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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1919)
, LoUWOtlcrtlBOPW ( . a--- r - hn ii&j fH . hvlt mbi a.j j miairr iiai wl -v im t vii nj uanina.. h'i tk- w r - .- ---. -x. rM H.--cv?roBLftaasw .naHW-fcire: mi k ea s Nia WW TW BIiifcWiJvSBTti. V- ' f-. ."TO-v.-Sl . ' .j,V,rti,T . . fV .4W 1HI -W-SfWTV "1 Mkn,. in Kt -tv . "S a.ri;rks,tio-5S:-. MgmJx&. l. ssa&B n IKRI Twaa SLrr. tir.K j 7'fl:A-ir yrft- Eat&n' a?- rr..zvM&rt, . "s- Msrca --sfesa!s-ssa?c5iiw TOf W'8?WVfo S3?aS5B5SSSS fan (. ,A i I ;- I w V& (I atooxav III zii.rrf..iKiit,i.rii.vji'ii.. v.iriifcrcr?aai4atKf nn. --- - .. -ifcr- .. . -. ' "75vr. Biwf.wMW,ri j' ;eizii-?m2t - ,)7--- Z,iX:al gy-?ygr, "w ' " s-'jtn 5riMlSSl !. x 'CJ-s- i-rjr :i A Newspaper That filves The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50 VOLUME 48 JtED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, ALMIIL 3, li)li. JSTUMBEK 14 wwuvv, s Don't Hide Your Money at Home IF everybody did, it would kill husinci! as turely n if everybody stopped wotk. Let your money wotk for you in an 'tit eil beating certificate of deposite of this bank. Wc pay 4 per ct. Depositors guaranteed by Depositors Guaranty Fund of State of Nebraska Webster County Bank Edward Floiance, President S. R. Florance, Cashier ."I : Auspicious Opening I Attention! As You Were The four-nitfht University Knter tainmo"iit opened Wudticsdiiy evening t the Orpheuin with a leprcscnta tivc audience present. Prof. Guern sey Jonoh was the speaker and his subject "The League of Nations." Some disappointment was express- ed because he was not moie positive 't,mt ' ohl flleml' as to conclusions. Ihe critics should Qui ., Wll, . n b(, remember that these arc details ycthc chlpfIf jusl n8 8, unsettled. io one Knows. The lecture was a clear and aca demic presentation of facts and his tory appeitaining to the subject. Conclusions weie left to each individ ual, the speaker himself declaring that as regards the futuic he did not vIlr?V' si . . ., . ... .. Ibcen unable to give the mechanical t lie Catlct Ilan. will hscoursc mu-!cm, th(? attcnlion it aeserves. ,u """r- K' """'"' ,V 10 Anotlu-r week will see things rus of thirty vo.ces apears l'nday'. , 0 , ... , !. .! (. I.... Jl.. IT.. ..... I - 'n.iiiii, uiiu ouiuiiiuy uiu univer sity Players present the delightful comedy, "The Doll's House." Hack .it the old stand again after many months absence spent in serv ing Undo Sam. As I have been dis charged fioni service L will again take up my former place among lied Cloud's ciicle of business men. It is with pleasure 1 announce and standby, connected with just as soon as he can complete arrangements to. vacate the position he is now holding on one of, Filmoio county's leading newspapers. To date my time has been taken up renewing former acquaintances and getting the business end of the oflkc rc-anani'od to my liking, so have m W.W.V.V .v.v.v.v.v.w.v.v.w.vw.vwv Get YOUR GROCERY Supplies of Wullbrandt u Choice Candies, Fresh Cookies Full Supply of Pecans All Kinds of Nuts Canned Goods ' Fine Apples Everything in Groceries and Queensware A Few Pieces of Fine Hand-painted China Upson-Arnold Wedding Wc will then be in a position to give caicful attention to the wants of the "Chief's" many patrons. ' Thanhmg you, one and all, for the many business courtesies extended to the "Chief" in the past, and so- At three o'clock in the afternoon of liciting a goneious share of. your pat- Thuivday, March 27th, Miss Louise ronngc in the future, I am, Upson and Chas. Arnold weie mar- . A. U. McARTHUU ried at the home of the bride's moth er, Mrs L. J. Upson, of Odcll, Neb., Rev. Pruett ofllciating. w., -!h , nl ',.:. " The uill of the late W. T. Aulil, his soldier suit. .Omahrv capitalist, has been filed for I Tlio young lady was for two years j,robat? Uml"' "" cmcn principal of Franklin High School, is o nieces, Lola Peterson and Alice unusually talented and of high ,-lUni8,cker of 0m!llia' hyud lho.yQ Red Cloud Banker Inherits Although There Are Many Devices for the reproduction of sound, only one is tdentified with a name which is eminent in the realm of scientific is eminent in the realm of scientific dis covery. That one is the NEW EDISON, "the phonograph with a soul." This won derful instrument is the product of the greatest inventive brain of our times. The famous lone tests have established its pre-eminence beyond question. Call at our store for a demonstration. TPHU H. Newhouse Optometrist and Jeweler V7w77XgasaaTg2MgssH'aai'.firoi & ciai standing, inc groom is a son of Mrs. A. Arnold, of Inavalo, and is a prosperous farmer so well known and highly respected to require no further introduction. Aftor m Kiimnf nniiu woililinir vinncf- and a volume of good wishes for I0'011;1' Ncb.' 'Son'1 tlintr fiitmn linnnlnncc tl. 1 CStatC, Or $1,250,000, couple departed on a brief wedding tlip and on returning will settle on the gtoom's farm near Inavale. Mrs. Arnold and sons. Arthur and two are to receive $10,000 apiece in stead of 20,000 as named -in the will, sayi, Tuesday's Omaha Daily lire. They had threatened a contest and had engaged counsel. J. W. Auld, a nephew, of Red d the bulk of the accoiding to the will and the agi cement which was made before the filing at Red Cloud. The dead banker was piesidont of the Red Cloud Hank of which this James Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guvney, and .Y?1'10 W cuf; . Mrs. Loscke, all of Inavale, were in I llttrrX ?' Clml0' J",csi;lel. of ",0 attendance at the wedding. Co,,n , I'f1faAnB ,"?,' , Jl"". Y Mr. Ainold, who has but recently anl, J' W AuIl of Ucd Clol,,l aro returned from eighteen months army i"1,, ,c , T i c n- i service, is to be congratulated upon , E' ' 11'oldaan(l JVJ- Sullivan who the auspicious ewnt which nunks siKncd t,101wl11 as wllnc"M t,ht,f,c,, the termination of his career as a ,aMhc ?lat1'.n'V . ,., . . . 'ci.i... .i i. n.:e .! ;.,. .. I. Mr. Auld died in California about I- - - . ... fii'A mnnMio twri T-Trk ttlflflct Vita will & host ot triends in wishing happiness ; """"" "" " """" " " s III VJIIIUilU, III J1UVU111UU1, leaving for California. Everyth i n Usually Found At a First Class Furniture Store ROY SATTLEY t Furniture and Undertaking and prosperity to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Arnold. before Declamatory Contest Despite the rainy weather a largo audience attended the High School ijcciuinaiory contest neui in tnc as- The Hidden Truth Anna Case, the world-famous American prima donna, will be seen in her first picture, "The Hidden 'il.w.......ti.j vwmv.ifc lltm 111 tllU tin- 111 lli:i IllftC 1JU.VUIV, illi: 111 senimy looms msc luesttay evening. Trutn, xit the Orpheum tlicalro on I Miss Helen Lemon won first place, Mond.iv and Tuesday, April 7 and 8. ,Karl Patten second, in the serious The p.cltue wa't supervised under class. Miss Mildred Mercer first in the personal direction of Juluis humoiouH grade. The losers need Stcgei, and is distributed by Select 'not feel discouraged as their 'com- Pictuic Corporation, mcndablo-ofi"oits gave the judges al In this picture of Western mining hard task in picking the winners. 'camps and Eastern society, Anna Rev. Silveria, of Hastings, Beatrice Case is called upon to portray a wide McKelghan, of Lincoln, and County lango of character. As Helen Mer Attorney Howard Foe were the rill, the heroine of the story, she is judges. first introduced to us as a dancing Appropriate and most excellent 'girl 'in a danco hall in a mining camp music was rendered by Miss Owen's out West. She befriends Myrtle orchestra and the High School Quar-.Cadby, another dancing girl, whoso tctte. husband mistreats her. Theio were nine readings given Myitle becomes ill and on her and the contestants wore: First death bed gives Helen a letter which Lucile Harwood, "The- Judgment she says Is to an old friend of her Way"; Secorid Corinno Ncuerlicrg, father's in the East. She tells Helen "Three Things;" Third Earl Pat- to go there, as she will be treated ten, "Piesidont Wilson's Address To kindly. When Myrtle dies, Helen Tho Governors;" Fourth Helen comes East. Lemon, "When The Fleet Goes By;" I Sho arrives at the home of Charles Fifth Goldie George, "The Tele- Taylor, tho man to whom the letter phone Romance;" Sixth Ruth Av- is addressed. Love soon enters their erill, "lho Leperess;" Seventh Mil- lives and they become engaged. Tay dred Mercer, "Jane;" Eighth 'lor discovers that Helen has been Blanche Shorcr, "A Voice From A 'misrepresenting herself, and tells Far Country;" Ninth Thclma Mc- her lie no longer loves her. She Bride, "Tho Littlest Rebel." Savcs him from being swindled in These were under the training of a mining deal and lie finds that, no Mrs. Geo. Kalley and their worlc-is 'malter who sho is, ho loves .her for evidence oi cureiui anq siiiueu-eiiorc nerscit atone. on her part. IviKiniiiniiiWiMnirii! . . iii ,'i ,r iiiiuinii'tiiii'inm"'1!!' iiriiuii'iniwiiiwimi i ' v-,o RlHMftNUHr iHB. . m. i bIhIIIH I 1 - " Miss .Venia .Hendefon iai kMo Attorney W. H. Milfdrfof Bloorn ineton wan attending' VHMriot ctttv Clothes for Younger Men Are the Perfect Clothes For Spring and Early Summer the season that calls for correct clothes clothes that answer fully every demand made of them, both of character and comfort, by the discriminating outdoor-man. Campus Togs meet tiese demands. Their character and refinement appeal to the man who is particular about his appearance, out-doors as well as in-doors. If you want your Spring clothes to be absolutely right you'll cuooso a suit of'CampiiB Togs. Ou$ Sorvlco and Prices will only muko you happier In your choiCo. t The Hamilton-Gather Clothing Co. Red Cloud, Neb. from OMMtha (fiis wec. kftkis tjr o WdiM7. m i ?A