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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1919)
flm ft ! i , ! VrVi J. r gtuto llUtotJcM Solely ' - " -., 'i-? " W - -"S --.-. wrSKScr-: A Wnwhiiapcr lhnt filvcs The News Firty-two Week Each Ycnr Tor SI.50 VOLUME 48 hkd cloud, xiabba MAV 1, J!lli. WVW. I Liberty Loan Day Observed Paul C. Pope Now Don't Hide Your Money at Home IF everybody did, it would kill Lminess as smely as il everybody stopped work. Let your money work for you in nn inlucrt bearing certificate of depojite of this bank. Wc pay - per cl. Depositors guaranteed by Depositors Guaranty Fund of State of Nebraska Webster County Bank Edward Floiance, President S. R. Florance, Cashier '"Uft Get YOUR GROCERY Supplies of Wiillbrandt Choice Candies, Fresh Cookies Full Supply of Pecans AH Kinds of Nuts Canned Goods Fine Apples Everything in Groceries and Qiieensware A Few Pieces of Fine Hand-painted China i Tin: miii on SiiiiiuIhv iutoi fcioil to considerable extent with tlm Llhoity Loan Hay ocii-bration which iwul been planned for the occasion. The special tram biought the war tunic to the city as per schedule anil about noon It made Its appeal anee on our streuts. Many interested citieiis were on baud to witness its-maneuvers during the afternoon At two thirty the band made its np. pearunco followed by tho Hoy Scouts and lotiirned soldiets and sailors (mvitig to tho excessive moisture only about ten woie in lino. After tin paiade tho people ussem bled at tho Oipheuin where Mayor Dainoiell intiodueod the two spoalcois, Attorney Ilouchurof Omaha and Mr. (imnrillu .lones of Kansas City Mi-8 Oivon was in chaise of themtisiccl pro giaiu and Miss Helen Lemon held the intent ion of the audience with her leading, "The Flandeis' Field". The tank was again loaded in tho oveuing and proceeded on its way to Uloouiiiihton and oilier point- west. Good RoadsNow Assured The proirram of load biiildimr thtoughout Nebiaska, which lias made considerable progress Is making even gi eater htrldes since it has reaelvcd tho I'JlH approptlatloiis which will now NUiUKJfili li ., m,nsmaemmmmmnm Mayor of Red Cloud Mayor Dameicll called the Council together in adjourned schmou at Council chambers on Tuesday even ing with all members pioscnt and aft- r the minutes ol tho meetings of Apnl 1 und 2 were lead and appioved tlu report of S. K. Florance was roan and oidcrcd placed on file. Attorney Howard S. Foe appealed on behalf of tho band, and asked for an allowance of $G0.00 with which to puiilmsc Mime needed material for tin- oiganirntion, .said request being gi anted. Owing to th fact the City Cleik wa- temporarily out of Kloclrio Light Cash Funds warrants, Council transferred $1000 from said fumf to Water Fund. Council then allowed the following clams, after which Major Dameiell swoie in Mayor Elect P. C. Pope, ana th.- o'd Council adjourned sine die. .1. A. Hiadford . W. A. Patten A. Clark S. K. Florance O. (. Tool . P. II. Honor Alajer Coal Co. C. F. McKeighan A, 11. McArthur-. Gu. Overinjr saioaiKMTiianafflasja Buy Would Yom a paste diamond if you could secure a genuine stone at no greater cost? Then why be satisfied with a mere imitation of a singer's voice when by purchasing THE NEW EDISON "The Phonograph with a Soul" you can secure its RE-CREATION, pure, sparkling and flawless. UNDERTAKING and EMBALMING 3$ ROySATTLEY Licensed in Kansas and Nebraska provldofor approximately 510,000,000 L, I "clln ' " forthoconstiuctioiiof 1,1200 mllos of nM , !f " '' men...,.' n... I... .1 ' an CklUSOIl 2G I "O ' .- ...-rl... wnv vjr mu DLttlU fS engineer It is the intention of tho staf o ongt neer to Hist build tho roads in the most thickly populated districts whea ts' utile is the heaviest and those con neetiiig with the ptinclpal liighwajs Under tho fedeial road act It is noci-ssa;y that a stuvey of the propos. od road, with estimates of the cost of woilc, etc, Hist be submitted to the fedeial government, befoio fedeial aid can bo appoi tinned or contracts let lot thowoik. The vaiious piojects iiuige rioni 91 miles to 1 miles, in accordance with distance between towns and mads they connect. Red Cloud-Ayr, US miles, u round in the list of projects that havo been sur veyed and apptiod by the fedoial government, on whijh estimates foi bids will be iiiudu in its turn. Junior Farmers Meet May 26 li. J. l-rlsbie, state club leador an nounces that May it3 to ill), will be Junior rni mere' week, thetuinualgath. oiing of bojs' and gills' clubs. Fifty, two boy.s and girls havo already been awmdedfree nips to Lincoln among them being Hert Noiris and Clayton Aile.s of Red Cloud, night canning teams, composed of thrco poisons each, will attend, Any other boy or giil who completed n pioji-ct, agilcnlturc or hooto econo mies, last year, or who are woikini nn such piojects this year may attend by pay tag t7 to partly cover their ox- penscs. The mornings of tho week will be devoted to instructions at the univors ity farm. Tho af tei noons will bo spent in Industrial tours of the ilty, visiting various commeiciai concerns. Chickens Are Profitable Thochii-kcn is no lonuer looked imnn. by tho fanner, us a necessary nuisance aiouiiu tno barn yurd or the idol of some city man's, capricious fimn,. u is now playing an Important part in the mutter of dollars und cents In the farmers bank account. During the summer months the chicken rustles Its own living, leiiuirlng little or no at tentlou after reaching the ago of a few months, Miid before Mr. Farmer roal. os that It has passed tho ohlck stago it Is i:i condition to market ns a "fiy' Once an egg piodticer, tho chicken for the fanner. No doubt two of our rural nelghbois, Messrs Hugh Mepnrt. and and Chun. Phures consider the hen a money malter, UK one day last week they biought to the Farmers Union "evenly two ,i0ou (, for which they recelvod thli ty-ilvo cents Hdoun, of better than S"5 ini tio r Oifoi tH l.'l,r..r ,I.J . .. v.:.a...'V' pM,T.!!CU ,im,,J'0"1 tvv,U Hllxe that the chicken Is paying its way ou tho faun. in $150 00 1 115 00 loo oo B . - . -ii7 r2 I . 12 20 I - 'r' Qo!l - . 101 21 R 48 (55 ft .. 0 00 & )0 )0 L0 liUDS .'51 77 S Cl 12 1 fi 80 R 72 .is ; 2 55 S 178 JO 5 2C 7b , r l'J 71 52 18 -15 00 i H 1 00 U i:i 75 , -15 GO 21 00, 0 510 ! 8 jp 7 50 I 1 50 i :;g :;o y p. c. 1 IB in JL iWaO H. Newhouse Optometrist and Jeweler W. C. Gilham Pope Hros. . .. Peterson Garage . . . Votk IJlank Rook Co Crane Co. . . , . . Fairbanks Mor.--o Co... McG'iaw Co Midwest Electric Co. Worthinglon Pump Co. (ico. Trine . . .... .las. Mcintosh t J rant Christy" fail McArthur Lee Ale Arthur ... . I 'rod Fount. . . . Kd Hiinkman. . ... . Chancy AIcHowcll Win. Pegg I). H. Hurden I'. l. Lewis On Tuesday morning Alavoi Pope called Council together for tho purpose of organizing tho new Council, at which time the City Cleik swoio in Councilmon Elect" R. R Oat man of tho l-' Ward and R C. Turnuio of tho .Second Waul with the two old Cotuicilmcu Alessrs. W. (i. Hamilton and Geo. Trino piesenl. Aluyor Pope then made tho follow ing appointments: President of Council Wilher Hamil ton. Health Physician Dr. Henry Cook. City Alai shall and Street Commis Moncr Sam Alountford, salary $150 per month, which salary is to include his entire time with his team. Superintendent of Water and Light PlanM-J. A. Uradford, salary $135.0g per month. Bookkeeper Water and Light De pal tmentO. C. Tccl, salary, $25.00 per month. Committee on Finance Tuinure, Hamilton and Oatman. Committee on Htiilding Trino, Hamilton and Turnure. Committee on Cross and Sidewalks Hamilton, Trine and Turnuio. Committee on Supplies Ontmnn, Hamilton and Turnuio. Street and Alley Committee Geo. Trino for First Ward and R G. Tur nure for Second Ward. Advisory Committee Alayor and Council. Tho bond of S. 11. Florance for $10,000, as City Treasurer with C. H. Potter and W. G. Hamilton as surety, that of O. C. Tccl as Clerk, for $500 with Roht. Damcioll and J. W. Auld as .surety and J. A. Burden as Polico Judge for $500 with Roht. Damcrcll and G. K, Alountfoid as surety wore pie.scnted and npproved, as w'ns tho oath of Geo. II. Overing as City Engineer piesented amj oidcrcd filcdC N. P. Nelson appeared before Council and complained that his sifrt' V. Cf. ..lK JgV yioo2 . wnsfsTiniiTOrrTO S3 IM New Welworth Blouses Models tfat are pleasingly distinctive It's always welcome news to many women lo leain that we have received a new allotment of these very dcsircable WEL WORTH BLOUSES, for they have found ffom experience that there's always something pleasingly different about a WELWORTH model, and that they have all the attractiveness and many of the worthwhile qualities usually incident to much more costly Blouses. Sold here and everywhere Q.50 at the same modest price n' One of the new models lias the front trimmed with tiny tucks crossing wider lateral tucks, while the large collar and reveres arc trimmed with fine imported St. Gall Venice lace. fi Anolhcr late arrival is a parllculatly pleasing round neck model, with 4 dainty embroidery, hemstitching and two rows of pearl buttons ornamenting p front, and with cmbtoided collar edged with Val lace. r ; Welworth Blouses in this city can be, sold here only. F. G. Turnure & Son wnraaro motor purchased from Faiibanks Alorse Co., has never given satisfac tion, but that the company has re quested that he pay th6 bill and settlo his differences with the city, thoy claiming it to be the city's fault that the motor did not work satisfactory, whereupon the Council voted to re ject tho bill. Air. Nelson, being charged with ?5G.10 for current at tho time ho was trvinrr out his ma- ehinery, requested that Council give mm credit for this amount, which re quest was granted. Applications of McAllister & Wolfe and K. H. Gilbcit, together with check for $50 each, for licenso to conduct Milliard and Pool Hall and application and check for $15.00 of Powell & nirknor to conduct Pool Hall and Howling Alley wore pre sented and same granted. Higgest Musical of tho Day, Doano Collceg Glo Club, Alay 7, at tho Or-phcum. Soldiers Will Organize A caucus of tho American Legion will bo held at St. Louis on Alay 8-9 arjd 10. Its purpose Is to take neces sary steps toward the formation of a non-partisan and non-political as sociation of the veterans of tho Great War; an association that will keep alive the principals of Justice, Fiecdom and Democracy, for which these veterans fought; to peipotuato the ties of comradeship formed in service. It is icquested that this matter bo biought to tho attention of the sol diers, sailors and marines of this county who served during tho war. A state convention will bo held at Lincoln, at the Commercial quarters, at 2:00 p. m., Saturday, Alay a. Each county represented will havo tho samo number of votes, regardless of tho number of delegate sent. Tho Lin coln Commercial Club extends an In vitation to delegates to bo their guests at a 12 o'clock luncheon.