The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 01, 1919, Image 5

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wi"KnwiiwtwfiTi tMPMmm rsw
Twiiui'"ifiir?,"iTin.WTnTtTiw(jpmijiPf t vvuM(ivja
s owe, awi owe aV e,Y cew
o wwcvooyv. "Vavc.
tawk awi swiscYvW voVaev
aw "Mta WvvrJ..
aW& Soaw CommvWee.
Buy Blend at Powell and Popes
Dr. Lollnr .spent Tuesday in Ila.-t-irfe.
J. K. Jlutler is on the sici: list this
Herb Ludlow went to Hustings this
Mrs. K. A. Heal .hpont Monday in
Koy MofTett of Bivorton was in the
city Tuesday.
Mrs. Weit Stevens spent Monday
in Hastings.
John Weesncr of Eshon was in the
city Monday.
Ernest Losckc' of Inavalc was in
the city Saturday.
Mrs. V. 11. Tabor of lnvalc spent
Wednesday in the city.
Dnve Bell shipped a car of hogs
to Kansas City, Sunday.
Conic to the Doane College Glee
Club at the Orphcum, May 7.
Li C. Bloom returned home from
Bcnkleman, Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Julia Warren returned home
from Inavale Saturday morning.
G rover Cary returned home Tues
day from Newport News, Virginia.
Edsvaid Bright returned home
from Kansas City, Tuesday morning.
J. H. Kllinger returned homo from
Gillette, Wyoming, the last of the
Mrs. Burgess of Dcwitt has been
visiting her cousin, Mrs. A. T. Walker
this week.
Paul Polnicky accompanied his
mother to Hastings, Tuesday, to in
terview an eye specialist.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Robinson of
Superior spent Sunday with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Robinson.
Will Robertson has improved his
residence property by having a
cement walk laid on the side of it.
Oh, what is so rare as a day in
When we all go to work and stop
our plaj
To make our yards look clean and
Friday and Saturday
frmor w'fr'frjfrif jMAnft
rr k
I .Donprciy DaitoiiM
'Green Eyes'
Also a big comedy
Her Friend's Husband
Admission 17c, Children 12
and under lie. Over 12 an
adult ticket will be required.
Kut and fliltitc tit Powell k Pope's
CUe. tf
Printing or Quality Tlic Chief Oliico
Will Sunberry is spending the day
in Hastings.
Boy Hassinger went to Hastings
this morning.
Tad Saunders was down from Ina
valc, Wednesday.
Raymond Turnure went to Lincoln
this morning to visit friends.
Supt. lloltzcn attended th Y. M. C.
A. conference at Hastings, A'edncs
day. Misses Bernice Ethcrton and Mabel
Hoffman spent the weekend in Hast
Don't miss the Doane College Glee
Club, May 7, at the Orphcum. School
Miss Leonard, Principal of the
Lincoln School, spent Sunday in
The W. C. T. U. will meet with
Mrs. C. J. Pope next Wednesday
Mrs. J. F. Campbell of Lincoln, has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. P. A.
Amos Miksch of Denver, spent
Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Miksch
and family.
Sam Temple of Kansas City spent
the first part of the week with
friends hcip.
Mrs. C. II. Potter and daughter,
Mrs Dorothy Wilson, spent Monday
in Hastings.
Mrs. Carrie Glebe of Campbell is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Dicderich.
Forrest Mountford who is attend
ing college at Hastings .spent Sunday
with his parents.
Claude Peirce of Inavale spent
Wednesday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. 11. Peirce.
J. M. Hewitt went to Grand Is
land, Monday to attend the Baptist
Sunday School convention.
Mrs. George Carmoney and Lester
Carmoney were Bed Cloud visitors,
Friday. McCook Tribune.
Clean up your yards and alloys
straighten up your shoulders and
view your work with pride.
Lester Amack came in from Al
liance, Friday, to visit his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Amack.
Rev. Bcebe went to Hastings, Wed
nesday morning, Ij attend a confer
ence of Y. M. C. A. workers.
James Ethcrton of Grand Island
was in the city Friday attending the
funeral of Mrs. Mabel Thomas.
Miss Marion McDowell is home
from Lincoln, where she had been
i having her arm treated by specialists.
Attorney and Mrs. L. II. Blacklcdge
i and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Turnure
1 spent Sunday with relatives at Alma.
Marion Mercer, Walt Warren and
Adolph Goth assisted the Superior
, band Friday at the tank day celebra-
I tion.
1 Mrs. Ed Amack returned home
from Rochester, Minnesota, Friday
i evening, where she recently under-
I went an operation.
I F. W. Cow-den returned home Wed-
I nesday from Chicago and other east
ern cities where he purchased goods
, for the Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.
i David J. Delph, son of Mr. and Mrs.
' Abo Delph, landed at Newport News,
1 Virginia, Thursday. The young man
was in the 128th Machine Gun Bajt-
talion, and will soon bo home.
Good meals good service moderate
prices Powell &. Pope cafe.
Miner Sherwood spent Monday in
Blue Hill with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sherer re
turned to Hastings, Mondny, after
spending a few days with relatives
Hugo Nelson, his mother and sib
ter, spent Sunday at the Fred Nelson
home in Bed Cloud. McCook Tri
bune. A summary of the laws enacted by
the 37th session of Nebraska legisla
ture appears on another page of this
Clifford Pope left Monday for
Maryville, Kansas where he has ac
cepted a position in a photograph
llude llobeitson came down from
Blue Hill, Wcdneday evening, to
visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sim
Mrs. Boy Robinson of Cheyenne,
Wyoming, arrived in the city Friday
to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.
A. Jcrnberg.
F. W. t'owden left this morning
for Bird City and McDonlad, Kaiisas.
in the Intel osts of the Cowden-Kaley
Clothing Co.
Miss Hazel Ovcrlccso, who is teach
ing school near Riverton, spent Sun
day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Will Ovcrlcese.
F. A. Good of Cowles was in the
city Wednesday evening. He was one
of the judges of the Red Cloud va
Fairbury debate.
Rev. Harper and daughter, Grace,
went to draiul Island, Tuesday, To
attend the Baptist Slate Sunday
School convention.
Mrs. C. K. Gum and daughter of
Carbondale, Illinois, arrived in the
city Monday evening to visit her sis
ter, Mrs. Ed Amack.
Help Red Cloud High School pros
per, May 7, at the Orphcum, Doane
College Glee Club. Admission !J5 and
50 cents plus war tax.
Harold Haring of Riverton, was in
the city Thursday evening. He was
in the 302 Inf., and was enroute
home from Camp Dodge.
Jack Wiscearvcr, asisted by Nor
man Phillips and Beach Robertson,
drove his cattle to a pasture in
Franklin county, Monday.
Mrs. W. G. Warren returned home
Saturday evening from Giltncr where
she attended a district convention of
the Royal Neighbors lodge.
Editor and Mrs. W. D. Edson went
to Grand Island, Saturday, to attend
the Baptist State Sunday School con
vention and also visit relatives.
Base Hospital unit 49 landed at
New York City Friday, and we no
ticed among the list of Nebraska
boys who will soon bo homo that of
the name of Laird Potter of this
city who was a cook in this company.
Judge Dungan and Court Reporter
Baird of Hastings were in the city
Saturday morning between trains
while enroute home from Blooming
ton. Mrs. Ferguson and daughter re
turned to their home at Guide Rock
this morning after spending a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hamil
ton. Giand Island Business College
GRADUATES never find it neccsary
to advertisj for positions. The Col
lege has been a leader in Business
Education for more than thirty years
and was the first western school to
prove that positions could be guaran
teed and secured for graduates. Send
for free catalogue. Enter now. We
have no vacation. 70-1
The subscription list being circula
ted for the purpose of raising funds
for the purchase of a memorial to the
lete Rev. Hummel is meeting with
success. If you have not been solicit
ed do not feel slighted as it ie a
difficult task to see each and every
one in the community. If you have
not already subscribed, or have been
solicited kindly sec Hon. H. J. Maurcr,
or call at the Grice & Grimes drug
store and contribute whatever amount
you wish to give.
You Are Losing Money
If don't mil your errant
to the Patniui I'lilott t'o-opcr.
live Company tind lPeelve the
llVldellllv tOtt
" , i;i ! ui!ai,Tiriri,r'',-wiM,,,'!:r,"'i''',''i!r,,;ia'iiTiriii!i;wiiTiri!r",,rri''i,i"T' r ""wini
I am solo' agent for Trcvett, Mat
tis & Baker Co., and have placed
$100,000.00 in farm loans between
the months of November and March
just past. Enough said.
Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville
Sim Altar FIIUil llh Putty Clrli. Fgnnf Clean. Ccrritiii
Equlptr. Brilliant Scmlc Enilranmnt
Everybody Goon Ath Anybody
Yshat? Doane College Glee Club.
When? Wednesday, May 7.
Whore? At the Orphcum.
F i-rybody come.
Anticipate your needs for this sen
son supply of binder twine and let
us know what amount you can use so
that we may have enough on hand to
fill o'ir order when it is needed.
Farinrrs' Union. adv.
On Wednesday the drillers at the
oil wU put the casing down to the
bottom of the hole and this morning
the ' ule is filled tip again with water.
Not knowing of the future plain of
the i.inrtiictor we cannot state what
will In done.
I. nioln Mudd returned home Fri
In 'Yom Camp Ftinslon, where he
wn ilMchnrgcd from the army. Ho
wn- in Co. C 101 Inf., New Eng
land Division, and had recently re-
turri .1 from overseas.
II ii ry L. Moser of Riverton, was in
thi' i uy between trains Thursday
evening while enrouto homo from
Caiiin Dodge where he was discharged
from the service. He was a member
of i ). G., 4th Inf., and was in active
seiv n overseas.
Tlii Liberty Loiitt campaign Is pro
greying nicely in Welmtercounty, mid
wit. nut a doubt her quotti will bo attb
.sen! i d. S.jt,srH lh the total u mount of
subs npllons bi'fiircd in Red Cloud, tip
mi' . Wednesday evening.
1 i .iik Cleniore of Orleans stopped
oir i the city Friday between trains
whili- enroute homo from Ftinslon
whue he was discharged from the
arm. He was in Co. C, 101 Inf.,
New England Division, and was in
active service overseas. While here
he made this office a pleasant call.
The debate given nt the High School
Inst evening was wull ntteudul. A
special muMciil program was rendered
by Rod Cloud htudents. The subject
debated was "Public Ownership."
Fiiirlnry defended, while Bed Cloud
oppnsod The Superintendent of the
Fniibiiry schools presided. Judges
ohovi-ii stood two to one in favor of
Fail bury. v
Tlio M. E. church entertained Miss
Owen and the .choir last Thursday
evening, us a mark of appreciation of
the efforts of Miss Owen in bringing
the choir to its present high stand
ing. They have always been willing
tq furnish music for any occasion,
even on a moment's notice. The
church is indeed proud of them. Ice
cream, cake and coffee were served
and everyone enjoyed a pleasant even
in i'.
Miss Owen, with her high school
quartette, junior high sextette and
orchestra entertained the grades of
the Lincoln school Friday morning,
when they all assembled in the Fifth
grade room for opening excicises.
Lucilc Harwood gave her reading,
"The Judgement Day," Helen
Lemon and Blanche Sherer played
fcvcral selections on their ukalalcs
and sang popular songs, answering
several encores. The children enjoy
ed the program.
Having again resumed
the bus and auto livery
business, I will appreciate
a share of your patronage
when desiring bus or bag
age transfer to any part of
the city. Phone calls to
Bailey's Tie Barn will re
ceive prompt attention,
Auto Livery in
Wm. Mayes
ipt" "'" " -
f iai' WrVxbjJma 4 TImHDbMl' Jm K.'Hfl
Orphemn, Red Clou
Monday and Tuesday, May 5-6
Afternoon and Evening
-Evcning 50c, and 10c. Afternoon 25c and 10c.
Plus "Wnr Tax ' . .
Card Of Thanks
We wish to thank the many friends
ami neighbors for their assistance
anil floral tributes during our recent
lo avoment.
Modernize the old home with a Chi
Namel floor imitating natural hardwood
ataco8tofabout2ca8pjarcfoot. Sani
tary, washable, liecl-proof and remarka
bly durable. Drii s quickly. There is a
Clii-Namcl varnish, tnamel or other
nnisn lor everything in
the home.
In your Inolily will loch rou lo
;nln tn 5 mlnutci. lire. Chi-N'amel ptoJucll J
air ennhnrd loone irpirfrnlallre mrrchant In
incalltr attriyi a dralcr known lor liltb tuJr
frlilce and rr.ctchjDdltt.
The Ohio Vnrnlsh Co., Clerclaod
Jb. W
We carry n full line of Chi-Namcl varnishes,
enamel and other finishes because they fit
our reputation for goods of first quality,
at the lowest prices, .uid for pains-taking
service to our customers.
Chl-Namel Color Varnlshci alto un
colored (or floon, woodwoik and lorol i
Chl-Namtl Stove Plfe Cnimcl nandi
Mel) l.eal, prccnti run, ind tui elonv
Let us teach you the Clii-Namcl easy
graining process free.
C. L. Cottitig
The Druggist ' ,
Si-enle. illy, two "snth" in Suloine will aroiiHO ebpeclul ndmlfahoti,
One is an exact t-Mpuiduclloii of the (into of1 Jaffa, throuU,i which, III;
olduntiilly, (leii-rnl Allenby and the British force recently inuiehed
into Jerusiiletn. Tbu other li u reproduction of Snlomu'i boudnir.niold'
1 od after no old print.
Oiniider in vista than thehe. of course, is the .Jerusalem of forty
R ycaih belore ChrlHt, reprodiieed In dutnil.
Public Sale!
Saturday, May 3 1
As I am aoinfi to Colorado will oITer at public auction
Three Ford Cars, One E. M. F. Car, One Flanders
vttr, mis is an oia one, uiuun, ui uca uiiu iuucu i
Alao a line of accessories, snark nlutts. oils Creases, chains
. . . . .
batteries patch material, 10 Prestolite tanks, Ford axles ff
3 h. p. gas engine and magneto, etc. ' A
25 pairs of Ladies and Childrens Shoes
Many other articles not listed as it's my entire stock
Terms: Sums under $10 casnT'bver, 10 months at 10 percent
Geo'. McCrary, Clerk J. W. "Wonderly, Auctioneer
That. New Home
You have dreamed of for years.
Our house plans are at your service free.
alone-Gellatly Go:
" ." " J ."""" ,,