Hogue, and the Teachers com
mitto was authorized to look into the
matter and make report at the next
Board now adjourned Sine Die.
Pursuant to adjournment of old
Hoard the oiganization of the new
Hoard resulted as follows:
Wm. Wcesner President.
Dr. Hoxsey Vice President.
C. J. Pope Secretary.
, Credentials and oath of office of
Mrs. Carrio Sherwood and E. L.
Grimes, members elect, were received
and placed on file.
Motion made and carried that tho
agricultural farm bo rented to tho
highest bidder. Chairman Wcesner
appointed Beozley and Pope as a
committee of two, to look after tho
On 'motion by Mrs. Sherwood and
seconded by Hoxsey it was decided to
retain tho following five teachers at
an advance in salary:
wanei rope. $120.00
Minnie Christian.
Ethel Owen
Eltina Rickard 05,00
Fay Wuinor.. go'00
No Author business Hoard ad
journed. C J. POPE, Secy.
Next Sunday is Mothers' Day.
Flftytwi Weeks Each Year Far $1.50
City Accepts Peterson Offer
Ma.or Pope called the Council to
gether in regular session at tho
Council chambers Tuesday night, all
members present and after tho
minute of tho April 29th meeting
were lead and approved, Council en
deavored to muke it clear to C. T.
Smith, that the deposit of $5.00 for
light ho was required to put up, was
a charge made under a resolution
passed last summor and applied to
new connections made since that
The annual report of the City
tilerk was next presented and placed
on file, after which Roy Rust, secre
tary of the Fire Department, appear
ed and notified the Council that tho
recent lains had considerably dam
aged the walls of the Firemen's Hall.
The matter was referred by the may
or to the Building Committee.
Frank Peterson was present and
his oiler to pay the city $250 per
month for the first four months, with
a sliding scale of six cents for 1 to
500 k w five cents for 501 to 2000
k. w. four cents from 2001 to -1000
k. w.. and three cents for 4001 k. w.,
and ocr; for balance of the year, for
juice with which to operate his arti
ficial ice plant, was accepted. Mr.
Pctcifon agrees to advance the price
of n transformer.
The following claims were allowed:
PlaM &. Frees , $33 80
L F. Starke . , 5 00
Cha. Barrett 19 50
M. H. Robertson 16 50
S. T. Mountford 2 1 00
Let There be Light
Is it tho practice of vr timo oeono
nn, hick of funds or pure carelessness
t lint is responsible for tho absence of
sticet lights thioiighout the city'.' The
number of visible lights Piuih night can
bi- counted on tle Illinois or both
bunds leaving u few to spate. Our city'
luttnorltli's, commercial olub and citi.
ens assemble at stated inteiviils and
dUitiss way and means of advancing
Hid city along coinmeicial lii os; tho
vaiious Indies' oiguniiitioiis have
spfiit cotiMileiuble time and energy in
nn i-IVoit to hno the city denned up
and beautified and everyone is boost
in' for a better Red Cloud. In spite
of nil this combined effort tho city Is
in darkness oory night. Any poison
who is compelled to be out after dark
must either carry their own "llliimina.
tlon ' or take chances of being injured
while attempting to find their way In
the dark. Will it requirou suit against
the city for daiuuges by some victim of
the darkness to induce the eitv authori
ties to give this matter attention?
$113,714.80 for Good Roads
On May ,'lrdVho state engineer's olllco,
at Lincoln, Issued a btiitemeut or the
total amount of funds provided for
each eotiuty in the state for road con
struction. This amount Includes both
statu and federal aid for 1017 aud 1918
but does not include the amount of
funds collected from automobile li
censes. Thestatols divided Into nineteen
districts, indicated by lettor. District
I is composed of Adams, Fianklln,
Webstor mid Kearney, the total of
which is 8169,01095. Webstor county's
share being 5113,711.80. The total
amount of state and fedeinl aid avail,
able for this district at tho present
time is 8293,158.11.
Rev. Tompkins Here Sunday
ltov. E. N. Tompkins of Trinity
ohuieh, Lincoln, will occupy the pul
pit of the Red Cloud M. 15. ohurch on
next Sunday, both morning and even
ing. This will be weleomo news to
the congregation, as well as others, as
Ror. Tompkins was for a number of
years pastor of the local chuich, and
during this time made mnny . frlonds
hero. It Ih needless to say that bo will
be wolcomed on next Sunday by a
hiiKO assemblage, who will welcome
the opportunity of again hearing one
of his eloquent sermons.
An Investment
In Happiness
nr O purchase a NEW EDISON is not an ex
penditure: it's an investment. It means
evenings filled with enjoyment oC the world's
host music RE-CREATED so perfectly as to be
indistinguishable from the interpretation of the
living ariists. And it menns evenings at home
where you don't spend a cent. To own The
New Edison means not only more happiness but
more money in the bank.
E. H. Newfrouse
Optometrist and Jeweler
i OF
Waists, Skirts, Dresses
At M. A. Albright's
Friday -Saturday, May 16-17
20 per cent Discount
4 on Suits and Capes
11011:1 iiiiu i! r,if!i,ii!amiii,iiii1Hi!iiiiiliiii1i!iiM1Lraiiiiii!LCjiiiii mi. uiwhiiuuiib im E.ruiiiiiJiiiiLamaiuiL'niiiDiJiaiimiiiiJ'mjiia'iriai'isa'iiLMsaS
Mr. and Mrs.
i Phone, Ind. Store 158,lRes,
Always these tires give the oood service. Thev are Extra
Tested. That's the reason.
bxtra Tested quality of Racine Country Road Tires?
5000 NILE
Remember! We Give You the BEST in
Vulcanizing, Repairing and Retreading.
R. C. SUTTON giSSggj
I hi 1 1"l Mi
Along every country road
you will see RACINE
Country Road Tires.
Why don't you profit by the
"' 1 .m. I'jiiiiii.nwiJ" it f!T'rf"iii!i!fciiiiy