The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 03, 1919, Image 7

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l o
After Being Relieved of Or.
ganic Trouble by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable
. Oregon, 111.--" I took Lydin E. Pink,
ham d Vegetable Compound for on or
ganic trouble whica
pulled mo down un
til i could not put my
foot to tlio floor and
could scarcely do my
work, and aa I liva
on a small farm and
raise six hundred
chickens every year
it made it very hard
for me.
"I Baw tho Con
pound advertised in
our paper, and tried
it It has restored
my health so I can do all my work and
I am so grateful that I am recommend
ing it to my friends." Mrs. D. M.
Alters, R. R. 4, Oregon. 111.
Onlywomenwhohave suffered tho tor
tures of such troubles and have dragged
alone from day to day can realize tho
relief which this famous root and herb
remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, brought to Mrs. Alters.
Women everywhere in Mrs. Alters
condition should profit by her recom
mendation, and if there nro any com
plications write Lydia E. Pinkham's
Medicine Co., Lynn, Mbsb., for advico.
Tho result of their -10 ycura experience
is at your service.
Gcod Material Might Be Found in th i
Personal "Ads" Inserted if '
London Times. J
For the unique In advertising tho
columns of the Loudon Times are al
most unrivaled. What pictures might
be conjured up by the following "d:
"It Is hoped that the Inito colonel j
who, metaphorically speaking, sat on
mi unoffending subaltern In a West '
end tube train n day or two ago, bus
now dlscovcicd bis mistake- and makes
peace with the third party." ,
And what possibilities for a present-day
Dickens are contained In this;
"Hank of Knglnnd note received. We
thank unknown friend, whose gift re
lb ves much anxiety."
In lighter vein, but of, serious put
po-e Is tho following: ,
"Notice If the pet goat left with
me October last ly Mrs. II. i ij
not claimed within cn das, It wil
be sold to defray expenses."
And here Is something that 13. Phil-
lips Oppenhelni ought to look Into:
"Will the olllccr whose champagno
glass was overturned at Cafe Royal
Wednesday evening, January 22, com
municate at Savoy hotel with gentle
man whose card ho has?"
No Inducement.
"All, good mawnln', sab !" pompous,
ly saluted a saddle-bued, side-wbls-kered
stranger. "Mali name is I5o
sanko, sab Piihfessah 'Oustus Itosan
ko, de famous 'Oyptlan Seer. I lec
tures tonight at de Knights and Ladles
o do Golden 'Scutcheon hall at ilfiy
cents admission, and atterwards raises
le dead, right dar hero' yo' wonderln'
eyes! 'Low me to presentate yo' wld
on o' muh handbills, sub, and to
'spress do hope dat "
"Humph!" Interrupted old Ilrothcr
Soggy. "Yo' hain't do no blzness wld
me. sab uhkne why; l's done got
foil wives buried, and sildder liuvln
'cm ruNcd 1 dratlier pay money to
have 'em left right whuh dey at I"
Kansas City Star.
lie who pays as he goes finds Ida
going pays better and his paying goes
better also.
Where there's a will there's an nrgt.
sound nourish
ment and a
sweet nut-like
flavor impos
made of
wheat alone,
a roop STSV
An American motorliiutu'li manned by American Mildiers lining; patrol duty on Hi. t.muc.
-VJ.T- , J
,i.i':A,W?i('j.'T.JSit0.iSaKtw..y .viwk
III the heart or every doughboy
day spend a "pleasant afternoon" on
shown In the abov photograph of
A new uniform lins been adopted by
tho United States .shipping hoard to
bo worn by the men training for n
career at sea. It Is slmllnr to tho
uniforms worn by sailors In our navy
with tho exception of u few markings.
It has tho shipping hoard Insignia on
tho pocket of the blouse, and two broad
stripes nro worn on tho collar ami
Mettlo of the Pasture.
A young soldier while engaged In
tho desperate light nt Citntlgny was
found by somo of his American pals
at tho conclusion of u particularly des
porato fight squatting In the middle of
a pleco of grass-covered ground. He
had a little pllo of hand grenades at
his side, and there were several enemy
dead on tho outskirts of the llttlo
green oasis. He had been fighting like
u demon, single-handed.
"What's tho idea?" asked the ser
geant, running up; "why stay bore
It's nil over."
"See this grass?" was tho answer,
pointing to a lush patch that luul beVi
put to seed by French pciisnnts beforo
their retreat In the fnco of falling
shells. "I'm keeping It for n cow back
of tho lines that belongs to n family
I'm billeted with. It's tho only pasture
la 40 miles." Argonno Standnrd.
rs" .-. -:v2i.;
of the A. K. !'. In France there no doubt
the banks of the Klilne In (lorinnny.
men of the Rainbow division dancing
Wit I wiHraSao1 1 1 Kwlg -mlmJt42l3S.'H&iK . -
i t8 s ..A '!aiWB? .'ff'jJBg.-S ('!n.'..W(Hifn Nwpit Union
This lionkej hauled the old lady to southern Franco when the Huns came
Into nnrtheri' France, mid has now hauled her back again to Cutry, her home
town, where she lives In a cave with her donkey, the only companion she bus
left In tho world.
Ono of the most vital things In the reconstruction of the wounded and
disabled soldier Is to keep his mind occupied. This Is dona In Franco some
times by teaelilnt? them how to mako wooden dolls. Tho photograph shows n
group of wounded nt Savanny being Instructed In this art.
, , xv
lingered a hope that ho would somo
How this hope was made a fact Is
on tho boat at Nelderbrclslg.
"sr i SJ
"Bayer Tablets
t- -to- "Bayer Cross" ETx
a on .Tablets, f A
DOSE! v. m &
Adults can tako L m
one or two genuine
"Bayer Tablets of As
plrln" with water. If ncc
cssary, repeat dose three times
a day, after meals.
"Proved Safe By Millions"
Buy only the original "Bayer
20 cent package also larger
'Ask for and Insist Upon Only Genuine
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
Owned by Americans Entirely.
Anplrln Ii the trailc nuik of Itayer Manufacture of MonoacctlcacMciter of SatlrTRnrfA
Qunner'o Error Probably the Only
Thing That Saved Flock of Black-
birds From Annihilation.
A parly of KtMith'iiien nt n hotel
were tolling stories one night recently
of famous shots and how ninny
quails, partridges dueks and other
Mrds had been killed at a single dls
charge. After listening to what
seemed n wilful exaggeration by differ
ent narrators, a stranger who was pres
ent volunteered liN experience of liN
only use of the fatal double-barreled
gun as follows:
"I went Into the field one day to try
gunning. The, only game discovered
was an Immense Hock of blaekblrds.
I should say there were 10,000 In tho
flock. Slowly I crawled up to them,
mill when not more than four rods
away the birds rose In n solid mass.
I tired both barrels, and how many do
you think I killed?"
Different guesses were made by tho
party, ranging from 'JO to 100.
"Not one," said the stranger, "but
I went out with my brother to look
for tho results, and picked up four
bushels of legs. 1 had shot n little un
der." Improved Surgical Device.
The treatment of broken and other
wise Injured arms has been somewhat
facilitated by the invention of a iyw
splint, which is a mechanical device
ready for Instant use In any case with
out regard to Its character. It Is In
the event of war, where u great num
ber of cases nro to bo treated as quick
ly as possible, that this now device will
bo of the greatest value. It Is adjusted
to the body of the patient. It can he
used on either arm and may bo adjust
ed to any position in which It may bo
desired to hold tho Injured arm. It Is
a combination of metal rods, with
fiultnblo Joints mid hinges, so that tho
arm Is properly supported and pro
tected at all times.
They're All Intrepid.
"Just n moment before you start to
writing your Interview with Flappers,
tho aviator," said tho city editor.
"Yes, sir," replied tho youthful re
porter. "See If you iin't describe him with
out using 'Intrepid.' Tho word has
been n trifle overworked In connection
with airmen." lUrnilngham Agc-IIer-ald.
When n man Is making money peo
ple expect him to pay for what ho
Don't start anything you enn't fin
ish, mid don't quit anything you can't
lenve alone.
,i i
No Table DrinK
Has Ever TaKen
The Place Of
The Original
BoU just like coffee 15 minute3 after
boiling begins. Its delicious flavor, rich
seal brown color and fine aroma make it
such a satisfying cup that Postum is the
ideal drink with meals for both children
and grown people.
Used in place of coffee it provides a real
health drink. Contains no drugs, no caffein
as does coffee; doesn't make you nervous,
sleepless or fretful.
2 At Grocers two sizes 1 5c & z5c.
of Aspirin"
For Pain
m Lame Back
mtk Neuritis
Bayer packages.
.Money talks, but to most of us It
speaks either In a whisper or tho don
and dumb language.
A Feeling of Security
You nntiirally feci secure when yoa
know that the medicine ou are nbout to
take la nliRolutcly pure and contains r
hnrmfnl or hnbit producing drugs.
Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, kidney, liver nnd bladder remedy.
Tho Mtno standard of purity, utrcnRth
nnd excellence is maintained in every
bottle of Swnnip-Uoot.
It is ncicntifically compounded froa
veRctablo herbs.
It is not a utimulant and is takep "5
tcaBpnonful doios.
It is not recommended 'for every lliing.
It is nature's great helper in relieving
and overcoming kidney, lvcr and blad
der troubles.
A sworn statement of purity Is with
every bottle of Dr. KilmcVs Swamp
Hoot. If you need a medicine, you should
Imve the best. On mIo nt all drug stores
in bottleH of two sizes, medium and large.
However, if you wish first to try this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., UinRhamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing bo sure and
mention this paper. Adv.
A Real Man.
Seven-yenr-old Joseph McKcc ot
Terro Iluute has been wanting n pock
et knife for n long time. Ho talks on
tho subject nt br,enkfnst, at dinner nnd
at supper. But hl mother, fearing
that ho might cut himself or somo of
his little frletids, Ihih not bought one.
The other duy Joseph was being
dressed to go to a matlnoe. lie turned,
to his mother, "Mom, nro you going t4
use your little paring knlfo ivlillo I am
gone?" ho asked.
"I guess not," answered hit" wonder
ing parent.
Then camo his request. "Do yon
care If I tako it in my pocket?" ho
asked, and gave his reason. "I don't
believe a real man ought to go to a
show If he doivn't have u knlfo In bl
Real Happiness.
After reading n poem about a llttll
boy who was so happy because ther
were lovely (lowers, beautiful birds,
blue sky and running brooks, eight
year-old William remarked:
"Those things would never make m
happy, Miss Jones."
"Why, William," replied his teacher,
"what would It tako to make yot
"Saturdays 1" was the prompt reply.
Harper's Magazine.
Actlvfl Enough.
"I honr thnt he Is full of buslneW
activity these days."
"Yes; dodging creditors, mostly."
a 'Reason