The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 03, 1919, Image 3

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ft's Grandmother's Recipe to keep
her Locks Dark, Glossy,
Tlio old-time mixture of Snge Tea
ond Sulphur for darkening gray,
streaked nnd faded linlr Is grand
mother's recipe, and folks are again
using It to keep their hair a good,
e7en color, which Is quite sensible, as
vo arc living In nn age when a youth
ful nppcuranee Is of the greatest ad
vantage. Nowadqys, though, we don't have
the troublesome task of gathering tho
eago anrt tho tnussy mixing at home.
All drutc stores sell the rendy-to-use
product,, Improved by the addition of
other Ingredient;, called "Wyeth's Sago
and Sulphur Compound." It Is very
popular because nobody enn discover
It has Von applied. Simply moisten
your comb or a soft brush with It and
draw hls through your hair, taking
one small strand at n time; by morning
the pray hair disappears, but what de
lights tho ladles with Wyeth's Sago
onrt Sulphur Compound. Is that, be
sides beautifully darkening tho hair
fifter n few applications, It also pro
duces that soft lustre and appearance
of abundance which Is so attractive.
Had It Dovvn Pat.
There Is a little Chinese boy who at
tends night school regularly and Ih de
cidedly bright, says tho Los Angeles
Times. The other night, however, In
n test, he met his Waterloo. The cpics
Won was :
"Where are glacial mornlncs found?"
and Sing Lee answered In his very best
"Murnlnes nllee sameo b'long Unit
ed Stlates. Some flight In nlr, pome
(light In the ocean nnd sonic lllght In
Fiance. Allee same everywhere lllght
llko . Ask kaiser, him say she
No Escape.
"Good morning, Mrs. Jngsby. We
Ire peace delegates."
"Peace delegates?"
"Ynssum. We were sent by Mr.
Jagsby, who was unable to get home
last night. He wants us to arrange
!ho armistice terms and settle on tho
tzc of tho Indemnity ho owes you."
"Umphl You tell Mr. Jagsby If ho
Icesn't show up here In the next hour
f'll come and get him. He's not In
noMand." Birmingham Age-IIernld.
And many a bird fell asleep resting
on his laurels.
Tor centuries nil over tho world
GOLD MEDAL Hnnrlem Oil has af
forded relief in thousnnds upon thou
sands or1 cases of lame bnck, lumbago,
sciatica, rheumatism, gallstones, grav
el and nil other affections of the kid
neys, liver, stomach, bladder nnd al
lied orgMis. It acts quickly. It docs
the work. It cleanses your kidneys
and purifies the blood, it mnkes a
new man, a now woman, of you. It
frequently wards off attacks of the
dread nnd fatal diseases of the kid
neys. It often completely cures tho
distressing diseases of the organs of
tho body allied with the bladder and
kidneys. Bloody or cloudy urine, sed
iment, or "brlckdust" lndlcato aD un
healthy condition.
" Do not delay a minute n your back
)che9 or you are sore across the loins
or have difficulty when urlnntlng. Go
to your druggist at once and get a
In western uanaaa brain urowtng is a pront maxer. raising uttue.
Sheep and Hogs brings certain success. It's easy tn prosper where you
can raise HO to 45 bu. of wheat to the acre and buy on cosy terms.
Land at $15 to $30 Per Acre
Good Grazing Land at Much Less.
Railway and Land Companies offer unusual inducements to home.
aeekera to scttla in Western
for the purchase of stock or other
Tha Governments of the Dominion
wan and Alberta extend every encouragement to the farmer and ranchman.
You can obtain excellent land at low prices on easy terms, and get high prices
tor your arnin.cutue, aueep ana nogs low taxes (.none on
improvements), good markets and shipping facilities, free
schools, churches, splendid climate and sure crops.
f i rr IllUJUimi literature, Iliafv, ucvv-cipuwMW wiw aw w iu WBUiwufc
Saskatchewan nd Albert. redned railroad rata, etc., appljr to ttoperlntaDdeni
of Immlgrt Ottawa, Canada, or
W. Y. BENNETT, Room 4, Bee Building, OMAHA, NEB,
Canadian Government
For making Ice and refrigeration
for all purposes. Manufactured by
191 1 Nicholas St. Omaha, Neb.
Xi annoying; and harmful Keller, throat
trriution, Udcllng and gtt rid of toughs,
colds and hoarseness at onco by taVing
Freczone Is magic! Corns and
calluses lift right off
Doesn't hurt a bit
A few cents buys n tiny bottle of
tho magic Freczone at any drug store.
Apply a few drops of Freezone upon a
tender, aching corn or a callus. In
stantly that troublesome corn or callus
stops hurting, then shortly you lift It
out, root and all, without any pain,
soreness or Irritation. Those little bot
tles of Freezone contain Just enough to
.id the feet of every hard corn, soft
:orn, corn between tho toes nnd tho
calluses on bottom of feet. So easy!
So simple. Why wait? No humbug!
Every Convenience.
Dick Whlltlngton had come to Lon
don to make bis fortune. When his
uncle paid him a visit that benevolent
old gentleman looked around the tiny
bedroom nnd remarked:
"I'm afraid you must Unci It very In
convenient living In a single room like
"Oh, dear no, sir!" said Dick bright
ly. "Why, It's tho most convenient
place I ever was in I When I want to
go to the dining room or drawing room
or my bedroom why, nil I have to do
Is Just sit still where I am."
M0 nappy Day" sang tho lnundres
as sho hung the snowy wash on tho
line. It was n "happy day" becauso
sho used Red Cross' Hall Blue.
"Don't cry over split milk 1" Is good
advice, but "Don't spill the milk in tho
first place 1" Is better.
box of imported GOLD MEDAL Haar
lem Oil Capsules. They are pleasant
nnd easy to tuko. Each capsule con
tains about one dose of five drops.
Tnko them just llko you would any
pill. Take a small swallow of water
If you want to. They dissolve In the
stomach, and the kidneys soak up tho
oil llko a sponge docs water. They
thoroughly cleanse and wash out the
bladder and kidneys nnd throw off the
Inflammation which Is the cause of
tho trouble. They will quickly relievo
those stiffened Joints, that backache,
rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, gall
stones, gravel, "brlckdust," etc. They
oro an effective remedy for all dis
eases of the bladder, kidney, liver,
stomach and nllted organs. Your
druggist will cheerfully refund your
money If you are not satisfied after a
few days' use. Accept only tho pure,
original GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil
Capsules. None "ther genuine. Adv.
ttoci&icaisixia uvl
Western Canada
Canada nnd eniov her DrosDcritv. Loans mnda
farming requirements can be had at low interest.
and Provinces of Manitoba. Ssalcaiche.
Not Overly Pleased.
"I don't know tlint I'm particularly
pleased with tho fact that women cuu
"You're not. Why?"
"Tho wife Insists on knowing whom
I Intend voting for."
"Well, what of that?"
"I find It's Just another cauwe for an
Still Not Knowing.
ITe Answer me In one word. Will
you tell me If you rejected my rival?
She No.
With ono foot In tho grave It doesn't
tnko n man long to go there with Imth
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eye Remedy
No Brartln Jail H70 Comfort, a) cents at
Llrncflsu or BUklL Writs for Ktee Hjo Itook.
Occurrences Over the Cornhusker
State Chronicled In Paragraph
. Form for the Busy
The PNtluguMicd Service cross has j
been awarded to John O. lhidd. tnedl-1
ml detnelmient. Seventh Infantry, from
Mlntlen. 'I'hN honor vns conferred
upon hltn "for extraordinary heroism '
In action near l-'o-sv. France. .Ttily 1.". ,
Wis. Winking throughout heavy en
emy artillery lire, which preceded the j
Ocriuan offensive. Private lludd aided!
the wounded and evacuated twelve ,
comrades- fmni an epos-cd. position. '
Four million bushels of government
wheat spired In the olevitoiN In
Omaha are to he placed on the mar
ket tit once, according to Charles 'p.
Xonl. vice president of the United
States grain corporation. The wheat
will he M)ld only to lioim tide millers,
for Immediate or future um hut not
to main speculators.
A shipment of llfteen irjgnllon and
Ihe r.(i gallon kegs- of hard elder
shipped to Columbus hy a St. Louis
llrm. nnd seized at the I'tilon I'aclllc
freight depot several weeks ago by
state agents and irollce. was dumped
Into the sewer hy city olllclals, the
kegs sold nnd receipts turned Into
the school fund.
Citizens of Kearney county Imvo pe-1
Utloned Ihe hoard of supervisors to
remove I. .1. 'I'liompsou. county clerk,
because o( the fact that he Is not n
citizen of the I'tiltcd States, and is
holding olllce contrary to law. Thomp
son Is a (icrumn subject.
Onmha capitalists Imvo leased a ,
tract of ground at Shelton on widen
will he erected a srll.(MK fertilizing ,
plant. A large force of men will bo
employed In the new enterprise, which
will utilize fertilizer from sheep,
yards tributary to Shelton. j
One hundred ami thirty tinge county j
bovs nnd girls are members of the Ne
braska Junior Ueserve. They nro I
connected with chicken raising clubs,
garden clubs, com growing, sheep j
. . . 1 l.t.w 11.1.1 Kill.
raising, sewing aim cuumhk " ""
Ing clubs.
Many Keith county farmers are
anxious to sow wheat this spring, but
there Is a great shortage or seed In the
district. The county agent is making
nn effort to secure enough seed to ac
commodate all farmers.
Workmen on the new consolidated
school at ITIley went on strike tho
other day for higher wages and the
man In charge of the work granted tho
Increase asked for, which wns -Ifi
cents nn hour.
Mr. 1-:. P. Phillips of Table Hock was
Instantly killed and live other persons
were more or less seriously injured
when an automobile In which the par
ty was riding, skidded olT n bridge
near Table Itock.
Lowell, Kearney county. Is becoming
one of Nebraska's most lively villages.
Tho town has a new bind;, a new lum
ber yard Is being built, besides n
blacksmith-shop and several other
Two hangars to cost S."iO.OOO. to ac
commodate airplanes Hying between
New York and Omaha In the proved
aerial mall transportation system will
be erected at Omaha In nbout three
Farmers of Clay county hnvo de
cided that they cannot get nlong with
out a farm bureau. Sufficient funds
are to be raised by farmers of the
county to carry on the work this year.
Samuel J. Jones, for four years
commandant of the Ituttlo Mountain,
S. D., Soldiers' home, has been chosen
head of the ftrnml Island Soldiers'
home by the state board of control.
Tho board of health closed the
Alnsworlh auditorium for thirty days
because dancing and roller skating
were permitted after the practice had
been prohibited by the board.
The State (band Lodge of the Odd
Fellow's will convene on April 120-27 In
Omaha. There will be n Centennial
celebration In connection with the reg
ular state meeting.
Odell, Cortland and Adams are con
sidering the question of constructing
community meeting places. An Adams
resident has offered to donate two lots
for a building.
A movement Is on foot to establish
nnother newspaper at Fullerton. The
new publication will be republican In
I'lntte county farmers nro paying
from ?r0 to 500 n month for llrst-clnss
hired men this spring.
Hall county voters nt n special elec
tion defealed by n big majority a prop
osition to hold a county fair under the
Chappell net.
The recent Initiation of a class of
2fi0 In the Shrlner degreo of tho Ma
sonic lodge at Omaha, was the most
elaborate affair of the kind ever held
In Nebraska.
W. L. Purely, Madison, has been rec
ommended to Governor McKelvlo ns
the democrntlc member of the Jlonrd
of Control to tnko the place of Silas A.
Holcomb, resigned,
Oothenhurg authorities called upon
Lincoln to send three special nurses
to aid In combating a ilaro-up of the
Tho fingo County Shorthorn Ilreed
ers' association has received n call
from South Dakota for a carload of
pure bred stocl;. Tho association was
but recently organized.
Oovernnor McKelvlo has received
a letter from Secretary of Agriculture
Houston urging people of Nohraska to
ohservo Arbor day by planting trees
dedicated to soldiers who died during
the war.
According to n stntemont mndo njr
I'rof. Cirnmllch of the stato university,
millions of dollars' worth of sheep
Mini cattle aro being fed In the North
1 " M to valley, and a half million dol
lars' worth of sheep were shipped out
f Scottshluff In one day last week.
I'rof. (Iramllch attended a meeting' of
sheep feeders at .the Xehniska experi
mental suh-slatlon at ScoltshlulT and
was very much Impressed with the In
dustry In western Nebraska.
On motion of Ihe nntl-siiffraglsts, tho
-tile supreme court bus advanced tho
hearing on appeal of the case wherein
wnmnn sutTraglsts won a decision Iu
Hi" Lancaster county district court, re--I
raining the secretary of state from
nmlttliig the 1017 partial woman
-mfrage law to it referendum. The will be heard In June. In the
meantime women may vote In' local
l'i iioiis this spring.
More than 'J(K) persons attended tho
.nitiiial dinner of the Thuiston County
I .inn Iturcuii Association at Wnlthlll.
Mlicers were elected following the
luiiquot. and Miss Mabel l.ucado wad
employed for one year as demonstra
tor, and II. 12. Tafl was chosen eouii
t agent. .
The woman's committee of the Ne
braska . Stnte Council of Defense
wound up their work at a meeting at
Lincoln. The women quit their war
activities with n balance if .y-MKKl In
ihe treasury, which will be used to
forward the work of women In the
About S-IO.O(M) has been raised by tho
capitalists of rialtsinoiith with which
io start an alfalfa mill. Considerable
more stock must be sold before It can
be made a go, but It Is thought It will
be an easy matter to raise all tho
money needed.
In an effort to rid the county of
si rub cattle the Cage county farm bu
ie,iu Is entering upon a campaign to
induce owners of such stock- to ex
(lunge them for aulmnls for bred-for
production mid registered sires.
A Hentrlcu booster has bid $."() fof
the llrst shovel full of dirt to bu
thrown for a community building to
be erected there as a memorial to
(fage county soldiers ami sailors who
participated Iu tho world war.
The Hoard of Governors of Ak-Snr-Hen,
nt Omaha, Is drawing up phuw
for a million dollar company to estab
bsh a permanent agricultural exposi
tion In the city Instead of the usual
fall carnival.
The Columbus hoard of education
has decided to construct two new
era detl school buildings to cost $10,
tn0 each. The board also decided to
purchase a site for a new Junior high
school building.
A great sendoff was given ihe Shel
ton high school basket ball flvo when
It returned from Lincoln captors of
the silver trophy for defeating all op
ponents In Class A In the tournament
held In that city.
The Federal Land hank of Omaha
led all others In loans made In Feb
ruary with $:i,08n,-100. Loans totalling
?M,7(U,800 were closed last month In
the federal land bank system to -1,'JOl)
Governor McKelvlo has sent Invita
tions to governors of the 1-1 states
through which tho rershlng highway
will pass, to select representatives to
a conference to be held In Lincoln
April 10.
AH federal employment olllces
throughout tho state, with the excep
tion of three or four at Oniahn, hnvo
boon closed, because of the failure of
congress to set aside funds to sustain
The highly liuprov d lOOacre Doug
las county farm, ov ned by the Kim
dive Fnrms cnimm-.iy, was sold a few
days ago for $00,000, or slightly moro
than 5-100 an acre.
York Is building an artificial Ico
plant with u capacity of twenty tons
per day. Tho plant, which will cost
$18,000. will he completed In about
sixty days.
It is estimated that tho $2,000 spent
by farmers In Dodge county for dik
ing along the I'lntto river has already
effected a saving of $.r)0.000.
Material for the now $7.r,000 eonsol
Idated school building nt llolmesvllle,
arrived last week, and work hasi
started on the structure.
Thirty-four head tof Duroc-.Tersey
gilts were sold by Ilaworth Ilrothers,
near Klwood. at public salo, for an av
erage of $120.0:1 a bend.
April 5 and 0 are the dates set for
tho Fifth Annual Nebraska Howling
tournnment to bo held nt Omaha.
Six quilts auctioned off at Tnhlo
Itock recently for tho benefit of tho
lied Cross brought the sum of $5-1.
At a public salo near IMnttsmouth,
O. M. Parker disposed of his Cass
county farm for $5100 per acre.
Several Sheridan county farmers
have reported tho prevalence of hog
cholera among their herds. An effort
is being mado to stamp out the dis
ease. Odell's now community club pro
poses to study road problems and to
look lifter tho welfare of returning
soldiers and to attend to other busi
ness 'which concerns tho general wel
fare of the district.
Building and construction work held
up In Nebraska by tho war amounted
to more, than $18,000,000 according to
the survey mado by tho U. S. labor
Sleeping sickness, which Is bnffllng
medical science in all parts of the
country, and which has caused mora
than 20 deaths In Now York, claimed
N. Klein, un Omaha man. Ho died at
Lnrnmle, Wyo., ufter sleeping about
thirty-six hours. Two other patients
afflicted with tho malady, belloved to
grow out of Influenza, aro In Omnlu
.aaaaflHalH!L--Lk V
1 1 yj
' W
I Mr All of Its fioodness
Jw sealed in j
" J Protcctcd Preserved. !
As The flavor lasts! !
SK for and be SURE
,SK for.
to set URIGLEV'S. It's in
a sealed package, but look
for the name-the Greatest
Name In Goody-Land.
WSealed Tight -Kept Rteht'iP'
A Quick Freeze.
In freezing Ice cream remember thnt
tlmo will he saved If you do the freez
ing In a warm place, as tho moro rap
Idly tho Ice melts the moro quickly
tho lco cream or bherhct will be frozen.
A man may bo Ignorant of the law,
but the Ignorance of his lawyer Is al
ways Inexcusable.
It Is better to he level headed than
flat footed.
All foods are flavored to make them
palatable. All smoking tobaccos are treated
with some flavoring for the same reason.
But there is a big difference in the Quality
and kind of tobacco flavorings. Tuxedo,
the finest of properly aged burley tobacco,
uses the purest, most wholesome and
Try Thi Test: Rub a little Tuxedo
briskly in the palm of your hand to
bring out its full aroma. Then smell it
deep its delicious, pure fragrance
will convince you. Try this test with
nny other tobacco and we will let
Tuxedo stand or fall on your judgment.
"Vour Nose Knows"
i The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe 1 K&fflw?9
BUMMM-j- ay i j. 1 1 1 m KBffBWWAvAwSSSSSMj
In the
and be SURE
Mean of Her.
Percy I have one In this wntcu
that I think tho most of In this wortl.
I'eggy Gracious 1 When did jm
havo your picture taken, Percy?
Wife "If I should die would
marry ngaln?" IlushnnJ "Posslbim
I'm frightfully forgetful.
Many n pair of wings In January '
' come horns along about July.
r 1
A Dash -of
- Nose
delicious of all flavorings
chocolate! That is why "Your
Nose Knows" Tuxedo from all
other tobaccos by its delicious
pure fragance.