RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF SUMMARY OF LAWS ENACTED BY 37TH SESSION OF NEBRASKA'S LEGISLATURE (A Brief Digest of All Measures Passed by the Senate and House and Signed by the Governor Which Constitute the Session Laws of 1919 Compiled by FRANK E. HELVEY Expressly for Western Newspaper Union Ncwa Service Lincoln Tho following dlRcst of Inwfl enacted by tho 1919 Legislature bnB boon prepared with caro from tho original bills signed by tho governor. Laws enacted hb, "oinorKency" meas ures take effect Immediately on being signed by the governor In tho follow ing digest all such emergency nctH nro indicated by an asterisk (.) appear ing before tho number of tho bill. All such laws nro now In effect. All oilier lawB tnko effect on July lth, next: three months after adjournment of the legislature. Tho governor's "Civil Administration Code" bill, Scnato Kilo U, presents nn unusunl situation and must bo con sidered in connection with tho digest of laws listed below. In the last hours of tho session forty-thrco of tho Inde pendent mensures enacted by tho scn ato nnd houso at this session wore amended into, and mndo n part of tho code. Should tho Code bo ordered to a referendum of tho voters It will bo Inoporativo until passed upon at tho election whllo tho forty-three mens ures above referred to will remain as tho law and contlnuo as tho law should tho Codo bo rejected by tho people. Tho Independent mensures ho Intro duced Into tho Codo nro: Sonnto Kilos, G5, 57, C8, CO, 89, 100, 101, 112, 110, 117, 119, 134, 140, 157, 244, 2G0, 258. Houso Itolls, 9, 12, 41, 46, 83, 107, 143, 165, 181, 188, 213, 215, 220, 230, 239, 208, 290, 450, 420, 4G1, 473, 474, 428, 481, 482, 562. If tho Codo is to remain tho law tho re-enactment of tho fore going bills was necessary to place tholr activities under tho now depart ment created by tho Code. Tho Codo bill in its final form em braced nearly 1.000 pages nnd In addi tion to establishing a new form of administration It Includes a ruwritlng of hundreds of sections of tho existing lnw without substantial chango of meaning. Tho Code abolishes mnny boards, centralizing authority In tho hands of tho governor. It croatos six administrative departments, each dlroctcd by a secretary appointed by tho governor for n term of two yenrB. Theso secretaries receive $5,000 per year ono at tho head of each of tho following departments: Finance, Agri culture, Labor, Public Welfare, Trade nnd Commerce, Public WorkB. The governor Is empowered to appoint all assiBtantfl rind clerks and to fix tho amount of salary. SENATE FILES. 1V..J.olnt resolution ratifying national prohibitory ntncnilincnt. 2. Governor McKclvlo's "Civil Admin istrative: Code." A radical raorKHirlzntlon of the civil administration of the state vovarnment In all executive departments. 4. Joint resolution memorializing U. 8. Semite to pans a national (intendment for Woman sufTrnKa. 5. County boards to nppolnt a Jolt Physician, also a Jail matron If female In fi-, No alien may hold nn nppolntlvs public office. a. Prohibits all public officers from ap pointing; nn nllen to any public oillce. 10. District Juilees to receive J15 por toy whon sitting as board of condemna tion. 14. All public notices by corporations to be nied with county clerk In homo county and with Hecretnry of state. IB. County board proceedings, tax sail, etc., to be oftlclnlly published In Er.fllih language newspapers only. 18. counties, townships, situs and villages to erect memorials to soldiers nnd sailors. . Railroads must furnish sleeping quarters for caretnkers on stock trains and spot caboose nt stations. 81. Salary of court bailiffs In Douglas ana Lancastor counties. 81. County, city and vlllago boards roust publish proceedliiKS within 30 days, also an annual ItemUud utnte xnsnt. '24. Prohibits the use of any other than Ingush language In all schools, public, private or parochial, below the 9th grndu. 30. Increases salary of county assessors on basis of population and precinct assessor to 5 per day. 37. Increases maximum school levy to 100 mills on approval of 60 per cent of the voters in districts of 150 pupils or ovsr. 39. Increases maximum lew rrnnrni fund In cities of one to five thousand population from 15 mills to 25 milts. 43. Extends llfo of supreme court com mission two years. 48. Pupil In hlch school mav nnlsh school year without payment of tuition when parents remove from district. 49. Allen can not vote nt school elec tions or district meetlncs. 60. Increases fees of county surveyors and provides Hxed salaries at discretion of county board in counties under 50.000 population. 61. Increases salary of county high way commissioner and permits surveyor to be also commissioner and fixes salary. 57. State bank may carry two-fifths of cash reserve In Liberty bonds. 58. nslleves state bank from require ments of state reserve law If bank con forms to national reserve system, 59. Permits state bunk to loan fifteen times tho amount of capital and surplus. Ite-dUcount privilege smno as national bank If member of federal reserve system. 81, State railway commission to have specific authority over safoty. sufn cUncy and efficiency of common carriers. 83. Increases salary of probation offi cer In Douglas county. 67. County surveyor to be highway commissioner In counties under r.0,000 If qualified. 68. County bonnfci under 40.000 popu lation may Improve county roads on majority petition and provides the zone basis of assctblnc cost of Improvements. 70. Maximum school levy, cities over 1,500, Increased to 100 mills. School bonds may Issue without vote on petition of 51 per com or nil i voters. 71. Ilepcals la .-elating to appropria tion of seepage water, 73. Course of study In district school shall embrace all subjects required for second grade certificate. 78. Cities of 5 to 25 thousand may vote $100,000 bonds for city hall. Jail, audi torium or other publlo building. 79. Cities of S to 25 thousand may re fund bonded debt at 6 per cent on two thirds vote of council. 80. District court reporter at request f litigant shall record all statements of the Judge made in the presence of the Jury., 82. Omaha school district may borrow TO per cent of unexpended school levy at ( per cent giving one year not. 85. Outlines course of study in 8 grade school which pupil must puss with 75' average to bo entitled to freo high school tuition. 80. All sellers of automobiles nnd tractors to carry a stock of repairs and parts for tamo at nomo point In tho state. 89. ltevlscs osteopath law and provides for new board. Permits tibe of drugs un der prescribed conditions. SO. Autliorlzis cities of first and second class to piircliHHu and operate privately owned public utilities thiuugh special con demnation proceedings. 93. UequlreH examination of all school children for defective sight, heating, teeth or communicable, disease. 94. lnereases salary of county attorney on basis of population. 100. Itepe.ils dally report law relating to water In Irrigation ditch nnd requires owners to Install gauge to show amount of wutur used. 103. Whon real estate mortgage can not be taxed against the mortgagee, owner of real estato to pay taxes on full value of real estate. 104. KxeniptH fiom physical examina tion applicants for fraternal accident and health insuiance. 106. Makes legal the acknowledge ments taken by military olllcets on nil documents affecting tltlo to real estate. 107. Requires sheriffs, pollco chiefs and Institution heads to report monthly the commitment of aliens coming under their custody. 110. Increases maximum levy for county high school 5 to 8 mills. Exempts certain districts from county high schowl levy. 111. Permits city to take census to determine If eligible to commission form of government. , 112. Stato highway officials may pur chase lands yielding road materials, oper ate plants for producing such materials nnd to sell satno nt cost for road purposes. 116. Creates stato trade commission to enforce "blue sky" law. Hxpands regu lations covering sale of stocks and bonds to cover minutely such transactions. 117. Prmlts Nobrnskn Insuranco com panies to Insure, ocean marlnu risks, auto collision and resulting damagu to tho pur son of owner. 119. Prescribes qualifications of regis tered nurses. Lowers fro to $5 and re quires 3 years high school audi defines standards of nursing school, 120. Compels eradication of barborry bush by land owners. 121. Juvenllo court to havo original Jurisdiction In wlfo und child abandon ment excopt where county court is awarded concurrent Jurisdiction. 122. Ono district Judgo shall act as "Juvenllo Judgo" during his term. 123. Gives Juvenile court Jurisdiction In all cases of divorce and alimony involving custody of children. Court may alter de cree as to children on Its own motion. 120. Increases maximum bonded debt In second class cities und villages for sewer construction from 10 to 15 mills. 127. Inoreases Interest limit on sewer bonds In second class cities and villager from C to 6 per cant. 128. Defines cooperative associations with prollts distributed on basis of patron age. Permits limit of liability. 129. Amendment to Omaha District Water Hoard law. Gives widely Increased powers. 130. Prohibits publlo utility from acquiring rights by estoppel or neglect of tho city. , 131. GIvcb control of gas or electric Slant to Omaha Water District if acquired y the city. 133. Rules for grading car-lot ship ments of potatoes. 134. Lowers specific gravity test of Illuminating oils from 42 to 40 degrees. 135. Forcible annexation of lands ndjaccnt to Lincoln by mayor and council. 140. Amends workman's compensation Uw. General Increase of boncllts to tho Injured. 141. Authorizes construction of court house for Platte county nt Columbus. 148. Increases salary of clerks of dis trict court based on population. 151. Forming pcst-crndlcatlon districts on potltlon of 1T por cent resldont land owners and tenants, 153. Sale of lots by cemetery associa tions If assessment remains delinquent 3 years. 156. Regulating acquiring of title to real estate by non-rosldcnt aliens and corporations. 157. Common carrier to pay attorney fco whon appeal Is taken on loss or dam ago lu transit and carrier loses tho appeal. 158. Corrects error In Omaha school district taxation with adjacent districts. 169. Omaha real estnte taxes become lien on property May 1st of tho year fol lowing assessment. 171. Omaha may limit height and bulk of buildings nnd croats districts limited to specified business uses. 172. Organization of Farm Durenu by 300 farmers and county employ county agricultural ngent. County to pay ex penses up to J5.000 when recognized by State Agricultural College. 175. County board exclusive overseer of tho poor Including cities, towns and vil lages. 176. Repeal of former law relating to tho care of tho poor by towns and minor divisions. 177. Itnllrond to furnish car at two stations for horses nnd mules when com bined shipment makes car load, 180. Hadlcnl revision of law concerning certificates of school teachers. Abolishes nil but state and county certificates, Limits term of certain certificates, ..184. City or village may build and opemte teo plant. Permits 3 mill levy or bonds on vote of the people. 189. Candidate for state superintendent must hold tho highest grade certificate Issued by the state nt tho date of his election to bo ellglblo to the office, 192. Revised method of condemnation of property for school purposes. 196. Drastic revision of law confiscat ing vehicles used in unlawful transporta tion of liquors, lloats and ulrpUncs added to the law. 198. Authorizes state prohibition offi cers to block public highways leading into the state with ropes, chains, etc., and stop all tralllo for examination. 200. Prohibiting tho advocacy, teaching or suggestion of crime or violence to ac complish Industrial or political ends and prohibiting tho uso of buildings for such meetings. Penalty fines und Imprison ment. 203. Owners of abutting nrrmertv to pay all cost of laying water mains. 204. Salaries of county comptroller's assistants In Douglas county. 209. Candidates on non-pnrtlsan ballot must file potltlon 80 days pilor to primary alectlon. 214, Restricts mother's pension act to thosft dependent and having less than J2.00O or without rolatlvss capable of giving support. 215. Kxtonds boundaries of sanitary drainage district to lnolude adjaoent lands and municipalities. 217. Provides for Constitutional Con vention to assemble In Lincoln D03. S, 1919. 218. Resolution urging Congress and Nebraska delegation to support soldiers' compensation act and give soldiers addi tional pay as a bonus. 226. Revision of Initiative and refer endum act. New restrictions as to peti tions and olrculators. 22. Cooperative companies to distrib ute profits to patrons nnd hold stock lu other co-ops. 236. Governor may remit court costs when Issuing pardon to convict. 237. All public meetings must be con ducted In tho English language. Relig ious teaching, Instruction or worship und lodge meetings excepted, 244. Withdraws protection of guaran tee fund from new stato bank until 2 years after organization. 260. Rewrites tho laws relating to registration of births and deaths und nil vital statistics. 254. Governor's memorial to Oen. Pershing requesting discharge of Ne braska soldiers overseas as rapidly as .possible. 255. Extends term of water bonds from 20 to 40 years In cities of socond class and Villages. 256. Governor's bill raising salary of Adjt. Ocnl. Neb. Natl. Guard to 13,000 and Asst. Adjt. Genl. to $2,400. 257. Governor's bill creating Depart ment of Justice headed by Attorney Gen eral, (liven nttornry general supervision of all actions brought by any department of the state, of all criminal proceedings and equal power In all counties with county attorney. 2D8. Governor's bill extending nuthorltv of state fir commissioner to tear down dangerous or condemned buildings. 259. Ite-estahllshlng conservation nnd soil survey bureau. 260. Governor's bill. County boards may declare roads to rural high schools ns "county roads" und glvu same tin pi overlent. 261. Governor's hill redisricting tho school districts of the statu with standard district of 2." square miles. Exceptions, procedure, and protest noted In great de tail. t262. Repeal of "Soldier's voting law" passed by the special session of 1918. HOUSE ROLLS. 3. Crcntes Capital Commission of Gov ernor, Stato Engineer and three appointed by governor, to erect now stato capltnl building. Levies IVi mill tax for 6 years or total of aboitt live million dollars. 5. Appropriates $3,011 of stato library fund for purchaso of books. 6, No pay for Juror on Uays excused from court. Permits extra mileage nt discretion of court. 7. Cities of C to 2,"i thousand vote bonds for munlclpnl public utilities by majority vote. 8. Gift to religious or charltablo In stitution not to bo Invalidated by uncer tainty of person designated as beneficiary. 9. State bank teal estato nnd fixtures may equal ouu-thlrd of capital and sur plus. 12. Monthly publication of list of per sons registering motor vehicles. 25. Publication of official and legal notices and proceedings In English lan guage nuwhpapers only. 26. Stato to pay for extermination of ptalrio dogs on stato land. 2a. Names "written In" non-partisan ballot at primary for county Judgo or superintendent nhall not receive nomina tion unless vote equal to 10 per cent of vote cast for .governor at thu last gen eral election. 33. Attempt to steal auto a felony. One to ten years imprisonment dn con viction. 34. Defines conspiracy to commit felony. Act of ono conspirator binds all connected therowlth. 35. Uniform railroad right-of-way law. Cuts Union Pacific down to 200 feet in width through tho stnte. 37. Creates office of docket clerk for county attorney of Douglas county. Snl ury, S1.800 per annum. 41. Liquidated stato bank must deposit Its guarantee fund with state treasurer to credit of special guarantee, fund. 42. Stato to pay cost of commitment to asylum of any Inmate of another state Institution. 46. Authorizes mutual Indemnity asso ciations by physicians and dentists. 50, Sheriff to offer same, reward for auto thief as for horso thief. 31. Appropriates proceeds of normal endowment fund for use of stato normal schools. 52. Appropriates S1OS.00O for payment of legislative salaries. 54. Increases pay of deputy stnte sur veyors and Increases fees charged for their services. 55. Appropriates 120,000 for payment of Incidental expenses of legislature 57. Appropriates proceeds of ono mill levy to uso of Stato Normal Schools. 58. Appropriates normal library fund for use of normal libraries. 59. Appropriates normal cash funds for use of normals collecting tho same. 60. Appropriates $2,800 for additional cemetery land at Soldier's Home, Grand Island. 61. Creates state boundary commission to locato lino of Sarpy-Douglas county, Neb., atid Pottawnttarnle county, lowa. Appropriates $5,000 for expenses. . 64. Provides thnt private denomina tional and parochial schools shall be gov erned by tho general school laws as to grades, certification and qualification ot teachers nnd promotion of pupils. Course of study supplies nnd equipment equal to that of public, school. Requires courso in American history, civil government and such patriotic exercises ns mny bo desig nated by thu stnto superintendent. No Interference with religious Instruction. Inspection by county school officer, Un Amerclnn propaganda forbidden, Ponalty for violation line or Imprisonment and closing of the Offending Bchool. 66. Increaso salary for sheriff's assis tants and deputies In Douglas county. 69. School district to pay tuition of pu pil In another district when free trans portation la lacking In the homo dis trict. 76. Increased salaries for officers In cities of flvo to twenty-five thousand. 79. Minor amendment affecting sale ot firoperty of husband or wlfo when spouse s insane. 80. Raises bounty on coyotes $1 to $3, wolves $3 to $6. Payment of bounty by county rnnde compulsory. 83. Creates stato board of chiropody. 84. Minor nmendment In administra tion of estates. 85. Prohibits salo of any oil burning tractor after July 1st unless approved by State University and reoulres tractor companies to maintain n. service station ni(t rcparr pans wiwiui xui Bi.iie. 92. Transfers Clay county from seventh to tenth Judicial district. 95. Emergency appropriation of $3,000 for stnte board of health, 98. Appropriates $15,000 for sub-station of state fish hatchery In Dundy county. 105, Admits veterans of world-war to State Home for Soldiers nnd Sailors. 106. AU school teachers must bo citi zens of the United States. 107. Permits chlropracters to admin Ister drugs. Defines practice. 108. Permits notary to act In other than his county of residence by tiling bond In all counties where he acts. 110. Heirs may compromise claims for damage lu estato matters when court ap proves such compromise 111. Increase salary of supremo court bailiff to $1,600. 114. Peddlers must paint license num ber on wagon. 115. Prohibits publlo school teachers from wearing religious garb, dress or In signia. 116. Penalty of $5 per day on railroad fulling to supply cars within Boven days of application. 120. Railroad must acknowledge, ro celpt of damage, claim, filed by shipper, within ton dnys. 121. Railroads must act on shipper's damage claim within 90 days. Allows In terest and nttorney fees. 125. Drainage district In town under 1,000. Petition to be signed by two-thirds ot freeholders nnd approval by a ma jority vote. 127. Extends term of municipal court Judges In Omaha two years. Incumbents excepted, 129. Appropriates $10,000 for Improve ments at Gretna and Valentino llsh hatch eries, 130. Requires weekly reports of tax collections by treasurers to officers of Ir rigation districts on request. 131, State board of mediation to pro ceed In strike or lockout tit request of either party. 133. Extends double ctectlott board to precincts of fifty voters or over. 143, School officer to furnish copy of all child-labor certillcatcs to state labor bu reau. 145. Increase salary of chief deputy clerk of court In Douglas county to $3,000. 146. Increased salary of Omaha tiro nnd police nnd amends city charter. 150. Providing Incorporation for se cret, fraternal and other societies. 152. Increased penalties for Indecent fixposure. 153. Appropriates the proceeds of two and one-half mill tax levy to the various activities of tho Stato University, of which ono mill Is for general maintenance, three-fourths mill for permanertt Improve ments, snlnrles. etc., nt Lincoln. Tho Omaha (Medical College) branch receives $295,000. SeottHhluff Irrigation school ICO.OPO, Curtis Agricultural School $t;r.,000. North Platte station $fi8,00f. Scottsbltiff station $s,oj0. Valentino stntlott $11,500. The total amounting to $ 1.G0O.H0O nniiu ully. 165. Awards attorney fee to plaintiff when contesting Insurance policy in court arid securing favorable verdict. 166. Douglas county commissioners to hn nominated by districts and elected at Urge. 168. Jurisdiction of health boards In cities five to twenty-live thousand limited to tho corporato limits. 169. Jurisdiction of health boards In cities of second class limited to the cor porato limits. 170. Jurisdiction of health boards In cities of first class limited to the cor porate limits. 171. Jurisdiction of health boards In cities of metropolitan class to the cor porate limits. 172. JurNdletlnn of health boards In villages limited to the corporate limits. 174. Cotton duck nnd canvas coverings to lie marked with weight, size, grade, etc. 175. County clerk of Douglas county Instead of the coutrty nsscssor to make up assessor's books. 178. Authorizes Douglas county nttor ney to employ detective. 180. Releases bank from liability for forged, nltcred or raised check unless claim Is made within one year. 181, Changes fee charged for examina tion of bunk and permits more frequent examination. 186. Increased penalties for obstructing ditches along publlo highways. 187. Prohibits deduction of U. S. bonds from taxable value of a bank's capital stock. 188. For the control, sopresslon and treatment of venereal diseases. 190.' Increases Omaha maximum school levy from 5 to C per cent. 192. Cities of second class may buy or sell heat, light and water, of or to, another municipality. 196. Appropriates $S2fi for tho relief of Mrs. J. M. Tlzor for death of son by acci dent at Kearney Industrial school. 198. Increases maximum levy for pub lic library expenses from three to live mills. Reduces library board to live mem bers on July 1st. 199. Teachers salaries to continue when school Is closed owing to epidemic disease. 200. Prohibits public dances on Sun day. 203. Increases salary of water commis sioner In cities of second class and vil lages from $1,000 to $1,400. 204. Increases pay of road overseer from $3 to $4 per day. 205. Emergency appropriation of $25. 000 to enforco prohibitory law to April 1, 1919. 206. Appropriates $3,000 for revolving fund for state printer. 207. Lincoln school board to pay inter est annually on building warrants. 209. Creates deputy for Lancaster county attorney nt $1,500 salary. 210. Creates county board of health consisting of sheriff, superintendent nnd physician. 213. Eliminates the words, "malt, spirituous and vinous liquors" from the mis-branding section of tho puro food act. 215. Officers of insolvent bank may glvo surety bond and be permitted to re tain control and wind up Its affairs. 217. Maximum school levy In Lincoln raised to 100 mills on 60 per cent vote, au thorizes additional tax for new buildings; bond Issue of 30 per cent of assessed valu ation of tho district. 220. Increaso maximum stnte hall In suranco to $15 per aero. New schedule of rates. Premium paid with personal taxes. 227. Increased pay of county clerks, treasurers and county Judges, based on population. 230. Amending fish and game law as to tho open nnd closed season. Increase number of deputy game wardens to six. 231. Appropriating cash funds of In stitutions under tho state board of con trol. 235. Increased salary for deputy elec tion commissioner of Douglas county. 236. Increased salary for public de fender In Douglas county and extends duties. 239. Increase maximum death benefits of fraternal Insuranco societies. Renefl clary may assign disability policy to se cure support. 246. Increases salary of county super intendents based on population. 250. Establishes college of dentistry and business administration at State Uni versity. 251. Increases salan of county com missioner from $4 to $5 per day. Maxi mum yearly amount to be paid, based on population. 254. Funds received from U. S. ns nld to any state Institution shall be paid direct and not to tho governor ns for merly. 258, Amends and Interprets procedure for salo of real estate for delinquent taxes, 260. Prohibits nppolntment of near relative to office whero salary1 received exceeds $800 per annum. 261. Provides for examination of tho books of all county officers under direc tion of state auditor. 263 Appropriates $311 for sldswalks along stato property at Kearney. 267. Irrigation dlstrlt may vote ns sin gle precinct In Irrigation elections. 268. Special Instructor of normal train ing subjects appropriation raised to $1,000 per annum. 270. County Judge receive 25 cents for each certificate sent stato board of health. 230. Uniform proceduro to quiet title. 231. Forbids display of red or bhick Hag except as commercial danger signal, 293. Establishes vocational schools and appropriates $100,000 to match equal gift by federal government. 295. Provides division ot cost of lino fence. ..296. County to buy grasshopper poison on petition of 25 per cent of tho voters. 297. License for sale of tobacco and permits sale of clgarottes to persons over 21 years of age. 298. Designates 4.200 miles of roads to be known as "state highways" subject to Improvement by stato and federal aid. 299. Auto license law Increasing fee to $10 and up. Transfers administration to stnto engineer. 300. Appropriates three mills tax levy to road Improvement. Total fund of ap proximately $3,000,000 produced by this bill and II. R. 299. 301. Repeals obsolete law relating to health department. 308. Appropriates $28,600 to pave street from Beatrice to state Institution for feeble minded and additional state pav ing elsewhere. Total $100,000. 310. Authorizing five mill special Uvy by county boards to take up floating road warrants. 316. Appropriating $100,000 for sanitar ium for Soldiers Home at Mllford. 318. County having actual valuation of five millions and no bonded debt county board may levy one and one-half mills for county Jail without petition. 321. Minimum bond for school dis trict treasurers $1,000. 322. Increasing to $25,000 amount of paving bonds that may bo Issued In sec ond class city without a vote of tho people 323. Amending primary election law. Convention chosen at lalmury to nominate state officers below governor. 327. Publication In case of adoption sufficient If all concerned know of the proceedings. 328. Authorize cities of second class and villages to construct server systems. 330. Raises salary of chief probation officer In Omaha. 332. Appropriates tho one-fifth mill state nld bridge levy to tho uses in tended by tho law. 344. Creates stato child wclfaro bu reau, Appropriates $15,000. 345. Gives farmers cooperative asso ciations privilege of membership in Omaha Grain Exchnnge with right to rebate prollts to shippers. 353. Authorizes compilation of session laws since 1913 In ono volume. 356. Authorizes city of second class to rent or lease privately owned gas or elec tric plant and operate same. 369. Appropriates fees collected by den tal hoard to the uses of the board. 362. Appropilatcs $1,000 to pay for paving at state property Irt Lancaster county, 365. Omaha municipal court to have quatters In Douglas county court houso and pay rent. 366. Douglas county commissioners to provide the facilities named In 11. It. ."ic:. 368. Omaha to repay money advanced by private parties to pay Increased sal aries of llremnn. 375. Appropriating $,0 for tho uso of the stato board of commissioners In maintenance of tlfteert state Institu tions. 381. Gives second class cities nnd vll ages right of eminent domain to estab lish public utilities 382. Appropriates $.',000 for Maud cian son. Injured at Kearney Normal school. 383. Appropriation of $2S",'JO0 to cover claims and ilellclencles. 384. Public county exhibit of school work at county expense. 393. Appropriates $2,500 for fish hatch ery in Antelope county. 407. Appropriates $50,000 for stnte cus todial farm and reformatory for women. 413. Appropriates St.000 for Eugene Ronton b Injured .at Kearney Industrial school. 416. Increase In school tax levy Lin coln district to fifty mills. 422. Providing for Investigation and statistics of tenantry In towtr and country'. 423. Increased salaries for officers of cities of tho second class. 424. Authorizes organization of co operative credit associations. 428. Appropriates $75,000 to secure n'liiTiii HiqiiupriHirun tor erauicanon ot t-attlo tuberculosis. 429. Authorizes states game commis sion to establish llsh nnd g.iiuo teserva tlons. 433. Validating cxccl county bridge contracts prior to January 1, 1910. 437. Appropriating $2:.,fl34 for the blen nlum to meet the federal appropriation In studying cause, treatment and pre vention of venereal diseases. 443. Appropriating $1,500 for Kntherine Huffman who underwent operation at Orthopedic hospital. . 445. Omaha hotels may dispose of gar bage arising on their own premises. 447. Appropriates $1,500 for the state potato growers association. 456. Amends pharmacists licensing law. Minimum ago 21 years. Qualifications moro stringent. 461. Revision of milk nnd cream test ing law. Creates new standards and de fines tho same. 467. Names of candidate for president nnd vice-president can bo placed on pri mary ballot on petition of 100 electors In each of tho congressional districts of tho state. 473. Requires analysis by state chemist nt ntl fartlllTAru ainl.l l. utntn ntt.l Ann. container to bo labled with same. i 474. Amendment of dairy Inspection law containing many new and far-reaching regulations. 475. Appropriates $5,000 for additional land for state home for dependent chil dren. 481. Revised law governing salo of imi tation dairy products. 482. Revision of law relating to stand ard weights and ruesaurcs. Drastic changes governing many lines of busi ness. 488. Transfers certain authority In in surance supervision from stnte auditor to Insurance commissioner. Gives insurance agents immunity to testify lu ccitalu cases. 490. Repeals law creating state council of defense. 518. Cities nnd villages mny improve highways to distance of six miles from town. 522. Renewal of school land lense to holder without competition when Improve ments equal $2.50 per acre. 530. Specific questions to be answered when voter Is challenged on ground of being an nllen. 537. Compile list of Nebraska soldiers and sailors, nnd glvo each a certificate of service. Appropriate $25,000. 538. Increased pay for officers and em ployees or tne legislature. 549. Authorizes township or precinct to vote bonds or make five mill levy for highway construction. 651. Authorizes cities to order con struction of railroad subways at cross ings. 558. Places dairy herds at state In stitutions under dairy section of college of agriculture. 559. Permits school district to Issue bonds up to 20 per cent of assessed valua tion. 561. Provides for creation of distribu tion districts for light, heat nnd power. To provldo public ownership of such dis tricts by bond Issues and the taxation of property to finance such projects. When ever ten per cent or more of revident free holders of any proposed district tllo peti tion with county board of one or more adjacent counties the question of organ izing district for such distribution and election of three directors shnll bo sub mitted: majority vote of electors to gov ern. Members of board to receive nctunl expenses nnd such other compensation as electors mny authorize nt a meeting. Directors' nets to stand ns chntgo against tuxable property of district. District may Issue bonds, collect taxes, when author ized by electors, to construct and oprrnto distributing system. Any private pro ducer of light, heat and power, with lines running through or nlong district is re quired to furnish electric current for Its distribution system at rates charged other patrons If plant capacity Is adequate. 562. Provides for organization of mu tual Insurance companies other than Ufa and prescribes their operation. 576. Unorganized territory may be added to adjoining county by majority voto. 677. General salaries bill. Appropriates $1,050,000 to pay snlnrles of stnto officers and employees for two years, 578. Dellcloncy appropriation bill. Ap propriates, $17:000 to pay deficiencies In various departments. 579. Claims appropriation bill. Appro priates $24,591 to pay miscellaneous claims against tho state, 680. General appropriation for per manent improvements nt state institu tions aggregating $567,450. 581. General maintenance appropria tion. Totnls $1,251,150 for general ex penses of tho state government exclusive ot schools, penal and charitable Institu tions, permanent Improvements, etc. 682. Governor's bill appropriating $25, 000 to welcome and assist Nebraska soldiers landing from overseas at New York. 685. Governor's bill authorising state prohibition officers to oatch auto thieves and co-operate with county officials In criminal matters. ALL MUST BE FED Practically Every European Courv try Short of Foodstuffs. Agriculturists on This Side of thl Water Are Called on to Save the World From Starvation West ern Canada's Great Op portunity. Considerable discussion Is tuklni plnce in the pnpers ns to the nmount of money thnt the United Stales, will hnve to pity for Its guarantee of t18 price of whent for 1019. The indica tions nt present nro thnt tho treasury will not be nffeeted. Instead of wheat going down the outlook now Is thnt it will go considerably above the pres ent trim run teo. It Is not only the npln .'on of a ninn of the experience of Mr. Hoover thnt give weight to this ns sumption, but we have the glaring fact that tliere will be mure mouth to feed for this year, und the next year or so, than there were lu 1!)1S, und the quan tity of food will bo little. If any, greater. The nsmttnptlon Is based on tho fnct thin fJermnny. Austria anil Poland, nnd others of the lighting tuitions, un able to secure food eunuch In the pnst two or three years, mid still unable to supply It within themselves, will re quire to be fed. The food can now bff taken to them. Kor some time the sol diers will require to be fed; Italy will hnve Its 'lemiinds. There will be ad ditional shipping, some of which will be needed fo- requirements of Intlln, but It will nlso make ocean transport cnsler. Mr. Hoover Is possibly better acquainted than any other Individual observer with both the world's food needs and its prospects of supplying them. He Is naturally very closely In touch with conditions on this cnnMnent nnd his position us virtual dlctntor of the distribution of American-crown food In Europe hns given hlin n possibly unique Insight Into Europenn needs. Mr. Hoover snys there will be no surplus from the 1018 crop to carry over Into 1019. Even under normal conditions this would be. it sufllciently precurlotis situation, for there nntu rally never Is nny possible, cunrnnteo that one or more of the creat whent producing countries In Kurope mny not experience n crop fnllure. Dndcr present conditions, however, such lnck of surplus Is distinctly dangerous, for the very European nntlons upon which thnt continent could normally rely for the great bulk of Its whent, thnt is to sny Hussln, Hulgurln, Serbia and Itou mnnlu, will for obvious reasons he un nble to supply their own demands for the coming yonr. In ndditlon to this, Mr. Hoover points out that fnmlne In India will call for a substnntlnl pro portion of the Australian surplus, and that, moreover, a considerable part of the Austrnllnn supply, which for lack of shipping hns been nccumulutlng in thnt cotinttw, has spoiled. And the demand Is by no means only for whent. Mr. Hoover esti mated that he would be nble to fu nlsh Germany 380,000 tons of grain during the month of April. But it la asserted that thu German stocks of all kinds of grain nnil of potatoes and vegetables will surely bo exhausted before June. Mr. Hoover hns nlso expressed tlm belief thnt It Is questionable whether under tho circumstances food enough can be supplied to tide Germany over until tho next harvest. It is quite clear from nil this that the world is going to depend more thnn ever upon this continent to keep the wolf from tho door until tho wnr devustnted nnd nnttrchy-rldden coun tries In Europe enn once ngnin feed themselves. Alrendy wo read of the protests of British soldiers occupying Germany against nllowlug German wnnen nnd children to perish of star vntlon ns they nro beginning to do. If these conditions provnH in Germany what must be the stnte of nffnlrs else where in Europe among nntlons which have fought with us during tho last four yenrs? To sum up, It mny be stated with confidence that tho demosJ for every product of tho farm will bo unprece dented, nnd that the ngrlculturlst will receive tho highest prices on record for nil thnt he hns to sell. The duty of Canndn, therefore, is to keep up Its work of assisting in sup plying the need. It can do so. It bns tho land nvnllnblo nt low prices; the market is there; rnilroad facilities are good, the cllmnte nnd the soil .produce tho best whent in the world. Western Cnnndu offers tho opportunity nnd the uncenslng flow of farmers into the country indlcntes the fnct thnt advan tage is being tuken of It. Advertise ment. Shaving at Home. "Why do you stnrt tho talking ma chlno when you shnvo?" "Mnkes it seem Just like n real bar ber shop." Louisville Courier-Journal Cutlcura 8oothes Itching Scalp On retiring gently rub spots of dan draft nnd Itching with Cutlcura Oint ment. Next morning shampoo wltk Cutlcura Sonp and hot water. Make them your every-dny toilet preparations and havo a clear skin nnd soft, wbit hands. Adv. A bird in the bush Is worth two In tho cnt's mouth. - Vm Granulated Eyelids W 111 Mr Eves inflamed by expo. E? -k.-. quickly relieved by If triM rVCS EyeRenedy. No Smarting 4 w""juit Dye Comfort At Your Druggist or by mail COc per Bottle. For k'i (he Eye freo mite Mi Mwrlk Cyo Reeaedy C Chlce i r'