The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 17, 1919, Image 1

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State Historical .Boelrlr
jbS eggSfe.
wKjPiiBBisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Bwl BHBHHIHVBJHJiyjjPBSBIR
A Newspaper That elves The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Tear Fsr S1.50
Don't Hide Your Money at Home
IF everybody did, it would kill business as turely as
if everybody stopped work.
Let your money work tor you !n an intcrcit beating
certificate ol deposite ol this bank. We pay 4 per ct.
Depositors guaranteed by Depositors
Guaranty Fund of State of Nebraska
Webster County Bank
Edward Florance, President
S. R. Florance, Cashier
Nay First, Clean Up Day
Thursday, May 1st will bo clean up
(lny In Red Cloud. Il in the duty of
every citizon to do Ills or her part, to
astlst In milking our llttlo oltyattrnot
IvcHud boHtitifitl. The Indies of the
P. E, O. society huve taken tho re
sponsibility of seeing that tills work Is
curried out. They rtquest you to rake
your lawns, clean up tho back yards
and alleys, remove all rublsh from the
yard and alloys adjoining your proper
Commissioners Proceedings
Red Cloud, Nobr., April 10.
Tho County Commissioners met as
per adjournment at 1 p. m., with all
members present.
The Hoard approved tho npoint
ment of E. Peters as deputy county
assessor of Guide Rock precinct to
(ako the place of Andy Guy, who had
.On motion tho county treasurer was
Instructed to reduce the taxes for
ty. Red Cloud ia the II vest town ofjjois 0n the SW W, of SV i of Sec!
Get YOUR CROCERY'Smpplies of
Choice Candies,
Fresh Cookies
Full Supply of Pecans
All Kinds of Nuts
Canned Goods Fine Apples
Everything in Groceries
and Queensware
A Few Pieces of Fine Hand-painted China
its size in this bcolion, why not also
huve it said that it is the cleanest mid
most beautiful? Clean 8 1 roots and
alloys, well cared lawns, with (lowers
planted where formerly weeds have
grown will mako this possible.
Do You Doubt It?
Funny, isn't it, how some fellows
can tell a story and make it sttcKr
I When it comes to that our genial ex
pressman, Grant Turner, is a past
master in the art. Grant apearcd on
our streets, Monday evening with one
of his eyes decorated as prettily as
any we have ever seen. Grant states
that an innocent little bee Kit down
heavy on him causing the decoration.
Knowing Grant as wc do, wo do not
doubt lu's story in the least. His con
duct in the past has been such that
r I'nmi' Hint ATi Tilwini' linil nnf- nn.
lewd into an altercation with any of to.b(? ro,,uccd from ?B l" $? a8cswI
vaiu'j iiiiu ictM-nniueiik mutt t uo uui-
rcctwl to correspond.
QJycial Bond of A. J. Guy as.,Road
Ovoi&fcvr of disttict' No. 61(j "was ap-
Hon. V. A. Good of Cowlcs, lias proven by tnc Hoard.
challenged Hon. Jas. Gilham of this' Tc following claims wore audited
city to debate "The League of Na- !intl allowed and county clerk in-j
tions." Mr. Gilliam has accepted the structcd to draw warrants on the
challenge. It is expected that the proper funds in payment of same:
two orators will meet some time tlur-' GENERAL FUND
ing the latter part of next week, an- l)o"y Dickenson
nounccmont will ho made in the near C L. Cotting ..
future. Watch for date. Mr. Good Geo. H. Ovoring
27-1-9 owned by Thomas T. Taylor.
Said assesment to be reduced $900 .
actual value, the amount assessed for
Improvements on this land which was '
an error as there is no improvements
on "paid land. The assessment rolls
ulso to be corrected to correspond.
Motion carried.
Motion made by Shitllcr and sec
onded by Thomas, that county treas
urer be instructed to reduce the tax
cb of Smith & McKimmey for tho
I year 1918. Valuation to be reduced
from $1500 to actual value. Motion
On motion C. A. Herrick was ap
points Hail Adjuster for Webster
count, for tho year 1919.
The county treasurer was instruc-
trul .tt 1'ixlnrn tnvnc n Mwtl.t AT.-'
;r; . , ;-".. .; ;';,.."
iruusi) lor i;mo on iois u-o-o ijik m j
T r-, ... .. , I Hi
ie wims auci to icon uoun. valuation ,tai52OTaSSCC!ES!2nzaB3C2armCffl
Actual Voice and the
New Edison are the Same
npO HEAR a magnificent voice on the
stage of the Metropolitan Opera
House is one thing. To hear the same
voice imitated on the talking machine
or common type of phonograph is quite
another thing. But to hear that voice
and to hear it Re-Created on The
New Edison "The Phonograph with
a Soul" is exactly the same thing.
For, as the famous tone tests have
proved, the living voice and its Re-'
Creation on this instrument are indistinguishable.
Optometrist andJyeer
his fellow men.
Debate League of Nations
hns 1'iovcd
Easter Clothes 1
will debate for the League and
Gilliam will oppose the League.
Licensed in Kansas and Nebraska
On Wednesday afternoon at the
County Judge's office, James P. Jen-
jscn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
jJcnsen, and Miss Ruby Haskins,
.daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Has
.kins, were united in marriage. Mr.
and Mrs. Clair Pope acted as wit
nesses to the ceremony. They will be
(at home to their many friends on a
farm southwest of this city. Tho
Chief, with their many friends ex
tend best wishes for a happy married
? -ir.oo
. 14.01
. 10.00
. .'J9.9G
. 4 LOG
. .11:1.05
Mr. (Chas. Ringer
0. J. Kailoy
Edith L. McKciglian
Annie B. Spanogle .
Frank Starr, Co. Treas
A. E. McKinney...- JS5.00
,'J'urnure & Son 122.8.T
P. A. Wullbrandt 41.50
,W. II. Thomas -.-. 5.50
C. A. Waldo 41.40
Turnurc & Son 10G.83
Hoard adjourned to May 14, 1919,
R. P. PERRY, County Clerk.
German Invasion of France
"LeMatin" prints the following
Wnltetav C n. ftn l CQ91 ACf niost interesting statistics of German
ePSteriO. VjUata J,aU imaHion of pronco. One hundred
The people of Red Cloud and vicinity 'years before Christ 300,000 Germans
will have an opportunity to hee ono of invaded France. At Aixen-Province
the deadly tanks that, were used in they wcro defeated and cried for
driving back tho Minis. 'peace. Sixty years later 240,000 Ger-
Thls six-ton war craft will be ex- mans entered French territory again
hibltcdln our city during tho after-'in the Jura districts. Six years later
noon of April 20, appearing in Guide 100,000 Germans marched upon the
Rock during tho morning of tho same territory of the Mouse and Oise.
day. Itis to be used as a specialty In Again they were defeated. Sixty
advertising tho JLiluerty Loau.
Tho tank will bo manned by veterans
from the baUleflehln of France. They
years Ueforc Christ the uermans in
vaded the left bank of the Rhine. Two
hundred and thirty years after Christ
.... ... .. .1
will demonstrate to rou just what the the Germans again invaded France,
machine will do and how it was used Twenty years later they came again,
in successful drives against the Oer- ln 274 A. D. the Rhone basin was in
nmn3 vaded by tho Germans; in 275, north-
jNever uorore in tiie History of the eastern France. In 301. Langres, was
In 351, they entered Lyons,1
world lias Uiero ever been UBed a ma-'pjUagcd
cuine so destructive to mo ana properdin 360, Besancon. Belgium was
ty. Uullt of bullet proof plate, and 'plundered in 3G4. There has been a1
manned by machine guns, It wns nblo'cerman invasion of Franco on the nv-I
to cut its way through the strongest crag0 0f onco every fifty years from1
battle lines and obstructions. ono hundred ycara before Chrl8t untn
This will give vou an opportunity to '191.,. Germany is defeated today,
aCDl.:uun..u. U4 ,.; WB Ijut Jn oU,cr tjmc3 anll jn oU,or war8
liuvo been reading
months past,
about for many
Germany has said, "It can never hap-
nnn ntrftin." Tim Vipfni-v l.ilinrtv
While viewing the same let ub not'T.nnn !a , rmi M,nnWivlnp. ofrnrintr
sorgei lUU oojeoi oi us Visit 10 our foP n ,1fntoll fiormnnv. Tf Is
oommunltyj forget the debt we owe'Amovlrn'n ommrtimitv n nv "it
........-.. ,.,.. ...,, . ",
never happen again" and wo will say
It with a liberal purchase of Victory
Notes. Woman's Victory Loan Committee.
our boya who sacrificed everything in
order to aid In the great struggle to
overthrow the Quo., Remember the
Victory Loan campaign opens April
21st. Will you be one of the manv who
will make this loan success? J Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clarke aftor
Webster county's quota lB;1:450,',!ng a few day8 with Mrs Ju,,a
tnr th vintnr r.nin jri.. .v..' ' 'iWartoi ar,d Mr. and '.Mrs. -R. P.
Copyrlglit 1919 Hart Schaffner & Marx
In all their glory are ready for you
Note: Raster Sunday is April 20th
Don't wait until the last moment for your Easter Suit,
although we are equipped to care for your needs even at
the eleventh hour.
Come in NOW and select from the truly superb selec
tion which has been arriving in anticipation of your wants.
Every sort of a style the clothes-particular man can de
mand, in the nattiest patterns on the market all backed
by 32 years of expert tailoring experience.
Easter haberdashery in the most attractive assortment
to harmonize with your new Spring togs.
The Hamilton -Gather Clothing Co.
Red Clo4, Neb.
T" t'i. .k.-,WxakfF,' Uiti for , Iadlola yhei
..v-.- .-w- Vj"" ' L m9
ml r IWr, future kom ,
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r i i. ', tup' "y . ". ..
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