The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 03, 1919, Image 5

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in Dress Fabrics
-J 9r -Y V
I -Smart Styles
The Newest product of the Looms
the fabrics they are wearing where N
loshicn's devotees congregate arc
io be found in our showing of
Porte Dress Fabrics
Silk, Cotlon and Woo!.
The spirit of thrift hac caused peo
pie to expect to get e7trn wear out
of the fabrics they buy and makeup.
La Porte Dress Fabrics satisfy this
expectation because they have the
plus service woven into them.
mr Q
'leaia. dieesnerua
Reel Cloud, Nebraska.
"W'.X'"X''j John McGuirc spent Wednesday in
O w..ow..
.-. ...,...-T..-.7- ,II.
O ..
l!uy liretul at Powell and Popes
l Dr. E. E. Lollar spent Saturdav in
Mrs. Ada Rust spent Wednesday
in Hastings.
! Chas. Hunter was down from Ina-
A. D. McAithur spent Friday in vale Wednesday.
Hastings. C. E. Arnold was down from Hluc
E. E. Bunof Guide Rock was in Hill, Wednesday,
the city Monday. E. H2 Ncwhousc w'ent to Kansas
Gcrhardt Ohmstcdc, Jr., was up City the first of the week,
from Guide Kock, Saturday. Mcsdaines X. A. anil Albert Dclph
Otis Frazjcr of Hastings spent the spent Tuesday in Hastings,
weekend with relatives here. j Mrs. E. R. Slawson vent to Onialn
Chas. Kaley attended the Shrincrs' 'Monday, to visit her mother,
meeting, at Hastings, Friday. Win. Crabill returned home from
Olfivfc KtnviMis I'fiturnnil linmn from 'Kansas Citv Ttiftsilav ovnniiiir.
IJcnkclman the last of the week. Mrs. Hattio Dietrich is seriousl." ,jng and rout
I Many citizens nre nlready clean
ing up lawns and alloys. Let every
one follow Milt.
Edward Lnison, of Edison, has
'' been visiting his friend, Mies Eva
Clink, this week.
1 1 Don t iy no to the Indies wnen
,they ask you to clean up the rub
bish. And don't forget to do it.
j Mod Hall, who has boon a Y. M.
C. A. iimlruclor during the war, ar
rived in tho city Saturday to visit
Mnyoi Damerpll returned home
from St. Francis, Raima, tho hint of
the week where ho had bccnlookliiK
after hi farms.
Ilcv. J. L. Hoebo returned homo
from Omaha, Friday evening, where
he attended the Y. M. C. A., demob
ilization meeting.
K. S. Gnrher rcturunl home Snl
urdny morning from Pueblo and Don
vor, wlievo he had been looking after
some bus'tiess mailers.
See one of tho world's famous
(5 prima donna's as a dnucc hall singer
in n Wtfulerii mining camp. See
Ami l!iiu In "Tim lll.lili.ii Tinlli."
........ V..WO ... ...y. .,..v,.. ........
George Overlceso, wlio had been
i overscnx for sevoral months, has
been discharged from the army and
retailed homo the last ol the week.
W. (. Hamilton. Have Grice, G.
W. llutchkon, D. II. and A. ,U. Kaley,
F. B. Maurer, 13. 0. Caldwell and
George Atkinson, wore in Hastings,
Friday, attending tho Shriners meet
ing. Dr. H. P. Hoxsey spent Friday in
Hastings. Ho was accompanied
homo by his wife who had been rc-
. ceivlng incdiral attention at a . hos-
p pilal at that place.
p i You have henrd of Anna Case, the
.beautiful grand opera prima donna;
hut you have never scon her? Hero
is your opportunity. See Anna Caae
in "The Hidden Truth."
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Popo received a
letter tho laat of the week from their
son, Elton, who belongs to tho Ma
ehino Gun Battalion of Co. 1, Division
The young man states that ho is
$ attending the American University
; nl Iioaune, v ranee, and will probably
, .i, bo there six month yet before re
hi Jtil i, ,.. . .... .....
Frank Starr and wife were over
from Hod Cloud Wednesday visiting
the home folks and many friends.
Frank is now the full fledged county
treasurer of Webster county, Nebras
ka and bought the new Oakland auto
of William Kelley while over hero.
Lebanon Times.
The Golden Pod Highway is com
ing thru Pep. City. The enthusiastic
organization behind the movement is
rapidly engaged in making up the.
budget required from every town.
The amount required is about one
dollar for every ten inhabitants.
Chas. E. McPherson, one of the "war
horses", of the promoters is busy col
lecting the Pop. City quota, which
will go to meet the expense of mark-
. ' .---rj - -!
Pete Lewis of Rivcrton was trans- ill and is not expected to recover. County Ranger.
ing the trail Harlan
acting business in the city Monday. Mr. and Mr. Ernest Loscke of
Ed McDonald of Lincoln is visiting 'Inavale were in the citv Tuesday.
his aunt, Mrs. W. L. Koon and family-
Polish up your yard if you have
not already sinned up the rake
George Hoit of Cowles was trans
acting business in the city Tues-day.
Paul Polnicky spent Wednesday
evening with a friend (?) at River-ton.
Andrew KiuiUon of Guide Rock Mrs. Matkins of Inavalo was shop
was transacting btuJncce in tho city, ping and visiting friends in tho city
Joe Crow was looking' rf tor somo
business affairs in Kansas City the
first of tho week.
F. W. Cowdon, of the Cowden
Kaley Clothing Co., was in Rivcrton
the last of the week.
Howard Hamilton of Guide Rock
spent Saturday with his brother, W.
G. Hamilton and family.
Editor and Mrs. Loren Matthews
of Rivcrton were looking after busi
ness matters in tho city Monday.
A. V. Ducker returned home from
The W. C. T. U. will meet with
Mrs. Robt. McUrido next Wednesday
Ray Palmer of Inavale, was at
tending district court in this city on
Mrs. F. F. Christian returned Sat
urday evening from a visit to her
old home in Missouri.
Miss Hazel Overlcese who is teach
ing school near Rivcrton, spent the
weekend with her patents.
Miss Teresa Kellett spent, Saturday
Chicago Friday evening where he at- with her sister, Miss Minnie, who is
tended the M. W. A., convention.
Attorney A. M. Walters of Dluo
attending college at Hastings
The assessors will soon be calling
Hill was in tho city this week at- again to find out how much worldly
tending an Equity term of District possessions you have to pay taxes on.
""Court. ' On account of Rev. Harper's reg-
II. A. Lctson and Jas. Silvey of ular engagement at Lone Tree next
Inavale autoted to Hastings, Friday, ! Sunday, there will be no preaching
where they attended the Shrineiv' 'services at tho Paptist church, but
convention. I Sunday School will be hold at 10
A. II. Carpenter and Mr. and Mrs. o'clock, old time.
Burgess and son, Clarence, returned -. .
homo from Sheridan, county, Kansas, Methodist Church Notes
Saturday morning.
Dr. Nail of Rivcrton spent Satur- , Tho Su",lay Scho1 Epworth
day evening in tho city, between LcaBo ' curch service will be
trains, while enrouto home from 1,cl(l 10Xt Sunday at the old or stand
Ha&tings, whore ho had been attend- ,ai'(1 t,m0 aml Kot tho changed time,
ing the Shrinon,' meeting. At tho 'ol'n'S service tho Holy
j Communion services will bo adminis-
Moved liv ilin rifistrir. nvnrmlrwl liw n
I " ' i"- "j
i.You Are Losing Money-: i8horl. adc,rc.8S' Evol'y one Ss invited
rt loin 11Q in llllc nnimnnnlrm eni-
! If ynu don't fell your cream
to the Fanners Union Cn-opcr-tlvu
Company and receive tho
dividends. iO:f
to join us in this communion ser
Will offer at private sale my house
hold goods, including Majestic steel
Thp'pfll K5 AT "MC EXPECT YOU r""' "?arl' n?)v aml in fln0 COn"
H1C.'V r io tell. 'EM all about ditionj China cubiiiet: sectional book-
VISIT case and desk; bedroom sot; dresser;
Exhilarating. .Burlaw Vaudovillo '' T' L"SS Z
Some of tho Red Cloud editors
hac a happy faculty for throwing
oui a number of Dark Hints about
the other fellow. Hints arc always
unsatisfactory. They leave such
funny ideas in a reader's head.
Now, for instance, after reading th'1
hinting remarks of those editor
about each other, wc find that v'
are unable to decide whether the Rod
Cloud papers arc edited by pole cat--or
horse thieves. A little ventilation
would help or try Tanlae. Frank
lin County Tribune.
THE LYRE, from an tini-diablo
source, learns with pleasure that its
old and highly esteemed friend, C. E.
Matthews, formerly owner and pro
peller of Tho Rivcrton Review, is
now owner and "big chief" of The
Blue Hill Leader, publication found
ed in July, 1887 by The Scorpion, and
which, in its inception was intensely
American as well as being thorol.v
Democratic. Tho people of Hluc Hill
and vicinity are to be congratulated
because of the change, if true, as
they can be, assured of a snappy pub
lication under tho supervision of Col.
Matthews. Shields' Tamora Lyre.
Cloud, one of the most popular and
successful attorneys in Nebraska,
was designated by tho lato Tom
Auld, before death, aftci- his death,
to settle up the affairs of his estate,
which is approximately in the neigh
borhood of one million dollars. In
the selection of Mr. McNenv, Mr.
iuld, banker and capitalist, inado a
wiso choice, as every assurance is
evident that tho matter has been en
trusted to the care of compentency
and safety. It is with a feeling of
profound pleasure that I have watch
ed Mr. McNeny grow from a strug
gling young pettifogger to one of
tho leading barristers of tho state,
and ho has no one to thank for his
success but himself. His slogan,
"keep everlastingly at it with a deter
munition to win," has won, and his
many friends rejolco that ho has
mastered tho problem of his early
youth when life hold nothing in
store except rank promises.
Shields' Tamora Lyre.
Ul Alnri Filled villi Prillr Glrli. FunnrCtcw m, Coreeou
Equlpigt, Billllinl Ictale Eiilioomint
9 Everybody Goat Ask Anybody
auction, on tho street, Saturday,
April 12.
Dig ouj, dandelions, rako over the
lawns, burn up tho rubbish. Tho P.
E, 0. Indies aro requesting it.
Rat iMid drink nt Powell ,t Popo's
Oif. tf
-. W. A. Sherwood and Mrs. C.
M. herwood snout Saturdav in llii.l
inf.' .
M -. Joe Hewitt returned home-
fi,i Republican City, Wrdnesdny,
win (dip hd been visiting her par
ent .
'i Funk, who had been visiting
h'M Mstort Mrs. Hummel, left thin
mo i nng for her home at Muscatine,
"lis Ward Hiatt of Denver is in
Un . ity vlMiling her parmts, Mr. nn i
M' . Mel Shormau and other roia
lh.. v!!-n Foo, who is attending Iho
st-1 - univcr8ity at Lincoln is spend
hv Inn vacation with his mother and
'!. and Mr. Geo. 1 tinea, who have
be n (siting hoi' parents, Mr. and
Mi-. Frank Allen, left for Lincoln
II. morning.
'',". Chaa. Dlekeraon, who had
br, n visiting her father, F. 11.,
rt uil to her homo at Lincoln, Sttt
ui'' iv morning.
".nn Aubuahon was taken to I.ln-
co i Monday, by his wife and i-.l."
Al - Chas. Urtibnker, v here V will
ri o medical troatmo:.
"liss Deatrlce McICelghan of Lin
en' i arrived in the city Tuesday even
hr. to visit her sis-tor, MiV. Rusrcl
An.ik and other relatives.
'I ie drilloi'8 nt the oil well have
eoi .,'lctod tho casing and nre busy out tho water and will .oon
kno. what is at the bottom of the
Mi s Uhmclto Uoner, who is leach
ing in the Fairbury schools, spent a
eo ;'e of days of llio spring vacation
in this city with her parents last
."I . Geo. Dclph, who has been
vi ling at the A. 11. Delph home for
th past three weeks, returned to her
ho, i.. at Pine Bluffs, Wyoming, Tues
da morning.
Minnie ChriHtian lvturnd
h from St. Joe, Sunday morning,
af' having her tonsils removed and
w. , tnke up her schoool duties again
in few days.
1 orgo Warren went to iJoafric
lb morning to visit his father and
br her and before returning home
wi i go to Omaha to look after some
bu mess affairs.
Ri'V. J. E. Jarboe and family slop
ped olf in the city Tucfday to visit
her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. W. II.
Thomas, while enroutc from Denver
to Rossvillc Indiana.
.Mrs. Shambaugh returned to her
homo at Superior Tuesday after
spending a few days with her daugh
ter, Mrs. J. M. Wccsnor and family
who reside near Esbon.
William Mclhide, who is attending
the state university at Lincoln, ar
rived in the city Tuesday evening to
spend a few days with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mcliride.
Friday, April 18th, is Do Laval Re
pair Day at Geo. Trine's hardware
store. Come in and got your sepa
rator put in order if it needs repair
ing, or if you have any question to
ask. ' Adv.
Rev. Silveria of Hastings, but for
merly of the Peru faculty, spent Tue;
day night with Supl. Whitehead and
incidently w:w one of tho judges in
the declamatory contest at the High
j Miss Mabel Uailey expects to ouso
jnoon for Charles City, Iowa, where
'hho will attend a Linotype school and
(learn to operate a Linotjpo machine.
.Miss Railoy has spent tho past six
jtcen years with the newspaper fra
Iternity in this city and we bespeak
success for her.
J High Grade seed potatoes are one
of the first essentials to successful
potato growing, says the Nebraska
College of Agriculture. High yield
ing seed that will produce potatoes
of the best quality is as important
to tho potato grower as high class
breeding animals arc to the success
ful modern live-stock man. Money
and time spent in obtaining good
seed will bo amply repaid when dig
ging time comes. Seed potatoes aro
treated with corrosive sublimate to
control and prevent scab, etc. Tho
standard solution is: 4 ounces cor
rosive sublimate (mercuric bichlo
ride) dissolved in a few gallons of
hot ""water and diluted to a total of
.'0 gallons of solution. The standard
length of treatment is: 1 hour for
tho first time the solution is used;
1 1 M hours for tho second timo the
I solution is used; 1 hours for the
third and fourth timo the solution is
I used. Non-metal vessels must bo
! used.
I am solo agent for Trcvctt, Mat
tis & Raker Co., and have placed
10Q,000.00 in farm loans between
the months of November and Match
just past. Enough snid.
Eggs For Hatching
Thoroughbicd S. C. Brown Leg
horn eggd for hatching, $5.00 hun
dred. J. W. ' Wonderly, Inavale,
Nebr. Breeder of thoroughbred
Shorthorn cattle, Duroc-Jcraey and
Poland-China hogs, Brown Leghorn
chickens, and Scotch Collio dogs.
" I I Tm VMA V rV9. ri A
1 1 m m ik v
' . '. - ir. s w jLrj. fm
Mi &
Ok KV. jtA .v, A,,J- XiiM
T.O .1 V Klti:., Mgr.
U! D CLOID. . NhllilASKA
A pi" I " and 8
im y,7gaaarrr - "rwr-" ,-
msm. Jbpwmmm : c? j, i.wsHiamaiM
" y AmF Awm"m
CWEgrIl0JCjjjR,E5 K.-mm,-im 1
In our lug special we offer you Anna the famous opera star in
"TJie Hidden Truth." In this offering we give you a clean breezy story of
western life, full of action free from the sex problem, full of interesting
tcnes of the great western life with its dance halls to tho final chapter. Tho
happy ending is in Now York and the handsomely gowned women Orpheum
Monday and Tuesday,
Admission 22e and He
First Show S o'clock.
I a AC
.ester Line
h i.r Waists
-1NWJ1 ",, ,
!VP1 a JL Si till v
Dry Goods and Groceries
The best is always the cheapest
That New Home
You have dreamed of for years.
Our house plans are at your service free.
fffalone-Gellatly Go
!: i
5 Phone,
Mr. and Mrs.
Phono,-Ind. Store 158, Res, 93 .RED CLOUD. NEB.