W' A EED OLOUD, HEBKASKA, OKISF BOSCHEE'S SYRUP Why use ordinary cough remedies when Bosehcc's Syrup litis been used bo successfully for llfty-ono years In all parts of the United States for coughs, bronchitis, colds settled In tho throat, especially lung troubles? It elves the patient n good night's rest, free from coughing, with easy expec toration In the morning, gives nnturo a chance to soothe the Inlhitued parts, throw oft" the disease, helping the pa tient to regain his health. Made In America and sold for more thau half century, Adv. SACRAMENTO SAILS AGAIN FOR THE LATE WAR ZONE fc jrj?m It Isn't what a man, doesn't know that worries him, but what he knows others know he doesn't know. II w i ? An unbridled p:tslon sometime lends to the halter. WOM AN WORKS 15 HOURSA DAY Marvelous Story of Woman's Change from Weakness to Strength by Taking Druggist's Advice. Peru, Ind. " I Buffered from a dis placement with backacho and dragging down pains so l badly that at times ' I could not bo on my feet and it did not seem as though jgrl could stand it I tried di Heron t medicines without nnybcncut una .several doctors . told mo nothing: but on operation ' would do mo any good. My druft- mat tola me or Lydia E. Pink hum's Vegetable I JXm. ' Comnound. I took j ' ' w'tn I0 rt-,3U't (XV that I am now well v l and strong. I get ap in the morning at four o'clock, do my housework, then go to a factory and work all day, come homo and get Bupper and feci good. I don't know how mnny of my friends I have told what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. "Mrs. ANNA Meteriano, 86 West 10th St, Peru, Ind. Women who Buffer from any such ail ments should not fail to try this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia EL Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. rar- TITM i - Wl NPJwffir ' - ' 'Kr - v v&mBWVdKmEmMl& ft -- i iinmf m mi mn ii'iln'Mii'M) "illirT1"1 "mmf'n'iii irnii f liWJ!(P(,nTfttxWf'1 issss&EOsujg .lolly gnlis of the V. S. S. Snerumeutu mid the cnmimiu ler ( the xo-m'I, ( niuiii Ciilltntltli, before stilling for Ili-ltMi waters, with n propped of going on to Archangel,. Kiism This ship did during the war. photographed great convoy Juxt woi It HOSPITAL TRAIN TAKES WOUNDED TO CALIFORNIA FREE Smil far free eiui. '"DlaltHt eni lb Tftahmnl Atari- Int to Rtctni Hataithu" THE DIABETINA COMPANY 378J Broadway, New Voik City SEMI-SOLID BUTTERMILK For Hogs and Poultry r For Beat Results in Shortest Time,. Hfe for Least Money, feed W Semi-Solid Dullcrmilk Shipped direct to consumer from lactones in Sioux City, Omaha, Lincoln, Kansas City. Winfield; factories also in Colorado, California. Illinois, Michigan and Ohio. Consolidated Products Co. The lir.st hospital train to carry wounded men ncross the continent left New York with more tlinn n hundred wounded men from California vIIvMoih. It was composed of VI couches, Including ono for cooking, tin observation coach and one specially constructed to care for operating cases. The photograph snows nome of the convalescent light ers In a ward car of the train. MAY COMMAND AGAINST BOLSHEVIKI HUN U-BOAT COMING TO U. S Dcpt. L. Lincoln, Neb Nebraska Directory THEPAXTON HOTEL Omaha, Nebrsska EUROPEAN PLAN itoomn irom Jl.oo up single. 75centH up double. CAFE FKICES REASONABLE LEE W.EDWARDS CHIROPRACTOR N. E. Cor. 24th and Tarnta Sis. OMAHA, NEB. Telephone Doufflau 3415 Night telephone Harney 4791 LADV ATTENDANT fcrnmi f VAN ARNAM DRESS PLEATINB & BUTTON CO. 336-7 Paxton Block, Omaha, Nab. Accordion, knife, utile, space, box, sunburnt and combination pleat ing, liemstltcblag, plcot edging pluking,rucblrjg,coverlnK buttons, all styles and sizes. Price Mil fret. Creamery and Cream Station Supplies Milk Bottles and Dairy Supplies; Est cases ana umcKen uoops KENNEDY & PARSONS CO. 1309 Jones St, 1001 E. 4th St. OMAHA SIOUX CITY m ci 13. .tHfcau.. v mm.- v' Wmmifu'l a ,smw!mfa.. .v "wefa,. . -. -'- u' vj KODAKS Developing, Printing and Enlarging Lincoln Photo Supply Co. (Eastman Kodak Co.) Dept K, 1217 O St. Lincoln, Neb. SANITARIUM SULPHO SALINE SPRINGS Located on our own premises ami used In tho Natural Mineral Water Baths Onsurpusscd In tho treatment of RHEUMATISM Heart, Stomach, Kidney and Liver Diseases. Moderato charges. Address DR. O.W. EVERETT. Mar. , 4thnIM Sts. , -Lincoln, Neb. ;j I - 'it ! - tt ,.fes-i,, yl&'faGmJJixuJtitlsA iUi'..' General Mangln, who bus liuon commander of the l-'roncli army of occtipu tlon In Alsace-Lorraine iiiul linden, was called to Paris to he placed at the head of an allied mission to Hungary. It was Intimated that If necessary he might coniinnnd allied foiees to conilmt tho bolhhevlkl In that region. MACHINE FOR BRITISH AERIAL POLICE fv y ft ' A ... Mvtf 1 View of one of the llvo captured Oer man Huhinarlnes that aro on their way across the Atlantic and that will ho used In tho campaign for tho Victory loan. One will he In tho Hudson river, one In tho Potomac, one will ro up the St. I.nwrenro and throtic.h the Great Lakes to Chicago; n fourth will vlHlt gulf ports, nnd the fifth will go up the Mississippi and Ohio rivers. Tho "lint," designed hy Frederick Koolhaven nnd tested by Peter Logh, will he used by tho English pollco force. This piano has climbed 20,000 ,feut In 121 minutes. Easter Plants In Holy Lands. Tho Illy of the valley, as spoken of In tho IJIblo, Is evidently not the flow er of that namo of tho present day, because It does not grow In Palestine, Uut tho jonquil, tlio narcissus Jon. qullla, our lovely white and yellow spring lilies of several varieties, fa miliarly known as Kaster UnwerK, wow abundantly In tho Valley of Pal estine. The largo anemone, Iris and tho water Illy nro alike natives of Pal estine and generally believed to bo Included under the generic term of Illy, as used In tho lilble. Certain authorities think that tho Illy to which Solomon was compared Is tho nuiuryl Uh, that glorious bulb with glorious red and yellow blooms whleh grows In the vales of Palestine. Longfellow, I think It Is, who so beautifully speaks of tho flowers as "stars that In earth's Armament do glow." Little wonder that they aro so unani mously accepted as tho expression ol a dlvlno energy permeating tho mil vorso and a vivid reminder of that dream of Immortality given to ou: Jewish ancestora thousands of yean ngo ns symbolic of tho resurrection ol the body and tho soul, WRKLEYS The Greatest Name In Goody-Land fliiptiiuss iWw WRIGLEYS vV U V In the seated package that A B keeps all of Its goodness In. A JlM M,f The Flavor Lasts! cp? 2 Sg? Grow Wheat in Western Canada One Crop (Mien Pays for the Land "421 .-rt- .--J5a:l . Tt , ri?d tjtii M$m PsaiiSKil gjgSlJBHPfegwel im?imiil!Mnmill w.fm rnniiHa nfTm the irrentest ndvnntoeei to home seekers. Larsc profits ore assured. You can buy on easy payment terms. Fertile Land at $15 to $30 per Acre land almllar to that which through many years has averaged from 20 to 45 bushels ol wlicat to tno acre, tiunareas 01 cases aro on rccora wncro in tvcsicm Canada a si nolo crop baa nnld the cost of land nnd production. The Govern- menisci mo uuiuiinuu iuiu iu..ut u mii,;.iu.iii """ 1 V"t;, " . tho farmer to prosper, and extend every possible encouragement and help to Grain Growing and Stock Raising. n-t,n,inWt.mrannrInntfrr'1nnrt ntnuchlowfiirurfS. thelllHll prices of grain, cattle, sheep nnd lioga will remain. Loans for the purchase of stock may be had at low Interest; there are good shipping facilities; best of markets; free schools; churches; splendid climate; low taxation (none on improvements). For pxrtlcour utoioctlion oi unm lor,nw, map,, iniuirsira uriure. reducodrellwsr rotoa, tie., opplr to Bupt. ot Immigration, Ottawa, Can., or W. Y. BENNETT, Room 4, Bet Building, OMAHA, NEB. Cnnadlnn Government A front tt! Appropriate. "A friend of mine who Is n very busy ?lrl hns asked me to get her a hat. What hind would you get her?" "If she Is such a busy girl, I would Ret her a beaver." AS YOUNG AS YOUR KIDNEYS The secret of youth Is ELIMINA TION OP POISONS from your body. This done, you can live to be a hundred and enjoy the good things ot life with as much "pep" as you did when In the springtime of youth. Keep your body in good condition, that's the secret. Watch tho kidneys. They filter and purify the blood, all of which blood passes through them onco every threo minutes. Keep them clean and hi proper working condition and you bare nothing to fear. Drivo tho poisonous wastes nnd deadly uric ncld accumula tions from your system. Toko JOLD MEDAL Ilnnrlcra Oil Capsules and you will always bo in good condition. You will feel strong and vigorous, with steady nerves nnd elastic musclct. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are imported direct from tho labora tories at Ilaarlcm. Ilolland. They nro a reliable remedy which has been used by tho sturdy Dutch for over 200 years, nnd has helped them to develop into one of the strongest and hearthlcst races of tho world. (Jet them from your druggist. Do not tako a substitute. In sealed packages, threo sizes. Adv. HOW CAN YOU TELL YOUR FAVORITE TOBACCO? As Plain as the Nose on Your Face Just Smell It Bragley's Line of Talk. "Hragley says his new home Is heat ed with hot air." "Then It Is well heat ed. I've heard Hragley- talk." Self-made men would be all right If thev didn't tall; shop. yfif A Wholessrae, Cleansing, H tiRiRIE Relresblng ind Hcallna l 1!J74aM Loiion Murine for Red- E ness, Soreness, Granula- W iGfc tion.ItchlngandRurning J of the Eye3 or Eyelids: "2 Drops" After the Movies. Motoring or Golf will win your confidence. Ask Your Druggist for Murine when your Kyes Need Care. M-U Murine Eya Remedy Co., Chicane Smokers do not have to put tobaeea In their pines to find out if they like It. They can just rub the tobacco betweea tho palms of their hands and smell It. The nose is an infallible guido to smok ing enjoyment. All smoking tobaccos employ soma flavoring "to Improve the flavour and burning qualities of the leaves", to quoto the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Naturally, there is considerable differ ence in the kind of flavorings used, and tho noso quickly detects this difference TUXEDO Tobacco uses the purest, most wholesome, and delicious of all flavorings chocolate. And tho almost universal liking for chocolate in a great measure explains the widespread popu larity of TUXEDO Tobacco. Carefully need, old Burlev tobacco. lus a dash of pure chocolate, give TUXEDO Tobacco a pure fragrance your nose can quickly distinguish from ny other tobacco. Try it and Cuticura Soap is IDEAL- For the Hands Soap Xo., Olntmnnt 25 k fOo , Talcum Ko. HampU encli raallKl fre lr Cotlcura. upt. v.. uo.loa," LIBERTY BONDS $47.75 for $50 3d Liberty Bond with 3 coupons; $47 for 4th bond with 4 coupons, Send bonds by registered mail. H. M. HOWE," 522 S. Western Ave., Chicago, 111. PATENTS WdtsonK.Cole-nan.WMh- true, iiiia UMt mull. tnxton.DU. lloo f ree. Ulib- at isiaraucaa.