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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1919)
RED CLOUD', RIB14IIA, CHIEF i 9 'V- LOOK AT CHILD'S TONGUE IF SICK, CROSSJEVERISH HURRY, MOTHER! REMOVE POL SONS FROM LITTLE STOMACH, LIVER, BOWELS. GIVE CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIQS AT. ONCE IF BILIOUS OR CONSTIPATED. ' Look at the tongue, mother I ,If coated, It Is a mire alga tlmt your lit tle one's stomuch, liver and bowels needs a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, doesn't oat or act natu rally, or Is feverish, stoinnch sour, breath bnd; has ttomnoh-uehe, sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in u few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of the little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. You needn't coax sick children to tnko this harmless "fruit laxative;" they love Its delicious taste, and it always makes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. To be sure you get the genuine, ask to see that It Is made by the "Cali fornia Fig Syrup Company." Refuse ny other kind with contempt. Adv. Particulars. i "I hear that young Speudlt is go Ing tinder." J "Very much so. lie Is either under his automobile or under a cloud." iic vunvuin unci nu Having cleared your skin keep It clear by making Cutleura your every-dny toilet preparations. The soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal, the Talcum to powder und per fume. No toilet table Is complete without them. J5c everywhere. Adv. Sometimes you meet an automobile driver who needs a new Inner tube ' '.n lils head. Tk. iiil.ii.. -r.ti.i n-.r. Nothing worries n chronic kicker ' like the refusal of things to go wrong . Oh! My Face, Pcoplo who have impure or j impoverished blood should be careful to take only a tempcranco . remedy mado of wild roots and barks such ' as Dr. l'iorce'3 Golden Medi- cal Discovery is und has been for nearly 50 years. Ingre dients printed on wrapper. Tho first day you start to take this rcliablo medicine, impure germs and accumulation begin to scparato in the blood and are then expelled through tho eliminativo organs. In placo of the impurities, tho artcrici and veins gradually get fresh vitalized blood and the action of this good blood on the skin means that pimples, boils, carbuncles, eczema, rash, acne and all skin blemishes will disappear Then you must remember that when the blood h right, tho li"er, stomach, bowels and kidneys become healthy, activo and vigorous and you will navo no mora trouble with indigestion, backache, head' ache. Get Dr. Ticrco's Golden Medical Div covcry to-day at any medicine dealers, in tablet or liquid form, or send 10c fol trial package to Dr. 1'icrco'a Invalids' Hotel, HulTalo, N. Y. Occasionally one should "clean house" with castor oil or tiny pills mado up of tho May-apple, leaves of aloe and root of jalap, first put up by Dr. Pierce and now sold by almost all druggists in this country as Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Always convenient to take. Calf aaaaaaaaaaBas Enemies WHITE SCOURS BLACKLEG Your Veterinarian can stamp tlicm out with Cutter' Anti-Calf Scour Scrum and Cutter's Germ Free Blackleg Filtrate and Agcressin, or Cutter's Blackleg Pills. Ask him about them. If he hasn't our literature, write to us for information on these products. Tho Cutter Laboratory Berkeley, Cal., or Chicago, III. "Th Laboratory That Know i How" 'J-fi ''. , ' I J ' 1 I NEBRASKA INCIDENTS BOILED T0A FEW LINES Occurrences Over the Cornhusker State Chronicled In Paragraph Form for the Busy Reader. Mrs. Tdn Iluuniun of Miirtlnshurg, ho brought notion for S.'O.OOO against forty different saloonkeepers of Thurston, Dixon and Knox coun ties alleging that her husband died of iilcohollsm, and that the defendants furnished the liquor that caused dis ease and death, was awarded n ver dict for $1,500 against three Dixon county saloon keepers by a Jury at Norfolk. All the other were acquit ted. Farmers of Uov Hullo county are going to make some real Improve ments on their places this year, lf loans they are obtaining from the federal farm loan bank is any cri terion. During n single week fann ers of the county borrowed $11,000 from Uncle Sum through the county agent. .lolin 1 Intin. road house proprietor of near (irand Island, was made to k,ss the American Hag und to head u parade through the principal streets ol (Jrand 1-land by Indignant citizens us the result of his threatening a re turned soldier with n shotgun, after discussion of pro-Cermiinlsni. A Jury Investigating the death of Mrs. I'raneisca l!la.ka on the lllir.ka farm near UlWworth. Cherry eotiniy. found that .she came to her dcaih us the lesiilt of n severe heating with a heav.v harness tug with an Iron cock at one end, by her hiNiiind, Josef Blazka. Wayne citizens are determined that the city's streets will lie paved this season. A resolution urging such ac tion was adopted at a mass mcctinc. as well as a proposal for the so-called eltv in, nager form of municipal g v. eminent. Lincoln women have not prepared to take advantage of their new riaht to suffrage to the extent that mem bers of the suffrage association have deemed desirable, according to the registration list nt the city elcrVs olllce. Seoru'e II. S'mldt. SO, wealthy Cor man farmer, who owns S(H notes of Adams county land, four of whose cluitt sons were taken In the draft, was lined $!tlt on a disloyalty charge ut Lincoln by Federal Judge- Munger. Seven attacks and attempted as saults on white women by negroes oc curred In Omaha and vicinity during the past few vve.iks, and pctiplo of the metropolis are eoiiMdcrrbly wrought up over the outrages. Keith county eit'zens arc petting the pace in Nebraska In the agitation for better state roads. Some big im provements on the county's highways are erpeoted this riiuimer. The new St. Patrick's Parochial K'iiool nt McCook was dedicated with appropriate ceremony. A large gath ering Iron) the surrounding communi ty attended the affair. 'Flint both Fort Omnlin and Fort C'nu-k will be retained as balloon school posts Is Indicated by advices to the Omaha Chamber of Commerce from Washington. P.Mikers of Ituttcr county have agreed to loan money to hoys nnd girls of the county who wish to en gage In the business of raising pigs this summer. The people's caucus at P.rokon I tow put up a municipal ticket, headed by C. 10. Tooloy for mayor. The resolution ad' pled called for sewerage and btreet paving. The motor truck company operating between Lincoln and Table Hock plans to extend Its lines Into all parts of the state In time. Ited Cross workers of Oinahn have knitted a total of l.ri,428 garments filnce August 1917, according to lead ers of the movement. Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska plans a speaking tour over tho nation as the administration's spokesman for the league of nations. Indications are that farmers of Box Butte and other northwestern coun ties will plant the usual size potato crop this season. Captain Crllllth A. Demay of In. dlauolii has been awarded the British military cross for gallantry In the war. J. !'. Uaase was elected mayor of Norfolk by a narrow margin over Matt Shaller, Jr., the women's candi date. Farmers of the Liberty vicinity have organized to make war on gophers the coming season. Cage county Is making nn effort to retain its tuberculosis expert even though congress did not provide funds for his salary nnd expenses. Douglas county commissioners nro considering the ndvlslhlllty of build ing nn Ice plant to supply Ice to the court house, county hospital and other county Institutions. The annual lntcr-hlgh school stock Judging contest will bo held at the State Farm near Lincoln, March UP. High schools from nil parts of the state arc planning to send teams. Denn Tancock, chaplain of Nebras ka University huso hospital No. !(.), who returned to Omaha from Franco a few days ngo, expressed the belief that tho Brest trouble Is duo to some political scheme. The death of Mrs. Josef Blazku, who was reported by ber husband to have died with Influenza at the home place In Cherry county, has, upon Investiga tion by neighbors, been practically proven a foul murder. Tho body was found In n cow shed, terribly muti lated, with all Indications pointing towards the husband as perpetrator. Mrs, AWIn Boclnvellpr, wife of a farmer, was killed, four other persons were Injured and thousands of dollars' worth "of thimngo done to farm prop erty by a tornado that swept a path a half mile wide and four miles loin? between Colon and Cedar Bluffs, Saun ders county. The storm was accom panied by a heavy hall, which done it great deal of damage In several east ern Nebraska counties. C. L. Landry of a Denver detective agency, who was Implicated In tho killing of .Miss Sylvia Kelly of Mor rill last December, was found guilty of manslaughter by a Jury at Scotls bltilV. Sheriff Sherman of Scotts Bluff county will go uti trial soon under a charge of being an accessory to tho crime. A number of patrons of the Arapn hoe Telephone company sent a petition to the slate railway commission ask ing If there was not some way to pre vent the use of Cerman over their phones. Nebraska at present has no law to prevent such a practice. Since the removal of all govern nient restrictions on the buying and selling of hogs the price has shot up with great rapidity at South Omaha but predlcllons are being made that the prices will doorcase before long. Plans prepared for a new $(i0.000 school building, to be erected at Bay ard, by Architect Cott of Scottsblun'. weio found to lie structually Iniulo iliiiite by Slate Engineer Johnson, vvbo ordered a new set ,,f plans drawn. of Nebraska's total population, (I't. per cent will live on the proposed fi.0ii( miles of state roads, and So per cent will live within the miles, State Kngineer Ceorge II. Johnson told -00 road boosters at Lincoln. Members of the I'eatrlce Farmers' Co-operative Unlit company voted to ad pt the union plan organization. The company will either buy or build tin elevator. The organization has a membership ol I in. Lutherans of l.e'gh have decided to eroet a new ebun-h. The t-triiclure will bo :!''!)i' feet In size with a steeple 7L' feet high. All services in the new edifice will be In the Kngllsh language. A total' of i ;.",.( too persons attended the I'.M!) automobile show at Omaha, a record crowd unequalled In the his. lory of the affair. Sales tire estimated to have been i';.r in ercess of $.",000, 000. The Johnson county farm bureau has made arrangements with Captain A. C. Wilcov of Mount Vernon, In., to assume the ollice of- county agricul tural and demonstration agent. Stockmen of Dawes county have been losing n number of calves lately with blackleg. Vaccination as a means of cheeking the disease- In the district Is being urged by the county agent. Citizens ,,r llnrlliigton will vote on u pi-np. siiion to bond the city for a" sulliclent sum to erect a soldiers' und sailors' memorial In the form of a library or auditorium on April 8. Cost of pruluotiou and other mat ters connected with the laundry bust, noss will be discussed by laundry owners of Nebraska at their annual convention at Omaha, March 127-UP. At a monster mass meeting at To kaiiuih It was demonstrated beyond any doubt, that citizens of tho city are strong for sewerage and paving, and as soon as possible. A quarter section farm near Filley sold the other day for $:i5,f00, or ap proximately $'Jl!."i per acre. Cage conn ty hind Is gradually climbing skyward In price. Fire destroyed tho Independent Bat tery Servioo building nt Syracuse to gether with Its entire contents, entail ing a loss or approximately $1(J.(KM). Nebraska City Is working out plans to erect a suitable structure as a memorial to the boys of Oto county who fought In flic world war. Sulliclent number of property own ers of Spencer have signed petitions to make certain the paving of tho business streets of the town. Children is now a city of the first class, having been acknowledged such by Governor MeKelvle. Tho city Is now divided Into four wards. John Mentor, near De Witt, closed a deal for the sale of his ".00-acre Gago county farm to John Schrqeder for $i0,000. The Keltn County Cominunlty club has completed contracts for tho fourth annual roundup nt Ogtillala July :!, 4 and fi. Citizens of Humboldt nro agitating the question of paving a number of the principal streets of the city. A concerted campaign Is to be mnd by farmers of Buffalo county to rid the county of prairie dogs. An outbreak of bog cholera which started last month In Box Butte coun ty, Is now under control. State olllclnls confiscated fi.000 gal lons of grapo wine of an estimated valuo of $.'13,000 at tho Walker vlni yurd near Omaha. The raid was said to be the biggest haul of liquor mado in tho state of Nebraska In Its entire history. Anders Jensen, wealthy Mlndca farmer, charged wjth saying President Wilson should he killed nnd the kaiser substituted In Ids place, has been or dered Interned at Fort Douglas, Utah, according to Federal District Attor ney Allen. Following a tilt with the Ktata rnilwny commission at Lincoln, Union Pacific olllclnls announced thnt train service on seven branch lines In Ne braska, suspended ns u wur cmer gency measure, Is to bo resumed. Health Commissioner Chapmnn of Lincoln claims Omaha has more small pox: cases than any other city in the United States, regardless of fsipula tlon, and Nebraska has moro cases than any other state. Lincoln, ho says, has kept the epidemic down to twenty six cases since December. lie urged a statewide vaccination ttwneTawn wfebsA -o MADE ORNAMENT TO TOWN Oregon Concrcto Grain Elevator "Cam. onflagcd" Into Really Artistic Looking Building. Lines as pleasing as those of an old world castle have been Incorporated Intoiunodernlynrrnnged and equipped grain elevator of re-enforced concrete, recently erected at lone, Ore., at it cost of approximately $ 10.0(H). Sym metry has been obtained by arranging two circular and two semicircular storage tanks either side of a central rectangular structure nnd by topping the whole with a pleasing cupola. A heavy black cornice contrasts sharply whh the white llnlsh of the walls. The ground dimensions nro 0'J by oVJ'fc feet, and Its height Is 121 feet over all. It contains a total of i20 bins with a capacity of 100,000 btHrels. A spe cial feature Is the arrangement of tin se bins so us to allow tin utiob- ,'-... ' t i it & if li 3Li L ! i New 100,000-BuBhel Grain Elevator at tone, Ore., Which Is Distinctive on Account of Its Unusually Artistic Exterior, Its Conveniently Arranged Interior and Its Up-to-Datc Equip ment. strtictcd lloor space of 12 by IV.) feet on tho snme level ns the oar lloors. The construction Is such that tho weight of the overhanging bins Is transferred to points of contact In tho solid slab of concrete beneath tho building. Popular Science Magazine. WASHINGTON AS MODEL CITY Chicago Newspaper Points to National Capital as an Example Worthy of Being Followed. It Is strange that American cities have been so slow to appreciate tho value of a plan as It Is exemplified at the national capital, remarks tho Chicago Tribune. The city of Wash ington was planned by the best land scape architect the founders of tho re public could call to their nld. The beauty, spaciousness nnd facilities of tho city with Its great open circles and rndlatlng streets, affording varied sites for residences and commanding locations for public und commercial buildings, Impress every visitor nnd Justify the pride of every citizen In tho capital of his country. Hut Chica go's plan, even though It Involves the reconstruction of Its planless ureas, Is etlll greater, because It provides n water front that any city In the world could envy, nnd because It compre hends all parts of the city and starts the peoplo of every section on further plans to Improve und bcuutlfy their homo surroundings. Importance of City Planning. As the best humanitarians hold that man builds upon the basts of charac ter, so It Is that cities In their phys ical planning, us It affects their stir, roundlngs, must provide for tho finer things that tend to make the mind as well as the body rich. The city plan, In view of these conditions, becomes one of the most Important nnd far reaching Influences of tho times. What Is done now for tho future, must bo done right I Compared Ghent to Venice. Ghent was approached In 1011 by John Evelyn, driving along tho Brus sels road In a coach und six with which Sir Henry do Vic, tho Kngllsh agent, bnd accommodated him. Ho hnd traveled to Ghent "to meet my Lord of Arundel, Karl Murshul of England," and ho compares Ghent to Venice bcenuso "the Lys und the Scheldt meeting In this vnst city, di vide It Into 20 Islands, which nro uni ted by many bridges." The population of tho British in tho old Flemish city recalls tho time, many centuries ugo, when Ghent, under tho van Artoveldes, was tho powerful ully of Edward HI. Evelyn mentions baring seen a palaco of Plimtngcnet memories. So Are Ocouts. American soldiers aro clean, tho quartermaster's department In the last half year having bought for tho A. E. F. 110,000,000 calces of hnnd soap, and 100,000 packa-e.s of tooth Muip. Hoys' LI.'.. HMMMMMMM wmmmmmmmmmmfcFftm 5 1 & Xi !l 1 1 r4J ra i -vk" i &3 M ,Jg. IPs i? ' N$s I I 4- ml WP fj Y At J5t db S&l & imA mil :rajtoiW5iv,wf3 esmtm9imjtffeeoBa rvttaw " "Vi vi::fW 1 Jmmmi$gwm& An TllOro record of .iyuwick, surpassed rninea a inmny or elglit is Her ntory rernarUnblc. Thousands of famlllei! nro larger. Tho history of tho Koch family la unlquo In that tho mother, with nil her loving- care, pinned her faith to n nlinplo homo remedy and never bad a doctor for her children. Horo la what sho nayn: "Pcruna ban done my children Rood. I have n family of eight nnd never had a doctor, only your medicine. We all think rcruna, n nplcndld tonic." So far na wo btivo learned. Pc runa la the only known remedy for which bucIi a wonderful claim can be made. Like Mrs. Koch, there arc thousands upon thousands of mothers who place their entire de pendence upon l'eruna. That Pcruna has merited this confidence la attested by tho words I Many a man works overtime trying to convince himself that he Is honest. FRECKLES Now Is the Time to Get Rid of Tbeie Ugly Spot Ther'n nn toncrr thi nllchtcKt nerd of fr(ln Bbaincil nf jour fn-clili, ni Dtliltii- .lnulilo trrnRtb lri guarantrvil to rrmoie tlic- liumrlT pot. Simply Rot nn ouno of Olliln lnntiln Mrcngth from your ilnusM, unit upptr it I It t In of It nlclit "nil morning ntnl you nlmuM anon ri that rcn the worst freckles haro begun t ls- pprar, while tlii. Ilchtcr oncn hai mnlMiiM en. tlrcly. It la iMom that moro than on twiii-n la nrmliM to rotiiplcttlr clear the nklii and gain beautiful clear romplcilnn. flf sum to a ik for the ilnulil ntrenctti Otliln. thli la boM tiniler iruarantri nt tuuuer back u It falla to remote frecMe. AilT. Love Knows No Rank. The little girl from Texas shyly ask ed the olllcer of the day where Hub ert could be found. She had his picture with her. Did not the lieutenant wish to see It? No, 0, but In the picture Hubert had his machine, "and everything," Well, yes, the lieutenant might take n look at It. The girl really was very pretty. The lieutenant glanced at the pic ture. Itobert was a big, good-looking fellow. But what was this? Why, tho fellow was loaning nonchalantly against the basket of n balloon. The telephone rang. Robert had been located. The olllcer detailed a guard to escort the young woman to her alllaucod. They reached his company. A man, his buck turned, was outside the kitch en door, busily scrubbing pans. ;A look of sympathy came Into the eyes of the girl until ho turned. "Robert!" And its bis arms went around her she never missed his machine. Fort Omaha Gas Bag. Ho Had Had His Medicine. Mu Them's a good little boy. Tako your medltino like father does. .llnmile Aw shucks! When father takes his be always says that word you licked me once for sayln'. Any man who does you an 111 turn will never forgive you for It. If a man has neither friends nor en emies he has lived In vain. 2ift8saa y&fimmsfrJ I 1 The Same Delicious Satisfying Drink Used for years instead of coffee by families who value health The Original Postum Cereal Boiled just liKe coffee 1 5 minutes after boiling begins- Rich in aroma. Pleasing in flavor. Economical. No table drink has ever taken the place of Postum. ''There's Get it at grocers, Two sizes 15c & 25c. tNWMNWW !&sm& fpfto$b aaauocrop Reared Her Family WITH HOME REMEDY American Mather Bcati Them All nro fow fnmili'oa in toM1i ttt Mrs. Gustavo Koch, Box 24, jvcoKujc Liounty, lowa, Has beea Not in tho fact thnt sh rrom audi mothers as Mro. Qugtav Koch. Lour llfo to hert Pcruna la Indicated for cough, colds, catarrh of tho head, nse and throat, or dis order of tho ntomach, bowels of other orgntiH duo to catarrhal ln flammatlon of tho mucous llnlngn. If you nro sick and mirrerlnsv wrlto tho Pcruna Company, Dept, K-SO, Columbus, Ohio, for Dr. Hart man'n Health Hook. It la freo anA you may find that Pcruna In what you need. Dr. Hnrtman's World Fa mous Pcruna Tonic comes In cither liquid or tnblet form. Ax your dculor. If yon nro Hccklnt? health, do not accept "sornethlnc Ju-jt as rood." Insist upon l'eruna. Your dealer wilt i;lvo you a Pcruna Almanac. COLT DISTEMPER You can prevent this loiUhsnmo iUnonno from running tliroui;li iir Htithlti and euro all the cnltn niifTerlnK with It when you IiokIm the treatment. No matter how younir. .NIMHIV.s COMI'OIIM) Ih iMfo to tine on tiny colt, ft IS wonderful how It prevnntH alt distempers, no mutter hovr tlio colts or horses at nny iitfo nro "exposed." NfoiiN'S Is solil liv your tlriiCKlnt. M'OII.V .Mr.HMWI. CO., Solr Mr., OoNhcn, I nil. More married couples would be hap py If the husband was deaf and Hit wife blind. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWEB Has been used for all ailments that are caused by a disordered stomacb ami Inactive liver, such ns nick head ache, constipation, sour stomach, nervous Indigestion, fermentation of food, palpitation nf the heart caused by gases In the stoinnch. August Flower Is n gentle laxattvo regulates digestion both In stomach and Intestines, cleans and sweetens the stomach and alimen tary caniil, stimulates the liver to se crete the bile nnd Impurities from tho blond. Sold In till civilized countries ''ve It u trial. Adv. Wild Horses a Problem. France bus courteously but hrmly refused to consider the strlhy moat of the bony Montana wild range horse, Washington dispatches declare that United States Senator T. ,T, Walsh ot Montana, who took tle matter up with the French high commission, was told that France was not In the marker for Montana horse moat on any term Sale of the range horse for foocl bus long been agitated, as he devours the range. . He Is worthless as a horse and to round bltn up, slay and bury him would cost too much money. Hi Is too numerous to kill and let Ufc slfice he might start a plague. Vs rlous projects to can him have been gently scorned by American ment packers, and the solution of tho firon lent, It would seem, Is not yet. Some Don't Know It, Hero's a registration yarn vrttTca, though late, still has Us laughr Louis Yvyno was born In ruinnj Italy. When he registered bo was re quired to till out an Information ullf giving name and other personal fact He was a bright boy ami made ni mistakes until ho enmo to the Una marked "born," followed Py u biting space. In this Louis wrote down verjj neatly the one word, "Yes." Natural Procedure. "What do you think of that ncrW gas scheme?" "Oh, everybody Is mats Ing light of It." a Reason $