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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1919)
RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF T I :s; CM & - "" ; in v ' a iiirfaT j"rT"r"rfTmTTirfp &JM r . ..,. LjrF5JS irvr y i rsJ r0' iasgg3C9a ski Net Contents 15 Fluid Drachm! RfiSS is ft ml r?t. EstosiI r ' 1 1 nfmr -o Tint nHKT. ,1 AVciicfflb!crfCpamtion6rAS' 1 ... !f, KvAm5!U1- UniiUicStomaclisnndCowjstfi MsimilntinU PjtimUhcSton i.z . JEStf (; f SelM.ii 5' J1 WA1 . ?- 3&r S'-ii.:iC) ' 883 52I . i .-n ..ifimMic1iAn Cliccrfutncssnn(IRcst.Contains I MKHIlCr VIUUIll, '" I"" , Mineral. NoTNAllCOTICj .KM JmsknStti V H .44r . JjiUtSttS Jtom Smt Cfttn.MSiO' Kklrrrrmi flinr A l,Mi, Constipation and Diarrhoea Tnccns'Sr.EnP resulting (hcrcfronvinlnfan' racimilc Si4naWSot mxM GASTORIA For Infanta and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of Anlf f JfIT r ' b ll A9 In Use For Over Thirty Years HSSSl'J! lilE5.Z .v IfPP CASTORIA Exact Copy of Wrapper. TM1 CIHTtuw .0Mwr. W1W va crrr. Xhe Deal Scheduled for Last November, Which Was Post poned on Account of the Influ enza Epidemic, Is Now Re-instated Good During the Month of Marcl.. JVER ONE MILLION JARS OF VAPORUB PRODUCED EACH WEEK It is with pride tlint we nnnounco to the drug trade that the shortage of Vlck's VnpoRub, which hns lasted since Inst October, Is now overcome. Since January 1st, we have been running our laboratory twenty-three and a half hours out of every twenty-four. Last week we shipped the lnst of our back orders, and retail druggists, therefore, nro no longer requested to order In email quantities only. NOVEMBER DEAL RE-INSTATED This deal, which we had expected to nut on lnst November and which had to be postponed on account of the short age of Vnpollub, Is reinstated for the month of March. This allows n dis count of 10 on shipments from Job bers' stock of quantities of from 1 to 4 gross. C of this discount is allowed by tho Jobber nnd f by us. Wo advise the retail druggists to plnce their orders Immediately, so thnt the Jobbers will bo able to get prompt Ehlpments to them. THANKS OF THE PUBLIC DUE THE DRUG TRADE DURING THE INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC. The thanks of tho American public are certainly due the entire drug trade retail, wholesale and manufacturing for what they accomplished during tho recant influenza epidemic. The war caused a shortage of physicians nurses were almost Impossible to ob tainthe demand on the drug trndo was unexpected and overwhelming, and to this demand they responded nobly. Retail druggists kept open day nnd night nnd ilept where they drop ped behind he prescription counter. Wholesale druggists called their sales men off Uio road to help fill orders hundreds wired us to ship Vlck's Vnpo Hub jy tho quickest route, regardless af ernense. I A mix) ?ICli'Sl7APQRUB Stop Losing Calves You can Stamp Abortion Ont of YOUR HERD and Keep It Out YiSfisQ swS3i By tho uso of DR. DAVID ROBERTS "Anti-Abortion"' Small Expense Easily Applied. Sure Results. used auccesuuuy tor 30 years. ConMllt DlU DAVID ROBERTS about nil animal ntlmentn. In formation free. Bend for FltLE copy of "The Cattle Specially" with full Infor mntlon on Abortion In Cows. I)H. DAVID RODFKTS VETERINARY CO, 100 Cried Ave, Wtukeib. Wise. DJaTCiUTO Watinn E. Coleinan, rll CSl I O rtontl.aif)ur,WattiliittU)D, l).c. Adlco and looks free. Bates teasonablo. IllgboH rBlotoncen, iiutkonlces. Colds Grow Better urprlslnzly aoon, throat Inflammation disap pears, irritation is relieveJ and tliroat tick Ung stops, wlien yon uso reliable, tlme-tutcd PISO'S tSi DRAGGING ROADS IN SPRING By Taking Advantage of Proper Mo ment Many of Ruts and Bumpa Can Be Smoothed Out .Most earth nnd gravel roads nro In bad shape during the entire winter, largely because of the heavy fall haul ing of harvested crops, and tho rush of ncresMiry farm work, which takes precedence over any kind of road work. The cold weather strikes them In this condition and makes each rut and bunt) almost as solid as rock, and In the spring these break down Into mud. Traveling over these ruts Is n very racking, uncomfortulile, and sometimes painful, oiK-ratlon. The rough Jolts re quire a reduction In speed, cause an added strain on all clashes of hauling 6IRLS! LOIS OF BEAUTIFUL IB A small bottle of "Danderinc" makes hair thick, glossy and wavy. Removes all dandruff, stops Itch ing scalp and falling hair. ttGGKIS! VlCK'S VAPORUB SHORTAGE OVERCOME AT LAST A TREMENDOUS JOBTO INCREASE OUR PRODUCTION In this emergency wo tried to do our part. We scoured the country for raw mnterlnls our Tratllc Mannger spent his dnys riding freight enrs In we shipped rnw mnterlnls In carload lots by express and pleaded with manufac turers to lncrense their deliveries to us. Hut It wns n slow process. Some of our rnw materials ure produced only In Jnpnn supplies In this country were low nnd shipments required three months to come from the Far Kast. Then we had to recruit nnd train skilled labor. We brought our sales men Into the factory and trained them as foremen. Wo Invented new ma chinery, nnd managed to Install It on Christmas Day, so as not to Interfere with our dally production. 143 JARS OF VAPORUB EVERY MINUTE DAY AND NIGHT By January 1st wo had everything ready to put on our night shift, und since then our lnborntory hns been running dny and night. To feed our automatic machines, which drop out one hundred and forty-three Jars of VapoRub a minute or one million nnd eighty thousand weekly, has required a force of fiOO people. Our Cafe De partment, created for tho benefit of these workers, served 7,000 meals dur ing the month of January alone. 13 MILLION JARS OF VAPORUB DISTRIBUTED SINCE OCTOBER. An lden of the work wo have ac complished this fall may bo given by our production figures l.'J,028,070 Jars of VapoTtub manufactured and distributed since lnst October one Jar for every two families In tho entire United States. During the Influenza epidemic Vlck's Vnpoltub was used as nn external np pllcatlon in connection with tho physl clnn's treatment, nnd thousands of peo ple, unnblo to obtain n doctor, relied on Vlck's almost exclusively. Literally millions of families all over tho country, from Cali fornia to Maine, nnd from tho Great Lakes to tho Gulf, have found Vlck's VapoRub tho Ideal home remedy for croup and cold troubles. tTQCL i A r i I'll" s lo H is ' i; r v' ' I. ,l i v Lb I I U T Quite So. Three little girls were discussing tho clubs their fnthcrs belong to. "My fnther belongs ( to tho Mooses," said Mary. "My dad belongs to the Klks," stiid Luclle. "My papa must belong to the ele phnnts. He's so fat und big," re marked Lenorc. And mother, who was listening, had to leuvo the room to laugh. Downtrodden Aristocracy. "Jinks Is walking on his uppers." "What I lias ho Joined tho Uolshe-vlki?" Amateur photographers aro willing to take anything except ndvlce. yr . A Wholesome, Cleonslng, Y Dill4 Refreshing and Heollnf v" Lotion Murine for Red " ness, Soreness, Granula- lffCi tionjtchlngand Burning MmJf x',of the Eyes or Eyelids; "2 Drops" After the Morlee. Motoring or Goll will win your confidence. Ask Your Dnurpist (or Murine when your Eyes Need Care. M U Hartae Ey Hinsdy Co., Chicago Plan of Plank Road Drag. equipment, nnd frequently force tho au tomobile owner to abandon tho uso of his car for the entire spring rather than risk n breakdown. Most of tho unpleasantness and dif ficulty may bo remedied In many local ities even In' the worst weather, for thero nro times when tho worst cut up tmrfucc Is In fairly good condition for drugging. 15y tnklng advnntngo of the proper moment, tho ruts and bumps can be smoothed out nnd tho next freeze will result In a smooth hard surfaced plko that can be favorably compared to n concrete highway. Owing to the fact thnt the road sur face will bo rather wet and sticky when dragged, greater caro must bo exercised In handling the drng. If tho blades of the drug are set vertically, thero will bo n tendency to scrnpo up too much earth, or, In the language of the road man, "Hall up In front." Also, If the hitch to tho team Is set too nenr the center, the angle of the drag with the road will be too nearly n right angle, or straight across, to shed or crown the wet earth. Dragging under these conditions should bo more an "Ironing out tho wrinkles" process ; henco the blades of the drag should bo given a forward or Hatter Inclination than when work ing n dry road. Tho Irltch should be so arranged that the angle of tho drag Is more nearly parallel to tho road than ordinary, thus causing the earth to shed better nnd prevent trouble. For extremely bnd conditions, tho use of the road machine ahead of tho drag will bo found effective. In nil cuses, the road should be freed of all stumps, snags, and bowlders, as these seriously retard good dragging. A llttlo practice will ennblo tho op erator to do a fairly crcdltnblo Job, and after n subsequent freeze the road will present a smoother nnd much more comfortable surface. Then, when tho spring rains come, tho roud will quick ly fihed tho water that formerly col lected in tho deep ruts, nnd bo dry nnd hard long before similar ronds not drugged. Tho present dlfllcultles encountered In getting lnrgo amounts of crushed stono for road repairs necessitates tho greatest caro In maintaining all rond Eurfnces In the best possible wny with out tho uso of additional muterlals. aim-Si KBdylj Out of Pain to Comfort! Proved Safe by Millions I MERCY'S IT For Pain Headache Toothache Earache Rheumatism Lumbago PAYM V J v ir) yj Colds Grippe Stiff Neck Joint Pains Adults Take one of two "Bayer Tablets of AsplrIn"wllK water. If necessary, repeat dose three times a day, after meals. Ask for and Insist Upon "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" American owned Entirely! 0 cent Bnyer pnckngoB nlso larger Bayer pnekngrs liuy Bajdi packages only Get original package. .tpirin li the trade mark ol llayer Manutacture ot Monoacetlcjddester of Sallcvllcaetf To be possessed of a head of Heavy, bountiful hair;, soft, lustrous, fluffy, wavy and free from dandruff Is merely b mutter of using a llttlo Dhndcrlne. It Is ensy nnd Inexpensive to have nice, soft hair and lots of It. Just get a Etnnll bottlo of Knowl ton's Dandcrlno now It costs but n few cents nil drug stores recommend It npply a little as directed and within ten minutes there will be an appearance of abundance, freshness, flulllncss nnd an Incompara ble gloss and lustre, and try as you will you cannot find a trace of dandruff or fnlllng hair; but your real surprise will bo after about two weeks' use, when you will see new hnlr fine nnd downy nt first yes but really new hnlr sprouting out all over your scalp Dandcrlno Is, we believe, the only sure hair grower, destroyer of dan druff and euro for Itchy scnlp, and It never falls to stop falling hair ut once. If you want to prove how pretty and BOft your hnlr rcnlly Is, moisten n cloth with a little Dandcrlno nnd carefully draw It through your hnlr tnklng one smnll strnnd at a time. Your hnlr will be soft, glossy and beautiful in Just k few moments a delightful surprise awaits everyone who tries this. Ad7. Shameful. Two very pretty glrlH met on tho street nnd kissed ench other raptur ously. Two young men watched tho meeting. "There's another of thoso things that are so unfair," said one. "Whnt Is that?" asked his friend. lie pointed to tho scene: "Women doing men's work." Ladles' Homo Journal. Easily Discerned. "I sec In your hand dark obstucles to your hnpplncss." "Oh, I know. They nro tho londs of ronl I nm not going to got this winter." Experienced Lover. William J. Hums, the detective, said In a Scranton lecture: "To a vtcll-tralned detective every Incident Is pregnant with significance yes, every Incident Is as full of mean ing ns well, I am reminded of n story. "A young man sat In n parlor alone. To him n beautiful girl entered. There upon the young man rose, took six cigars from his upper waistcoat pocket, laid them carefully on the piano, and then advanced toward tho girl pas sionately, his arms outstretched. "Hut the girl drew back. " 'You have loved before,' she said." u I NOSE CLOGGED FROM 'i I. A COLD OR CATARRH :! L Apply Cream In Nostrils To ! Open Up Air Passages. Ah I Whot relief 1 Your clogged nos trils open right up, tho air passages of your head are clear and you can breathe freely. No moro hawking, snuffling, mucous discharge, headache, dryness no struggling for breath nt night, your cold or catarrh Is gone. Don't stny stuffed up I Get a smnll bottlo of Ely's Crentn Unlm from your druggist now. Apply a llttlo of this frngrnnt, nntlscptlc cream In your nos trils, let It penetrnto through every air passago of the head; sootho and heal tho swollen, Inflamed mucous mem brane, giving you Instant relief. Ely's Crenm Halm Is Just what every cold nnd cntarrh sufferer has been seeking. It's Just splendid. Adv. HIS MEMORY PROVED FICKLE Convivial Gentleman In Hard Luck When It Came Time to Remove His Footwear, i A dealthy citizen of n thriving city bad been out until the smnll bourn with convivial companions. It wns not exactly a "dry locality" that ho had visited, and he arrived home slightly exhilarated. He nianaged, by describ ing several erratic, rather than geo metric, lines, to get to his bedroom nnd Into n chair. Then ho called to his wife In u stage whisper: "I can't get my boots off." "Whnt's the matter with yonr boots?" "Nozzln," In n faint whisper. "What's tho matter with your hands, then?" she cross-examined. "Nozzln'." "Why don't you pull your boots ott, then?" "Maria, I've forgot tho combination." WOMEN NEED SWAMP-ROOT Ah-ah-ah-oh-oh-ohl "Is your daughter taking singing les sons?" "That's what you heard, nil right I I hope you don't think for n mluiito that I had started beating my wife." Uuffalo Express. When the cnt's away the neighbors get Insomnia. Somo people mlstnko notoriety for fume. Thousnnds of women have kidney bladder trouble and never suspect it. Womcns' complaints often prove to b nothing cfao but kidney trouble, or th result of kidney or bladder disease. If tho kidncya are not in a healthy condition, they may causo tho other or gans to become diseased. Tain in tho back, headache, loss of am bitlon, nervousness, nro often times symp toms of kidney trouble. Don't delay starting treatment. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, a physician's pro Fcription, obtained at nny drug Btore, may bo just tho remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Get a medium or largo sizo bottle iav mediately from nny drug store However, If you wish first to test thla great preparation Fend ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., UinRliamton, N. Y., for Minpio bottle. When writing bo suits mention this paper. Adv. Mnrrlage adds cither to a man'B hap. plness or to his misery. In Boston n rubber factory Is colleA an Inquisitive plant. A Hoe and a Sponge. A thick cultivated soli mulch Is ! ono of tho best posslblo ways of envlng moisture for growing crop3. Ho that most frequently stirs his soil, especially In times of drought, reaps, other tilings being equal, moro abun dant harvest than if tillage wero neglected. Character of Community. Itoads Index tho character of nny community. They dctcrmlno Its Im portance. They either limit its nd vnnco or aid it. If it isn't worth a good road, it isn't worth living in and land iBn't worth whut It sells for. Corn In Laying Ration. Poultryaen who hnvo It will find it ndvantngcous to uso a larger pro portion of corn in their poultry ra tions than has generally been recommended. Bake More Save More More and more, thoughtful women are de creasing the cost of living by increasing the variety of their home baking. They have learned to bake the Royal way with fewer eggs. They have found that more baked foods mean less meat. They have further discovered that their baking keeps fresh longer when made with Baking Powder Absolutely Pure In many recipes, only half as many eggs are required, in some none at all, if an additional quantity of Royal Baking Powder is used, about a teaspoonful in place of each egg omitted. Try it with your favorite recipes Royal Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste ROYAL