The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 24, 1919, Image 5

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MiiKStapm run mnwuvi iwin nmnrManwc mxzMmzxcjar.
IWFJM wnri.1 iww
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is owe awA owe va cv eew
o omv we wov. "ow. are,
eeceAi o caW. a ov oeaV
jawVv &xi& swhscvOoe xvoVaev
Wiaiw, Tfta v&.
tei Soaw Committee.
X ?
Iluy Bread at Powell and Popes
Harry Cramer spent Monday in
Mrs. Chas. Shcrcr is visiting her
mother this week.
Miss Vcnia Henderson returned to
Omaha this morning.
Rev. Harper and daughter, Grace,
returned home from Rivcrton this
. Eugene Ryan and Miss Eltina
Richard attended a dance nt Orleans,
Monday evening.
Mrs. Will Sunbcrry and son went
to Republican City Monday evening
to visit relatives.
Jim Ryan returned to Omaha this
morning after spending a few days
with his wife and children.
Mrs. Dana Burr of Guide Rock
spent the last of the week with Mr.
and Mrs. W. G. Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Grice and daugh
ter, Lucilc, left Thursday evening for
Pasadena, California, where they will
make their future home.
If you need glasses or have eye, car,
jio.e or throat trouble see Dr. War
ick, the specialist, at Dr. Damcrcll's
Wednesday, April 30. Hours 1 to G.
Mrs. Chas. Hill returned to her
home at Hasting, "Wednesday, after"
visiting with her mother, Mrs. Jennie
Hassinger ,nnd family. y
Mrs M. K. Quigley and daughters,
Maxine and,Elberta, arrived in tho
city this morning to join her husband
and make their future homo here.
Anticipate your needs for this sea
sons supply of binder twine and let
us know what amount you can use so
that wc may have enough on hand to
fill your order when it is needed.
Farmers' Union. adv.
Friday and Saturday
"Tyrant Fear"
Two-Reel Sennett Comedy
Admission 17 and JJc
"Tho Masque of Life" A
picture, in colors, which ran
for a week at the Brandies
Theator, Omaha, April 6 to 12
x iriiAiuwit
Eat and drink at Powell &. Pope's
Cafo. tf
Ed Amack is in Grafton today.
May 1st, Clean up day for Red
Pete Lewis of Rivcrton was in the
city Monday.
O. D. Hedge spent Sunday here
with his family.
John Fulton of Rivcrton was in the
city Wednesday.
Attorney Walters of Blue Hill was
in the city Tuesday.
Chas. Eldrcge spent Saturday with
relatives at Blue Hill.
Morton Smith and Fred Robertson
went to Omaha Saturday.
C. D. Robinson spent Easter here
with his wife and family.
Charley and Arthur Arnold were
down from Inavalc, Tuesday.
M. A. Albright returned home from
Lincoln the first of the week.
Mrs. Earl Dickcrson went to Paul
ine Monday to visit relatives.
Mrs. Malick and daughter of Cowlcs
spent Easter with Mrs. Rissie Cox.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Huffer of Ax
tell spent Sunday with relatives here.
Mrs. S. M. Carl spent Easter with
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lindley at Rivcr
ton. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hudiburgh of
Esbon were shopping in the city Tues
day. Chas. Funk of Superior sp'cnt the
weekend with his. sister, Mrs, Hum
mel. Miss Susie Gary of Lincoln spent
tho last of the week here with her
Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Morris of Rivcr
ton spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs.
F. G. Turnure.
Supt. Whitehead attended the teach
ers' association meeting at Holdrcdgc
the last of tho -week.
Mr. and Mrs. James Silvey of Ina
vale spent Easter with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wondcrly.
Miss Mary Christian is assisting in
Cotting's drug store during the ab
sence of Lloyd Barker.
Mr. and Mrs. Vemon Zeiss have
moved into the residence north of the
Independent phone building.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stevens of Hast
ings spent Easter with his father,
Clark Stevens, and other relatives.
Paul McDowell arrived home Fri
day evening from Camp Dodge where
he obtained his discharge from the
Street Commissioner Clawson has
cleaned the rubbish out of the panama
canal on eighth avenue and this canal
is once more open for navigation.
The following shipped stock to Kan
sas City, Sunday: Joe Crow, 2 cars of
cattle; Will Robertson, 4 cars of
cattle and Delaney Bros., 1 car of
hogs. J
A new sign appears over the en
trance to the Farmers' Union build
ing. It is the work of Manager Ed
wards and is a very neat piece of
sign work, considering that John is
an amateur along that line.
If each resident of the city of Red
Cloud, those owning property or rent
ing it, will endeavor to clean up al
leys, yards and the strip of ground
out side of the walks, and urge his
neighbor to do the same, much may
be accomplished toward giving the
town a neat and well kept appear
ance. Mrs. Mabel Thomas, daughter of
Mrs. Pegg, died at her homo in
Grafton, Tuesday after n short ill
ness. The remains will bo brought to
this city this evening for interment.
Besidesa husband and children, a
mother and several brothers and sis-
tors arc left to mourn her death.
' Paul White who has been in the
navy for tho past eighteen months re-
turned homo tho fiit of the week.
During the war he was a gun pointer
on the battleship New Hampshire,
and made several trips across the
pond. After the armfrtien was signed
he was stationed at Hampton Roads,
I Virginia, and wrb diuchgared from the
navy the're.
- .
May 1, Clcan-Up Day!
Will t'rabill wont to Omaha, Tues
day. F. G. Turnure spent Monday in
Dr. and Mrs. Lollar spent Monday
in Hustings.
Miss Elsie Turner went to Hust
ings, Monday.
Come to Red Cloud Saturday and
see the tank.
Clyde Wickwiro of Inavalc was in
tho city Monday.
The Webster County Fair will be
held August 19 to 22.
Good inonls good hervice moderate
prices Powell & Pope's eafo.
Chas. Shcrcr was in the city be
tween trains Wednesday morning.
Chas. Frazicr returned homo from
Siloam Springs, Arkansas, Saturday.
Harold Wiggins returned to his
homo at Wilsonvillc Sunday morning.
Mrs. II. Neuorberg went to Grand
Island, Monday, to visit relatives and
Engineer Nelson and family are
moving to Red Cloud today. Me
Cook Tribune.
Mr. and Mrs. Bye Shcphcrdson of
Rivcrton spent Easter with Mr. and
Mrs. F. G. Turnure.
County Attorney II. S. Foe spent
the last of the week with friends at
Lincoln and Norfolk.
Mrs. Crary of Guide Rock was a
guest of the Will McPherson home
the first of the week.
Mrs. Mpsc Carmony and Glenn,
spent Friday and Saturday in Red
Cloud. McCook Tribune.
Mrs. King returned to her home at
Lincoln, Tuesday, after visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Henderson.
Miss Laura Hedge, who is teaching
school near Inavalc, spent Easter here
with her mother, Mrs. M. Hedge.
Mrs. W. G. Warren went to "Gilt
ner, Wednesday, to attend a conven
tion of the Royal Neighbors lodge.
Mrs. Clarcne Guy and Mary Christy
rc'urned to their home ut Guide
Rock, Saturday, after attending the
County Sunday School Convention.
Miss Lena Rathjcn left Wednesday
morning for Minneapolis where she
will make an extended visit with rela
tives. Mrs. Grace Moranvillc of Guide
Rock attended the Liberty Loan com
mitco meeting in this city Monday
Miss Greta Eshelman, who is at
tending college at McPherson, Kansas,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
B. E. Eshelman.
G. W. Lindscy of San Diego, Calif
ornia, arrived in the city, Saturday to
visit friends and also look after his
realty interests here.
Harry II. Jansscn of Pauline and
Miss Edna L. Hartman of Blue Hill
were granted a marriage license by
Judge Ranney on Monday.
Miss Ethel Owen, the music teacher
returned Thursday evening from
Hastings where she attended the De
gree of Honor lodge convention.
Mrs. O. Lcpley, who had been visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. Jacob Peter
sen, for several weeks, returned to
her home at Hastings, Tuesday.
John W. Barker, one of the county's
pioneer citizens passed away nt bis
home in this city Wednesday morning.
Ho Is his wifo and several
On Saturday evening a surprise
party was held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Amack in honor of
their son, Stanser's birthday. About
seventy five were present and had a
most enjoyable time, after which re
freshments were served.
Subscription llsts'aro being circulat
ed over tlic.county for the purpose of
raisising a sufficient sum of money to
purchase and erect a suitable monu
ment over the last resting-place of the
Into Rev. Hutninol.
May 1st, Clean up day for Red
Cloud. This movement should com
mend itself to every citizen as a bet
terment of civic conditions, and be
cause it endeavors to( bring cleanli
ness and beauty to all objects which
we must see and think about in the
daily life.
Having again resumed
the bus and auto livery
business, I will appreciate
a share of your patronage
when desiring bus or bag
, age transfer to any part of
the city. Phone calls to
Bailey's Tic Barn will re
ceive prompt attention,
Auto Livery in
Wm. Hayes
R. P. Weesncr Elected Scc'y
'iv-'ing of tho Ciil
- held Tuesday ovcniiig, at V Inch
' ' various business matter.-! were
b'' tlit before the mooting. The
V' irnr.tion of F. W. Cowdon, Ut
' 1 ttary, was accepted and R. P.
Woe-nor chosen to succeed Mr. Cow
di'. Hon. Henry E. Muuror was
selected as Field Secretary, who had
vo 'intoered, so it is said, his services
in the way of alending to all outsido
work including the collection of dues,
otc. "Hank" deserves much praise
and we are positive that his duties
will be carried out in a satisfactory
Hiief addresses were given by C.
J. Piatt, Hon. Maurer, Mr. Fausch,
the chairman of the agricultural com
mittee, Rev. J. D. Hummel, of the
Boj Scouts and others. The matter
of an auditorium and sale pavillion
wa discussed and definite plans and
figures will be submitted at the next
meeting of tho Club.
A committee composed of Rev.
Hammel, chairman, W. D. Edson, Alf
MeCall, Wilbur Hamilton and Prof.
P. M. Whitehead was appointed to
arrange for the Liberty Loan cele
bration to be held here Saturday afternoon.
Supt. Whitehead Honored
I rof. P. M. Whitehead returned
fioin Holdredgo the last of the week,
where he had attended a meeting
of the Southwestern Nebraska Teacher-'
Association, ite report a laigo
at tendance and a very fine program.
In the election of oillcers the Professor
was selected as president of the As
sociation for the ensuing year.
'1 ho following is taken from Tues
days State Journal:
1I0LDREDGE, Neb., April 21 Tho
meeting of tho southwestern Nebr
aska Teachers' Association was the
largest sectional association ever held
in Nebraska and provided an expen
sive program for the district associa
tion. Among the prominent numbers
wore Madame Alda, the singer and
William Howard Taft on "The Lcaguo
of Nations."
The following ofllcers were elected
for the coming year: t President, Supt.
P. M. Whitehead, Red Cloud; vice
president, Supt. R. F. Esscrt, Alma;
secretary, County Supt. Addic Spang
ler, Imperial; treasurer, Principal J.
P. Anderson, Holdrcdgc.
McCook was chosen as the place for
holding the meeting next year.
Resolutions were passed thanking
Superintendent Gibson of Holdredgo
anil others; endorsing permanent
peace movement; recommending edu
cational representation in the consti
tutional convention; endorsing move
ment for better physical equipment
for youth; endorsing large school dis
tricts; commend the vocational educa
tion and thank legislature for liberal
appropriation for the state teachers'
association of Nebraska, taking from
teachers their referendum and other
"How I SavviPro Buy W. S. S."
The County School Superintendent
has received word from the State War
Savings Headquarters that all pupils
in the county will bo asked to write
a letter on "How I Saved to Buy War
Savings Stamps." This letter must
not be of more than 150 words and
must be in tho hands of State Direct
or, C. T. Kountze, by the 15th of May,
The letters will be judged according
to the age and grade of tho pupils
Several of the best letters will be
published in this paper.
Definite instruction will be sent to
all the teachers regarding tho writing
of this letter. These instructions will
come through the County Superintcn
dent's office who is working with tho
Nebraska War Savings Committee in
tho teaching of Thrift in the schools.
This letter is a part of the Thrift
work that is to be carried on in tho
schools. It is the desire of the State
and County 'School tmd'-Whr-Savings'
officials' that the' parents also take an
interest in this work and encourage
the children to do those things sug
gested by the officials that will help
to stimulate the idea of Thrift.
Preaching at 11 a. m., and 7:80 p.
m. Sunday School. 10 a. m.
Tho Willing Workers' meeting for
this week has been postponed for two
The Nebraska Baptist State Con
vention will meet at Grand Island,
April 26 to May 1st. In many respects
this will be the most important state
convention the Baptists have ever
held in the state. The church should
send a full delegation of messengers.
I am sole agent for Trcvett, Mat
tis & Baker Co., and have placed
$100,000.00 in farm loans between
tho months of November and March
just past. Enough said.'
, omaiias"fuh
cfkhie," the
; EJ-iiilaraling Burlesquo; Yaudcvillo
.in:iwJnniiio inmiiru'ru,icr:fC!om,i;c:2iJui
I Equimit, Bnlllir.l Icnlc ttilionratnt
Everybody Coos: Ah Anybody
MAYJ THE CIC5WM0 3tH 3M WfSI flF CblcAtt
Better Hats for the Money
than any othes in America;"
$2.50, $3, $3.50 io$6
AH the new blocks 'and colors Grey Green
Bronze Green, Tan, Brown and Pearl
Look well with either a KUPPENHEIMER
Buy these splendid suits and get t he best
and save a few dollars in the bargain
We give service in all Mens and or Boys wearables
Clothing Co.
First Door North of the Post
M itirit
r. and MrsV'
Phone, Ind. Store 158,lRes, 93 RE-Q CLOUD, NEB.
Congregational Church Notes '
Rev. F. S. King, of Crete, Nebraska,
Pastor at Large, will hold services at
the Con"rogational church next Sun
day, April 27th, -both morning and
evening. Tho morning will bo com
munion service. Mr. King is a sincero
and earnest snonkor. Th's nnrmnnx
are attractive and interewting and I
those who have no regular placo ofi
worship, and all other who dcairo
to do no, arc cordially invited to at
tended. .Sundav School nt. ton, oVlnnlf. mntm.
ing horvico at eleven, evoniny service
at 8 o'clock, old time.
Printing of Quolity-Thc Chief OIllco
22c and lie
tMMifj M
Office A ffJ-
V'' ' y.yi
Nebraska College of Agriculture
dairy specialists belcivc milk pro.,
duccrs should, not bo discouraged by
continued high feed and labor priced
Dairy product' markets are constant1 -r
expanding.' United States export''
condensed milk increased from 1G mil
lion pounds fn'iOM to 3C0 million iu'
191S. wAn$ a good deal to do
with this'b'f xrburso, but indications
point to a continued large demand in
Europe for.-American dairy products,
j i