The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 27, 1919, Image 5

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Smart Styles in Dress Fabrics
The Newest product of the Looms
the fabrics they are wearing where
fashion's devotees congregate are
to be found in our showing of
La Porte Dress Fabrics
Silk, Cotton and Wool.
The spirit of thrift has caused peo
ple to expect to get extra wear out
of the fabrics they buy and makeup.
La Porte Dress Fabrics satisfy this
expectation because they have the
plus service woven into them.
eoia. jieemer
s -a
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
.A ,""'".' ....:,. "., , r :,' , ', ' .n.i win
Mrs. Chas. Dickerson of Lincoln is
in the city isiting her father, S. H.
Kizcr and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gilmore have
returned home from Manzanola, Colo
rado, to which place they were call
ed on Thursday by the serious ill
ness of his sister, Miss lona, who
passed away that same evening. The
young lady will bo remembered by
many here, having resided with her
', parents south of town up ' until a
short time ago when she moved to
Colorado in the hopes of benefitting
her5hcalth. She enjoyed a wide cir
cle of friends both here and in her
new home, for to know her was to
love her and the entire community
joins in extending sympathy to the
bereaved relatives.
.TBADt v, ) -fc "k if M lnii
Friday and Saturday
March 28 and 29
Vivian MArcrm I
Vivian Martin
From William Lockes
popular Story
Sheriff Nell's
Admltdon 17 and tfc
' il
liuy Hiead ut Powell si ml Popes
Tom Jones of Inavale was in Red
Cloud Monday.
Ernest Locske of Inavale was a
Red Cloud visitor Tuesday.
A. H. Carpenter "left Tuesday
morning for Seldcn, Kansas.
John Smith, of Blue Hill, was a
Red Cloud visitor Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gcllatly went
up to Hastings Monday to visit rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ioe-ske and
family of Inavale spent Wednesday
,m the city.
Mr. E. A. Crcighton spent Mon
day in Ulue Hill visiting her sister,
Mi-. C. V. fiiind and family.
Aaron Hedge arrived homo the
first of last week from overseas, hav
ing received his honorable discharge.
Miss Nellie Fry returned to her
.school duties at the Nebraska Wes
loyan University, at Lincoln, on Tues
day, after enjoying a weeks vacation
here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Fry and family. ,
.'!20 acres in Red Willow county,
Nebr., 3 miles from town, 190 acres
smooth in cultivation, balance in
pasture. All fenced and cross
fenced, fair improvements. Price
$25 per acre. Good terms. Write or
call, Edgar Howard, Orleans, Neb
raska. v 13-tf
You Are Losing Money
If you don't sell your cream :
to the Farmers Union Co-oper-.
tive Company and receive the '
dividends. 40tf
The Young Peoples' Five Hundred
Club enjoyed a fancy dress progres
sive luncheon Thursday the first
course being served at Ned Grimes'
homo, the second at Floyd Turnure's,
the third at Paul Pope's and the
fourth and last at E. L. Morhart's,
where the balance of the evening
wad spent in dancing. The costumes
worn by those in , attendance were
said to bo "reat, and every body
present had a most enjoyable time.
Dr. R. P. Hoxsey went up to Hast
Howard Simpson is home on a
weeks furlough, which he is spending
with his mother, Mrs. Mary Simpson
and other relatives. The young man
came from Philadelphia, from ofi the
battleship, U. S. S. Louisiana. His
sister, Mrs. G. T. Kirchncr and
daughter, of Armour accompanied
him and will visit here for a lime,
ings on Monday to visit his wife,
who is convalescing in a hospital at
that place.
I "OMAHA'S fkbrt3rt7 VISIT
cehtbe," the SarHr IT
Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville
Slip Alnji Flllid with Pnllr Glrli.FsnirCloiM, Gorcuui
Equlpitt. Brllllint Settle Eitlroinitt
Everybody Goi Ask Anybody 1
Mrs. A. E. Bolca went up to ftast'-
ings on Friday to visit 'tMMJvt.
Fred Temple, of Kansas Cfty, wrifc
visiting friends in Red Cloud Satur
day. Fay and May Saladcn returned
home on Monday from n visit with
relatives at Orleans.
A. V. Dtfcker went to Chicago as
a delegate at the Modern Woodman
J. L. Christian of St.' Joe, spent tho
weekend with his wife and daughters
in this city.
Miss Ueinice Saunders came down
from Inavale on Monday to spend
the day with friends.
Gilbert Heck of Guide Rock has
succeeded Glen Olmstedo at the block
in the John E. Yost & Son meat mar
ket. Mrs. Drown of Oxford was a week
end guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jake Kinser.
Elery Hooper, Fird Walker and
Paul Nowhousc left Thursday morn
ing for Kansas City.
iui's. J. II. Dailey went up to
Cowles on Friday to visit her
daughter, Mrs. Harry Waller and
Guy Tennant returned to his home
at Greenwood on Monday after a
visit with his daughter, Miss Mary,
and other relatives.
Mis. Laura Meisinger returned to
her home at Hastings on Friday
after a visit here with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. P.. Pierce.
Ituy llrt-ii'l ut I Well A. Pope's Cafe.
Harry Duiker arrived home' Tues
day morning, having received his
honorable discharge from Camp
Dodge, Iowa.
Earl Hall and Dr. Nicholson were
in Hastings Sunday where the lat
ter purchased a new Duick roadster
which ho drove home.
Dr. Warrick, the Specialist, "will
meet eye, ear, nose and throat pat
ients and those needing glasses fit
ted at Dr. Danicrcll's oilice, Wednes
day, April 2. Hours 2 to u
The Farmers' Union Co-operative
Association hao leased' the old
Koonta tie barn building, lately re-
mo leley and are at this writing pre
paring to move their headquarters to
tins place.
Mrs. Oscar Provolt and daughter,
Miss Ruth, of Durlington, Kansas,
arc visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. S. R. Hoycc this week.
Mesdamcs E. W. Andcson, Win.
Engles, Henry Dicdcrich and Mark
McConkcy went up to Cowles on
Wednesday to attend the O. R. Doyco
sale. ,
Thirty thousand people appear in
"Cleopatra," the photo-spectacle, in
which Theda Bara portrays tho life
and loves of Egypt's siren queen, at
the Orpheum. , i
Mrs. A. R. Saladcn left Wednes
day for .Qoncordia, Kansas, to be
with barrister, 'Ms. Hamilton, Dar
lctt, of Lebanon, Kansas, who" ex-'
jpects to undergo a very serious op
eration in a hospital at that place.
Miss Greta Turnure. who is attend
ing the State University at Lincoln,
is iiuirn.- nir a vmu 'wuu ncr percncs,
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Turnure.
Mi. Ron Zackary and Miss Effio
Holcomb ,s,pent a few days the last
of the week with the former's aunt,
Mrs. John Hardwick, at Inavale. j.
Clark Stevens and granddaughter,
Miss Pearl Uaskins, left Sunday
morning for Iicnkolman to visit the
former's son, Ott Stevens and fam
ily. IJcv. J. L. Dcebe left on Monday
for Omaha to attend a Y. M. C. A.
Demobilzation Convention. He was
sent as a delegate to represent Red
Henry Karsting, of Lawrence, was
in the city Saturday visiting friends.
Mary Christian is- home from Tar
kio, Mo., visiting her parents during
an onforced vacation from her duties
as teacher, on account of health conditions.
Roy Cramer, who has been con
fined to his home, the past two
.vceks, owing to illness, resumed his
run on Nos. 4 and 11, between here
and Hastings Monday morning.
Mrs. Andrew Saladcn went up to
Hastings on Monday and Mrs. J. T.
Saladcn, who underwent an opera
tion at that place a few weeks ago,
will accompany her home this evening.
riic announcement that the drill at
the Dig Chief Oil & Gas Company's
test well, on tho Alice Hosmer place,
north of town, had penetrated oil
sands and a considerable quantity of
oil and gas were in efidencc, caused
no little excitement on Saturday af
ternoon, and started tho oil stock on
the upward trend. W. Inncs Pater
son, who is on tho job, today, states
that when underrimming operations
are completed and the water shut off,
ho would not Be at all surprised to
witness a stream of oil as high as
the derrick.
Marion Mercer left on Satur
day for Kearney where on Monday
evening he assisted in the annual
band concert, to be given by the
State Normal. iMr. Morcer ,is on the
program for a cornqt, solo, and had
tnoso in charge ot this enter
tainment looked tho stale over, could
not have found a more competent
musician to ndd prestige to the occasion.
ii iiJUiifai
trirr ii
t wl, drink At Powell A Pot1!
Prof. P..M. Whitehead spent Sun
day nt McCook.
Everett Dean, of Inavale, was in
the rity Saturday.
1 i S'cott went up to Cowles on
Monday to visit relatives.
Dr. R. V. Nicholson is the proud
possi -or of a new Duick Six roadster.
J. H. Dailey went to Omaha tho
first of the week, returning home today. Drubaker is erecting a new
resiili nee in the eastern part of the
Jo. Dt'laney left on Mondav for
Lincoln, where he goes to attend the
funoiul of an uncle.
Mrs. Art Robinson of Guide Rock
spent the weekend here with her
mother, Mrs. Emilv Witwer.
Mis. Chas. Ludlow spent a part of
last week with her son, Harold, on
the farm south of, the river.
Attorney F. J. Munduy returned
home Friday evening from Lincoln,
at which place he attended Supreme
Coin t.
Mrs. Clara Sherer spent last week
in Hastings, helping to care for her
neiiv Mrs. Chas. Sherer, who has
boon sick with the flu.
Co! J. H. Ellinger returned home
the 'ast of tho week from Gillette,
W ommg, where he conducted a
larg. jpublic sale on the 20th.
M . Jelf Deaucliamp returned to
her ' inne nt Guide Rock Wednes
day alter a visit here at tho home
of h. i- brother, W. A. Kent.
Mi-. Mary Polnicky left Tuesday
morning for Lincoln, where she will
again receive treatment from an
eye specialist.
Geo. llollistcr arrived in tho city
Wedm sday from Denver, Colorado,
to i-it his laughtcr, Miss Marie,
and i. new old acquaintances here.
Mr. Patterson was in from .Ster
ling oxer Sunday looking after oil
iutoKsts. Work at the well is going
foruind merrily. Messrs. Conrad
and HufT were also on the job.
In Cleopatra," the magnificent
film crsion of Egypt's vampire
queen, iheda Darn, who plays ,tlie
siren of the Nile, wears fifty bs-
tinctK different costumes.
Mi- . F. A. Maiwald and daughter,
Mrs. Compton, returned to their
home- at Courtland, on Tuesday, af
ter a visit here at the home of tho
formi r's sister, Mrs. A. D. Wondcr-
Mrs. Clyde Darner returned to her
home in Lincoln the last of the week,
afcr a visit here with her parents,
County Judge and Mrs. A. 1). Ran-ney.
Mclvin L. Rickard of Guide Rock
and Helen 0. Dright, daughter of
Mrs. 'Sarah Dright, of Red Cloud,
were united in marriage at the Meth
odist parsonage, by Rev. John D.
Hammcl,-on- last 'Saturday morning.
The young couple, who comprise two
of the county's best, begin their new
life together at Cambridge along
with the best wishes of the entire
Mrs. William Wolfe is. home from
Vollfleot, where she vent a few
weeks ago to take care of tho Mise.s
m n agr mm ill H Ifll
At the Qjj?Pr
vmsr mr")z
Nettie and Lcnore' Springer, who
wore very ill. She reports the
iung ladies .as getting along fine,
v hich will he welcome news to their
many friends here.
Mayor Robt. Damerell left Tues
day moining for St. Francis, Kan
sas, to look after his realty holdings
near that place.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chancy and
dauuhtor came un from Superior
Thursday to visit his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. K. Chancy. Ed left this
morning for Norton, Kansas, to at
tend to some business matters.
Rev. John D. Hammcl and family
took Sunday dinner at the W. H. Fry
homc,"the- occasion being in honor of.
the latter's daughter, Miss Nellie,
who is home from the Nebraska
Wcslyn University, at Lincoln, for
he spring vacation.
FOR SALE Improvod 1G0 acres,
seven miles south of Inavale, Prico
$7000. J. W. Dullard, Inavale, Neb
raska. 10-3
Chas. Arnold, of Inavale, who has
been in the Motor Transportation
at Camp Funston, for the past six
teen months, was visiting friends in
this city Friday, while enroute homo.
He obtained' his discharge last week
and expresses delight at being homo
Tuesday, April 1, 1919, at Senior
High School. MuBic by High School
orchestra. Admision 25 cents.
Eggs For Hatching
Thoroughbred S. C. Drown
horn eggs for hatching, $5.00
drcd. J. W. Wonderly, Inavale,
'Nebr. Droedcr af thoroughbred
Shorthorn cattle, Duroc-Jcrsey and
Poland-China hogs, Drown Leghorn
chickens and Scotch Collie dogs.
I am solo agent for Trcvctt, Mat
tis & Ddkcr Co., and have placed
$100,000.00 in farm i loans between
tho moiiths of November and March
just past. Enough said.
March 31st and April 1st
Admission, 20 and Hots
n JJrV0, nlloncy' PP.lq and properties were consumed with
"C E(! Vntlnnrt,. I)ict9ri1! staff in the making of
Ucopatra. but the result has justified overy expenditure
inc picture is the supreme event in the Fox Company's
career. Not only an army but a navy as well of extras
have been used-some 20.000, it is estimated.
In the scene in which Theda Kara as CLEOPATRA lied
Irom her palace at Alexandria, and surrounded by her
army, waits word from tho Roman Conqueror, there were
used more than three thousand men. with them were one
thousand horses and camels, and a vast city of multi
colored tents, pitched in the shadow of the sphinx and
Ajjain it took 3.000 human beings in brilliant garb to
populate the huge and vivid Egyptian palace which rose
in a lew days in a place formerly n scene of utter desola
tion and a habitat of only wild duck and jackrabbits. Out
of the broad expanse of water in front of the palace were
floated numberless small craft built in ancient fashion
with huge billowy sails and painted oars, each with its in
dividual crew. For tho royal barge alone that of
Cleopatra, magnificently decorated with banners and car
vings one hundred and fifty men were needed far more
than the crew of a modern torpedo destroyer. Manning the
battle crafl. which took a small army of workmen to build
were live thousand men. divided among the followers of
Cleopatra and Octavius Caesar. Over four thousand
people were used in the scenes in Rome, the settings of
which took weeks to construct. Although the actual film
ing was onlv ;i dnv's wnrlr flio r.ncf f. W ,.-... ,..!!
515.000, k
The Resler Line
Coats V ""
April 4, and 5,
Dry Goods and Groceries
The best is always the cheapest
That New Home
You have dreamed of for years. 5
Our house plans are at your service free. jjj
Chief ads Pay You
See The 13th Commandment