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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1919)
RED OLOUD, 'NEBRASKA, CHIEF wrm.iammr-wr' ltllllll!!l)lllllllimilllllllllllllllllllllMilllltlM The Thirteenth Commandment IIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM CHAPTKR XXI Continued. 14 When Bnynrd opened tho door CIny Bwopt In like n Miirch gale. He flung himself nt Ilayurd nnd clenched his clbown In his hands mid roared: "Uuyurdl Bnyard I It's come I We're rich 1 Wo'ro mndol Kurckul Unccdnl Munitions I Wow I Listen I Tho other night while I was trailing n Job In darkest New Jersey I ran across n llttlo clue, and n llttlo man who told mo a llttlo secret The Ger mans have been getting ready for this war for years, piling up guns and nm munition for Uer Tag. Tho other countries wcro caught only half ready. They havo stopped tho Germans on tho Marne, hut thoy'vo been using their shells nt such a rntu that the famlno Is ncur. Their only hope Is to buy supplies of us. They're going to dump enough contracts oil this coun try to furnish about u million dollars to every citizen. Their agents are pussy-footing round to dlstrlbuto con tracts quietly. "The Bethlehem Steel company has gathered In a big lot f them, nnd I had a tip that the stock was going to boom; so arc a lot of other stocks. I'd sell my right arm for a little cash. Hut there's no market for detached right arms, so I used mine to sign up a few llttlo contracts for placing con tracts, nnd I'vo plucked them and brought them to you." Ho broko Into dnnco nnd whirled Unynrd off his feet. Bayard tried to bo patient. "That's nil very interesting, Chiy, but take your delusions down to Ilellovue, whero they'll put you In tho right cell. What can you or I do with ammuni tion contrncts?" "Accept 'cm, you blamed IJltl Open up your old ehut-up factory nnd get busy." "Wo havo no machinery for making nmmunltlon." "Get It, then, or ndnpt your ma chinery J They n,ced millions of ench article, for thero aro millions of men In tho field using up what thoy'vo got so fast that It's only n matter of weeks boforo they'll bo desperate." Uayard began to eco tho scheme also tho obstacles. "But It takes money to mako those things. When' will wo get tho cash for tho pay rolls and tho rnw materials?" "From tho bonks I The bnnks nro bursting open with Idlo money; It's rotting on their hands I" Bayard went aglow with tho realiza tion of tho opportunity. Ho began to trcmblo nt tho vision of tho sudden avalanches of wcnlth pouring down tho bleak mountains of despair. He could hear tho rour of tho Niagaras of gold. Daplmo and Lclln enmo rushing from concealment. Clny's beatitude was so complete that ho forgot his- re Bcntments nnd kissed them both. Unynrd was frantic to bo nt work. IIo resolved to telephono tho presi dent of his company at onco and lay 'tho matter before him. Leila cnnnlly advised Bnyard to grasp tho whip hand of the situation and keep It She began to dnnco about tho room like a Miriam celebrating tho passago of tho Red sen. "Tho first thing we'll do," sho said, "will bo to get my Jewelry out of tho pawnshop and tho second will bo to buy some more. And, oh, tho dresses and tho lints 1" This asserted a sobering effect on Bayard. "No," ho announced. "We've gono through hades onco becauso I gambled away my reserves. This tlmo I'm going to get n big reserve before I spend a cent. I'll never risk nuother , ordenl llko tho ono wo'vo been through. No moro fractures of tho Thirteenth for me I" Leila laughed. , Bayurd went to tho telephone to start tho wheels of tho factory In mo tion by summoning the president to council. Ho paused to nsk: "IIo'll want to know who tho foreign agent Is you aro dealing with? Or aro thero several? Who shnll I say?" "Wcthcrell," said Clay. Tho great Skoda gun that suddenly ono' day dropped n monster shell In Dunkirk twenty miles off could hardly hnve caused moro stupefaction than the nnmo of Wcthcrell detonating In that room. Daphne snatched her hand from Clay's. Bnyard sprang up so sharply thnt ho almost throw Leila forward on her face. Instinctively ho caught her by tho arm and saved her from falling. But Instantly ho thing her arm from him In u gush of disgust. Clay goped at tho tableau In bewil derment. IIo hnd not dreamed that any of tho three had ever heard of Wcthcrell. Ho could not Iniuglno tho bitterness tho nnmo Involved. "Will somo kind friend plenso tell mo what all tho excitement Is about?" This was not easy. Who wanted to tell Clay that Leila had just been ac cused of neglecting her husbund nnd her own duties for tho society of this very Wcthcrell? Leila herself was tho ono that told him. "Look here, Bydle," Leila cooed and billed, "don't you think you'vo dono enough? You'vo shown mo that you don't trust me and you'vo ordered Mr, Wcthcrell never to conio near mo uguln. Isn't that enough without beg garing us all for spite? What else Is It but cheup, nnsty spite?" "It's a great deal moro than spite," Bayard groaned. "Do you think I'll accept favors from a mun who has been courting you and got caught at It? I'd rather sturvel" "Well, I wouldn't 1" Leila averred. "And I'm not going to starve. And I'm not going to let you commit hnrl knrl on WcthercU's doorstep Just to splto him. I tell you again, onco for nil, there was nothing wrong in Weth ercU'fl behavior, absolutely nothing. It's outrugcous that you should accuse mo of such horrlblo things." So Bayard was coerced Into having his llfo saved by his enemy. It was one thing, however, to consent to deal with Wetherell, and another to devise a tolerable reconciliation. "Well," Bnyard sighed, "beggars can't bo choosers. If I'd saved my money I shouldn't havo to toko Weth erell's money." Bnynrd called up tho president of Ida company at the olllce. Ills oration inado n huge success. Bayard began to smile to himself, to wink nt tho spectators, and finally to sharo In tho apparent rupture of his dlstuut cur-to-car. The end of the ninttcr was that when Bayard left tho telephono ho was a new mnn. He had cunningly rnlscd his chief's hopes to tho highest de gree, yet withhold tho nnmo of the Kngllsh agent. IIo explained that he intended to take Leila's ndvlco and uso his knowledgo as n lever for his own advancement and Clny's. Clay nnd Bnynrd sat down to mako figures, nnd tho tall: grew too tech nical for the women to endure. After hearing the first music of Bayard and Clay chanting In hundreds of thou sands of dollars Daphne stole out un heeded and went up to her own room. Mr. Chlvvla was sitting by n win dow In mournful Idleness. Mrs. Chlv vis was stitching away at her em broidery. Sho was cheerful for her. She told Daphno that she had found a market for her needlework; tho prices were poor but they were real. Sho advised Duplmo to got to work with her. Daphne hnd not tho courage to say that her brother and her betrothed were nbout to becomo plutocrats. She said only that Bho was very tired. And there Is no moro exhausting drain on tho nerves than their response to unexpected good news. It Is more fatiguing than bad. She was sur prised ami shocked, too, to find how snobbish sho was nil of n sudden ubout tho petty cnrnlngs of a Chlvvls. CHAPTER XXII. In thoso days tho United States of America suddenly woke to tho fact that they could pull themselves out of bankruptcy by helping tho benight ed stntcs of Europe Into It. There wero sudden geysers of for- tuno and sudden collapses of failure. As In' bonanza times, many wero ru ined, while tho few prospered. But Clay and Bnyard seemed to touch nothing thnt did not turn to gold. Bnyard had gained Immense prestige So Bayard Was Coerced Into Having His Life Saved by His Enemy. with his firm becauso of tho huge orders he brought In. IIo took all tho power, that was accorded nnd grasped for more. Ills most reckless audacities wero rewarded with suc cess. He rodo n tidal wave and swam with It so well that nil his progress seemed to bo due to his own power. Bnyard astounded Dutllh with tho solution ofUmt old account, and with a cash payment for now gowns In celebration of his new glory. IIo did not forget his own people, lie tele graphed his mother a thousand dol lars and almost slow her with amaze ment, lie telegraphed his father sim ply tho prtco of, a railroad ticket to New York and a peremptory sura inous to take the first train cast LIS ' m IHiii mm, 'VMMuwMwi 7 vi j ymm :m vm wvzumkcu mmmmmmM M&T - 0 When Daphno heard this sho had to sit down to keep from falling down. Bnyard resuscitated her with a check for n thousand dollars. It meant nothing moro to her thnn abraca dabra. Tho whole Incredible altera tion was a fairy story to her. Sho mado n faint attempt to refuse tho gift, but Bayard forced It back Into her palm and closed her fingers on It. Sho repaid Bnyard with kisses till sho lost count nnd embraces till they both lost breath. Then she borrowed from him enough cash to pny her moss-grown bl'.l with the Chlvvlses. Daphno coilld not wult for tho elc vator. She ran up several flights of stairs, scratched the door with her palsied latchkey and Hung herself Into Mrs. Chlvvls' arms and kissed her even Mrs. Chlvvls. Her apology was tho money for tho bill. She Haunt ed beforo her tho check bearing tho heavenly legend commanding (ho Fifth Avenue bank to "pay to Daphne Kip or order ono thousand and no hun dredths dollars" on penalty of Incur lug tho displeasure of "Bnynrd Kip." Mrs. Chlvvls handled the parchment with reverence, and permitted her husband to touch it. It might havo been ono of the golden leaves of tho sacred Book of Mormon, and sho n scaled wife of Brlghnm himself. "What ure you planning to do with all this?" sho said at length. "I don't know," said Duphno. "What would you suggest?" "You were planning to go Into busi ness. Why not uso this as capital?" "Fine I Whnt business ought I to start banking? or battleship build ing, or what?" "There's embroidery," said Mrs. Chlvvls. Daphne had to guffaw at that Mrs. Chlvvls did not laugh. "I mean it," she urged ; "think It over." "All right, I'll think It over." x1q novelty of being rich lost Its savor with Leila, and tho monotony of being neglected began to prey upon her damask soul. Sho and Daphne forgot their mutual grievances for their common grievance. "That's tho trouble with theso hus bands," Leila grumbled. "When they're In bad luck you can't loso 'em, and when they'ro In good you can't find 'em." "It's tho sarao with fiances," said Daphne. Daphno had the worst of It, for Leila began to wander again, leaving Daphno to tho society of Mrs. Chlvvls, who kept urging her to invest her dwindling thousnnd beforo It was gone. But in tho environs of noisy riches tho schemes of Mrs. Chlvvls de manded such prolonged labor for such minute profit that Daphno remained cold. Sho began to resent Clny's neglect morosely. Tho few nttentlons ho paid her only Insulted her; his mind was so far nway and his heart was all for his business. IIo was dazzled by tho fierce white light of success, and he spoke to Daphne In a kind of drowsy hypno sis. And he spoke incessantly of tho details of his business, or his gam blings. IIo could not seo how deaf sho was to tho very vulgar fractions of his speculations, or tho mad arith metic of his commissions. Sho yawned in his face when ho grew eloquent on the dynamics of wealth, the higher philosophies or finance. And ho never knew. He kissed her good-by ns .if ho wero kissing a government bond, safe and quiet and all his own. After one of Clay's visits Mrs. Chlv Vis found Daphno In a brown study. Mrs. Chlvvls explained her own af fairs; and Dnphno was so exhausted with the sultry problems of love that Mrs. Chlvvls' business gossip was com pletely refreshing. "I've been down to tho Woman's ex change," f.ho said, "trying to sell some of my needlework. They wero very nlco nbout It, but It menus a terrible amount of labor for a pittance of money. You havo to puy them so much a year for the prlvllego of put ting your things on sale there. Then tbv don't guarantee to return It in go id condition, and they don't guaran tee to sell It; or If they do they charge you HO per cent for their end of It. "I couldn't see any profit In that, so I went to ono of tho Jobbers. lie said my stylo of work brought good prices In tho big stores. But they won't pay him much and he'll pay me less. "I was thinking There's money In these things and In all sorts of nocdlo things If you havo a llttlo capi tal." "That's different," eald Daphne. "And I'vo got somo cnpltal now. Do you remember suggesting to me once thnt wo might go Into business to gether you to furnish tho bralus and I tho money?" "Oh, I didn't put it that way I" "Anyway, it's true. Well, would you?" "Lnnd'fl nakol If you'ro a mind to furnish tho money nnd tho Ideas and let mo count tho pennies, I'd llko noth ing better." "Great 1 What could wo go Into?" "What would you prefer?" "Oh. any old business that will keep mo busy nnd mako a lot of money." "My husband says that you can't mnko a lot of inouey without putting By RUPERT HUGHES Copyright bj Harper & Brothers In a lot. That's ono reason he has been kept down so. lit- never could get ahead. That was what wo were saving up for to get n llttlo cnpltal. And then the war came along nnd we had to spend our snvlnjs. That same war has made your brother so rich that he could give you a small fortune. I don't bellevo you could do better thnn to put that Into a business." "Neither do It" Duphno cried. "Let's I" CHAPTER XXIII. Daphno was going to bo Independ ent, but she wns still all woman when It came to the selection of her special trade. She would be a business wom an, but she would do u woman's busi ness. There were ever so many dainties and exquisites that she wanted to hang In her shop. She was going to TJia ; N3KST ktM kvkWv I t I W-m4 3 "My Husband Sayo That You Can't Make a Lot of Money Without Put ting; In a Lot." havo n window I With her name on Itl Thnt would be more fun than a limousine with crest on door. Gradually her scheme enlurgcd. She would devote her shop to the whole mechanism of the boudoir. "Boudoir wear" was the word that pleased her. It was in human nnture that the partners should quarrel over a name for the baby beforo the baby was born. They spoke of themselves ns "Tho Firm." Finally Daphne, claiming tho ma jority of the power, voted en bloc for "Boudolrwcar," and claimed tho vic tory. Mrs. Chlvvls surrendered with tho amendment that "Miss Kip" should be at one side, "Mrs. Chlvvls" at the other. Sho bribed tho assem bly by promising that u cousin of hers, a young artist living In the Washing ton Mews, should paint a pretty sign board on a swinging shingle. After many designs had been composed nnd Idestroyed they agreed on this legend: BOUDOIHWEAK Everything for the Boudoir. Exquisite Things for Brides. MISS KIP. MRS. CIIIVVIS. The cousin painted It well and Illu minated it with elaborate Intlals and an allegorical figure of a young lady In Cubist negligee. It had tho tradi tional charm of a tavern board. In fact, their shop was to be a tavern for women In search of sartorial refresh ment. Troubles mustered about them as weeds shove up In a garden faster than they can bo plucked out. Ex penses undreamed of materialized In swarms. Everything was delayed ex cept the demands for their money. The petty-cash box, like a sort of per verted fairy purse, emptied Itself as fast as It was filled. Tho petty cash was tho least of their dismay. The grand cash was tho main problem. They had stitched their lingers full of holes and piled up renins of fabrics, but the total was pathetically tiny. One thing was Instantly demon strated. They must glvu up their plan or go Into debt. Indeed, they already wero In debt. "Wo'vo got to take the plunge," said Daphne. "I'd rather die than go on paying a year's rent for an empty shop." "I know," Mrs. Chlvvls fretted, gnawing her thin lips, "but It's a risk. You'd better ask your brother." 'No!" Daphno stormed. "I'm going to win out on my own. Poor Bayard Is too busy to bo bothered with my troubles. Ho doesn't know I hnvo any. And Leila Is so busy with her social business that sho never asks mo whnt I'm up to. "But what aro wo to do?" Mrs. Chlvvls walled. "Wo can't go on with our stock, and you havo no money left, and 1 Uadn't any to start with." rwj Fit- fflBW - w r worsts & i-SK-AI ' 1 imf V.wN-i "Thero' only on thing to do," Daphno answered, with n ephtnxlc solemnity. "Buy on credit. It's a case of nothing venture, nothing gain; nothing purclinsc, nothing sell I noth ing borrow, nothing pny. Tho only way to get out of debt is to go In deeper like getting a fish hook out of your thumb." Mrs. Chlvvls suffered herself to bo pcrsunded. They visited the whole salers and the Jobbers and were well received, having paid cash before nnd, thnnks to Mr. Chlvvls' suggestion, having been astute enough to demand discount for cash. And now the motortrucks nnd tho delivery wagons and the cyclccnrs.and the messenger boys begun to pour stock Into the little shop. It was pleas ant not to have to pay for things, though the tips were reaching ularm Ing proportions, nnd the bundle of bills for future settlement grew and grew. Mrs. Chlvvls made a list of their debts and tried to show It to Daphne, but she stopped her eyes and enrs and forbade any discussion that would quench her spirit. In tho swirl of her tasks Dnphno almost forgot Clay Wlmburn. She was too busy to' care much. She had no time to mourn. Clay was only one among u myriad regrels, and his af fairs could wait Her business needs could not. Clay did not come near her. He spent a lot of money trying to get her I off his mind. He got u good deal on his conscience, but not Daphne off his ' mind. lie longed for her especially, too, becauso there came a sudden dis aster to his schemes. Ho wns not so rich as ha had been. Indeed, he could not be sure thnt he was rich nt all. Any dny might smother him with bankruptcy. This fear kept him from Daphne, too. The bouncing munition stocks that were known as "war babies" had ab ruptly fallen Into a decline The sub marine that torpedoed the Lusltanln shattered Wall street's Joy, threw the dread of war Into the United States, and sat every one to questioning the problem of revenge and its cost The slump In tho market came at the most unfortunate moment for Bay ard and Cluy. Any moment of slump, Indeed, would have come most untime ly for their ventures. "Kip nnd Chlvvls" wcro making u picnic ground of the shop. Behind the soap-vellcd windows they laughed and debated on arrangements and price tags and show cards. Mr. Chlvvls, still out of a. Job, acted as maid of all work and stevedore, and grew so useful that they hud to put him out. And at last the moment arrived when they declared the shop open, "raised the curtail.," as Daphne said. She waited with a stage-fright sho had not felt In lichen's theater. There wns no lack of temperament in her nnuiner now. But there was no audi ence, either. At night Kip and Chlvvls locked their doors and went home, discour aged beyond words and dismally weary In the legs, also iu the smile muscles which had been kept nt uu ex pectant tension nil day long. Occasional purchases wero made, but unimportant. Kip and Chlvvls tried to learn what Interested people and what did not They realized that they hud fur too much of certain things and fur too llttlo of others. They attempted to sell the deudwood by marking It down; but It would not move. "What do the women care for prices?" Daphne railed. "They are spending some man's money, anyway. They pretend that It's to please him, but they know and we know that It's because they hate each other." One day a great lady who could hardly squeeze through the door creaked Into tho shop and npllled her self Into a startled little cliulr llko a load of conl. Daphne felt that she wns about to die on their hands or ask for an ambulance, but she asked Instead for an embroidered breakfast gown from the window. Mrs. Chlvvls fetched it ami the old ogress clutched it from her, holding it up to her nose us if to sniff it, but really to seo It. "That's It! That's what I've been looking fori" she wheezed. "Have you got much of this sort of thing?" "Oh yes." "Agh, thnt's good! My daughter Is marrying In some haste a young im becile who's going over to Franco to run an ambulance. I'm Mrs. Homily." Mrs. Chlvvls waited unperturbed for further Identification. Daphno hnd never heard of Mrs. Homllly, either, but she gasped as If she had been say ing her prayers at tho shrine of Hom llly from childhood nnd now bad been visited by the patron saint, whom she had recognized at once, of course. "Oh yes, of course." Airs, icomiiiy was coughing on: "I've been to several shops, and I wns almost in despair until I saw your sign. If yon could do a few things In rather a hurry I fancy I could give you a order. .And If the things wero at all successful, I could throw quite a little trado your way. You'ro rather new, aren't you?" Daphno assented that tho firm was quite now. She brought forward an order pad and stood nt attention. Mrs. Homllly hnd troussenucd a largo family of children and several poor relations. She know what sho wanted and what she ought to pay for It and when it should be done. Daphne took down her orders as If tho llttlo room wero tho mero vestibule to or. enormous sweatshop where hundred of sempsters would seize tho Job and completo It In a Jiffy. (TO BE CONTINUED.) Optimistic Thought All bravo men love; for ho onl,v 3 brave who has affection to tlgtu iu.. HOW TO AVOID BACKACHE AKD NERVOUSNESS Told by Mrs. Lynch From Own Experience. Providence, R. I. "I was nil run down in health, was nervous, had head acnos, my dock ached nil tho time. I was tired and had no ambition for any thing. I had taken, a rmmber of medl-' cincs which did ma no good. Ono day I road about Lydia E. Pinkham'o Vege table Compound and whatithaddonofor women, bo I tried it My nervousness and backache and 'S$fe .. LtfA.: W- hendnches disappeared, I gained in weight and feci fino, so I can honestly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vego table Compound to any woman who is fluttering as I was." MrB. Adeline B. Lynch, 100 Plain St, Providence, R.I. Backache and nervousness are symp toms or nature's warnings, which in dicate a functional disturbance or an unhealthy condition which often devel ops into a more serious ailment Women in this condition should not continue to drag along without help, but profit by Mrs. Lynch s experience, and try this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- Eound and for upecinl advice write to ydiaE.PinkhamMod.Co., Lynn, Mass. Pop. "Pop goes tho weasel." s"Got the field all to himself now. No more corks." Important to all Women Readers of this Paper Thoimnds upon thousands of women have kidney or bladJer trouble and nevea ucpect it. Women's complaints often prove to be nothing eUe but kidney tiouble, or tht result of kidney oi bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy con dition, they may caust to other organ to become diseased. You may suffer pain in the 'lack, head ache and losq of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, irrita ble and may be despondent; it mains an one fo. But hundreds of women claim tliaV Jh Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, by rcstoriif health to the kidneys, proved to be jm the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Miny Fend fnr a sample bottle to see what Swamp-Hoot, the great kidney, liver and Tjladdcr medicine, will do foi them. By enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingh.tniton, N. Y.. you may receive sample eWc bottle by Parcel Post. You can purchase medium and large size bottles at all druo; j-torca. Adv, Corn In the Held Is shocked, but when It Is made Into whisky It Is shock Ing. It's Clean, Sweep, Wash The Live Long Day! ftv i When yon Sl t&3 feel worn out, "tired to death" with the household duties cook ing, scrubbing, cleaning, dust ing (it all comes in tho day's work in tho household) turn to th right remedy to strengthen you. Tho poor woman whoso back feeb u th&ugh it would break, who feeb dizzy, whose head aches, or black specks appear beforo her eyes, all are duo to troubles essentially feminine whioh should bo overcome. Tho greatest boon to womankim' a temperance tonio mado up of herbs, which makes weak women strong and sick women well. This is tho "Prescrip tion" of Dr. Pierce, used by him in activa practico many years, and now sold by almost every druggist in tablot or liquid form. It has had a half century of suc cessful results in most of tho delicat derangements and weaknesses of women. If sho's overworked, nervous, or "run down," sho finds new life and strength. Send 10c to Dr. Pierco's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for trial package or writ for freo confidential medical advice. SEMI-SOLID BUTTERMILK For Hogs and Poultry fc For Best Results in Shortest Time for Least Money, feed W Semi-Solid Buttermilk Shipped direct to consumer from f actorie In Sioux City, Omaha, Lincoln. Kansaf City, Winfield; factories also in Colorad , California, Illinois, Micnlgan ana unio. . Consolidated Products Co. DepU L. Lincoln, Neb. When You Use You Run No Risk. TARKIO BEST FLED for CattU, Hoes and Shetf Has been tried and stood tho test. Write or call for prices and f urt tier I nf orioaUM TARKIO MOLASSES FEED CO. ., Ml-7 Lire Stock Exchange, Kansas City. M IIBTCilTC Watson K.OolemaB, HB I f"Bl I A Patent Lawjer.WublDiujB. HI kll I W u.o. AdTUMandbookalr. Bate reasonable. XJUibsmsfsrsncss. fiettserrleet. Tff j 1 Ai "ra : i U -7 ? I