LC3 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF fc I ..& c , K. !' vt DON'T Ask for "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" in a Bayer package marked with "Bayer Cross." You must say "Bayer." Never nsk for merely Aspirin tnblets. The pome "Bayer" mentis you nre Retting the genuine "Bnyer Tnblets of Aspirin," proven safe by millions of people. Don't buy Aspirin tnblets In n pill box. Insist on getting the Hnyor pack igo with the safety "Bnyer Cross" on both package nnd on tnblets. No oth tr way! Hewnre of counterfeits I Only re cently n Brooklyn manufacturer wits Rent to tilt. penltentinry for flooding the country with talcum powder tab let, which he claimed to be Aspirin. One wny to put In your time Is over the pawnbroker's counter. Wisdom, like chnrlty, begins nt home. -Dinah Maria Mulock. Important to Mothors Exnmlne cnrefully every bottle ot CASTOKIA, thnt fntnous old remedy for lnfnnts and children, nnd sco thnt It Bears the Signature of &M In Urg for Over 210 Yenrs. Children Cry for Fletcher's Cnstoriu A man always trios to follow the straight nnd nnrrow path when It t'omes to shoveling snow. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER has been a household remedy nil over the civilized world for more tlinn hnlf a century for constipation, Intestinal troubles, torpid liver and the generally depressed feeling that accompanies such disorders. It Is u most valuable remedy for Indigestion or nervous dys pepsia nnd liver trouble, bringing on headache, coming up of food, palpita tion of henrt, nnd ninny other symp toms. A few doses of August Flower will relieve you.- It Is n gentle laxa tive. Ask your druggist. Sold in ull civilized countries. Adv. Out of the Catalogue. A Franklin family had n catalogue from n mnll order house in their home, nnd the ehlldren had seen the different members of the family make their se lections from the book nnd send in nn I order fdr them. One dny one of the wins, Donald Itny, Miree years of nge, jnd been unusually naughty, and the mother aid : "Donald Hay, you nre such n naughty boy, trothcr wonders where ihe got such n bnd Vwy." Don'ild Buy, lustuntly replied: "Out of the cntitfogue, mother." Indlnn--ooUs Nes. In the Good Old Days. ''A ipoclul train passed through HlckTlIle t other day carryln' n lot of Eustcrn bonkers to u convention," fo uutrked Squire Witherbee. nVell?" "It nln't like It used to be. I enn recollect when my little son, Nnpolcon Witherbee, could pick up nt lenst n qunrter's worth of chumpngno bottles every time one of them bnnkers' trnlns hcsltnted nt HIckvllle." Birmingham Age-IIerald. Soldiers' Feet In Bad Shape. An inspection among feet nnd shoes of 1,097 soldiers In the Sixteenth Penn sylvania Infnntry showed: Corns, 750; callosities, 1,059; toes jammed or crowded, 030; hammer toes, 10; In growing nnlls, 702; bunions, 013; good feet, 200; men wearing shoes onc-hnlf Ize too smnll, 200; men wearing shoes one or more sizes too small, 470; men wearing shoes too large, 131. C&A&. jiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii! 1 Means Family Comfort ' when the boiling pot of Postum sings its 2 annrr nr riAnltri nnn aahorapHAn n AKa H " vim kitchen stove. THE ORIGINAL POSTUM led the way to comfort for many a family of coffee drinkers, for with the coming of Postum, away went the headaches, nervousness, sleeplessness and irritability that so often follow the the use of coffee. You can still buy that original Postum from your grocer an invigorating drink of rare, delicious flavor a beverage that is really part of the meal, not merely tomething to drink. s "There's Two sizes, usually s uiuuiuiiiuumuuiujiiiiiiiuiiuiiimiiiiiMiiiiHiiiiMiimiiiiiiiuHHiiuniuiiiimMUiiiuiumB BUY ASPIRIN IN A "PILL" BOX In the Bnyer pneknge nre proper di rections nnd the dose for Headache, Toothnche, Enrnche, Neuralgia, llheu mntlsm, Lumbngo, Sclntlcn, Colds, Grippe, Influenznl-Colds, Neuritis nnd pnln generally. "Buyer Tnblets of Aspirin," Amerl enn mnde nnd owned, nre sold In vest pocket boxes of 12 tnblets, which cost only n few cents, nlso In bottles of 21 nnd bottles of 100 also capsules. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mononectlcneldestcr of Snllcyllcneld. Speaking little and well gains re pute. Kffp dun lnIl t wll is ontBtdf by taklni J Kcntle luatlTP nt leant once a week, aucn 14 Doctor riftco'a l'lcaiant I'clleti. Adv. Cournge respects courage. Steven son. THE MEN IN CLASS Al A Hound, hpnltliy man is never n bnclc number. A mnn enn be ns vigorous nnd nblu nt seventy ns nt twenty. Condition, not yenrs, nuts you in the discard. A system weakened by overwork nnd care less living brings old aga prematurely. The bodily functions arc Impnlrcd nnd unpleasant symptoms npnenr. The wenk snot is generally tlio kidneys. Keep them elenn nnd in proper working con dition nnd you will generally find your self in Class A. Take GOLD MEDAL llnnrlcm Oil Capsules periodically and your system will always be In working order. Your spirits will be enlivened, your muscles supple, your mind active, nnd your body cnpablo of bard work. Don't wait until you havo been reject ed. Commence to be a first-class man now. Go to your druggist at once. Get n trial box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. They arc mado of the pure, original, Imported Haar lem Oil the kind your great-grandfather used Two capsules each day will keep you toned up nnd feeling fine. Money refunded if they do not help you. Itemember to nsk for the imported GOLD MEDAL Brand. In three sizes, sealed packuges. Adv. Want Old Fort Preserved. There is n movement nfoot for the preservntion of Fort Wllklns nt Cop per Ilnrbor, almost on the tip of the Keweenaw ponlnsuln, which Juts out Into Lake Superior, ownrd the Cana dian shore, CO miles. Fort Wllklns. es tablished in the forties by the federal government, wns one of the northern most of the United States army posts. It is located on Lnke Fanny lloey, n stone's throw from the shore of Lake Superior. There remain several of the old barracks and ofllcers' quarters, and remnants of the old stockade of point ed cedar poles can be seen. The Ke weenaw Historical society is back of the movement to preserve the fort. His Day of Reckoning. When Bill Jones, buck private, re turns to find his sergennt delivering the ico; the lieutenant collecting the bills for thu coal dealer; his captain trying to sell him a new car, and his major running for state senator take It from us, boy, his time for revenge has arrived. Judge. If Speed Is Wanted. Some girls get their ruddy cheeks by dally calisthenics, others by dolly cosmetics. Both ways are satisfac tory for obtulnlng results but you got to hand It to the latter for speed. Do you seek a great opportunity? You can And it precisely where you nre now. What is good is difficult. Plato. nuuumvuuu wu UIB E CEREAL a Reason tt sold at 15c and 25c. fttFKOVED UNIFORM INTEBHAT10NAL SflNMTSuM Lesson By nKV. P. II KITZWATEK. D P., Tenrhcr of KnKllnh Hlble In the N d Bible Institute of Chicago.) (Copjrlgtlt, 1DU. j W.-.IHH N'mnifr I'nlm I LESSON FOR MAY 4 MAN MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD. LKSSON TEXTS- CtencMs :i ::! Erne Slann 4:3KM; Ocnoln 2:7-!. GOLDEN TEXT-Uod created mun in his own ImiiKe (Jrn 1 .27. DEVOTIONAL UKADlXn-PKrtlms . IMMMAHY TOIMC-Ooil Our Creator and Father. Jl'NIOU TOPIC-Wlitit Hoil Expects From III.k Children. INTERMEDIATE TOI'lC-Loynlty to Our Heavenly Fntlier. SENIOIl AND ADOI.T TOPIC-The Dignity and Worth of Mun. I. Th2 Creation of Mnn ((Ion. 1:20 2S). 1. Time when the earth, his homo, was ready for hint. Tin order In creation shows design on the !nrt of God. lie antlelputed num's need In storing the coal In the earth, piling up minerals in the rocks, storing elec tricity everywhere, causing the water to gush from the valleys and hillsides, preparing plants nnd herbs for tbo healing of man's Injuries and food and raiment adapted to every climatic condition. 2. Ills nature (vv. 20, 27). He wns created In the likeness ami Image of Ood. This act was preceded by a spe cial counsel of the Godhead. It was mild, "Let us make man." This pre cludes the foolish and wicked assump tion that man ascended from or through the brute. He came Into be ing by a special creative act of God. This creative act Is conllrmed by Christ (Matt. 10:1; Mark 10:0). With such testimony we can dismiss the evolution theory as to man's origin as n human vagary. This likeness and Image Is not physical nnd bodily, but Intellectual. (Kph. 4:2-1), and moral, (Col. :t:10). Man Is spirit, soul and body (t Thos. 5:2:0. God's likeness Is reflected In man's tripartite nature. As there Is a trinity and unity in God, so there Is n trinity and unity In mnn. Spirit Is the highest part of mnn, thnt which makes It possible for him to know God. The soul Is man's self conscious life, the seat of bis emo tions nnd desires. The body Is the sent of the senses, the agency by which he knows the world. God mnde man with n personality cnpablo of having fellowship with himself, with whom be could share his glory. !I. His rank nnd power (vv. 20. 28). Man, the Inst In crentlon, was plnced above all rise, over all the rest of creation. Ilelng In the likeness nnd Imngo of'God, he wns fitted to rule. How far short mnn comes of living up to the position given him by the Creator I The first mnn was not a savage, neither a baby. Fresh from the Crentor's hnnds he possessed such lofty powers of Intellect as to enable him to name the bensts ns they possed before ulm. (Gen. 2:10. 20). II. Man Alone In Paradise (Gen. 2:7-0). Adam had n most benutlful place In which to live. "Plensnnt to the eyes, and good for food" describes his sur roundings. Ills envlrnnjnent wns In keeping with his nnture. Eden wns only fit for him In nn unfnllcn state. As soon as his nnture was wrecked, out he must go. Purndise with all Its splendor could not satisfy mnn. His heart was desolate. Reciprocal love Is the only thing thnt can sntlsy the heart of mnn. Animals of nil varie ties surrounded him, but none wero adapted to bo his companions. To ac centuate this need God caused the nnlmnls to pass before Adam. He wns differentiated from all the anlninls in that ho was a personality. He wns endowed with the power of love, there fore only n being who could love In return could satisfy him. To meet this need woman wns mnde for man. They had minds nllke; they had spir itual natures alike; therefore they could commune together about the things thnt Burrounded thera and about God. Mnn wns made from the dust of the ground nnd womnn wns taken from his side. She Is therefore one re move further from the earth than man. The fnct thnt womnn was mado from man's rib points tr unity, simi larity and equality. God charged this first pair with the responsibility of replenishing the earth, (Gen. 1:28). Mnrrlnge Is o divine Institution nnd most sacred; for God made them male and female and performed the first marriage ceremony. In view of this, polygamy and divorce nro gross ly crlmlnnl. Mnrrlnge Is tho fountain head of all life, religious, social nnd national, therefore corruption here Is most fatal. A Joy Forever. An nsplratlon Is a joy forever. To havo mnny of these is to bo spiritually rich. Stevenson. Motives. Mr. Gladstone was onco heard to remnrk thnt If all the wits of men were to be united In one brain, thnt man would bo unable to appraise with perfect Justlco any single moral nctlon. "Tho shades of tho rainbow," ho wrote, "are not so nice, tho snnds of the senflhoro arc not such n multi tude, ns aro tho subtle, shifting, blending forms of thought nnd of clr cumstances thnt go to determlno thtf chnracter of one act. nut there is ana that sccth plainly and Judgcth righteously." ADD "HORRORS OF WARFARE" When the Army Captain and the Hos pital Nurse Consult the Dic tionary Toqether. . I dropped Into n French hnspltnl the other day to see If my men wero "II right. There Is the daintiest littler plrl in the office. She buzzes nround among the books nnd files nnd Indices nnd things, She Is very accommodat ing, too, and when the lieutenant doc tor, who has n little English, Is not In. she pilots you around the differ ent unrds. Did you ever notice nn American when he talks to a foreign er and realizes that It does not take? First he tries shouting nt the top of his lungs, nnd then he tries talking very slowly nnd distinctly. Not so when a French girl sees that she Is mining. She seems to feel that If she keeps on getting closer, and coos It. you Munehow Just must understand. Now, Isn't that too absurd? You stand very still so as not to frighten her away ami look at her out of the comer of your eye, but you don't mit your mind on a our business. Of ull the 'mologles that might Interest you Just then, ety has the poorest chance. Of course, when I go to the hospital to see my men, I have to find out In the olllce where they all are, and of course I know the lieutenant doctor's dinner hour. I go In nnd she looks up nnd smiles. I say: "Smith." She says, "Sineeth?" I say, "Oul." and we both sinlle. I say, "John Stnllh." She says, "John Smooth?" r say, "Oul," and wo smile again. Then she plunges Into n drawer of well-thumbed cards and In n moment comes up triumphant with n bit of pasetboard. "Mumps?" says she. which In French sounds like mumps In English. "Oul, mumps," say I, and wo fairly beam. Sometimes we get a hard one llko measles, and then we resort tT) n dictionary. When you try to talk through a dictionary you never get nn.vwhoro If you take It turn about. Vott must both look together. One day we pursued a most elusive word through a very small dictionary. Sho got an arm around my shoulder before we had captured the third 'syllable. You see, don't you, where going to a hospital might become a habit? Capt. Hill I'. Wilson In K. U. Graduate Magazine. France Building Long Canal. Notwithstanding tho war, the largest tunnel ltj the world Is well under course of construction In France, Its object being to give Marseilles connec tion with Paris nnd the Interior of tho country In general by rail nnd wa ter. Tho canal will provide amplo waterway for bnrkes. The entire proj ect Involves tho building of a new hnrlior nnd the cutting of a ship canal, actually tunneled through solid rock for live long miles, Joining tho old har bor and the Mediterranean t( tho Itlver Rhone. The Rhone's upper stretches nro plucid, and already are used extensively for barge nnvlgntlon, but near Marseilles the stream Is far too turbulent for commerce. A range of hills bnd prevented tho construc tion of a canal In days gone by. Now, with Frnnce energized by the war and with tho necessity for tho cnnnl emphnslzed thereby, the tunnel Is be ing cut and tho canal will soon be opened. The work was begun In 1011 12, nnd has been continued through the war. By this cttnnl and links al ready available, barges can be sent from the Medltcrrnneun to the English channel. The Human Hyena. "How cusy It Is to fling n qoln to a beggar 1" philosophically said Profes sor Pate. "Thus you purchase relief from tho sympathetic feeling aroused by his misery, but love Is withheld. If you really lovo the beggar you would do more for him." "Possibly," returned J. Fuller Gloom. "At any rate I have taken your little lecture so much to heart that here after I expect to carry with me small cakes of soap Instead of coins, and to each mensly mendicant who Impor tunes mo fling one cake, with the ad monition thnt he wash his face there with, so that on tho morrow when I como by thnt way I can see how ho looks nnd thus determine whether or not I enn ever love him." Kansas City Star. Paris Craze for English Nurses. The Bols de IJoulogno (writes a spe cial corrospondent of Manchester Guardian) is a lovely scene. Resides United States soldiers riding and French soldiers walking, and members of the Polish legion with their Bqunre, floppy enps, ono sees there numbers of children French children, of course, but more than half of them had Eng lish nurses, und wero speaking Eng lish to them. It is very noticeable, this fashion for English-trained nurses. Tho children's clothes are modeled much more on the linos ot English children's clothes bright-colored cloth coats and llttio beuvcr hats. Fear Radium Shortage. A shortago of radium was recently foreenst by Dr. Rlnnchard R. Moore of the United Stntes bureau of mines. "It is difficult to estimate the amount of radium In existence nt present," snld Doctor Moore. "Six years ago tho en gineers of the bureau of mines esti mated that nt the current rate" of pro duction the deposits might last, com mercially, 10 or 12 years." There Are Some. Two little boys wero overheard re cently discussing their respective schools. "My teacher is a war bride,' boasted tho older one. Tho llttio one thought a minute, .Then a look of relief spread over hit face. "That's nothing," ho retorted, i "ours Is a Civil war veteran." WRIGIEYS The Flavor Lasts! yv. imi ways the best buy for the FTice RATS DENIZENS OF DESERT There Aro Species That Have Their Abodes. Far From tho Habita tions of Mankind. We are necustomed to think of rats as companions of man; and bo they arc, two species of them, tho brown and tho black. Also there Is tho mouse, which Is a smnll kind of rat. Dut there aro other species which do not seel; human companionship tree-dwelllug rats and desert rnts, ays an exchange. Tho kangaroo rat of our Western deserts gets its name from itfl habit of standing erect nnd hopping about on Its hind legs. Tho "pack rat" has a bad reputa tion as a thief. Campers havo to bo constantly on their guard against its depredntions, Inasmuch ns It will car ry off all sorts of small articles and hido them In Its nest, which is a structuro of twigs and lenves two or three feet high. If a spoon Is miss ing tho chances are that a pack rat has eloped with It The Jumping mouse Is a familiar rodent In ,tho American deserts. Its name describes its method of locomo tion, and It feeds on the seeds of desert plants. Biggest of all rats Is the "Jerboa," which is native to western Asia. It la as largo ns a (unall cat nnd noc turnal in habit. With very smull front legs, it Is built much llko a kangaroo, and gets about by tremendous leaps. New Game. "Wo'ro going to have a grab bag nt oar sociable," said tho cheery woman to Mr. Growcher. "You mean one of those things where everybody reaches In and tries to help himself to the best of It?" "Something llko that. Only ,1 should llko a more modern and elegant name for It 1" "Well, why don't you call It 'leaguo of nations?'" Protection. First Fly "Tulnk it Is finfo to hnng around?" Second Fly "Yes, I havo joined a league of swatters." f fm The greatest lBii j five-cents worth fHl of beneficial wKsi srtedTUAt-KeptRtttrt refreshment ' 'Bl -3rTi possible fHi B tofiet. HI ir-sRI Lasts Mf si ML LF All Food No Vhste If you want an appetiz ing ready-to-eat cereal that you can serve with! no fuss and with fullest satisfaction, try Orape-Hts Tho courteous gambler acqulraf wealth by his winning ways. "T "CoU In the Head" la an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh, sons Who ara iubUct to fraquant " in tha haad" will nnd that tha ni HALL'S CATARRH .MEDICINU Dutia up. inn Byitam, citania tna and render tham leia llafaia n Repeated attacks of Acuta Catarrh leaa to unronic untarrn. HALL'S CATAItnil MEDICINS la ' an Internally and acts throush tha Bletsl on ine jnucoua uurracca or tna Bjratesa. AH Druiclsts 75c. Testimonials free, $100.00 for any case of catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will BSS3 cure. r. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, Ohle. Year's Mineral Products. Tho estimated valuo of tho mineral products of this country for 1018 1st moro than $5,000,000,000, which la moro than $150,000,000 Incrensoxover 1017, nnd nenrly $2,000,000,000 more than 1010. Tho estlmntes show that the output of pig Iron, copper, ferre alloys, lead, zinc, gold, silver and aluminum was valued at slightly as dcr $2,000,000,000 in 1018, as ngalnst a llttio moro than $2,000,000,000 In 1017. whereas tho nonmetnlllc products, the principal of which aro coal, petroleum, clay products, cenient nnd nntural gas, wero valued nt moro than $3,250,000 000 In 1018, as against less than $3 000,000,000 In 1017. , t Life's Hard 8chool. " "Is It necessary to do much read lng to becomo a philosopher?" "No. Tho only real philosopher X ever knew was a man who probably; hadn't read half a dozeu books sine ho acquired a grammar school educa tion." "But where did he learn philos ophy?" "It was taught him by a nagging wlfo, a Btnall Income and seven chtt dren." Birmingham Ago-Hernld. Don't fall to keep an eye upon tha friend who offers you suggestions at tho expense of another friend. We do most for others when w mako tho most of ourselves. Our character Is our will ; for what wo will wa are. Archbishop Manning, M ll!9