The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 27, 1919, Image 4
K ' w .; ilgiatifedtfl; ! . ji V M W e Geo. Trine RED CLOUD We believe that it pays to give our customers service and satisfaction; that is why we want to sell you a BE CREAM SEPARATOR s No matter what anyone may tell you, there is only one speed at which you can turn a separator crank and get all the cream and cream of uniform thickness, and that's the speed indicated on the crank. , Every hand-operated cream separator has the correct number of turns of the crank handle per minute plainly indicated upon the crank handle. Every separator, of whatever make, will do better work at the proper and indicated speed than at any other. Every one of the NEW De Lavals has a Bell Speed-Indicator. When you slow down, the bell rings. It warns you every time the handle goes around too slowly. You can't be mistaken about it. The Bell Speed-Indicator adds nothing to the price but much to the value of the NEW Dc Laval. Come in nnd sec how (he Dell Speed-Indicator works. THE RED CLOUD CHflBv Red Cloud, Nebraska eUBLISHBD EVERY THURSDAY I -j . -; r.r - t entered In the I'oMoMco nt Hcd floud, Neb ns Becond Claw Matter F. L. DROWNE. Ed.tor nl Mne TUB ONLY DKM0CKAT1U I'AIMill IN WRIIHTHU COUNTY Wouldn't you be surprised to look north some morning and see a foun tain of oil shooting up in the air? Stranger things have happened. BELL SPCCDINDICATOR The "warning licnal" that inline operation nt the proper ipecd. House Dresses Uoust Drtssa and Aprons. TRADE MARK Slowly the League of Nations as sumes practical form. Presently it will ho completed and approved. There will he no appreciable jar of the earth and a whole lot of today's would-be critics will calmly remark, "It is the best thing that ever hap pened." The fifth"Victory Loan" will be floated next month to "finish the job." Don't let interest lag. It's a duty you owe the brave boys who stopped the war, and it's your last chanco to make an investment that will make you proud of your effort. And it will be safe and profitable. What more can you ask? Considerable cxictcment is to be noted regarding what is termed "sleeping sickness." Of one thini? the scientists are certain and that is the piesent cases are not what ix known ns "African slo pint.' sick ness." This being caused by the bite of a fly. Ordinarily a large num bcr of deaths arc proceeded by a period of unconsciousness and people are too ready to ascribe this com mon experience to a new disease and become unduly alarmed. PUBLIC SALE M m Inavalc.on The undersigned will offer atlPublic Auction 109HEAIOF STOCK 109 Commencing At ffiO''cl6cirSharp AFThffils "A"" Large" Sale Saturday Mar. 29 9 eraw v.? TttaracTrjaoT 't r ,r J.l --i?Or VHMtllll IH 1 ffSi rira I fYVMUMS. 1 ) WS&rJMmm vfr w m I us: w 1 l Skosusi ?! OU "tt lSSKWMMi." er TmWlHJitrWfi ml dill 111 Win I Jr&mlMjEdk tS?i fja jf f 1 1 1 1 1 llllll 1 CJ 1 I Ai v2S35 Cj If fliJiltllll lilUl 1 ' j ISfeSIy ill ll.ff c fl ML H JKyV -ft tVfi Ull 3Jf ran !If jfe. Barbara Phares We aic not sure that we arc, or that any other one-horse editor is, competent to discuss the merits of the league of nations question. We do know this, though, that the great est convention of famous statesmen the world has ever seen is now in ses sion at Paris, many of them men w horn we admire greatly for their lof ty character and able statcmanship, and if they arc unanimous for it, and it is said they arc, the rest of tis ought to bo confident that it will bring about the world peace which we desire so much. Concordia Kan sas. And while we arc all thinking on the subject of a world-peace, why hark back to Washington, Adams, Jefferson, ct nl, for authority?1 'In their time conditions were vastly different. A sparslcy settled small number of these United States wero but just free from war with Eng land. Weeks and months of peril ous travel lay' between us and Eu rope. The- talk of these wise men was adapted to and in accord with the times in which they lived. To day messages go there in a few mo ments, travel is but a matter of days, and soon will be counted in hours. o ate nest door neighbors and the matter of num iinity in aims and actions has a vital necessity. The League of Nations is called for by conditions which cannot bo ig nored. There arc differences of op inion as to details, but the principle involved is almost universally ad mitted. Th" differences ate being VliEDA"1'ARA- AS CLEOPATRA CLEOPATRA at the ORPHEUM Monday and Tuesday 17 Head of Horses and Mules : 36 Head of Cattle 56 Head of Hogs Farm'; Machinery, Feed, Etc. Terms A credit of it months time on nil sums over $10. Purchaser giving bankable note and approved security, with interest at 10 pr ct. S10. and under, chsIi. No property removed until settled for. WICKWIRE & WONDERLY WTRTWonderly & Son.Ancts. " G. R. McCrary Open Day and Night DINE AT OUR CAFE I )- mg we would loe a part ot our sov ereignty. , There the statement usually stops, as it that mucn were aii-sumcicni; and many are unthinkingly accept ing it in that way, as if it were to say to a man "by doing tins you lose half your life." It is a bogey, sj mountain out of a moic-nui, mint up tor purely polit ical and propogandist purposes. What is sovereignty? Simply the freedom to do as we please, regaidless of its effect upon others. It u the same whether ap- p'iod to a nation or an individual. The only absolute sovereign is the savage who has no government, no obligations, and whose only rule of conduct is his own sweet will. Civilization has for thousands of years been clipping oil sonic ot tne sovereignty of each individual, for the good of all, and we are all bet ter for it. Nations have been doing the same thing. Wo all give up some of our sovereignty, for the pro tection of organized, civilized gov ernment. Nations do the same thing. Every treaty we ever made s'urrended some of our sovereignty, and the only nation that would not recognize that fact, was the Hun nation which made treaties scraps of paper and became an outlaw for so doing. Every recognition by us of the rights, of .other nations ,iipoh land or sea or in. the. air, surrender a part of our sovereignty. Wo surrendered a part of out" sovereignty when we en tered the war, and when wo entered the peace conference and arc bound to do so eory time wc recognize another nation as being our equal and entitled to certain rights and privilege which are to bo logaided by U3 and not io1atcd. Wc gae up a very large chunk of our sovereignty when wc promoted and entered the unified command and put our armies under the direction of UNIVERSITY WEEK AT. ed Gloid Neforskoc WITH THE FOLLOWING TALENT FROM THE mam OF NEBRASKA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2nd Prof.- Guernsey Jones "THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS" THURSDAY, APRIL 3rd 2. The Cadet Band AMERICA'S GREATEST COLLEGE BAND FRIDAY, APRIL 4th 3. The University Chorus COMPOSED OF THIRTY VOICES SATURDAY, APRIL 5th 4. The University Flayers "THE MAN ON THE BOX" discussed and adjusted. A simple Marshal Foch, yet who is there to peace treaty is in ciTect a league of nations. The real League in pro cess of construction is but an am plified peace troaty. Powell & Pope sun Service Sunday at the Christian Church The Revival closes for a short time to allow the church to aid in caring for the patients. If you arc not afraid of the flu come to the Sunday service. Don't neglect the sick. The Revival Campaign will continue as soon as health conditions warrant. J. L. 5EE5E, Pastor. At midnight of March 31st, con trol and management of the Red Cloud Chief reverts to the hands of Mr. A. B. McArthur, and yours truly, Browne, will be looking . to ward new fields. Just getting fairly acquainted and beginning to feel like a citizen, the veteran civilian re signs in favor of the young soldier, and it becomes a forced duty to say adieu. Personally the editor regrets parting with many ncwiy-mado warm-hearted friends, is loth to leave the arena in which he has been a part of some good political bat tles, is sorry to go out of bifsiness circles whcie he was received as a welcome guest. To all these tho friends and neighbors who havo made him at homo, the business com munity which has treated him roy ally, the leaders in local politics who have stood by him loyally he here by tenders hearty appreciation. Ho goes out with regret but with plea.; ant thoughts of tho community to be left behind. Ho goes out with skies clear, goes out with full con sciousness of duty well done regard less of whether it is appreciated or not, goes out with best of wishes for the success and prosperity of tho new-old management and with tho feeling that his year in Red Cloud will bo always a pleasant memory. Once again, good friends, adieu. say it was not tne best big move made during tho war? It won the war and saved many nations. A league of nations will do as much for us in peace. A selfish, cowardly nationalism bids us come home and leave the work half finished. Humanity says, "Keep on." Wc have made a good fight, now let us keep the course and follow tho faith. Tho one who is regarded with tho greatest esteem in a community is the man who regards all others with esteem. AiKilts Season Tickets Children's Season Tickets Single Admission $1.50 and War Tax 51.00 and War Tax .50 and War Tax NO CHARGE FOR RESERVE SEATS GET THEM COOK'S DRUG STORE RESERVED AT Awbftrrfvvvw-sv.v.v.JVvvvvw $ ivir. ana ivirs. ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING Writings to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Wells of this city, Fred N. Wells, formerly a State Journal reporter, then nt Bordeaux, France, said he expected to be moved from that place very soon. He didn't know what the prospect was for get ting home, but thought it could be no worse from where he might bo sent than it would be while he re mained at Bordeaux. Ho had just heard from Miss Vclora Pilcher, for merly a member of tho State Journ al staff, who went to Franco with a recreation unit from Leland Stan ford. She was then at St. Lazairc and from her letter indicated that she had seen some narrow escapes just before fighting ended. Sho ex pected to bo there for a long timo to come. Mr. Wells had been very ill, but was in better health when he wrote. State Journal. uujuu uj Our Sovereignty And The, League of. Nations There 1b u lot of clap-trnp be'sg circulated through tho land to the effect that it would bo a fear il thing for this nation to enter tho Lcaguo of Nations becauso in so do- Phone, Ind. Store 158 "Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB. JWwuwAWJWftvwAwv Brazil. Brnzll wis discovered in 1C0O by Oedro Alburez, tho Portuguese nnvl pitor. It Svns colonized by Portugal f'nrly In the sixteenth century. In 1822 It ecnme Independent. From that Hint tline until. 180 It was an empire; llnco 18S0 It litis been n republic. $6.00 In Trade at Hamilton -Cather and $6.00 In Trade at Cowden-Kaley's For High Score At the Bowling Alley BUY A IN RED HOME CLOUD MONTHLY PAYMENTS Almost Cheap as Rent, Small Initial Payment, Low Purchase Price. ,r L. E. TAIT, ' 1514 N St, Lincoln, No$ World'o Doepest Mine. Tho deepest mine In the world l sold to bo the St. John del Bey cop per mine In Brazil, widen lias a depth of 0,800 feet. d i jsn t I ... j